Linah Mims1,2,3
ID# 475, (1772 - btn 1847 - 1850)
Father | John Mims1 (1731 - ) |
Mother | Sarah Horn1 |
Charts | Descendants of Linah and Rebeccah (Davis) Mims |
Ancestry | The Linah Mims - Rebecca Davis Family |
Linah Mims was born on 14 Nov 1772 in Goochland Co., Virginia

Establishing Himself in Greenbrier --- Text Stolen from !! ---
Linah moved to Greenbrier Co.

Linah appeared on the 1797 tax list of Greenbrier Co.

Linah received 60 acres in Greenbrier Co., Virginia

Linah apparently formed a short-lived business partnership with Sampson Sawyers, buying and selling land in Greenbrier Co., perhaps along with other interests. In several of the deeds they are identified as "merchants," and in one as "The House of Sawyer and Mims." On 23 Feb 1802 they purchased 320 ac. from John Irwin, for 5£ according to the deed. On 2 Mar 1802 James Anderson assigned them his interest in the mortgage of Jacob Kuhn on two tracts, one totaling 1752 ac. for "value received."17 That mortgage was satisfied and released by them 1 Mar 1803. On 25 Aug 1802 they mortgaged two parcels totaling 491 ac. which they had purchased from Jacob Kuhn to Robert Gamble of Richmond to secure a debt of 574£ 4s 8p owed to him, with 6% interest, due 1 Oct 1803. On 22 Feb 1803 they sold both the Irwin and Kuhn properties to Oliver Towley Sr. for 1200£.18
The firm appeared on the Greenbrier Co. personal property tax lists in 1802 and 1803, as Sawyers and Mims the first year and Mims and Sawyers the second. The firm was apparently disolved after that as Linah appears by himself the following year, and no further record of any transactions by the firm has been found.19
Linah married Rebeccah Davis, daughter of John Davis and Jane Clendenin, about 23 Feb 1803 in Greenbrier Co., Virginia

Linah was commissioned on 22 Apr 1805, in Greenbrier Co. as Captain of a troop of cavalry in the Third Regiment and Third Division of the Virginia State Militia.20
Linah and Rebeccah sold 122¾ acres for $1 in Greenbrier Co., Virginia

Beginning His Political Career --- Text Stolen from !! ---
Linah and Rebeccah moved to Richmond

