Abigail Dyer1,2

ID# 2223, (1718 - 1808)
FatherCol. John Dyer3,4 (9 Apr 1692 - 25 Feb 1779)
MotherAbigail Fitch3 (22 Feb 1687/88 - 19 May 1750)

Key Events:

Birth: 10 Apr 1718, Canterbury, Connecticut5
Marriage: 5 Nov 1739, Canterbury, Windham Co., Connecticut, Gideon Cobb (8 Jul 1718 - 25 Jul 1798)6
Death: 10 Jan 1808, Orwell, Vermont7,8
Burial: Village Cemetery, Orwell, Rutland Co., Vermont9
ChartsDescendants of Gideon Cobb
AncestryThe Cobbs of Pawlet, Vermont

Copyright Notice


     10 Abigail Dyer was born on 10 Apr 1718 in Canterbury, Connecticut.5 She was baptized on 13 Apr 1718 in Canterbury, Connecticut.11
     Abigail married Gideon Cobb, son of Capt. Gideon Cobb and Margaret Fish, on 5 Nov 1739 in Canterbury, Windham Co., Connecticut.6
     At least five of Gideon and Abigail's sons, William and Mary, John, Elkanah, Ebenezer and Joshua moved to the settlement of Stillwater, on the Hudson River in the Saratoga Patent in the Saratoga Tax District of Albany Co., New York. We know that Elkanah was there by 1773, and Ebenezer and Joshua evidently were there by 1777. John may not have arrived until 1779. Excepting Elkanah, the brothers remained in Stillwater at least until 1779. No evidence has been found to indicate whether Gideon and Abigail were in Stillwater with their sons, although the fact that all their sons, save William, later moved to Pawlet with them suggests they may have been.12,13,14
     Whether or not they were in Stillwater, Gideon and Abigail were in Pawlet by about 1780. Four of their sons, John, Elkanah with his wife and children, Ebenezer with his wife and daughter, and Joshua, arrived about the same time.15,16,17 Their daughter Wealthy and her husband Thomas Lathrop may have arrived at the same time, but they have not been documented in the area before 1787.18,19
     Abigail was probably the female under listed in the household of her husband, Gideon Cobb, in the 1790 Federal Census of Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vermont.20
     Her husband died on 25 Jul 1798 in Pawlet, Vermont.21,22,23
     Abigail was probably the female age over 45 listed in the household of Capt. Joshua Cobb, her son, in the 1800 Federal Census of Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vermont.24
     Abigail died on 10 Jan 1808 in Orwell, Vermont, at age 89.7,8 She was buried in Village Cemetery, Orwell, Rutland Co., Vermont.9

     Children with Gideon Cobb:


