Samuel D. Goodson1,2,3

ID# 20909, (1843 - 1887)
FatherIsaac N. Goodson4,5,6 (abt 24 Apr 1814 - 1 Jun 1868)
MotherParmelia A. Goodson4,5 (abt 2 May 1815 - 12 Jul 1879)

Key Events:

Birth: 1843, Missouri7,8,9
Marriage: 5 Dec 1869, Carroll Co., Missouri, Mary E. Street (1852 - 26 Jun 1890)10,11,12
Death: 18879
Burial: Rose Creek Cemetery, Reynolds, Thayer Co., Nebraska13
ChartsDescendants of David Dutt/Toot

Copyright Notice


      Samuel D. Goodson was born in 1843 in Missouri.7,8,9
     He appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Carroll Co., Missouri, in the household of his parents, Isaac N. Goodson and Parmelia A. Goodson.14 He appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri, in the household of his parents.15
     The Enrolled Missouri Militia was created in Jul 1862 in response to a Confederate recruiting program begun that summer behind Federal lines in northeast Missouri. The previously established Missouri State Militia did not have the resources to address the growing guerrilla attacks. The new militia composed of part-time citizen soldiers was established to free the State Militia and Federal troops for field action. Most men in this militia served only a few weeks of active duty over the course of the next two and a half years.16 Samuel enrolled in Company B of the 65th Regiment of the Enrolled Missouri Militia 9 Aug 1862, at Carrollton, Missouri, under Capt. Standley. He was released 6 Dec 1862 with a rank of corporal, having served 120 days in actual service. His future wife's older brothers Andrew and James W. Street were serving in that unit at the same time.17
     Samuel registered for the draft for the Civil War, appearing on the register dated in Sep 1863, while living in Morris, Carroll Co., Missouri, reporting he was employed as a farmer and had previously served in the Enrolled Missouri Militia.18
     Samuel was named executor and an heir in the will of his father, dated 21 May 1868 in Carroll Co., Missouri. He was to receive an equal share with six siblings and the heirs of his late brother William, of his father's half of the farm he owned with his brother James, as well as any future gift or bequest from his mother. All his land in Carroll Co. was to go to his wife for as long as she remained a widow, then was to be similarly divided.6
     His father died on 1 Jun 1868.19 His will was proved on 12 Jun 1868.20 Samuel posted a bond of $1,000 on 18 Jul 1868, and on 18 Jul he was authorized as executor by the court.6
     Samuel married Mary E. Street, daughter of John M. Street and Mariah Brady, on 5 Dec 1869 in Carroll Co., Missouri, with Rev. James M. Goodson officiating.10,11,12
     Samuel and Mary appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri, enumerated 6 Jul 1870, reporting real estate valued at $2,000 and personal estate of $510.21
     His mother died on 12 Jul 1879.22 Samuel posted a bond of $1,500 on 29 Jul 1879, as administrator of her will, which distributed her personal property to him and his siblings.23
     Samuel and Mary appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Morris Twp., Carroll Co., Missouri, enumerated 3 Jun 1880. Their children Lula and Zey were listed as living with them.24
     Samuel and Mary moved to Nebraska before 1885. They appeared on the 1885 State Census of Elm, Gage Co., Nebraska, enumerated 2 Jun 1885. Their children Lula and Samuel were listed as living with them.25
     He was a farmer.26,27,28
     Samuel died in 1887.9 He was buried in Rose Creek Cemetery, Reynolds, Thayer Co., Nebraska.13

     Children with Mary E. Street:

  • Lula Bell Goodson24,25,29 (1871 - 1956)
  • Joy Goodson30 (abt 28 Jun 1874 - 18 Feb 1876)
  • Zey Goodson24,31 (abt 30 Apr 1877 - 1 Jul 1879)
  • Samuel D. Goodson25,32 (18 Jun 1880 - Feb 1971)
  • William E. E. Hale Goodson33,32 (31 Dec 1886 - 12 Dec 1926)


  1. [S9454] Isaac N Goodson household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows name as Samuel D Goodson.
  2. [S7151] Record of Marriages, Carroll Co., Missouri, C:64, Samuel D. Goodson and Mary E. Street, 4 Jan 1870.
  3. [S500], online, memorial # 19424684, Samuel Goodson, include tombstone photo showing name as Samuel D. Goodson.
  4. [S9454] Isaac N Goodson household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  5. [S9455] Isaac N. Goodson household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  6. [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, C:35-36, will of Isaac N. Goodson.
  7. [S9454] Isaac N Goodson household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 7 and state.
  8. [S9455] Isaac N. Goodson household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows age 17 and state.
  9. [S500], online, memorial # 19424684, Samuel Goodson, shows year include tombstone photo showing same.
  10. [S7151] Record of Marriages, Carroll Co., Missouri, C:64, Samuel D. Goodson and Mary E. Street, 4 Jan 1870, shows date and officiant.
  11. [S9451] S. D. Goodson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as husband and wife, and each as married prior December.
  12. [S500], online, memorial # 19424684, Samuel Goodson and memorial # 19425180, Mary Ellen "Puss" Street Goodson, include photo of joint tombstone photo with them labeled as Mother and Father.
  13. [S500], online, memorial # 19424684, Samuel Goodson, include tombstone photo.
  14. [S9454] Isaac N Goodson household, 1850 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
  15. [S9455] Isaac N. Goodson household, 1860 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
  16. [S7145] Civil War St Louis, online, Kirby Ross, "Federal Militia in Missouri."
  17. [S9456] Samuel D. Goodson, 65th Reg't. E. M. M., Soldiers' Records cards.
  18. [S9457] Samuel D. Street, Civil War Draft Registrations Records.
  19. [S500], online, memorial # 29492844, Isaac Newton “Newt” Goodson, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  20. [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, C:35-37, will of Isaac N. Goodson, shows her as his wife.
  21. [S9451] S. D. Goodson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
  22. [S500], online, memorial # 106610863, Parmelia Ann Goodson Goodson, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  23. [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, C:602, Executor's bond for estate of Permelia A. Goodson.
  24. [S9452] S. D. Goodson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri.
  25. [S9453] San Goodsan household, 1885 Nebraska State Census, Gage Co., Nebraska, Elm.
  26. [S9451] S. D. Goodson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows occupation as farmer.
  27. [S9452] S. D. Goodson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Carroll Co., Missouri, shows occupation as farmer.
  28. [S9453] San Goodsan household, 1885 Nebraska State Census, Gage Co., Nebraska, Elm, shows occupation as farmer.
  29. [S500], online, memorial # 19417138, Lula Belle Goodson Worden, includes tombstone photo showing her as their daughter.
  30. [S500], online, memorial # 14784765, Joy Goodson, includes tombstone photo showing inscription son of S. D. & M. E. Goodson.
  31. [S500], online, memorial # 14784747, Zey Goodson, includes tombstone photo showing inscription Infant son of S. D. & M. E. Goodson.
  32. [S7029] Administrator's Bonds and Letters, Carroll Co., Missouri, D:123, Charles M. Street, bond of curator, 14 Feb 1891, show the boy as minor heir of Samual D. Goodson and Mary E. Goodson.
  33. [S9458] Wills, Carroll Co., Missouri, F:384-35, will of Mary E. Goodson, copy of will and proof recorded in Jefferson Co., Nebraska, shows the boy as her son.