Linah appeared on the tax list of Henrico Co., which then included the city of Richmon, from 1813 until 1817, except he is not found on the 1814 list. He reported two or three slaves each year, and from one to four horses each year. In 1814 he reported four white males above age 16 in the household. The identity of other three is unknown. They could not have been his sons since they were not yet that old. That year's list also included an unusually detailed list of personal property, which for Linah included two cattle, a four-wheel carriage, a bureau, three dining tables, and six gold leaf chairs.23
Linah had a remarkable political career, notable as much for its rapid rise to the top reaches of Virginia government as for its sudden and mysterious end. He served as a representative of Greenbrier Co. in the Virginia House of Delegates sessions of 1 Dec 1806 to 22 Jan 1807, 7 Dec 1807 to 10 Feb 1808, and 3 Dec 1810 to 14 Feb 1811.24,25,26
Many sources tell us that Linah served as Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, some adding such interesting, though fanciful, details as "to fill an expired term."27 But he doesn't appear in any state records as Lt. Governor, because there was actually no such office under the 1776 Constitution, which was in effect until 1851. The framers of that constitution, reacting to the extensive power of colonial governors, created a weak office of governor, elected by the General Assembly. He was to be "advised" by an eight member Council of State (sometimes called Privy Council) who were also elected by the legislature. There was no office of Lt. Governor, but the President of the Council of State acted in that role during vacancies in the Governor's office, or when the Governor was absent from the seat of government (Richmond.)28,29
Linah was elected to be one of the eight members of the Council of State in Richmond on 8 Jan 1811. The Council was charged with "advising" the Governor, and advise him they did. The Governor met daily, Monday through Saturday, with the Council, except in the hot summer months. The Council approved appointment of local officials such as justices of the peace, sheriffs, and surveyors as proposed by the counties, approved payments for military and administrative supplies, heard appeals of major court cases, and "advised" the Governor on many other matters. Some of these matters today seem minor. For example, on 20 Jun 1811 the Council approved the use of two kegs of gunpowder to celebrate the anniversary of the independence of the United States.30
Becoming "Lt. Governor" --- Text Stolen from !! ---
Oral history passed down one branch of the family says Linah was Lt. Governor as a result of a "tragic opera house fire." In fact, Gov. George William Smith died in a major fire at the Richmond theater the evening of 26 Dec 1811. But Linah did not serve as Lt. Governor at that time. Peyton Randolph, president of the Council, acted as Governor until 4 Jan 1812, when James Barbour was elected as Governor. Linah, as one of the two most junior members of the Council at the time, would have been far down the line of succession.31,32,33
Linah was elected President of the Council on 28 Jan 1814 replacing Charles Mallory who had resigned two weeks after starting his third term as President.34 There was no vacancy in the office of Governor while Linah was President of the Council, so he does not appear as the "Acting Governor" in the state's record of governors. But he did preside over the Council as Lt. Governor during periods when the Governor was "absent from the seat of government" on four occasions in 1814: 26 Feb - 11 Mar, 16 May - 28 May, 25 Jun - 2 Jul, and 16 Aug - 22 Aug.35 Presumably he carried out other duties of the Governor during those periods as well. We have record of "Lt. Gov. Linah Mims" commissioning George Blow as a justice of the Sussex County Court on 2 Jul 1814.36
Presiding over the Council of State --- Text Stolen from !! ---
The War of 1812 was in full bloom in Linah's first term as Council President. On 20 Aug 1814, during his forth period as Lt. Governor, he "called the attention of the Board to the formidable fleet of the enemy now within our waters from which it is evident that they might make a descent on our shores with a force of from six to twelve thousand man regular troops, and asked whether it is deemed expedient under existing circumstances to call out a larger force for the protection of the Capital and its vicinity." Whereupon the Council "advised that two thousand men be ordered forthwith to take the field and rendezvous at Richmond with all speed" A few days later the Governor had returned and was asking about the wisdom of moving all un-mounted cannon to a point of greater safety "above the falls." The Council was largely preoccupied with military matters throughout the year.37

Linah Mims' letter of resignation38
On 6 Jan 1815 Linah was unanimously re-elected President of the Council. He served as Lt. Governor during the Governor's absence on five occasions in 1815: 27 Feb - 18 Mar, 2 May - 20 May, 21 Jun - 6 Jul, 12 Sep - 10 Oct, and 15 Nov.39 On 24 Jan 1816 he was unanimously re-elected to his third term as President of the Council. He served as Lt. Governor on 15 Apr 1816.40
On 9 Dec 1816 the Virginia House and Senate met jointly for the annual election of the governor. The nominees were Col. James P. Preston, a hero of the late war, Col. William J. Lewis, a member of the Board of Public Works, and Linah. When the votes were counted Preston had received 104, Lewis 83, and Linah 9, so Preston was elected.41 On 11 Dec 1816 Linah served as Lt. Governor again, presiding at the Council after Preston's election and before his installation 12 Dec.42 On 9 Jan 1817 he was unanimously re-elected to his fourth term as President of the Council. That year he served as Lt. Governor on two occasions: 18 Mar - 8 May, and 18 Sep and 1 Oct.43
There were weeks in which there were no meetings of the Council in the summer and fall of 1817, but Linah missed almost all the meetings that were held. After the 7 Jul meeting, he missed all meetings until 11 Dec, except for returning to preside over the 18 Sep and 1 Oct meetings (there were none in between, but Linah may well have assumed other duties of the absent Governor). It appears he returned specifically because of the Governor's absence. The Governor announced his expected absence at the 16 Aug meeting, and Mr. Daniel, the "senior member of the Council" presided over the 30 Aug meeting, the only one before Linah's return. Once the Governor returned Linah missed all meetings until 11 Dec.44 On 10 Jan 1818 he was unanimously re-elected to a fifth term as President of the Council "and to act as Lieutenant Governor," the first time those terms appear in the Journal. Eleven days later Linah announced to the Council that he would "be absent from the seat of government for some weeks," the first time I found such an announcement by any Council President. He is never listed as attending another meeting.45
When the Governor was absent at the on 12 Mar 1818 meeting, Mr. Daniels, "senior member of the Council" presided. The Governor announced an absence of "a few weeks" 14 Oct 1818, and no meetings were held until 24, 26, and 27 Oct, when the Council, with "the Governor and Lieut. Governor being both absent from the seat of government," declared an emergency to permit payment of funds to three prisoners just released from prison. A similar issue arose 29 Oct when there was a need to authorize blankets for 13 Indians visiting the city. In each case, no one is shown as presiding at the meetings.46 Finally, on 1 Oct 1818 Linah wrote a letter to Gov. James Preston from Hopkinsville, Kentucky

