Daisy May Kuhlmann1,2,3

ID# 23161, (1878 - 1951)
FatherNathan Henry Kuhlman4,2,5 (11 Dec 1842 - 11 Dec 1924)
MotherMary C. Glick6,2,5 (abt 1849 - 2 Aug 1880)

Key Events:

Birth: 17 May 1878, Huntington Co., Indiana7,8,9
Marriage: 16 Sep 1895, Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, Charles R. Jackson (11 Sep 1873 - 11 Feb 1907)10,11,12
Marriage: 30 Nov 1907, Huntington Co., Indiana, Ferington Mead Barker (30 Nov 1876 - 15 Jan 1946)13,14
Divorce: 19 Jan 1920, Huntington Co., Ferington Mead Barker (30 Nov 1876 - 15 Jan 1946)15,16
Marriage: 2 Apr 1920, Akron, Summit Co., Ohio, Ferington Mead Barker (30 Nov 1876 - 15 Jan 1946)17,18,19
Divorce: 17 Jan 1925, Huntington Co., Ferington Mead Barker (30 Nov 1876 - 15 Jan 1946)20,21
Marriage: 7 Feb 1925, Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Michigan, Ferington Mead Barker (30 Nov 1876 - 15 Jan 1946)22,23
Divorce: Ferington Mead Barker (30 Nov 1876 - 15 Jan 1946)24,25,26
Death: 8 Mar 1951, 733 Webster, Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana27
Burial: 10 Mar 1951, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana28
ChartsDescendants of Hermann Hinrich Fennker
AncestryThe Fenker Family

Copyright Notice


     2930 Daisy May Kuhlmann was born on 17 May 1878 in Huntington Co., Indiana.7,8,9
     She appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, in the household of her parents, Nathan Henry Kuhlman and Mary C. Glick.31
     Her mother died on 2 Aug 1880, when Daisy was 2 years old.32,33,34

An Ill-Fated Marriage --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---

     Daisy married first Charles R. Jackson, son of Franklin M. Jackson and Sarah Dinius, on 16 Sep 1895 in Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, with Rev. Henry L. Nave officiating.10,11,12
     Daisy and Charles appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, at 74 Whitelock St., enumerated 22 Jun 1900, reporting they rented their home. Their son Donald was listed as living with them, as was Edward Dinius, apparently a relative of his mother, who was listed as a boarder.35
     With his new job there, Daisy and Charles and their three children moved to Pontiac, Illinois, in Oct 1906, but had not set up permanent housekeeping there before she and the children returned to Huntington in January for a visit with her parents and his. She was planning on moving permanently to Pontiac in Feburary.36
     Her husband died on 11 Feb 1907 in Pontiac, Illinois, from injuries on his job.37,38

A Troubled Second Marriage --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---

     Daisy married second Ferington Mead Barker, son of Thomas K. Barker and Mary Cochran, on 30 Nov 1907 in Huntington Co., Indiana, with Rev. R. Hammond officiating.13,14
     Daisy and Ferington appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, at 913 Clark St., enumerated 22 Apr 1910, reporting they owned their home, which was mortgaged. His father, and his brother Morton, were listed as living with them.39
     Daisy filed suit for divorce from Ferington in Huntington Co. circuit court 18 Nov 1919. She alleged cruel and inhuman treatment, stating he had struck her, cursed her, and called her vile names. She stated he was not fit to have custody of their two children, and asked for custody. She said she could earn $48 per week, and asked for $20 per week support, $500 alimony, and the household goods.40,41
     Daisy and Ferington appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, at 851 Etna Ave., enumerated 8 Jan 1920, reporting they rented their home. Their children Ferdinand and Thomas were listed as living with them.42
     Daisy was granted a divorce from Ferington 19 Jan 1920, in Huntington Co. He was granted custody of their two sons.15,16

Trying the Second Marriage Again --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---

     Daisy remarried Ferington on 2 Apr 1920 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio, with Frank G. Marsh, municipal judge, offciating.17,18,19 Each stated their residence as 719 Roselawn Ave., Akron, Ohio, but whether they were actually living there were just establishing residency there is unknown.43
     Daisy filed suit for divorce against Ferington on 28 May 1922, in Huntington Co. circuit court. She stated they separated 1 May, and alleged cruelty, saying he drinks and abuses her. She asked for a weekly allowance of $10 and $1,000 alimony and restoration of her maiden (actually first married) name of Daisy M. Jackson. They apparently reconciled and the suit dropped as a new suit was filed a few months later.44
     Daisy filed suit for divorce against Ferington again on 3 May 1924, in Huntington Co. circuit court. She alleged he was associated with other women on numerous occasions and was in other ways guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. She stated he was an able-bodied man, a brick layer, and capable of earning $12 per day. She asked for a weekly allowance of $10 and $1,000 alimony and restoration of her maiden name of Daisy M. Jackson, and a restraining order preventing him from disposing of any property. No further record of this suit has been found, but it was apparently dropped as they remained married.45
     Daisy filed suit for divorce against Ferington once more on 16 Jul 1924, in Huntington Co. circuit court. She stated they separated 10 Jul, and alleged cruelty and inhuman treatment. She said he was a hibitual user of alcoholic beverages, came home intoxicated, associated with other women, refused to support her or the children, and hit and cursed her. She also said he insisted that his brother Morton live with them, forced her to cook and wash for him, and when the brother was cruel and struck her he never tried to protect her. She asked for a weekly allowance of $10 and $1,000 alimony, and restoration of her maiden name of Daisy M. Jackson. The suit was reported dismissed in September, with her charged with costs, but in November it was reported it was dismissed in favor of a new suit.46,47,48,49
     Daisy filed yet another suit for divorce against Ferington on 14 Nov 1924, in Huntington Co. circuit court. She charged he was in the habit of abusing her when under the influence of intoxicants. She asked for custody of the children, a weekly support of $15 and $1,000 alimony. An absolute divorce was granted to her 17 Jan 1925, with custody of the two children and possession of household goods she had owned before the marriage. He was ordered to pay the cost of trial and $35 attorneys fees, and given possession of household goods purchased since they married.20,21

