John Wesley Isom1,2,3
ID# 20908, (1830 - 1918)
Father | Jonathan Isom4,1 (abt 1 Nov 1797 - 8 Nov 1870) |
Mother | Martha Miles4,1 (abt 21 Nov 1805 - 22 Dec 1891) |
Charts | Descendants of David Dutt/Toot |
John Wesley Isom was born on 24 Dec 1830 in Alabama
He was probably the male age 5 to 10 listed in the household of his father, Jonathan Isom, in the 1840 Federal Census of Shelby Co., Tennessee

John married first Sarah Jane Street, daughter of John M. Street and Mariah Brady, on 14 Aug 1851 in Carroll Co., Missouri

Buying Land --- Text Stolen from !! ---
On 15 Apr 1853 John was granted a patent for a 40-acre parcel of land about six miles northwest of Bogard, Carroll Co., Missouri

On 2 Oct 1854 John was granted a patent for an 80-acre parcel of land about four miles west of the previous parcel.

John and Sarah appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

Civil War Service --- Text Stolen from !! ---
The Enrolled Missouri Militia was created in Jul 1862 in response to a Confederate recruiting program begun that summer behind Federal lines in northeast Missouri. The previously established Missouri State Militia did not have the resources to address the growing guerrilla attacks. The new militia composed of part-time citizen soldiers was established to free the State Militia and Federal troops for field action. Most men in this militia served only a few weeks of active duty over the course of the next two and a half years.26 John enrolled as a private in Co. A, 65th Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia 9 Aug 1862 at Chillicothe, Missouri

The Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia began organizing in May 1863 to replace the part-time Enrolled Missouri Militia. The new militia was composed of full-time troops, selected from the earlier militia. They were to be those "who could most easily be spared from their ordinary avocations, having but few if any others dependent upon their labor for support." They would become eligible for Federal pensions after the war.26 He enrolled as a private in Co. E, 4th Regiment Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia 7 Jun 1864, at Carrollton, Missouri

Supporting a Growing Family --- Text Stolen from !! ---
John and Sarah appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

John and Sarah appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

John attended the sale of personal property from his father-in-law's estate on 15 Aug 1887. He purchased a reaper and mower for $9.34
His wife died on 18 May 1894.35
John applied for an invalid pension 20 Dec 1894, based on his Civil War service. The pension was denied, though the reason why has not been discovered.36
John married second Charity A. Vanhorn on 13 Feb 1896 in Carroll Co., Missouri

His second wife died on 21 Nov 1897.37
John married third Sarah Frances Meador, daughter of Thomas Meador and Mary W. Craigg, on 17 Jul 1899 in Bogard, Carroll Co., Missouri

John and Sarah appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Leslie Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

John and Sarah appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Leslie Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

He was a farmer, continuing to operate his farm into his 80s, by 1910 hiring some of the work done.3,32,33,38,40
John and Sarah were divorced before their deaths in 1918.16
John died on 27 Jun 1918 in Leslie Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri

Probating His Estate --- Text Stolen from !! ---
John died intestate (without leaving a will) and letters of administration for his estate were issued on 6 Jul 1918 in Probate Court, Carroll Co., Missouri