Moving to Kentucky --- Text Stolen from !! ---
Linah and Rebeccah moved to Christian Co., Kentucky, settling about one mile west of Means' Spring, near Newstead, in the western part of the county.

Why they moved to Kentucky is not totally clear, but they must have received positive reports from there from Rebeccah's sisters and their husbands, Thomas Arbuckle, David W. Breeding and William Long, who were in Christian Co. by 1810. But each of them was evidently farming, each holding 200 acres or more, and several slaves and horses over the years.51
In contrast, Linah reported no real estate for the first decade they lived in Christian Co. He did report one or two adult slaves in various years, although most years only one aged 16 and under, and two years none, suggesting they were household help. He reported as many as five horses, and in 1819 a carriage. It seems they were living in rented quarters. But in the 1820 census he reported three members of the household engaged in agriculture. With only a single female slave reported, it would seem that would have to have been Linah and his two eldest sons. Was he engaged in some business related to agriculture? No other record has been found of his occupation during this period, and he does not appear on lists of local officials.52,3
Linah appeared on the 1820 Federal Census of Hopkinsville, Christian Co., Kentucky

Returning to Political Life --- Text Stolen from !! ---
While in Christian Co., Linah seems to have maintained links to the larger political universe. In Jul 1826, Linah and Capt. Solomon Betton of Milledgeville were appointed by the President John Quincy Adams as Commissioners to appraise the value of the real improvements on the Indian lands that had been ceded to the United States by the Creek Nation. The project evidently continued into the following year, as they received payments totaling $4,900 in January through April of 1827. Under the Treaty of Washington, signed 24 Jan 1826, the Creeks ceded a large part of their lands to the federal government.53,54,55
On 2 Mar 1827 the U.S. Congress passed a law directing the President to cause to be laid out a road in Michigan Territory from Detroit to the Saganaw River. He was to appoint three commissioners, one of them a surveyor, to identify the "most direct and practicable route." Each was to be paid $3 per day, and their assistants half that.56 Linah, Ellis Doty, and Davis McKinstry were appointed as the commissioners. After completing their work they returned their report on 9 Jun 1827.57,58
Linah appeared on the 1828 tax list of in Christian Co., Kentucky

Linah served as a justice of the peace in Christian Co. The County Court nominated him to the Governor on 7 Nov 1828, as one of two candidates to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of John B. Curd. He was appointed, and was seated on the County Court 1 Dec 1828. He served until he moved out of the county.61
His wife died between 1828 and Jun 1830.62,63,64,65
Linah appeared on the 1830 Federal Census of Christian Co., Kentucky

There is a report that Linah was sent by General Jackson as "agent to the Northwestern Indians" in 1832, but that seems doubtful. He regularly attended Christian County Court meetings, where he was a justice, through late 1834. The name "Northwestern Indians" was used to refer to various Indian groups over time, but then seems to have referred to the Chippewa Indians, in present-day Michigan. They were then under the care of the Mackinac Agency, with Henry R. Schoolcraft as agent from 1833 for many years.67,68,69 No record has been found of Linah as part of that or any other agency. He does not appear in the official biennial registers of officers and agents for 1833 through 1839, which is supposed to list all Indian Agents along with all other officers and employee of the United States.70,71
His son John bought 30 acres in Christian Co. on 1 Aug 1830. The property was about three miles west of Hopkinsville and half a mile south of the Saline Road (now Kentucky route 91).

