Mary Catharine Riegel1,2,3

ID# 12390, (1853 - 1918)
FatherJacob K. Riegel4,5 (abt 20 Sep 1816 - 13 Sep 1857)
MotherChristiana Ohl6,5 (7 Mar 1820 - 27 Jun 1893)

Key Events:

Birth: 23 Feb 1853, Pennsylvania7,8,9
Marriage: about 1879, John Henry Simons (26 Nov 1854 - 5 Apr 1931)10,11,12
Death: 11 Feb 1918, Milton, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania13,14,15
Burial: 15 Feb 1918, Harmony Cemetery5
ChartsDescendants of Jacob K. and Christiana Ohl Riegel
AncestryThe Reigel Family

Copyright Notice


     16 Mary Catharine Riegel was born on 23 Feb 1853 in Pennsylvania.7,8,9
     Her father died on 13 Sep 1857, when Mary was 4 years old.17 Mary appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Turbut Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, in the household of Charles Reigle, who is thought to have been her uncle. They were living on the property formerly owned by her parents. Her older brother Jacob was apparently living close by, as the family he was living with are listed preceeding.18,19,20
     Mary married John Henry Simons, son of Nicholas Simons and Ann [surname unknown], about 1879.10,11,12
     Mary and John appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Turbut Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, enumerated 14 Jun 1880. Their son Clarence was listed as living with them, as was Annie Snyder, age 22, reported as a boarder.21
     Mary was named an heir in the will of Christiana Ohl, her mother, dated 19 May 1891, but received nothing when she died because all the assets were used to settle debts.22
     Mary and John appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Milton, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, at 216 Cherry St., enumerated 8 Jun 1900, reporting that they rented their home. Their children Clarence, Bertha, William, Anna, Charles, Lera and Sarah were listed as living with them.23
     Mary and John appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Milton, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, at 340 Wall St., enumerated 19 Apr 1910, reporting that they owned their home, which was mortgaged. Their children Bertha, William and Sarah were listed as living with them.24
     Mary died on 11 Feb 1918 in Milton, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, at age 64.13,14,15 She was buried on 15 Feb 1918 in Harmony Cemetery.5

     Children with John Henry Simons

John and Mary Catharine apparently had three other children who died young.37,38


  1. [S230] Jacob K. Riegel, probate papers, Petition of Administrator, shows name as Catharine.
  2. [S619] Will Books, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 10:18, Christian Clements will, 1891, shows name as Mary Catherine Simons.
  3. [S319] Charles Reigle household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows name as Catharine Reigle.
  4. [S230] Jacob K. Riegel, probate papers, Petition of Administrator.
  5. [S4572] Mary C. Simons, Certificate of Death.
  6. [S619] Will Books, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 10:18, Christian Clements will, 1891, shows as Christiana's child.
  7. [S4572] Mary C. Simons, Certificate of Death, shows date and state.
  8. [S3133] John H. Simon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows month, year, age 47, and state.
  9. [S319] Charles Reigle household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows age 8 and state.
  10. [S3133] John H. Simon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows married 21 years.
  11. [S3135] John H. Simons household, 1910 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows married 32 years.
  12. [S619] Will Books, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 10:18, Christian Clements will, 1891, shows her name as Mary Catherine Simons.
  13. [S4572] Mary C. Simons, Certificate of Death, shows date, county, and state.
  14. [S3136] John H. Simons household, 1920 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows her husband as married, but she is not listed in the household.
  15. [S235] St. Joseph Gazette, 1 Apr 1924, shows Violetta as survived by Benjamin and William.
  16. [S228] Olson, e-mail to author (100), "Re: Riegal/Reigel surname", 22 Apr 2000.
  17. [S222] Jacob Riegel tombstone, Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church Cemetery.
  18. [S319] Charles Reigle household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, also shows Eli Shaffer and wife Elizabeth at household 1239, John Dunkle and wife Margaret at household 1242; pg. 176 shows Jacob Shatter and wife Henrietta at household 1236; pg. 177 shows John Hoffa and wife Sarah at household 1248 and John McCormick and no wife at household 1249.
  19. [S154] Jacob Rigel household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows Jacob K. Rigel and wife Christiana, Eli Shafer andwife Eliza at household 50, John Dunkel and wife Margaret at household 47; pg. 46 shows John Hoffa and wife Sarah at household 62, and John McCormick and wife Martha at household 63.
  20. [S618] Orphans Court Dockets, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 12:104-5, Petition for Order to Sell, estate of Jacob K. Riegel, 1857, shows Elias Schaeffer and Jacob Shatter as adjoining land owners.
  21. [S3134] John Simons household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  22. [S619] Will Books, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 10:18, Christian Clements will, 1891.
  23. [S3133] John H. Simon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  24. [S3135] John H. Simons household, 1910 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  25. [S3134] John Simons household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  26. [S3133] John H. Simon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows the boy as son of Mary's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  27. [S5693] Clarence E. Simons, Certificate of Death.
  28. [S3133] John H. Simon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows the girl as daughter of Mary's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  29. [S6901] Calvin D. Meckley and Bertha Mae Simons, Application for Marriage License.
  30. [S5679] Bertha Mae Meckley, Certificate of Death.
  31. [S3135] John H. Simons household, 1910 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows the boy as the son of Mary's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  32. [S5694] Wm. Simons, Certificate of Death.
  33. [S5696] Charles T. Simons, Certificate of Death.
  34. [S12696] Marriage Licenses and Certificates, Chemung Co., New York, no. 6311, Frank G Redcay and Lera R Simons.
  35. [S12698] Lera S. Woodcock obituary, The Daily Item.
  36. [S3135] John H. Simons household, 1910 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows the girl as daughter of Mary's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  37. [S3133] John H. Simon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows her as the mother of 10 children, with seven then living.
  38. [S3135] John H. Simons household, 1910 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows she was the mother of 10, with seven then living.