The administrator filed an inventory of the estate on 12 Jul 1918. It listed two parcels of land in Carroll Co., one of 160 acres and a second of 40 acres. Household goods were apprised at $16.50, consisting of bedroom furniture and bedding. There was a deposit of $1,171 in one bank and $1,002 in a second. There were three notes, one for $200 from M. O. Robertson, and two for $100 each from his sons James and Wesley.42
The administrator filed his first settlement 13 Feb 1919. He reported assets collected totally $3,027, including in addition to the inventoried value, the sale of household goods for $3.50 more than their appraised value, and $487 collected for rent on the farm. He reported debts paid, probate expenses, and taxes totaling $310.43 He filed a final settlement on 14 Aug 1919. In it he reported collecting $24 in interest on the notes and an additional $158 in rent for the farm. He reported disbursing $90 for the tombstone, $166 as his own fee, and $15 in other expenses. He had made a first distribution the heirs of $250 to each of the surviving sons and the same split among the five children of the deceased son. This left a balance of $744 to be distributed, $93.03 for each son.44
Children with Sarah Jane Street:
- James R. Isom45,46,47 (15 Aug 1852 - 20 Nov 1926)
- William M. Isom45,46,41 (29 Jan 1856 - 8 May 1951)
- Jonathan Murry Isom45,41,48 (27 Aug 1858 - 19 Jan 1936)
- George Jackson Isom46,41,49 (24 Jul 1860 - 27 Dec 1933)
- John Edward Isom46,33,41 (31 Jul 1863 - 18 Oct 1896)
- Walter A. Isom46,33,41 (3 May 1865 - 16 Dec 1951)
- Sylvester Brady Isom46,41,50 (17 Jul 1867 - 17 Aug 1965)
- Wesley C. Isom33,41 (Jul 1870 - 1946)
There were no children with Charity A. Vanhorn
There were no children with Sarah Frances Meador
- [S7149] John Wesley Isom, Standard Certificate of Death.
- [S7158] Jonathan Isom household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows name as John W. Isom.
- [S7138] John W. Icem household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S7158] Jonathan Isom household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S500], online, memorial # 7037959, John Wesley Isom, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
- [S7158] Jonathan Isom household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 19 and state, as Alabama.
- [S7138] John W. Icem household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 29 and state, as Tennessee.
- [S7151] Record of Marriages, Carroll Co., Missouri, pg 40, no 167, John W. Isom & Sarah J. Street, 30 Aug 1851, shows date and officiant.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, final settlement 13 Aug 1889, shows her name as Sarah J. Isom.
- [S7138] John W. Icem household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as husband and wife, and what appears to be their eldest son at age 8.
- [S7150] Jno. W. Isom and Charity A. Smith, marriage license and return.
- [S500], online, memorial # 54935872, Charity Ann Van Horn Isom, includes tombstone photo showing her as his wife.
- [S7151] Record of Marriages, Carroll Co., Missouri, pg 190, lic. no. 1041, J. W. Isom and Fanny Willis, 6 Sep 1899, shows date, town, county, and officiant.
- [S7152] John W. Isom household, 1900 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows married one year.
- [S7157] John W. Isom household, 1910 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Missouri, shows married 10 years.
- [S7149] John Wesley Isom, Standard Certificate of Death, shows him as divorced.
- [S7149] John Wesley Isom, Standard Certificate of Death, shows date, township, and county.
- [S7149] John Wesley Isom, Standard Certificate of Death, shows date and cemetery.
- [S500], online, memorial # 7037959, John Wesley Isom, includes tombstone photo.
- [S7159] Jona. Isham household, 1840 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
- [S7158] Jonathan Isom household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S7161] Jonathan Isom, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, slave schedule.
- [S7171] John W. Isom, cash sale land patent, 15 Apr 1853, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 40 acres, SW¼NE¼, sect. 11, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S7170] John W. Isom, script/warrant land patent, 2 Oct 1854, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 80 acres, E½NE¼, sect. 8, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S7169] John W. Isom, script/warrant land patent, 2 Oct 1854, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 80 acres, N½NW¼, sect. 28, twp. 054N, range 024W.
- [S7145] Civil War St Louis, online, Kirby Ross, "Federal Militia in Missouri."
- [S7209] John W. Isom, 65th Reg't. E. M. M., Soldiers' Records cards, shows unit and service dates.
- [S7146] John W. Isom, Civil War Draft Registrations Records, shows he had served in the Enrolled Missouri Militia.
- [S7210] John W. Isom, 4th Prov. Reg't. Enrolled Mo. Militia. Co. E, Soldiers' Records cards, shows unit and service dates.
- [S7147] John W. Isom, Organization Index to Pension Files, shows rank and unit.
- [S7215] James W. Street, 4th Prov. Reg't. Enrolled Mo. Militia, Co. E, Soldiers' Records cards.
- [S7139] John W. Isom household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S7144] J. W. Isom household, 1880 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, advertising handbill for 15 Aug 1887; sale bill filed 14 Nov 1887.
- [S500], online, memorial # 14620442, Sarah Jane Street Isom, shows date and includes transcript of inscription showing same.
- [S7147] John W. Isom, Organization Index to Pension Files, shows date and unit, but no certificate number, indicating no pension was awarded.
- [S500], online, memorial # 54935872, Charity Ann Van Horn Isom, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
- [S7152] John W. Isom household, 1900 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
- [S7157] John W. Isom household, 1910 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Missouri.
- [S7157] John W. Isom household, 1910 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Missouri, shows occupation as farmer, an employer.
- [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, F:2, administration of John W. Isom, 6 Jul 1918.
- [S7163] Inventories, Carroll Co., Missouri, M:221, estate of John W. Isom, 13 Jul 1918; N:514, estate of John W. Isom, 13 Feb 1919.
- [S7164] Settlements, Carroll Co., Missouri, 144:81, estate of John W. Isom, 4 Mar 1919.
- [S7164] Settlements, Carroll Co., Missouri, 144:249, estate of John W. Isom, 30 Aug 1919.
- [S7138] John W. Icem household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S7139] John W. Isom household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S7162] James R. Isom, Certificate of Death.
- [S7166] John Murry Isom, Certificate of Death.
- [S7167] George Jackson Isom, Certificate of Death.
- [S7168] Sylvester Brady Isom, Standard Certificate of Death.