Mary E. Street1,2,3

ID# 20872, (1852 - 1890)
FatherJohn M. Street4,5 (abt 14 Apr 1808 - 28 Jun 1887)
MotherMariah Brady4 (abt 19 Feb 1814 - 7 May 1902)

Key Events:

Birth: 1852, Missouri6,7,8
Marriage: 5 Dec 1869, Carroll Co., Missouri, Samuel D. Goodson (1843 - 1887)9,10,11
Death: 26 Jun 1890, Reynolds, Jefferson Co., Nebraska8,12
Burial: Rose Creek Cemetery, Reynolds, Thayer Co., Nebraska13
ChartsDescendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Dutt/Toot Family

Copyright Notice


     14 Mary E. Street was born in 1852 in Missouri.6,7,8 She appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri, in the household of her parents, John M. Street and Mariah Brady.15
     Mary married Samuel D. Goodson, son of Isaac N. Goodson and Parmelia A. Goodson, on 5 Dec 1869 in Carroll Co., Missouri, with Rev. James M. Goodson officiating.9,10,11
     Mary and Samuel appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri, enumerated 6 Jul 1870, reporting real estate valued at $2,000 and personal estate of $510.16
     Mary and Samuel appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri, enumerated 3 Jun 1880. Their children Lula and Zey were listed as living with them.17
     Mary and Samuel moved to Nebraska before 1885. They appeared on the 1885 State Census of Elm, Gage Co., Nebraska, enumerated 2 Jun 1885. Their children Lula and Samuel were listed as living with them.18
     Her husband died in 1887.19
     In the final distribution of her father's estate in Aug 1889, Mary and each of her living siblings received $602.17 9/11.20
     Mary left a will dated 28 Apr 1890 stating she was of Reynolds, Jefferson Co., Nebraska, in which she described the assets of her estate in uncommon detail. She said it consisted of a two-year-old colt, household goods, three notes due her totaling $1,106, and three parcels of land. There was one of 160 acres in Thayer Co., Nebraska, which was mortgaged, and two adjacent 40-acre parcels in Carroll Co., Missouri. She directed that the proceeds from the rents be used to support her two sons, Samuel and William, until each reached the age of 16. When the youngest reached 16 the estate was to be equally divided between them and her daughter, Lula. She appointed her brother Charles as executor.21
     Mary died on 26 Jun 1890 in Reynolds, Jefferson Co., Nebraska, at her home.8,12 She was buried in Rose Creek Cemetery, Reynolds, Thayer Co., Nebraska.13
     Her will was proved on 30 Aug 1890 in Jefferson Co., Nebraska.22 Charles posted a bond of $1,000 as curator of the estate of Mary's sons Samuel and William 14 Feb 1891, in Carroll Co., Missouri.23

     Children with Samuel D. Goodson:

  • Lula Bell Goodson24,25,26 (1871 - 1956)
  • Joy Goodson27 (abt 28 Jun 1874 - 18 Feb 1876)
  • Zey Goodson28,29 (abt 30 Apr 1877 - 1 Jul 1879)
  • Samuel D. Goodson30,31,32 (18 Jun 1880 - Feb 1971)
  • William E. E. Hale Goodson31,32 (31 Dec 1886 - 12 Dec 1926)


  1. [S6977] John M. Street household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows name as Mary E. Street.
  2. [S7151] Record of Marriages, Carroll Co., Missouri, C:64, Samuel D. Goodson and Mary E. Street, 4 Jan 1870.
  3. [S500], online, memorial # 19425180, Mary Ellen "Puss" Street Goodson, includes tombstone photo showing name as Mary E. Goodson.
  4. [S6977] John M. Street household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  5. [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, final settlement 13 Aug 1889.
  6. [S6977] John M. Street household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 8 and state.
  7. [S9451] S. D. Goodson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 18 and state.
  8. [S500], online, memorial # 19425180, Mary Ellen "Puss" Street Goodson, shows year an includes tombstone photo showing same.
  9. [S7151] Record of Marriages, Carroll Co., Missouri, C:64, Samuel D. Goodson and Mary E. Street, 4 Jan 1870, shows date and officiant.
  10. [S9451] S. D. Goodson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as husband and wife, and each as married prior December.
  11. [S500], online, memorial # 19424684, Samuel Goodson and memorial # 19425180, Mary Ellen "Puss" Street Goodson, include photo of joint tombstone photo with them labeled as Mother and Father.
  12. [S9458] Wills, Carroll Co., Missouri, F:386-359, will of Mary E. Goodson, copy of will and proof recorded in Jefferson Co., Nebraska, statements of two witnesses show date, and at her residence.
  13. [S500], online, memorial # 19425180, Mary Ellen "Puss" Street Goodson, includes tombstone photo.
  14. [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, final settlement 13 Aug 1889, shows her name as Mary E. Goodson.
  15. [S6977] John M. Street household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
  16. [S9451] S. D. Goodson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
  17. [S9452] S. D. Goodson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
  18. [S9453] San Goodsan household, 1885 Nebraska State Census, Gage Co., Nebraska, Elm.
  19. [S500], online, memorial # 19424684, Samuel Goodson, shows year include tombstone photo showing same.
  20. [S7009] John M. Street, Carroll Co. Missouri probate case files, 1st settlement 15 Aug 1888; final settlement 13 Aug 1889.
  21. [S9458] Wills, Carroll Co., Missouri, F:384-385, will of Mary E. Goodson, copy of will and proof recorded in Jefferson Co., Nebraska.
  22. [S9458] Wills, Carroll Co., Missouri, F:386-359, will of Mary E. Goodson, copy of will and proof recorded in Jefferson Co., Nebraska.
  23. [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, D:123, Charles M. Street, bond of curator, 14 Feb 1891.
  24. [S9452] S. D. Goodson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows the girl as daughter of Mary's husband.
  25. [S9453] San Goodsan household, 1885 Nebraska State Census, Gage Co., Nebraska, Elm, shows the girl as daughter of Mary's husband.
  26. [S500], online, memorial # 19417138, Lula Belle Goodson Worden, includes tombstone photo showing her as their daughter.
  27. [S500], online, memorial # 14784765, Joy Goodson, includes tombstone photo showing inscription son of S. D. & M. E. Goodson.
  28. [S9452] S. D. Goodson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows him as son of her husband.
  29. [S500], online, memorial # 14784747, Zey Goodson, includes tombstone photo showing inscription Infant son of S. D. & M. E. Goodson.
  30. [S9453] San Goodsan household, 1885 Nebraska State Census, Gage Co., Nebraska, Elm, shows him as son of her husband.
  31. [S9458] Wills, Carroll Co., Missouri, F:384-35, will of Mary E. Goodson, copy of will and proof recorded in Jefferson Co., Nebraska.
  32. [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, D:123, Charles M. Street, bond of curator, 14 Feb 1891, show the boy as minor heir of Samual D. Goodson and Mary E. Goodson.