Francis Anna Morris1,2,3
ID# 9015, (1901 - 1953)
Father | William A. Morris4,5 (10 Jan 1868 - 14 Oct 1939) |
Mother | Margaret Jennie Reigle6,5 (Nov 1871 - 9 May 1923) |
Charts | Descendants of Jacob K. and Christiana Ohl Riegel |
Ancestry | The Reigel Family |
2121 Francis Anna Morris was born on 9 Sep 1901 in Pennsylvania
She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Luzerne, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania,

She moved to Iowa

Francis apparently moved to Missouri

Francis married first Marion Elberg Jennings, son of William Henry Jennings and Rhoda Permela Catherine Adair, on 29 Sep 1919 in St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri

Francis and Marion have not been found in the 1920 census, nor has Marion's son William by his prior marriage.
Francis and Marion were divorced before 1926 apparently, as she re-married then.12,13,14
Francis married second John Buchanan Smith, son of John Smith and Susan Ann Benner, on 24 Jul 1926 in Leavenworth, Kansas

Francis and John have not been found in the 1930 census. Francis and Marion's daughter Opal appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Hayes, Franklin Co., Kansas,

Francis and John appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at 754½ 8th St.

Francis and John appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of St Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at 310 So 9th

Francis died on 7 Jun 1953, at her home, 3236 Penn St., St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri

Child with Marion Elberg Jennings:
- Opal Helen Jennings34,35,21 (25 Nov 1920 - 15 Oct 1994)
There were no children with John Buchanan Smith
- [S5601] Frances Anna Smith, Standard Certificate of Death, shows father's surname as Morris.
- [S693] McWilliams, "Descendants of Jacob Reigle", shows name as Francis Anna Morris.
- [S5043] Francis A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
- [S5032] William A. Morris household, 1910 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania.
- [S5601] Frances Anna Smith, Standard Certificate of Death.
- [S5032] William A. Morris household, 1910 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows the girl as daughter of Margaret's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
- [S5601] Frances Anna Smith, Standard Certificate of Death, shows date and state.
- [S5032] William A. Morris household, 1910 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows age 8 and state.
- [S5043] Francis A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows age 13 and state.
- [S5624] Marion E. Jennings and Frances A. Morris, Application for License to Marry and Marriage License, shows date, city, county, state, and officiant.
- [S5623] McWilliams, "Re: Francis Anna Morris," e-mail to author, 20 Mar 2015, reports that he has the Bible of Francis Anna Morris Smith in which her name is written in her handwriting as Francis Anna Jennings.
- [S693] McWilliams, "Descendants of Jacob Reigle", shows re-married 24 Jul 1926. Writer states in email "Re: Francis Anna Morris" 28 Mar 2015 to author that this information is from Francis Anna's Bible.
- [S5633] Unidentified lodging house, 1940 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri, shows him as divorced.
- [S12442] Marion E. Jennings household, 1950 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri, shows him as divorced.
- [S693] McWilliams, "Descendants of Jacob Reigle", shows date, city, and state. Writer states in email "Re: Francis Anna Morris" 28 Mar 2015 to author that this information is from Francis Anna's Bible.
- [S5602] John Smith household, 1940 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri, shows married.
- [S5601] Frances Anna Smith, Standard Certificate of Death, shows married.
- [S5601] Frances Anna Smith, Standard Certificate of Death, shows date, address, city, county, and state.
- [S500], online, memorial # 125175953, Frances Anna Morris Smith, shows year and includes tombstone photo showing same.
- [S500], online, memorial # 125175953, Frances Anna Morris Smith, includes tombstone photo.
- [S693] McWilliams, "Descendants of Jacob Reigle."
- [S5040] William A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows he had lived in Iowa 4 years.
- [S5041] Margaret J. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows she had lived in Iowa 4 years.
- [S5042] Leslie O. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows he had lived in Iowa 4 years.
- [S5043] Francis A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows she had lived in Iowa 4 years.
- [S5044] Margaret H. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows she had lived in Iowa 2 months.
- [S5040] William A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
- [S5041] Margaret J. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
- [S5042] Leslie O. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
- [S5044] Margaret H. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
- [S12430] Ralph Edward household, 1930 U.S. Census, Franklin Co., Kansas.
- [S5602] John Smith household, 1940 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri.
- [S12428] John Smith household, 1950 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri.
- [S1500] "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007,", record for Opal Helen Grishow, Soc. Sec. No. 491-42-1479.
- [S12440] Opal Helen Grishow obituary, Savannah Reporter and Andrew County Democrat.