  1. [S2167] Roser, Early Descendants of Henry Cobb, pg 306, citing Barbour, Barbour Collection, Canterbury, Connecticut Vital Records, 1:100; Records of the Congregational Church in Canterbury, 1711-1844 (Hartford: 1932), pg 101.
  2. [S2250] White, The Barbour Collection, Canterbury Vital Records, pg 185, citing vol 1 pg 122.
  3. [S2250] White, The Barbour Collection, Canterbury Vital Records, pg 185, citing vol. 1 pg 122.
  4. [S2607] Cleveland and Cleveland, Genealogy of the Cleveland and Cleaveland Families, vol 1 pg 44.
  5. [S2250] White, The Barbour Collection, Canterbury Vital Records, pg 185, citing vol. 1 pg 122, shows date.
  6. [S2250] White, The Barbour Collection, Canterbury Vital Records, pg 170, citing vol 1 pg 100, shows date.
  7. [S2606] Hall, Descendants of Governor William Bradford, pg 70, shows month, year, town, and state.
  8. [S2274] Muff, "Fwd: cobb," e-mail to author, 6 May 2009, citing Margaret R. Jenks, Orwell Cemetery Inscriptions, Addison County, Vermont (Granville, New York, privately published), shows date.
  9. [S2274] Muff, "Fwd: cobb," e-mail to author, 6 May 2009, citing Jenks, Orwell Cemetery Inscriptions.
  10. [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998.
  11. [S2606] Hall, Descendants of Governor William Bradford, pg 19.
  12. [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 5, shows sons Gideon Dyer born 11 Sep 1773 and Joshua 27 May 1776, both in Stillwater, New York, and Sarah born 16 Jul 1778 in Canterbury, Connecticut.
  13. [S2226] Potter, "Re: Saratoga NYGenWeb Queries," e-mail to author, 20 Apr 2009, shows Ebenezer and Joshua had claim approved 17 Apr 1777 for repairing arms, citing "Committee of Correspondence" p. 724; , Ebenezer and Joshua signed 1778 petition to Gov. Clinton, citing " Public Papers of George Clinton" III:211 & IV:770; Ebenezer and John in 2 Mar 1779 Saratoga District tax List; and Ebenezer, Joshua and William on the 23 Oct 1779 tax list.
  14. [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 1:266-7, John Fassett, commissioner for the state of confiscated land to Ebenezer Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co., New York, dated 9 Nov 1779; 1:69-70, John Clark to John Cobb of Canterbury, Windham Co., Conicticut [sic], dated 9 Nov 1778; and 1:171, Peter Van Baurer to Joshua Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co. dated 4 Feb 1780.
  15. [S1171] Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years, pg 178, shows Gideon was one of the earliest settlers from Connecticut; pg 40 shows he was a selectman in 1780; pg 39 shows John was a constable in 1780; and pg 179, shows Elkanah moved from Connecticut in 1770 [so apparently he and his wife returned there after their time in Saratoga and Connecticut].
  16. [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 5, shows Elkanah's son Willard was born in Pawlet 17 Mar 1781; pg 32 shows Ebenezer's son Darick was born in Pawlet 11 Mar 1780; and pg 85 shows Joshua was married in Pawlet 17 Sep 1781.
  17. [S2267] Land Records, Pawlet, Vermont, 1:266-7, John Fassett, commissioner for the state of confiscated land to Ebenezer Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co., New York, dated 9 Nov 1779; 1:69-70, John Clark to John Cobb of Canterbury, Windham Co., Conicticut [sic], dated 9 Nov 1778; 1:171, Peter Van Baurer to Joshua Cobb of Stillwater, Albany Co. dated 4 Feb 1780; 1:271-2, Joel Simonds to Joshua Cobb of Pawlett, dated 19 Sep 1781; 1:275-6, Ebenazer Cobb of Pawlett to Joshua Cobb of Pawlett, dated 20 Sep 1781; 2:37, Benjamin Petton to Elkanah Cobb of Pawlett, dated 18 Dec 1783; and 2:65, Nathan Niles to John Cobb of Pawlett, dated 27 Oct 1784.
  18. [S4241] "Vermont: Miscellaneous Censuses and Substitutes, 1778–1822, 1840," NewEnglandAncestors.org, record for Thomas Lathrop, 1787 "census record," citing page 289 vol S1a, shows town as Wells.
  19. [S2499] Thomas Lathrop household, 1790 U.S. Census, Rutland Co., Vermont.
  20. [S1780] Gideon Cobb household, 1790 U.S. Census, Rutland Co., Vermont.
  21. [S863] Cobb, History of the Cobb Family, pg 117, citing gravestone, shows date, town, and state.
  22. [S2606] Hall, Descendants of Governor William Bradford, pg 70, shows date, town, and state.
  23. [S2274] Muff, "Fwd: cobb," e-mail to author, 6 May 2009, citing Margaret R. Jenks, Pawlet Cemetery Inscriptions, Rutland County, Vermont (Granville, New York: privately published, 1996), shows the stone is completely illegible, but previously was transcribed with date as 25 Jul 1798.
  24. [S581] Joshua Cobb household, 1800 U.S. Census, Rutland Co., Vermont.
  25. [S2250] White, The Barbour Collection, Canterbury Vital Records, pg 170, citing vol 1 pg 106.
  26. [S863] Cobb, History of the Cobb Family, pg 117.
  27. [S2204] Vital Records of Norwich Connecticut, pg 215.
  28. [S2395] Land Records, Wells, Vermont, B:99-100, deaths 1782-1811.
  29. [S2250] White, The Barbour Collection, Canterbury Vital Records, pg 170, citing vol 1 pg 108.