A Third Attempt Proves No Better --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---

     Daisy remarried Ferington on 7 Feb 1925 in Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Michigan, with Arthur L. Guernsey, judge of probate, offciating.22,23
     Daisy and Ferington appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Huntington Twp., Huntington Co., Indiana, enumerated 25 Apr 1930, reporting they owned a home valued at $600, and did not own a radio. Their children Ferdinand and Thomas were listed as living with them, as was his brother Thomas.50
     By 1931 Daisy was living with her daughter Mary on South Jefferson St., on the outskirts of Huntington. Only scattered issues of the city directory are available, so a complete picture of her whereabouts is not possible, but no evidence has been found that she lived with her husband after that. About 1937 she was living at 819 Ash, Huntington.51,52
     Daisy has not been found in the 1940 census. She was not listed with Ferington and their son Ferdinand, nor was she with her other children, though two of her sons have not been found in that census either.53
     Daisy was living with her brother Jesse about 1946. By 1949 she was living at 963 William St.54
     It appears that Daisy and Ferington were divorced a third time, but when, or even if, that happened not clear. He is shown in the 1940 census as married. His death certificate, with their son as informant, shows him as divorced when he died. Her death certificate, with her daughter as informant, shows her as widowed.24,25,26
     Daisy died on 8 Mar 1951, at her residence, 733 Webster, Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 72.27 She was buried on 10 Mar 1951 in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana.28

     Children with Charles R. Jackson:

  • Donald Charles Jackson55,56,57 (2 Jul 1896 - 25 May 1978)
  • Beulah Grace Jackson58 (8 Sep 1900 - 15 Feb 1999)
  • Mary Elizabeth Jackson59,60 (2 Aug 1902 - 25 Apr 2002)
  • Cloyd Franklin Jackson61 (10 May 1906 - 8 Sep 1906)
  • Clyde Kuhlman Jackson62 (10 Sep 1906 - 10 Sep 1906)

     Children with Ferington Mead Barker:

  • Ferdinand Edward Barker63,64,65 (30 Jul 1910 - 20 May 1995)
  • Thomas K. Barker64,63,66 (27 Sep 1911 - 4 Mar 1992)