The Kentucky General Assembly passed legislation in 1834 requiring county courts to appoint three "commissioners of accounts" to resolve disputes arising in settling the accounts of executors, administrators, and guardians. Linah was appointed one of the commissioners for Christian Co. on 2 Jun 1834. He served in that role until he resigned on 29 Oct of that year.77
Linah was not shown as present at any later meeting of the County Court. But he was considered a to be a justice, and resident of the county, in Jan 1835. There is no record that he resigned his office, but on 1 Jun 1835 the Court recommended two men to the acting governor to replace him as he had removed from the county.78
Moving to Caldwell County --- Text Stolen from !! ---
Linah moved to Caldwell Co., where his son John was living. He was well enough established there by Jul 1836, for the County Court to appoint him one of six standing commissioners for "dividing the lands in this state between non-residents and citizens of this state and between citizens and citizens and between non-residents also."79,80
He appeared on the tax lists of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Linah served in the Kentucky House of Representatives representing Caldwell Co. for the 1838-39 term.82,83,84
He was probably the male age 60 to 70 who appeared on the 1840 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Linah died between 1847 and 1850 in Kentucky

Children with Rebeccah Davis:
Addison Mims86,87 (abt 1805 - btn 1830 - 1833)
John H. Mims88,89,90 (6 Jun 1806 - 11 Apr 1850)
Davis Russer Mims91,92 (abt 1810 - )
Julia Ann Mims93,94,95 (7 Jul 1812 - 11 Sep 1841)
Cornelia Barbour Mims96,97,98 (1816 - 31 May 1875)
Sarah Jane Mims99,100 (abt 1819 - )
Rufus K. Mims101 (1821 - Feb 1880)
Rebecca E. Mims102 (abt 1829 - )
- [S1326] Mims baptism, 1772, Parish Register of Goochland.
- [S898] Greenbrier Co. loose papers, marriage bond, Linah Mims and Richard Tyree, 23 Feb 1803.
- [S584] Linah Mimms household, 1820 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
- [S1326] Mims baptism, 1772, Parish Register of Goochland, shows date.
- [S584] Linah Mimms household, 1820 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows only adult male as 45 or above, indicating he was born in 1775 or before.
- [S585] Linah Mims household, 1830 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows only adult male as age 50 but under 60, indicating he was born between 1770 and 1780.
- [S1798] Jns. H. Mims household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows a white male age 60 to 70 that is apparently him.
- [S898] Greenbrier Co. loose papers, marriage permission, Jane Davis, 23 Feb 1803.
- [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998, shows married, but citing Greenbriar Co. Virginia Deed Book 3, pg 33, reports in Jan 1804 "Rebecca Mims, wife of Linah Mims, relinquished her right of dower to land sold ..." Although not perfectly clear, this appears to relate to a sale recorded 22 Feb 1803 in Deed Book 2, pp 601-2.
- [S4057] Caldwell Co. tax lists,, 1847, pg 57; 1848, sons John, Davis, and Rufus listed but he is not.
- [S225] Linah not found in 1850 census.
- [S7462] Greenbrier Co. Order Book, C:407-8, show Lina Mims on three juries; and C:507,9-10, show Lina Mimms on four juries.
- [S7463] Greenbrier Co. personal property tax lists,, he does not appear on the1796 lists.
- [S7463] Greenbrier Co. personal property tax lists,, 1797, Leman Mimes; 1798, Linah Mimes; 1799-1800, Linah Mims; 1801, Linah Myms; 1802, Sawyers & Mims; 1803, Mims & Sawyers; 1804, 6 - 10, Linah Mims; and 1805, 11 Lina Mims.
- [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998, citing the Deed Books of Greenbrier County, Virginia.
- [S1475] State of Virginia Land Office Grants,, 44:607-8, Thomas Arbuckle, 1800, shows grant issued 27 Jun 1800 based on warrant issued 22 Feb 1796, with notation that Arbuckle delivered it to Lina Mims 25th Mar 1801.
- [S1959] Deeds, Greenbrier Co., Virginia.
