Ebenezer Cobb1,2,3
ID# 2229, (1748/49 - 1826)
Father | Gideon Cobb1,4 (8 Jul 1718 - 25 Jul 1798) |
Mother | Abigail Dyer1,4 (10 Apr 1718 - 10 Jan 1808) |
Charts | Descendants of Gideon Cobb |
Ancestry | The Cobbs of Pawlet, Vermont |
Ebenezer Cobb was born on 16 Mar 1748/49 in Chelsa, Norwich, Connecticut

Ebenezer married Elizabeth Lathrop on 4 Mar 1777 in Newent, Connecticut

Moving to the Frontier on the Upper Hudson --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Ebenezer and his four brothers, William and Mary, John, Elkanah and Joshua, moved from Connecticut to the settlement of Stillwater, on the Hudson River in the Saratoga Patent in the Saratoga Tax District of Albany Co., New York. We know that Elkanah was there by 1773 and that Ebenezer and Joshua evidently were there before 1777. John may not have arrived until 1779. Excepting Elkanah, the brothers remained in Stillwater at least until 1779.13,14,15 (See background and map.)
Revolutionary War Service at Saratoga --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Ebenezer and his brother Joshua were evidently engaged in work for the military during the Revolution. On 17 Apr 1777 they had a claim for £17 5s 4p approved for "repairing of Arms on the late invasion to the northward."16 Ebenezer was an enlisted man in the 13th Regiment of the Albany County Militia. While his exact service dates have been lost, it seems highly likely that he was with his unit at the Second Battle of Saratoga, at Bemis Heights on 7 Oct 1777. The defeat of the British Gen. Burgoyne there forced his surrender ten days later, which encouraged the French to join the American effort, and thus was arguably a turning point in the Revolution.17
Ebenezer and his brother Joshua joined about 120 other residents of the Saratoga and Cambridge Districts in Albany Co. in signing a petition to Gov. Clinton, noting that Gen. Burgoyne's forces had penetrated the county and the people were being attaced by "Savages" and British and Canadian troops. They asked for "speedy and effectual measures for their relief." His reply, dated 24 Apr 1778, said he had few resources, had asked Gen. Washington for help, and would send what help he could.18 They and their brother John joined 51 officers and other residents of Saratoga Tax District in signing a second petition to Gov. Clinton dated 27 Apr 1779, citing "daily and hourly incursions of a numerous and savage enemy" and asking him to reverse his order to call men away from the local regiment and to provide relief as he might "judge right."19
Ebenezer appeared on the 2 Mar 1779 tax list of in Saratoga Tax District, Albany Co., New York

Ebenezer appeared on the 23 Oct 1779 tax list of in Saratoga Tax District, Albany Co., with real estate valued at $20.21
Ebenezer purchased 50 acres of land in Pawlet, Vermont

Settling in Pawlet, Vermont --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Ebenezer moved to Pawlet, Vermont

Ebenezer, and his bothers John, Elkanah, and Joshua, all participated in Col. Ira Allen's Regiment during military actions in Vermont

Joshua and his brother Ebenezer exchanged two parcels of land on 20 Sep 1781. Ebenezer received the north half of lot no. 17, which Joshua had purchased in 1780, while Joshua received about 5 acres west of the new highway in lot no. 16, for which no purchase deed has been found.28
Ebenezer joined his brothers John, Elkanah, Joshua, and 45 other residents of Pawlet in signing a petition to the General Assembly dated 6 Sep 1785, asking that the Assembly incorporate the Congregational Society of Pawlet. They wanted to tax themselves in order to support "a Minister of the Gospel of the Congregational Order" in the town. Apparently their request was granted.29 He was a delegate to the State Episcopal Convention in 1790, representing the Episcopal Church in Pawlet.30
Ebenezer appeared on the 1790 Federal Census of Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vermont

