John Davis1
ID# 13682, (abt 1754 - 1800)
Ancestry | The Linah Mims - Rebecca Davis Family |
John Davis was born about 1754 in Augusta Co., Virginia
He married Jane Clendenin, daughter of Archibald Clendenin Jr. and Ann [surname unknown], in 1774, probably in Botetourt Co., Virginia

On 22 Feb 1782 John was granted a patent for 363 ac. in the Big Levels in Greenbrier Co., Virginia

A Very Directive Will --- Text Stolen from !! ---
John left a will dated 17 Mar 1800 stating he was of Greenbrier Co., Virginia

He gave to "daughter Sally" (Sarah) 100 ac. of land, his share of the land he and Alexander Welch had purchased from Charles Arbuckle. He gave "daughter Betsy" (Elizabeth) 200 ac. of land, his share of the 400-acre patent granted to John Rodgers in the area known as "the Meadows." She was also to receive slave Alce, except that Rebecka would have the choice of any issue born to Alce. He left to "daughter Jean" and to "daughter Rebecka" (Jane and Rebeccah) each half of the tract where he lived after the 150 ac. was given to his wife. To "daughter Nancy" he left a tract known as the Mill place and the right to continue living on the property given to Rebeccah rent-free for eight years. Slaves James, Saul, and Rodger were to be employed on his plantation for the benefit of his wife and unmarried children until the youngest daughter became of age, then they were to be sold. From the proceeds 150£ was to go to Betsy and the balance divided between daughters Sally, Jeaney, Rebecka & Polly. His still and still vessels were to be sold and the proceeds used to support his wife and children.
He charged his wife to "watch over the tender years of my dear children to warn them of the vices and dangers of the world, and carefully to instruct them in the Paths of Virtue and Rectitude which finally lead to enjoyments that will end no more." His wife and Wm Rennick, John Stuart, and Joseph Maze were named executors.9
John died in 1800 in Greenbrier Co., Virginia

His will was proved at the Apr 1800 term of the Greenbrier Co. court.10
Children with Jane Clendenin:
- [S402] Marlow, "Linah Mims," e-mail to author, 20 Oct 2001.
- [S655] Chalkley, Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish, vol II pg 93, citing Circuit Court Judgments and Causes Ended (O. S. 56; N. S. 19), shows "they were married before 25th March, 1775" and that John Rodges said they married in 1774.
- [S402] Marlow, "Linah Mims," e-mail to author, 20 Oct 2001, shows year, as c., 1772 and probably Greenbriar Co. West Virginia, but Greenbrier did not exist until 1778, and the Greenbriar area was then in Botetourt Co.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis, shows his wife as Jean.
- [S1963] Marlow, "Will of John Davis", shows his will was dated 17 Mar 1800 and probated April 1800.
- [S402] Marlow, "Linah Mims," e-mail to author, 20 Oct 2001, shows year, county, and state, as West Virginia.
- [S655] Chalkley, Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish, vol II pg 93, citing Circuit Court Judgments and Causes Ended (O. S. 56; N. S. 19), shows year.
- [S1957] Commonwealth of Virginia to John Davis, grant, 22 Feb 1782.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:138, will of John Davis.
- [S898] Greenbrier Co. loose papers, marriage permission, Nancy Davis, 7 Apr 1790.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis, shows a daughter Nancy.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis, shows a daughter Betsy, a common nickname for Elizabeth.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis, shows a daughter Jean.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis, shows a daughter Rebecka.
- [S1959] Deeds, Greenbrier Co., Virginia, 4:451, Linah Mims and Rebekah his wife to Jane Davis, Jul 1811, shows a "bargain" sale to her mother, apparently of the same land inherited from her him.
- [S685] Royall, Sketches of History, Life, and Manners, pg 66, shows Jane and Mr. Davies had a daugther who married Ballard Smith.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis, shows a daughter Polly, a common nickname for Mary.
- [S7378] Will Books, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, 1:136-8, will of John Davis, shows a daughter Sally, a common nickname for Sarah.