Holden Farnsworth1,2,3
ID# 9796, (1779 - 1829)
Father | Reuben Farnsworth4,5 (4 Jun 1751 - 18 Aug 1813) |
Mother | Anna Kellogg6,5 (2 Dec 1755 - 7 Dec 1838) |
Charts | Descendants of Gideon Cobb |
Holden Farnsworth was born on 11 Jul 1779 in Rupert, Bennington Co., Vermont
He was probably one of the four males under age 16 listed in the household of his father, Reuben Farnsworth, in the 1790 Federal Census of Landgrove, Bennington Co., Vermont

Holden married Susanna Cobb, daughter of Ebenezer Cobb and Elizabeth Lathrop, and sister of the man his sister Rhodah would marry a year later, on 31 Dec 1807 in Shelburne, Vermont

Holden and Susanna settled in Burlington, Vermont

Holden and Susanna moved across Lake Champlain to Essex, New York

Holden served as surety for his brother-in-law, Ebenezer Cobb, in his bond for $2,000 posted 6 Jul 1826 to serve as administrator of his father's estate.18
Holden died on 20 Apr 1829 at age 49.13,14
Children with Susanna Cobb:
- [S2546] Holden Fransworth household, 1810 U.S. Census, Chittenden Co., Vermont.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, widow's petition, 3 Jul 1826, and adminstrator's bond, 6 Jul 1826, show his name as Holden Farnsworth.
- [S2533] Rodgers, "Affidavit", shows name as Holden Farnsworth.
- [S2713] Phinehas Holden Farnsworth, birth record card.
- [S2553] Nye, Farnsworth Memorial II, pg 425.
- [S2545] Hopkins, Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, vol 1 pg 250.
- [S2713] Phinehas Holden Farnsworth, birth record card, shows date, as 11th, and mother's residence as Rupert, with no indication of having been born at a prior residence. Mary Mettler states in "Re: Dorset, VT Farnsworths," email 27 May 2010 to author, that respected Farnsworth researcher Lynn Farnsworth reported that Reuben Farnsworth received a lot in Rupert in the third division of lots in 1773, and moved there that year.
- [S2545] Hopkins, Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, vol 1 pg 250, shows month, year, and place as Dorset, Vermont.
- [S2553] Nye, Farnsworth Memorial II, pg 425, shows date, as 11th, and place as Harvard, MA, noting that his father had nine of his children baptized in Dorset 29 Jun 1794.
- [S2533] Rodgers, "Affidavit", shows date, as 31st, town, and state.
- [S2553] Nye, Farnsworth Memorial II, pg 425, shows date, as 3rd.
- [S2545] Hopkins, Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, vol 1 pg 250, shows married.
- [S2545] Hopkins, Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, vol 1 pg 250, shows month and year, as Apr 1829.
- [S2553] Nye, Farnsworth Memorial II, pg 425, shows date, as 20 Apr 1857.
- [S4063] Reubin Farnsworth household, 1790 U.S. Census, Bennington Co., Vermont.
- [S4062] Reuben Farnsworth household, 1800 U.S. Census, Bennington Co., Vermont.
- [S2547] Holden Fransworth household, 1820 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York.
- [S2560] Ebenezer Cobb, Chittenden District, Vermont, probate records, administrator's bond, 6 Jul 1826.
- [S2553] Nye, Farnsworth Memorial II, pg 443.