Margaret Jennie Reigle1,2,3

ID# 14911, (1871 - 1923)
FatherJohn Jacob Reigle4,5 (abt 1846 - 1 Nov 1902)
MotherOlive Rogers6,7 (28 Oct 1846 - 9 Feb 1881)

Key Events:

Birth: Nov 1871, Dallas, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania8,9,10
Marriage: 3 Mar 1890, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, William A. Morris (10 Jan 1868 - 14 Oct 1939)11,12,13
Death: 9 May 1923, Hardin, Big Horn Co., Montana14,15
Burial: 11 May 1923, Hardin Cemetery, Hardin, Big Horn Co., Montana5
ChartsDescendants of Jacob K. and Christiana Ohl Riegel
AncestryThe Reigel Family

Copyright Notice


William & Margaret Reigle Morris
courtesy Larry McWilliams
Margaret Jennie Reigle was born in Nov 1871 in Dallas, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania.8,9,10 She appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Dallas Twp., Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, in the household of her parents, Jacob Reigle and Olive Rogers.4
     Margaret married William A. Morris, son of Anthony Markiewicz and Justina Stulgys, on 3 Mar 1890 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, the Rev. R. B. Webster, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, officiating. She obtained the consent of her father since she was a minor.11,12,13
     Margaret and William appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Trucksville, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, enumerated 16 Jun 1900, reporting that they were renting their home. Their children Edgar, William, LeRoy and Leslie were listed as living with them, as was Hannah Harrison, a 63-year old servant.18
     Margaret and William appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Luzerne, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, at 428 Walnut St., enumerated 18 Apr 1910, reporting that they were renting their home. Their children LeRoy, Leslie, Francis and Dorothy were listed as living with them.19
     About 1911 Margaret and William with their children Leslie and Francis moved to Iowa, where their eldest son Edgar was living, and where her aunt Sarah and her family had been living for over two decades.20,21,22,23,24 It appears they then lived in Ohio for a time before moving back to Iowa, as their youngest daughter was born there in Richland Co. in May 1913, and their second youngest, Dorothy, died there in November of that year.
     Margaret and William appeared on the 1915 State Census of Shenandoah, Page Co., Iowa, reporting that they rented their home. This census does not identify households, but it appears that their children Leslie, Francis and Margaret were living with them since they appear on sequentially numbered cards. William reported that he was affiliated with the Catholic Church, while other members reported no church affiliation. Their children Leslie, Francis and Margaret were listed as living with them.25,26,27,28,29
     Margaret and William moved to Missouri before 1920. They appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at 1308 South 29th St., enumerated 6 Jan 1920, reporting that they were renting their home. Their daughter Margaret was listed as living with them.30
     Margaret and William apparently moved to Montana with their youngest daughter, Margaret, shortly after that, as Margaret died there in Big Horn Co. in 1923.
     Margaret died on 9 May 1923 in Hardin, Big Horn Co., Montana, at age 51.14,15 She was buried on 11 May 1923 in Hardin Cemetery, Hardin, Big Horn Co., Montana.5

     Children with William A. Morris

William and Margaret had another child, who was born and died between 1900 and 1910, whose name is unknown.45,46,47