Administrator of His Brother's Estate --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Ebenezer was an administrator for the estate of his brother, Elkanah, along with Elkanah's son Gideon. They pursued the case Elkanah had filed before his death for damages to his mill. The case came to trial 16 Nov 1795 and the jury found Roger Stevens, Gilbert Soper, Nathaniel Lewis, and John Shumway Jr. guilty and awarded judgment of £60 and costs. The other defendants were acquitted and awarded their costs of trial. In the meantime the administrators filed a second suit for damages to the dam naming 17 defendants, many of them the same as in Elkanah's suit but several new names, including Simon Francis, apparently Elkanah's former partner in the mill. They sought £200 in damages costs. That suit was tried the same day and the jury found all but one of the defendants guilty and awarded £49 in damages and costs. The defendants in both suits filed a motions appealing the decisions to the Vermont Supreme Court claiming that the administrators had no standing to prosecute the suits.31
Appeals were to be heard at the 30 Jan 1797 term of the Supreme Court but were not acted upon. The administrators filed a petition with the state Assembly on 20 Sep 1798, asking it to direct the Court to hear and determine the cases as though they had been prosecuted by Elkanah before his death. On 22 Oct 1798 the petition was read to the Assembly, and the petitioners granted leave to withdraw it, with no explanation provided by the record. No record of a decision by the Supreme Court has been found.32,33
On 13 Sep 1799, Ebenezer and his nephew Gideon as administrators exchanged halves of a 16½- acre parcel in Wells next to Pond Brook with James Dunscomb, declaring them to be of equal value.34 The same day they deeded three parcels, "the whole of the real estate of Elkanah Cobb in Wells," to Simon Francis, his former partner. The parcels were of 3 acres, 18 acres, and 50 acres, and excluded the property set off by the court to the widow. The purchase price was $450, the amount by which the debts of the estate exceeded the "moveable estate."35
The Move to Shelburne --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
In 1793, Ebenezer Cobb made a new survey of the town of Shelburne, Vermont

On 3 Mar 1798 Ebenezer sold 75 acres in Pawlet to Ezra Shelton of Reuport [Repurt ?], Bennington Co., Vermont, for £430. The parcel fronted on the main road in town, and was near the shop of his brother Joshua. It is not clear from the description property descriptions, but seems likely this was his entire holding in Pawlet, as no further record of him has been found in that town.38 On the same date Ebenezer and Joshua exchanged small parcels of land, with Ebenezer receiving one acre, 10 rods, while Joshua received half an acre, 10 rods. It would appear they were re-aligning the boundaries between their neighboring properties in preparation for Ebenezer's sale of his land.39
Ebenezer and Elizabeth moved to Shelburne before 1800. Ebenezer appeared on the 1800 Federal Census of Shelburne, Chittenden Co., Vermont

Ebenezer appeared on the 1810 Federal Census of Shelburne, Chittenden Co., Vermont

On 23 Feb 1810, and several times thereafter, Ebenezer placed a notice in the Burlington newspaper about a red morocco pocket book that had been found on the Lake Road leading from Burlington to Charlotte. The notice said it contained a small sum of money, a Sergeant's Warrant, and sundry other papers, and it could be claimed by proving ownership and paying charges. The owner was to apply to him at Shelburne.45 In 1811 the town selectmen petitioned the General Assembly to establish the public lands in the town according to Ebenezer's survey.46 During the War of 1812 he delivered 81 pairs of socks and mittens made by the ladies of Shelburne for the soldiers, acknowledged in a 8 Dec 1812 letter by Gen. Isaac Clark, then Col. 11th Reg.47
Ebenezer appeared on the 1820 Federal Census of Shelburne, Chittenden Co., Vermont

When his sister Abigail died intestate, it appears that as her sole surviving brother he was the presumptive administrator of her estate. However he filed a note dated 4 Apr 1822 with the Chittenden Co. probate court citing his "being advanced in years" and declining to serve.50
Ebenezer died on 1 Jul 1826 in Shelburne, Chittenden Co., Vermont