  1. [S10931] Nathan Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows name as Daisy Coolman.
  2. [S4487] Marriage Returns, Huntington Co., Indiana, A4:25, no. 12, Charles R. Jackson and Daisy M Kuhlman.
  3. [S10930] Daisy May Barker, Certificate of Death, shows father's surname as Kuhlman.
  4. [S10931] Nathan Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  5. [S6251] Marriage Record, Huntington Co., Indiana, Q:238-9, Ferry M. Barker and Daisy M. Jackson.
  6. [S10931] Nathan Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows the girl as daughter of Mary's husband.
  7. [S10931] Nathan Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows age 2 and state.
  8. [S10964] Charles Jackson household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows month, year, age 22, and state.
  9. [S10930] Daisy May Barker, Certificate of Death, shows date, county, and and state.
  10. [S4487] Marriage Returns, Huntington Co., Indiana, K:433, Charles Jackson and Daisy Kuhlman, shows date, city, and officiant.
  11. [S10964] Charles Jackson household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows married 5 years.
  12. [S10972] Charles Jackson obituary, Daily News-Democrat, shows date.
  13. [S6251] Marriage Record, Huntington Co., Indiana, Q:238-9, Ferry M. Barker and Daisy M. Jackson, shows date and officant.
  14. [S10973] Farington Barker household, 1910 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows married 2 years.
  15. [S10981] "Court House," The Huntington Press, 20 Jan 1920.
  16. [S5099] Marriage Record, Summit Co., Ohio, 36:287, Ferrington M. Barker and Daisy M. Barker, shows both as divorced.
  17. [S5099] Marriage Record, Summit Co., Ohio, 36:287, Ferrington M. Barker and Daisy M. Barker, shows date and officiant.
  18. [S10988] "Court House," The Huntington Press, 30 May 1922, shows date.
  19. [S10990] "Mate Got Drunk and Ran Around Alleges Wife in Divorce Suit," The Huntington Press, 17 Jul 1924, shows city.
  20. [S10995] "Daisy Barker Given Divorce, and Custody of 2 Minor Children," The Huntington Press, 18 Jan 1925, shows divorce granted.
  21. [S10994] "Married Man Twice," The Huntington Press, 15 Nov 1924, shows filing.
  22. [S2785] Marriage Register, State Copy, Michigan, 1925, Hillsdale Co., no. 14341, Ferrington Mead Barker and Daisy May Barker, shows date, city, county, state, and officiant.
  23. [S10987] Ferrington M. Barker household, 1930 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows married, with his age at first marriage as 30, and hers as 28.
  24. [S10984] Ferington Meade Barker, Certificate of Death, shows him as divorced.
  25. [S10930] Daisy May Barker, Certificate of Death, shows her as widowed.
  26. [S10996] Thomas Barker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows Ferington as married.
  27. [S10930] Daisy May Barker, Certificate of Death, shows date, city, county, and state.
  28. [S10930] Daisy May Barker, Certificate of Death.
  29. [S6251] Marriage Record, Huntington Co., Indiana, K:433, Charles Jackson and Daisy Kuhlman.
  30. [S10852] Nathan Henry Kuhlman obituary, The Huntington Herald, shows his wife's name as Mrs. Daisy Barker.
  31. [S10931] Nathan Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, as was Lydia Snyder, age 29, listed as Nathan's sister-in-law. She was shown as a housekeeper, perhaps helping because Mary was listed as disabled with consumption.
  32. [S10938] Mrs. Nathan Kuhlman obituary, The Huntington Democrat, shows died last Monday, at home of her husband.
  33. [S10939] Mrs. Nathan Kuhlman obituary, The Indiana Herald, shows cause of death.
  34. [S10852] Nathan Henry Kuhlman obituary, The Huntington Herald, shows date.
  35. [S10964] Charles Jackson household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  36. [S10972] Charles Jackson obituary, Daily News-Democrat.
  37. [S10972] Charles Jackson obituary, Daily News-Democrat, shows died Monday, city, and state.
  38. [S500] Findagrave.com, online, memorial # 74159477, Charles Raphael Jackson, shows year and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  39. [S10973] Farington Barker household, 1910 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  40. [S10982] "Court House," The Huntington Press, 19 Nov 1919.
  41. [S10983] "Cruel and Inhuman Treatment Is Alleged," The Huntington Herald, 19 Nov 1919.
  42. [S10977] Fairy Barker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  43. [S5099] Marriage Record, Summit Co., Ohio, 36:287, Ferrington M. Barker and Daisy M. Barker.
  44. [S10988] "Court House," The Huntington Press, 30 May 1922.
  45. [S10989] "Alleges Association in Divorce Complaint," The Huntington Press, 4 May 1924.
  46. [S10991] "Names Brother-In-Law In Suit For Divorce," The Huntington Herald, 17 Jul 1924.
  47. [S10990] "Mate Got Drunk and Ran Around Alleges Wife in Divorce Suit," The Huntington Press, 17 Jul 1924.
  48. [S10992] "Wednesday Busy Day in Circuit Court," The Huntington Press, 4 Sep 1924, shows case dismissed.
  49. [S10993] "Circuit Court Notes," The Huntington Herald, 15 Nov 1924, shows suit dismissed in favor of new suit.
  50. [S10987] Ferrington M. Barker household, 1930 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  51. [S10963] R. L. Polk & Co.'s Huntington Directory, 1931, pg 47, shows Daisy with Mary Jackson, pg 125, shows Mary age es S Jefferson 5 s Infirmary rd.
  52. [S10997] The Baldwin and Ball Huntington Indiana Consurvey Directory, 1937, pg 207.
  53. [S10996] Thomas Barker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  54. [S10963] R. L. Polk & Co.'s Huntington Directory, 1946, pg 37, shows her at 530 William St., Jesse's address at the time; 1949, pg 8.
  55. [S10964] Charles Jackson household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows him as the son of her husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  56. [S10933] Nathan Kauhlman household, 1910 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows the child as grandson of her father, with surname Jackson.
  57. [S10970] Donald Charles Jackson, Medical Certificate of Death.
  58. [S1500] "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007," Ancestry.com, record for Beulah Grace Wedler, Soc. Sec. No. 305-34-4648.
  59. [S10933] Nathan Kauhlman household, 1910 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows the child as granddaughter of her father, with surname Jackson.
  60. [S10971] Mary E. Kocher, Medical Certificate of Death.
  61. [S10965] Cloyd Franklin Jackson, Certificate of Death.
  62. [S10966] Clyde Kuhlman Jackson, Certificate of Death.
  63. [S10987] Ferrington M. Barker household, 1930 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows him as the son of her husband.
  64. [S10977] Fairy Barker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows him as the son of her husband.
  65. [S10978] Ferd Edward Barker, Medical Certificate of Death.
  66. [S10980] Thomas K. Barker, Medical Certificate of Death.