This page created 11 Jan 2013
The records below focus on entries involving the following persons. I have endeavored to find all entries involving them from the establishment of Caldwell Co. on 1 May 1809 until 1848. Because the records are not indexed, and are handwritten and difficult to read, some were no doubt missed.
Gideon Dyer Cobb | Moved to Eddyville from Fair Haven, Vermont as part of the party organized by Matthew Lyon about 1800, with his wife Modena Chittenden Clark, and their eldest son, Caleb. |
Samuel C. Clark | Lived with Gideon, and is assumed to be a relative of Gideon's wife, but that is unproved. |
Matthew Lyon | Organizer of the move to Eddyville, second husband of Modena (Clark) Cobb's aunt, Beulah Chittenden. |
Chittenden Lyon | Eldest son of Matthew Lyon by his second wife, Beulah Chittenden. |
Matthew Lyon, Jr. | Second son of Matthew Lyon by his second wife, Beulah Chittenden. |
Elijah G. Galusha | Cousin to Modena (Clark) Cobb; son of her aunt Beulah Chittenden by her first marriage. |
John Hallick | Married Gideon and Modena's daughter Hannah; nothing is known of his history before he arrived in Eddyville. |
Hanson Catlett | Married Matthew Lyon's daughter Minervia; may have been part of the party from Vermont. |
John W. Throop | A member of the party from Vermont, father of Lucy, wife of Elijah Galusha. |
Griffin Long | Father of the second wife of Gideon and Modena Cobb's eldest son, Caleb. |
Josiah Cobb | Unrelated to the Cobbs of Vermont, left a widow Ann in 1817. |
Because of the volumne of data, the Caldwell County books are broken into the following sections:
1809-1813 this page |
1814-1818 | 1819-1823 | 1824-1828 | 1829-1835 | 1836-1841 | 1842-1845 | 1846-1848 |
The tax lists were made annually, listing the various items subject to tax. Note that the sequence of the columns in the right half of the chart is different in some years. The terms "ditto" it's abbreviation "do," and "same" generally mean "the same as above," though in the "in whose name surveyed/patented" columns it apparently means same as the column to the left.
The three "rates" for acreage reflect land with different value; different tax rates were applied to the three grades of land.
The "in whose name entered" column is supposed to record the name of the person who requested a survey of a parcel to be claimed under rights obtained for military service or by purchase from the Commonwealth. Such rights were frequently sold or transferred, often multiple times, before a specific parcel was defined by a survey. If the rights were sold after the entry, but before the survey was issued, the "in whose name surveyed" is supposed to record in whose name the survey was issued. If the rights were sold after the survey but before the patent (deed from the state) was issued, and the "in whose name patented" column is supposed to record the name in which the patent was finally issued. It was most commonly left blank, presumably indicating that the patent was issued to the same person who had the parcel surveyed.
The "rate of covering" column, also known as "rate per season," refers to the breeding of horses. The tax payer had to pay taxes on the amount he charged for stud fees.
It appears that some items supposedly subject to tax were not recorded each year. For example, the County Court Orders show Gideon D. Cobb obtaining his tavern license many more years than recorded below. In the later years below, the date column is present, but not populated. In some cases the images are unclear, and ink bleeding through from the reverse side makes reading difficult. Therefor some of the information below may be in error, particularly the names in the "in whose name entered" columns.
More on taxation and tax lists in this period can be found in an article by Kandie Adkinson on the Kentucky Secretary of State website.
Page | Persons name | Lands | County | Water course | In whose names | White above 21 | Blacks above 16 | Total Blacks | Horses | Stud horses | Rates of covering | Taverns | Retail store | Town lots | Value of town lots | Carriages | No wheels | ||||
1st rate | 2nd rate | 3rd rate | Entered | Surveyed | Patented | ||||||||||||||||
4 | Cobb & Clark |
2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | $200 | ||||||||||||||
10 | Mathew Lyon | 1000 | Hopkins |
Trade Water | E Doss | same | same | ||||||||||||||
200 | Living- ston | R P Johnson | same | same | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | Eddy Ck | Jo Roberts | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | T Madox | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
100 | same | same | J Hardten | ||||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | J Pain | ||||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | E Macher | ||||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | R Delany | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
188 | same | same | E Rutter | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
123 | same | same | J Mar | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
400 | same | same | W Stewart | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
50 | same | same | T Dobbins | ||||||||||||||||||
70 | same | same | N Dodd | ||||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | I Robern | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Jno Yaylor | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | J White | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