  1. [S5270] Margaret Jennie Morris, Certificate of Death, shows father's surname as Reigle.
  2. [S694] Jacob Reigle household, 1880 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows name as Maggie J. Reigle.
  3. [S5113] William A. Morris and Maggie A. Reigel, Marriage License.
  4. [S694] Jacob Reigle household, 1880 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania.
  5. [S5270] Margaret Jennie Morris, Certificate of Death.
  6. [S694] Jacob Reigle household, 1880 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows Maggie as daughter of Olive's husband.
  7. [S5270] Margaret Jennie Morris, Certificate of Death, shows mothers name as Rogers.
  8. [S5031] William Morris household, 1900 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows month and year, as Nov 1871, age 28, and state.
  9. [S5270] Margaret Jennie Morris, Certificate of Death, shows month, as Sep, and 50, town, and state.
  10. [S694] Jacob Reigle household, 1880 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows age 8 and state.
  11. [S5113] William A. Morris and Maggie A. Reigel, Marriage License, shows she had the consent of John J. Reigel.
  12. [S5031] William Morris household, 1900 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows married 12 years.
  13. [S698] Luzerne County PAGenWeb Page, online, "Wilkes Barre Record Extracts for March 1890," an extract of newspaper, by Ed Langley, shows from the Mar 1 1890 edition under "Sunday Services" that Rev. Webster was pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church.
  14. [S5270] Margaret Jennie Morris, Certificate of Death, shows date, town, and county.
  15. [S1266] "Montana Death Index, 1907-2002,", record for Margaret J Morris, shows date and county.
  16. [S693] McWilliams, "Descendants of Jacob Reigle", citing Death Certificate for Willaim A. Morris, Los Angeles County, California, No. 14152, Certified Copy, shows date, town, and state.
  17. [S698] Luzerne County PAGenWeb Page, online, "Wilkes Barre Record Extracts for March 1890," an extract of newspaper, by Ed Langley, entry for Wilkes-Barre Evening Leader, Mon, Mar 3, 1890, shows under "Marriages" - "In Wilkes-Barre Mar 3 by Rev R B Webster, WM. A MORRIS, and MAGGIE J REIGLE, both of Vernon, Wyoming County." Shows under "Marriage Licenses Granted" W A MORRIS, Eaton and MAGGIE J REIGEL, Eaton. Shows from the Mar 1 1890 editon under "Sunday Services" that Rev. Webster was pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church.
  18. [S5031] William Morris household, 1900 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania.
  19. [S5032] William A. Morris household, 1910 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania.
  20. [S5040] William A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows he had lived in Iowa 4 years.
  21. [S5041] Margaret J. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows she had lived in Iowa 4 years.
  22. [S5042] Leslie O. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows he had lived in Iowa 4 years.
  23. [S5043] Francis A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows she had lived in Iowa 4 years.
  24. [S5044] Margaret H. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, shows she had lived in Iowa 2 months.
  25. [S5040] William A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
  26. [S5041] Margaret J. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
  27. [S5042] Leslie O. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
  28. [S5043] Francis A. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
  29. [S5044] Margaret H. Morris card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1.
  30. [S5033] William A. Morris household, 1920 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri.
  31. [S5031] William Morris household, 1900 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows him as the son of her husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  32. [S5450] Ed Morris household, 1925 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah.
  33. [S5521] Edgar L. Morris obituary, unknown newspaper.
  34. [S698] Luzerne County PAGenWeb Page, online, "1893 Wilkes Barre Record deaths," an extract of deaths listed in the Wilkes Barre Record by Nancy Cook, entry for Stanley Morris citing 3 Feb 1893 issue.
  35. [S5529] William Joseph Morris, Certificate of Death.
  36. [S5539] LeRoy Morris and Zenie Daugherty, Marriage Record.
  37. [S5530] Leroy Morris, Certificate of Death.
  38. [S5032] William A. Morris household, 1910 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows him as the son of her husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  39. [S5272] Leslie Odos Morris and Verna May Elliott, Application for Marriage License, Dauphin County.
  40. [S5032] William A. Morris household, 1910 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows the girl as daughter of Margaret's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  41. [S5601] Frances Anna Smith, Standard Certificate of Death.
  42. [S5663] Dorothy Elizabeth Morris, Certificate of Death.
  43. [S5658] Margaret Morris, Certificate of Birth.
  44. [S5033] William A. Morris household, 1920 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri, shows the girl as daughter of Margaret's husband.
  45. [S5031] William Morris household, 1900 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows her as mother of 5 children, with 4 living. Edgar, Stanley, William, Leroy, and Lester are their known children up to 1900, with Stanley known to have died in 1893 and the others all appearing in this census.
  46. [S5032] William A. Morris household, 1910 U.S. Census, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, shows her as mother of 8 children, with 6 living. Edgar, Stanley, William, Leroy, Lester, Francis, and Dorothy are their known children up to 1910, with Stanly known to have died in 1893 and the last four appearing in this census and the others with known death dates after 1910.
  47. [S5658] Margaret Morris, Certificate of Birth, shows Margaret as the mother of 9, with 7 living.