John M. Street1,2,3
ID# 20853, (abt 1808 - 1887)
Charts | Descendants of David Dutt/Toot |
John M. Street was born about 14 Apr 1808 in Virginia
He moved to Ohio before 1832, but no details have been found. It is not known whether Joseph, his supposed bother, came with him to Ohio.
John married Mariah Brady, daughter of Benjamin Brady and Sophia Flora, on 7 Oct 1832 in Highland Co., Ohio

John and Mariah Brady moved to Missouri, where her parents also resettled, with their four children about 1839. Their younger son, George, died en route, in Lafayette Co., and was buried at Dover Cemetery

John appeared on the 1840 Federal Census of Wakenda, Carroll Co., Missouri

Establishing a Homestead --- Text Stolen from !! ---
On 1 May 1843 John was granted patents for three adjacent parcels of land in Carroll Co., Missouri

John and Mariah appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Carroll Co., Missouri

On 1 Oct 1851 John was granted a patent for a 160-acre parcel of land in Carroll Co., about three miles south of his existing property and four miles west of Bogard. The Streets Family Cemetery was later established on this property. This parcel was granted under a warrant he had acquired, originally issued to sergeant Jeremiah Kelly under the 1847 "Scrip-Warrant" act. That act provided script or warrants redeemable for land for service in the war with Mexico.16
John was issued letters of administration in Probate Court, Carroll Co., for the estate of Joseph A. Street, his supposed brother, who had died intestate (without leaving a will). The date of the appointment has not been found, but there must have been considerable delay in learning of and proving Joseph's death. The first probate records found are the filing of an inventory and John's posting of a bond on 10 Aug 1852.17,18
On 1 Oct 1852 John was granted a patent for a nearby parcel of land under the 1820 "Sale-Cash Entry" act, containing 40 acres.19 On 2 Oct 1854 John was granted patents for two nearby parcels of land also under the 1820 act, each containing 40 acres.20,21 On 1 Dec 1858 John was granted a patent for a 160-acre parcel of land near his original grant, and a second patent for 80 acres near his other properties.22,23
John and Mariah appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

John and Mariah appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

John and Mariah appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

John was a farmer all his life.27,2,24,25,26
John died on 28 Jun 1887.10 He was buried in the Streets Family Cemetery, Bogard, Carroll Co., Missouri

An Extensive Probate --- Text Stolen from !! ---
John died intestate (without leaving a will) and letters of administration for his estate were issued on 26 Jul 1887 in Probate Court, Carroll Co., to Melkager, his youngest son.28
An appraisal of his personal property was submitted 30 Jul 1887, totaling $1,347. It included a span of black mare mules appraised at $275, two mares and colts at $165, and 30 head of cattle and hogs. There were 150 bushels of corn valued at $150, 22 acres of standing corn at $110, 245 bushels of wheat at $120, 320 bushels of oats at $38, and 16 tons of hay at $65. Wagons, farm implements, and hand tools were listed, but "furniture, books, and so forth" were noted at less than $500 and excluded.29
An inventory of the estate was also completed that day. It included four of the parcels John had obtained under land grants, totaling 200 acres, so he had sold or given away 480 acres of that land. There was also a deed for another parcel, size not specified. There was $412 in one bank and $425 in another, and $1,656 in cash at home. There were 23 notes listed from various individuals, a few of them his sons or son-in-law, with a total of some $2,500 owed him.30
According to law the widow was entitled to a year's provision from the estate. On 2 Aug 1887 she was provided 15 bushels of wheat, 3 shoats (young hogs), and 15 barrels of corn, valued at $33, as part of that allowance. At intervals through Feb 1888 she was provided sugar, coffee, baking goods, wearing material and a pair of shoes valued in total at $27. In Aug 1888 she was provided coffee, sugar, a pair of slippers, and a pair of shoes, for a total of $7.50.31
The widow was entitled to $400 from the estate by law. On 2 Aug 1887 she took part of that in personal property: a cow and calf, a brood sow, four acres of standing corn, and 75 bushels of oats. The total appraised value was $61. She was paid the balance in cash.32
The administrator held a sale of John's personal property on 15 Aug 1887 at his former home, four miles west of Bogard