30 | Living- ston | Eddy | |||||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | J White | same | same | ||||||||||||||||
400 | same | same | D McMahon | ||||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | |||||||||||||||||||
175 | same | same | 1 | 4 | 10 | 8 | 1 | 40 | $400 | ||||||||||||
totals | 480 | 4656 | = 5136 | ||||||||||||||||||
5 | Hanson Catlett | 250 | Caldwell | Eddy Ck | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
23 | John W Throop | 1 | 2 | 100 | |||||||||||||||||
14 | Griffin Long | 400 | Living- ston | Spring Ck | G Long | 1 | 5 | ||||||||||||||
200 | same | Crab Ck | Jas Berry |
Page | Persons name | Lands | County | Water course | In whose names | White above 21 | Blacks above 16 | Total Blacks | Horses mares | Stud horses | Rates of covering | Retail store | Tavern Licenses | Value of town lots | Wheel carriages | ||||
1st rate | 2nd rate | 3rd rate | Entered | Surveyed | Patented | ||||||||||||||
8 | Cobb & Clark |
2 | 1 | $250 | ||||||||||||||
13 | Elijah G Galusha | 200 | Caldwell | Hamonds Ck | Enoch Mades | E Mades | 1 | 3 | |||||||||||
21 | Matthew Lyon | 1000 | Hopkins |
Trade Water | Edwd Davse | Edwd Davse | Edwd Davse | ||||||||||||
200 | Caldwell | R P Johnson | same | same | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | ||||||||||||||||||
200 | same | ||||||||||||||||||
22 | 200 | Caldwell | |||||||||||||||||
1000 | |||||||||||||||||||
2650 | |||||||||||||||||||
500 | Caldwell | 1 | 2 | 7 | 9 | 1 | $350 | ||||||||||||
totals | 900 | 5050 | = 5950 | ||||||||||||||||
21 | Chitendin Lyon | 375 | same | Lick Ck | |||||||||||||||
33 | John Throop Senr | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
33 | John Throop Jnr | 1 | 1 | $80 | |||||||||||||||
20 | Griffin Long | 400 | Caldwell | Spring Ck | Griffin Long | 1 | 5 |
Page | Date | Name | Lands | County | Water course | In whose names | White above 21 | Blacks above 16 | Total Blacks | Horses mares | Stud horses | Rates of covering | Retail store | Tavern Licenses | Value of town lots | Wheel carriages | ||||
1st rate | 2nd rate | 3rd rate | Entered | Surveyed | Patented | |||||||||||||||
8 | 8 Jun | Cobb & Clark |
2 | 1 | $200 | ||||||||||||||
26 | 20 Jun | Matthew Lyon | 1000 | Hopkins |
N fork Tradewater | Edwd Dause | Edwd Dause | Edwd Dause | ||||||||||||
200 | Caldwell | Cumberland River | Peter Johnson | Peter Johnson | David Walker | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | same | same | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | Eddy Ck | Jos Robison | Sam Waie | Buly Lyon | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Maddox | M Lyon | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Danl Haytela | same | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
100 | same | same | A Matthews | M Lyon | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Joel Pain | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Robt Dobbins | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Swift | John Swift | ||||||||||||||||
188 | same | same | Edwd Rutter | Wm C Rogers | ||||||||||||||||
123 | same | same | Saml Ware | Saml Ware | ||||||||||||||||
400 | same | same | May Stewart | May Stewart | ||||||||||||||||
50 | same | same | John Dobbins | Robt Dobbins | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
74 | same | same | Margaret Woods | Jas T White | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Isiac Robison | John Swift | M Lyon Jnr | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Taylor | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | Lick Ck | James T White | M Lyon | ||||||||||||||||
30 | same | same | David Davidson | David Davidson | D Davidson | |||||||||||||||
400 | same | Dryfork Eddy Ck | Danl McArthur | John McArthur | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | Skinframe | John Packey | |||||||||||||||||
1000 | same | Cumberland River | Whitehead Coleman | W Coleman | W Coleman | 1 | 3 | 12 | 7 | 1 | $200 | |||||||||
totals | 1480 | 4485 | = 5965 | |||||||||||||||||
27 | 1 Jun | Chittenden Lyon | 200 | Caldwell | Lick Ck | Clay Gustavus | Grubbs | C Lyon | ||||||||||||
75 | same | same | Nancy Ware | Nancy Ware | 1 | $200 | ||||||||||||||
17 | 18 May | Elijah G Galusha | 5 | 400 | 1 | 5 | ||||||||||||||
8 | 29 Jul | Hanson Catlett | 800 | |||||||||||||||||
200 | $400 | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | 8 May | John W Throop Senr | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
41 | 8 May | John W Throop Junr | $30 | |||||||||||||||||
28 | 30 May | Griffin Long | 400 | Caldwell | Spring Ck | G Long | G Long | 1 | 3 |
Page | Date | Name | Land | County | Water course | In whose names | White above 21 | Blacks above 16 | Total Blacks | Horses mares | Stud horses | Rates of covering | Retail store | Tavern Licenses | Value of town lots | Wheel carriages | ||||
1st rate | 2nd rate | 3rd rate | Entered | Surveyed | Patented | |||||||||||||||
9 | Sep | Cobb & Clark |
2 | 2 | $100 | ||||||||||||||
24 | Matthew Lyon | 200 | same | Cumberland River | Peter Johnston | Peter Johnston | David Walker | |||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | same | same | |||||||||||||||
1000 | same | same | Whitehead Coleman | W Coleman | W Coleman | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | Eddy Ck | Jos Robison | M Lyon | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Middux | M Lyon | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Danl Hayston | M Lyon | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