- [S1959] Deeds, Greenbrier Co., Virginia, 2:516-7, John Irwin to Sampson Sawyers and Linah Mims, merchants, 27 Apr 1802; 2:524, James Anderson to Sampson Sawyers and Linah Mims, 29 Jun 1802; 2:601-2, Sampson Sawyers and Linah Mims, merchants and partners, to Oliver Towley Sr., Mar 1803; 2:626, Sawyers and Mims to Jacob Kuhn, Apr 1803; and 2:689-92, Sampson Sawyers and Linah Mimms to Allen Taylor and Robert Gamble, Mar 1803.
- [S7463] Greenbrier Co. personal property tax lists,, 1802, Sawyers & Mims; 1803, Mims & Sawyers; 1804, Linah Mims, no record for Sawyers found.
- [S898] Greenbrier Co. loose papers, certificate by Thomas Creigh, 22 Apr 1805.
- [S1959] Deeds, Greenbrier Co., Virginia, 4:451, Linah Mims and Rebekah his wife to Jane Davis, Jul 1811.
- [S1474] Mimms, Insurance Policy, 29 Feb 1812, Library of Virginia.
- [S7470] Henrico Co. personal property tax lists,, 1813 Upper Dist pg 23, 1815 Reuben Burton's district pg 11, 1816 Reuben Burton's district pg 20, and 1817 Martin Smith's district pg 23.
- [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998, citing Cynthia Miller Leonard, compiler, The General Assembly of Virginia: July 30, 1619 - January 11, 1978; A Bicentennial Register of Members (Richmond: Virginia State Library, 1978).
- [S3024] "General Assembly of Virginia," The Enquirer, 2 Dec 1806, shows he was sworn as a member of the House of Delegates 1 Dec 1806.
- [S3025] "Col. Linah Mims and...," The Virginia Patriot, 15 May 1810, shows he was elected a member of the House of Delegates representing Greenbriar Co.
- [S645] Titus, Picturesque Clarksville, pg 266, shows he was Lieutenant-Governor Mimms, of Virginia.
- [S586] The Library of Virginia, online, "Using Virginia Governors' Records, 1776-1998 (Research Notes Number 11)," describes Governor's office and Council of State.
- [S733] Hening, Statutes at Large; the Laws of Virginia, vol. I, pp 53-54, contains section XI of the Constitution of Virginia, which defines the "Privy Council or Council of State and it's duties.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 10 Dec 1810-5 Dec 1811, pg 32, shows Linah, having been elected and taken his oath before a justice of the peace, took his seat on the council 8 Jan 1811, and pg 194, show approval of use of gun powder.
- [S125] Cook, "Richmond Theater Fire", describes events of theater fire and lists casualties.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 6 Dec 1811-2 Dec 1812, entry for 28 Dec 1811, shows Resolution proclaiming 30 days mourning for Governor Smith and other citizens lost in the Theater fire. The Council did not meet again until Governor Barbour was seated 4 Jan 1812.
- [S734] Haun, "Re: Mims of KY," e-mail to author, 13 Jul 2003, shows "There is a family story that has been passed generation to generation about Lynah Mims as being a acting Gov. of VA for few months due tragic fire at the Opera House in Richmond."
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 9 Dec 1813 - 12 Oct 1814, p 56, 28 Jan 1814.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 9 Dec 1813 - 12 Oct 1814.
- [S648] Williams, "Colonel George Blow", shows George Blow's commission as county justice by Lt. Gov. Mims.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 9 Dec 1813 - 12 Oct 1814, p 315, 20 Aug 1814.
- [S7242] Linah Mims letter to James P. Preston, 1 Oct 1818.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 13 Oct 1814 - 8 Dec 1815; p 97, 6 Jan 1815 shows election.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 9 Dec 1815 - 9 Nov 1816; p 32, 24 Jan 1816 shows election.
- [S7471] "Virginia Legislature," The American Beacon and Commercial Diary, 13 Dec 1816.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 12 Nov 1816 - 8 Dec 1817; p 47, 9 Jan 1817 shows election.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 12 Nov 1816 - 8 Dec 1817.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 9 Dec 1817 - 16 Dec 1818: p 35, 10 Jan 1818 shows election; p 44, 21 Jan 1818 shows announcement of impending absence.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 9 Dec 1817 - 16 Dec 1818.