Administering His Estate --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
On 3 Jul 1826 Ebenezer's widow, Elizabeth, filed a request with the Chittenden District Probate court to appoint their son Ebenezer as administrator of his estate.51 The younger Ebenezer posted a bond of $2,000 with the probate court on 6 Jul 1826, with his sister Susanna's husband Holden Farnsworth acting as surety.52 The administrator then informed the court that it appeared that the estate was insolvent, and asked the court to appoint a committee to examine the claims of creditors. The Court appointed Burgess Hall and Henry Mayo, but the latter refused to serve. He was replaced by Levi Comstock.53
On 27 Jul 1826 Levi Comstock and Erastus Tracy filed their appraisal of the real and personal property of the estate with the Court, showing the total value of $458.80. The inventory included a yoke of oxen ($27.50), 14 cows, calves, and bulls, 20 sheep, a horse ($25), and a number of pigs. There were four acres of growing wheat and rye, 37 bushels of wheat ($31.50), 62 of corn ($31.25), 100 of potatoes, 4 tons hay, and other produce. There was a variety of tools and implements, and a long list of furnishings and household goods, including a large Bible ($4), two beds and bedding ($35.10), pots, and dishes. No real estate was listed.54
The commissioners appointed to examine the claims of creditor filed their report with the Court 19 Jan 1827, showing a total of $128.46 due. This included $47.07 for a note and interest due Thomas Fletcher and half of a note for $15 owed jointly with his son, Ebenezer. The rest was for 14 accounts owed, apparently to local merchants. This would indicate that the estate was actually not insolvent, but no final accounting has been found.55
Children with Elizabeth Lathrop
The migration of Ebenezer and Elizabeth's children can be seen on their Migration Map.
- Clarcy Cobb56,2 (26 Aug 1778 - 8 Feb 1801)
- Darick Cobb56,2 (11 Mar 1780 - 11 Apr 1785)
- Susanna Cobb2,57 (29 Apr 1782 - 6 Nov 1858)
- Harry Cobb58,2 (16 Jun 1782 - 10 Jul 1782)
- Ebenezer Cobb2,57 (25 Feb 1785 - 17 Dec 1868)
- Betsy Cobb2,57 (10 Feb 1787 - aft 1827)
- Derrick Cobb2 (1 Feb 1789 - 17 Jun 1868)
- Calvin D. Cobb2,57 (26 Feb 1791 - 30 Jul 1880)
- [S2204] Vital Records of Norwich Connecticut, pg 215.
- [S2533] Rodgers, "Affidavit."
- [S580] Ebenezer Cobb household, 1790 U.S. Census, Rutland Co., Vermont.
- [S863] Cobb, History of the Cobb Family, pg 117.
- [S2204] Vital Records of Norwich Connecticut, pg 215, shows date, as 16 Mar 1748/49.
- [S2533] Rodgers, "Affidavit", shows date, as 15 Mar 1752, village, town, and state.
- [S2533] Rodgers, "Affidavit", shows date, village, town, and state, and officiant.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 32, record of birth of children Clarcy and Darick, shows them as the parents.
- [S2520] Deaths, Shelburne, Vermont, pg 192, noted as from Town Meeting book 1, pg 66, shows date; pg 222, shows date and age 75; and pg 190, shows date.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, widow's petition, 3 Jul 1826, shows her as his widow.
- [S2606] Hall, Descendants of Governor William Bradford, pg 259, shows town, as Shoreham, and state.
- [S7897] Connecticut, Church Record Abstracts, vol 84, Norwich First Congregational Church, pg 92, citing vol 2 pg 130.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 5, shows sons Gideon Dyer born 11 Sep 1773 and Joshua 27 May 1776, both in Stillwater, New York, and Sarah born 16 Jul 1778 in Canterbury, Connecticut.
- [S2226] Potter, "Re: Saratoga NYGenWeb Queries," e-mail to author, 20 Apr 2009, shows Ebenezer and Joshua had claim approved 17 Apr 1777 for repairing arms, citing "Committee of Correspondence" p. 724; , Ebenezer and Joshua signed 1778 petition to Gov. Clinton, citing " Public Papers of George Clinton" III:211 & IV:770; Ebenezer and John in 2 Mar 1779 Saratoga District tax List; and Ebenezer, Joshua and William on the 23 Oct 1779 tax list.
- [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 1:266-7, John Fassett, commissioner for the state of confiscated land to Ebenezer Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co., New York, dated 9 Nov 1779; 1:69-70, John Clark to John Cobb of Canterbury, Windham Co., Conicticut [sic], dated 9 Nov 1778; and 1:171, Peter Van Baurer to Joshua Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co. dated 4 Feb 1780.
- [S2226] Potter, "Re: Saratoga NYGenWeb Queries," e-mail to author, 20 Apr 2009, citing "Committee of Correspondence" p. 724.
- [S2404] Roberts, New York in the Revolution, pp 113-114, shows Ebenezer Cobb as an enlisted man in Col. John McCrea's 13th Albany County Militia.
- [S4238] Public Papers of George Clinton, pp 210-212.
- [S4237] Public Papers of George Clinton, pp 769-770.
- [S2271] Potter, "Re: Cobbs in Saratoga," e-mail to author, 22 Apr 2009, citing pg 20 of the list.
- [S2226] Potter, "Re: Saratoga NYGenWeb Queries," e-mail to author, 20 Apr 2009.
- [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 1:266-7, John Fassett, commissioner for the state of confiscated land to Ebenezer Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co., New York, dated 9 Nov 1779.
- [S2378] Ebenezer Cobb, certification, 9 Nov 1779, State Archives & Records Administration, describes parcel, and shows that he paid £600 and no more for the farm.