100 | same | same | A Matthews | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Jacob Pain | same | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Robt Dobbins | R Dobbins | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Swift | John Swift | ||||||||||||||||
188 | same | same | Edmon Rutter | Wm C Rogers | ||||||||||||||||
123 | same | same | Saml Ware | S Ware | ||||||||||||||||
400 | same | same | Mary Stewart | same | ||||||||||||||||
50 | same | same | John Dobbins | Robt Dobbins | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
74 | same | same | Margaret Dodds | Jas T White | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Isaac[?] Robison | Jno Swift | M Lyon Jnr | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Taylor | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | |||||||||||||||||
30 | same | Lick Cr | D Davidson | D Davidson | D Davidson | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | J T White | M Lyon | ||||||||||||||||
400 | same | Dryfork Eddy Ck | Danl McArthur | Jno McArthur | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | Skinframe | 1 | 4 | 11 | 9 | 1 | $200 | ||||||||||||
totals | 1480 | 3485 | = 4965 | |||||||||||||||||
24 | Chittenden Lyon | 200 | same | Lick Ck | Clary Gusbaix | Isaac Grubbs | ||||||||||||||
175 | same | same | Nancy Ware | N Ware | N Ware | 1 | 1 | 1 | $100 | |||||||||||
15 | Elijah G Galusha | 400 | Caldwell | Hammonds Ck | Enoch Males | E Males | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | $100 | |||||||||
22 | 4 Jul | Kirkpatrick | 37½ | same | Skinframe | |||||||||||||||
36 | John Throop Senr | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
36 | John Throop Junr | 1 | 1 | $50 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | 7 Dec | Josiah Cobb | 200 | Caldwell | Skinframe | Andw Jones | A Jones | A Jones | 1 | 2 | 6 | |||||||||
23 | 16 Aug | Griffin Long | 400 | same | Spring | G Long | ||||||||||||||
30 | same | Sugar Ck | 1 | 8 |
Page | Date | Name | Land | County | Water course | In whose names | White above 21 | Blacks above 16 | Total Blacks | Horses mares | Stud horses | Rates of covering | Retail store | Tavern Licenses | Value of town lots | Wheel carriages | ||||
1st rate | 2nd rate | 3rd rate | Entered | Surveyed | Patented | |||||||||||||||
9 | 1 Sep | Cobb & Clark |
2 | 2 | 1 | $175 | |||||||||||||
23 | 12 Jul | Matthew Lyon Senr | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
23 | 12 Jul | Chittenden Lyon | 200 | same | Cumberland River | Peter Johnston | Peter Johnston | David Walker | ||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | same | same | |||||||||||||||
1000 | same | same | Whitehead Coleman | W Coleman | W Coleman | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | Eddy Ck | Joseph Robison | Saml Ware | Bulah Lyon | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Maddox | Matthew Lyon | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Danl Haglston | M Lyon | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
100 | same | same | A Matthews | same | ||||||||||||||||
24 | 200 | Caldwell | Eddy Ck | Joel Pain | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Robt Dobbins | R Dobbins | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Swift | John Swift | ||||||||||||||||
188 | same | same | Edwd Rutter | M Lyon | ||||||||||||||||
123 | same | same | Saml Ware | same | ||||||||||||||||
400 | same | same | Mary Stewart | same | ||||||||||||||||
50 | same | same | John Dobbins | Robt Dobbins | M Lyon | |||||||||||||||
74 | same | same | Margaret Dodds | Jas T White | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | John Taylor | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | same | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | Lick Ck | Jas T White | M Lyon | ||||||||||||||||
30 | same | same | David Davidson | D Davidson | D Davidson | |||||||||||||||
400 | same | Dryfork Eddy Ck | Danl McArthur | John McArthur | ||||||||||||||||
200 | same | Skinframe | John Richey | |||||||||||||||||
200 | same | Lick Ck | Clary Galusha | Isaac Grubbs | ||||||||||||||||
175 | same | same | Nancy Ware | N Ware | 1 | 4 | 15 | 12 | 1 | $210 | ||||||||||
totals | 1480 | 3660 | = 5140 | |||||||||||||||||
24 | Matthew Lyon Junr | 200 | same | Eddy Ck | John Swift | John Swift | ||||||||||||||
200 | same | same | Isrial Robison | same | M Lyon Junr | 1 | 2 | 1 | $15 | |||||||||||
15 | Elijah G Galusha | 400 | Caldwell | Eddy Ck | E Mayles | E Mayles | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||
36 | John Troop Senr | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
36 | John W Throop Junr | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||
7 | Josiah Cobb | 200 | Caldwell | Skinframe | Andw Jones | A Jones | A Jones | 1 | 2 | 2 | 6 | |||||||||
22 | Griffin Long | 400 | same | Spring Ck | G Long | G Long | 1 | 5 |
For the following years see:
1814-1818 | 1819-1823 | 1824-1828 | 1829-1835 | 1836-1841 | 1842-1845 | 1845-1848 |
I have copies of each of the pages extracted above. Please contact me for clarification or copies, using the link below.
Source: Abstracts were made from Family History Library films of Caldwell Co. Tax Lists, FHL #7906
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