- [S662] Virginia Council of State, Journals, 1776-1852, Library of Virginia, 9 Dec 1817 - 16 Dec 1818; p 239, 31 Oct 1818.
- [S2532] Christian Co. tax lists,, 1817, Linah not found; 1818, book not found; 1819, pg 67 Linah Mims; he also shown on may following years.
- [S2030] Perrin, County of Christian, Kentucky, vol 1, pg 281, shows Mr. Mimms came from Virginia about 1816-17, and settled about one mile west of Means' Spring; pp 277-8 describe location and settlement of that place.
- [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, I:352-2, Linah Mims to Thomas Arbuckle, 21 Sep 1818.
- [S2532] Christian Co. tax lists,, 1810, pg 2, Thomas Arbuckle, 14 Blacks and 13 horses; pg 6, David Beaden, 5 Blacks and 6 horses; pg 53, William Long, 2 horses; each with 200 ac.
- [S2532] Christian Co. tax lists,, 1819 pg 67, 2 Blacks above age 16, 3 total, 4 horses; 1820 pg 47, 1,1,2; 1821, not found; 1822 pg 44, 2, 5, 2; 1823 pg 44, 0, 0, 3; 1824 pg 44, 0, 0, 3; 1825 pg 43, 0, 1 ,5; 1826 pg 43, 0, 1, 3; and 1827 pg 46, 0, 1, 1.
- [S3020] "Capt. S. Betton of Milledgeville...," East Florida Herald, 11 Jul 1826, describes appointment of Capt. S. Betton and Linah Mims.
- [S4048] Receipts and Expenditures of the United States for 1827, pg 116, shows expenditures for 5 warrants to Solomon Betton and Linah Mims, commissioners, to carry into effect the treaty with the Creek Indians.
- [S1265] Wikipedia, online, article "Treaty of Washington (1826)," viewed 3 Oct 2010, describes treaty.
- [S7472] Peters, The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America, vol 4, pg 231.
- [S7473] Force, The National Calendar, and Annals of the United States, vol 6 (1828), pg 160, shows names as D. C. McKinstry, Linah Mims, and E. Doty, project, and compensation.
- [S7495] "Bronze Tablet Marks U.S. Military Road Started in 1827," pg 4, shows names of commissioners and date of report.
- [S2532] Christian Co. tax lists,, 1828 pg 43; 1829 pg 43.
- [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, index bk 2, for 1818 to 1835, and bk 3, 1835 to 1853, show no entries for Linah.
- [S7978] Christian Co. Order Book, G:86-7, nominaition;G:94, seated; G:618, present at 29 Oct 1834 meeting.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, specifies that Davis is to receive a slave girl, but that his mother was to receive "the use and benefit of said negro during her natural life." So it appears Rebecca was still living.
- [S1820] Robert L. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows daughter Rebecca as age 21.
- [S1489] John Eaker household, 1860 U.S. Census, Graves Co., Kentucky, shows daughter Rebecca as age 32.
- [S585] Linah Mims household, 1830 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows no adult female in the household.
- [S585] Linah Mims household, 1830 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
- [S2030] Perrin, County of Christian, Kentucky, vol 1, pg 281, reports General Jackson's assignment of Mims as agent.
- [S6457] Register of Debates in Congress, vol IX, Appendix pp 110-117, report of Henry R. Schoolcraft, I. A., titled "Northwestern Indians," dated at "Office of Indian Affairs, Northwestern Agency," describes his expedition among the Chippewa on the St. Croix River.
- [S6455] Register of the United States 1833, pg 88, shows Schoolcraft as agent of Mackinac Agency, Mims not listed.
- [S6456] Register of the United States 1835, pg 80, shows Schoolcraft as agent of Mackinac Agency, Mims not listed.
- [S4049] Biennial Register of the United States 1839, pg 90, includes note about some agents failing to respond to requests for information; lists agents, not including Linah Mims. Issues for 1833, 1835, and 1837 also examined, and also listed agents, not including him.
- [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, S:214-5, Achilles Calloway to John H. Mims, 4 Oct 1830.