- [S1171] Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years, pg 178, shows Gideon was one of the earliest settlers from Connecticut; pg 40 shows he was a selectman in 1780; pg 39 shows John was a constable in 1780; and pg 179, shows Elkanah moved from Connecticut in 1770 [so apparently he and his wife returned there after their time in Saratoga and Connecticut].
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 5, shows Elkanah's son Willard was born in Pawlet 17 Mar 1781; pg 32 shows Ebenezer's son Darick was born in Pawlet 11 Mar 1780; and pg 85 shows Joshua was married in Pawlet 17 Sep 1781.
- [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 1:266-7, John Fassett, commissioner for the state of confiscated land to Ebenezer Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co., New York, dated 9 Nov 1779; 1:69-70, John Clark to John Cobb of Canterbury, Windham Co., Conicticut [sic], dated 9 Nov 1778; 1:171, Peter Van Baurer to Joshua Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co. dated 4 Feb 1780; 1:271-2, Joel Simonds to Joshua Cobb of Pawlett, dated 19 Sep 1781; 1:275-6, Ebenazer Cobb of Pawlett to Joshua Cobb of Pawlett, dated 20 Sep 1781; 2:37, Benjamin Petton to Elkanah Cobb of Pawlett, dated 18 Dec 1783; and 2:65, Nathan Niles to John Cobb of Pawlett, dated 27 Oct 1784.
- [S2230] Col. Allen's Regiment pay rolls, folder 7, Revolutionary War Rolls.
- [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 1:274-5, Joshua Cobb to Ebenezer Cobb, dated 20 Sep 1781, for the north half of Lot no. 17 in the first division, the original right of Gideon Wright; and 1:275-6, Ebenazer Cobb to Joshua Cobb, dated 20 Sep 1781, for part of Lot no 16 in the first division in township of Pawlett, beginning on the S line of said lot on west of the new highway.
- [S2383] Inhabitants of Pawlett to General Assembly of State of Vermont, petition, 6 Sep 1785, State Archives & Records Administration.
- [S1171] Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years, pg 144.
- [S7906] Old Supreme Court Files Nos. 3222 to 3415, Rutland, Vermont, folder 211, paper 3287, copy of County Court record in Elkanah Cobb vs. Abner Cone et al.; paper 3287, copy of County Court record in Ebenezer Cobb & Gideon D. Cobb vs. Abner Cone et al.; and paper 3288, a second copy of County Court record in Elkanah Cobb vs. Abner Cone et al.
- [S2377] Ebn Cobb and Gideon D. Cobb to General Assembly of State of Vermont, petition, 20 Sep 1798, State Archives & Records Administration, recites history of prior proceedings.
- [S2381] State Papers of Vermont, vol 11, General Petitions 1797-1799 (1962), pp 208-10, contains transcript of petition; vol 3 part 8, Journals and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the State of Vermont 1797-1799 (1978), pg 295, shows dispostion.
- [S2395] Land Records, Wells, Vermont, D:386, Gideon D. and Ebenezer Cobb, administrators, to James Dunscomb, 8 Oct 1799; and D:367, James Dunscomb to Gideon D. and Ebenezer Cobb, administrators, same date.
- [S2395] Land Records, Wells, Vermont, D:386-7, Gideon D. Cobb to Simon Francis, 28 Nov 1799.
- [S2236] Rann, History of Chittenden County, Vermont, pp 670-1.
- [S3451] Hemenway, Vermont Historical Gazetteer: A Magazine, embracing a History of each Town, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Biographical and Military, vol I pg 856.
- [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 5:1, Ebenezer Cobb to Ezra Sheldon, 3 Mar 1798.
- [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 5:86, Joshua Cobb to Ebenezer Cobb, 20 Mar 1798; and 6:210, Ebenezer Cobb to Joshua Cobb, 29 Jan 1805, each for consideration of £10.
- [S2502] Ebenezer Cobb household, 1800 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S2500] Thomas Lathrop household, 1800 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S2535] Isaac Tracy household, 1800 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S2503] Ebnr Cobb household, 1810 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S2536] Ebnr Cobb Jnr. household, 1810 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S2235] "Found," Vermont Centinel, 23 Feb 1810, same notice appeared in the 2 Mar and 16 Mar 1810 issues.
- [S2237] "Public Notice," Northern Centinel, 29 Aug 1811, same notice ran in the 29 Aug 1811 edition.
- [S2242] "Burlington, Dec. 8, 1812," Green Mountain Farmer, 6 Jan 1813.
- [S2504] Ebenezer Cobb household, 1820 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S2549] Ebenezer Cobb household, 1820 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S4239] Abigail Pearl, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, note 4 Apr 1822 by Ebenzer Cobb.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, widow's petition, 3 Jul 1826.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, administrator's bond, 6 Jul 1826.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, adminstrator's request to the court, 6 Jul 1826, order appointing Commissioners, 6 Jul 1826, notice that Mr. Mayo refused to serve, 19 Jul 1826, and order appointing Commissioners, 19 Jul 1826.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, inventory, 27 Jul 1826.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, claims, 19 Jan 1827.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 32 and repeated pg 81.
- [S2607] Cleveland and Cleveland, Genealogy of the Cleveland and Cleaveland Families, vol 1 pg 44.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 113, death record.