A crop of hay belonging to the estate was harvested in the summer of 1887. The widow was paid $15 on 8 Mar 1888 for having taking care of the crop in July. It was sold in Nov and Dec 1887 to several people, including sons William, Charles and Jessie, for a total of $59.34
The administrator filed a first settlement on 15 Aug 1888, and an additional inventory the same day. The inventory totaled $762, including interest collected on the various obligations and two items not previously inventoried were included at their face value but noted as "insolvent, worthless, uncollectable." One of these was from William Riley Williams, widower of John's late daughter Elvira, a due bill dated 22 Nov 1875. After a payment of $25 on 23 Aug 1876 a balance of $175 remained.35
The administrator filed a final settlement on 13 Aug 1889. Between both settlements he reported finding assets totaling nearly $8,000, made up of the notes and interest on them, and personal property sold or distributed (the land was not part of his settlement). Deducting the worthless notes, prior distributions, including the widow's $400 allowance, taxes, and expenses (including his own $120 allowance as administrator) left $6,223.96 for distribution to heirs. John's living children, Sarah, Andrew, Julia, Benjamin, William, Mary, Jessie, Charles and Melkager, each received $602.17 9/11 and the children of his late daughter Elvira split a like amount. The widow received the same amount, less the $400 allowance previously distributed. There was no explanation of how the nine-eleventh cent amounts were treated.35
Children with Mariah Brady:
- Sarah Jane Street36,37 (17 Aug 1833 - 18 May 1894)
- Andrew Jackson Street36,37,38 (25 Feb 1835 - 4 Jan 1908)
- George W. Street39 (14 Jan 1837 - 8 Aug 1839)
- Elvira Street36,37 (abt 1 Feb 1839 - 24 Nov 1875)
- Julia Ann Street36,37,40 (23 Apr 1841 - 20 Apr 1915)
- James W. Street36,41,42 (abt 29 Feb 1844 - 20 Oct 1864)
- John A. Street36,41,42 (abt 23 Jan 1846 - 20 Oct 1864)
- Benjamin B. Street36,41,37 (26 Apr 1847 - 17 Dec 1935)
- William Herdal Street36,37,43 (6 Feb 1850 - 27 May 1929)
- Mary E. Street41,37 (1852 - 26 Jun 1890)
- Jessie B. Street41,44,37 (22 Sep 1855 - 18 Mar 1926)
- Charles M. Street41,37,45 (13 Aug 1856 - 16 Nov 1930)
- Melkager C. Street44,26,37 (Sep 1860 - 18 Oct 1912)
- [S2916] "Ohio Marriages, 1800-1958,", record for John M. Street and Mariah Brady, citing FHL #570612.
- [S6968] John M. Street household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S500], online, memorial # 14784559, John Murray Street, Jr, includes tombstone photo showing name as John M. Street.
- [S500], online, memorial # 14784559, John Murray Street, Jr, shows date, as 9 Apr 1808, and includes tombstone photo showing age 79 yrs, 2 mo, 14 days at death 28 Jun 1887.
- [S6968] John M. Street household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 42 and state.
- [S6977] John M. Street household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 52 and state.
- [S7107] John M. Street and Mariah Brady, Highland Co. Marriage register, shows date and officiant.
- [S6968] John M. Street household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
- [S500], online, memorial # 14784500, Maria Brady Street, includes tombstone photo showing her as his wife.
- [S500], online, memorial # 14784559, John Murray Street, Jr, shows date, and includes tombstone photo showing same.
- [S500], online, memorial # 14784559, John Murray Street, Jr, includes tombstone photo.
- [S6976] John M. Street household, 1840 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S6985] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 1 May 1843, Bureau of Land Management, Lexington Land Office, 80 acres, W½NW¼, sect. 8, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6986] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 1 May 1843, Bureau of Land Management, Lexington Land Office, 40 acres, NE¼NW¼, sect. 8, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6987] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 1 May 1843, Bureau of Land Management, Lexington Land Office, 40 acres, NE¼NE¼, sect. 7, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6988] John M. Street, script/warrant land patent, 1 Dec 1851, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 160 acres, SW¼, sect. 28, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S7027] Joseph A. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, inventory, filed 10 Aug 1852.
- [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, B:58.
- [S6989] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 2 Oct 1854, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 40 acres, SE¼NW¼, sect. 29, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6989] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 2 Oct 1854, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 40 acres, SE¼SE¼, sect. 29, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6990] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 2 Oct 1854, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 40 acres, SE¼NW¼, sect. 28, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6991] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 1 Dec 1858, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 160 acres, W½NE¼, SE¼NW¼, and NW¼SE¼, sect. 8, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6992] John M. Street, cash sale land patent, 1 Dec 1858, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 80 acres, SW¼NE¼ and NW¼SE¼, sect. 28, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S6977] John M. Street household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S6978] John M. Street household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S6979] John M. Street household, 1880 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S6976] John M. Street household, 1840 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows one person in the household engaged in agriculture.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, advertisement of administrator.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, appraisement, 30 Jul 1887.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, inventory, 30 Jul 1887.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, receipt from widow, 2 Aug 1887; receipt 8 Mar 1888; and receipt 14 Aug 1888.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, receipt 15 Aug 1887; 1st settlement 15 Aug 1888.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, advertising handbill for 15 Aug 1887; sale bill filed 14 Nov 1887.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, receipt 8 Mar 1888; sale bill.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, 1st settlement 15 Aug 1888; final settlement 13 Aug 1889.
- [S6968] John M. Street household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, final settlement 13 Aug 1889.
- [S6993] History of Carroll County, Missouri, pg 637.
- [S500], online, memorial # 14784532, George W. Street, includes tombstone photo showing same.
- [S7008] Julia A. Key, Certificate of Death.
- [S6977] John M. Street household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S6993] History of Carroll County, Missouri, pg 362.
- [S7004] William Herdal Street, Certificate of Death.
- [S6978] John M. Street household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S6998] Charles M. Street, Certificate of Death.