- [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, U:382-4, James Anderson to Malcom McNeill, 10 May 1834, shows location, and that Linah Mims was living on the property.
- [S2532] Christian Co. tax lists,, 1831 pg 42; 1832 book not found; 1833 pg 60; 1834 book not found; and Linah not found in 1835 through 1838.
- [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, U:438-9, John H. Mims to James C. Anderson, 25 Jul 1834.
- [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, U:382-4, James Anderson to Malcom McNeill, 10 May 1834, shows Linah was still living on the property.
- [S7978] Christian Co. Order Book, G:575, appointment; G:620, resignation.
- [S7978] Christian Co. Order Book, H: list of Justices of the Peace in Commission January Court 1835; H:54, recommendation of replacement.
- [S7978] Christian Co. Order Book, G:618, shows him present at 29 Oct 1834 meeting; H: list of Justices Jan 1835, shows him removed to Caldwell; H:54, shows replacements nominiated 1 Jun 1835 as he had removed from the county.
- [S1971] Caldwell Co. Order Book, E-1:449, appointed commissioner.
- [S4057] Caldwell Co. tax lists,, 1838, pg 40; 1839, pg 37; 1840 pg 9; 1841, pg 13; 1842, not listed; 1843, pg 56; 1844, pg 3:11; 1845, pg 3:10; 1846, pg 3:12; and 1847, pg 57.
- [S3422] Kirkpatrick, "RE: Where to find List of Mid 19th Century Kentucky Legislators?," e-mail to author, 2 Oct 2008, citing 1838-39 House Journal, shows Mims listed as the Caldwell Co. representative.
- [S1979] Hardin Hardin letter to Smith, 18 Sep 1946.
- [S3423] "Kentucky Legislature," Kentucky Gazette, 22 Aug 1839, in list of Representatives elected, shows Linah Mims elected from Caldwell Co., not clear whether these are newly elected members or whether some had been elected before.
- [S1798] Jns. H. Mims household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, names a grandchild Addison Mims as heir.
- [S2030] Perrin, County of Christian, Kentucky, vol 1, pg 281, shows Mr. Mimms was the father of Addison Mimms.
- [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998.
- [S2030] Perrin, County of Christian, Kentucky, vol 1, pg 281, shows Mr. Mimms was the father of John Mimms.
- [S736] Cresap and Cresap, History of the Cresaps, pg 321.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, names a grandson Davis Mims as heir.
- [S2030] Perrin, County of Christian, Kentucky, vol 1, pg 281, shows Mr. Mimms was the father of David Mimms.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, names a grandchild Juliann Mims as heir.
- [S3048] "Sudden Death of Dr. Joshua Cobb," The Courier-Journal, 8 Apr 1879.
- [S645] Titus, Picturesque Clarksville, pg 266, shows she was daugther of Lieutenant-Governor Mimms, of Virginia.
- [S3235] Obituary for Mrs. Cornelia B. Cobb, unknown newspaper, 2 Jun 1875.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, names a grandchild Cornelia Mims as heir.
- [S1042] Connelley and Coulter, History of Kentucky, pg 497.
- [S374] Manley, "RE: The Logan Material," e-mail to author, 20 Feb 2000, citing 10 July 1860 census of Eddyville, Lyon Co., Kentucky, Robert L. Cobb household listing Sarah P. Tyler; Scott Haun, email 12 Jul 1998, citing Ila Earle Fowler, compiler, Kentucky Pioneers and Their Descendants (Kentucky Society, Daughters of Colonial Wars, 1998) listing the marriage of Sarah Jane Mims to Marcus M. Tyler; and E. Dean Savoini, email3 Feb 2000, reporting the 1850 census of Trigg Co., Kentucky, pg 130 shows household of M.M. and Sarah J. Tyler and includes several children with surnames Mimms and Cobb; concluding that the three reports of Sarah are the same person and that she was the daughter of Col. Linah Mins.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, names a granddaughter Sarah Jane Mims as heir.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, names a grandchild Rufus Mims as heir.
- [S700] "Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV 1728-1850,", shows name as R. E. Mims.