Sarah Jane Mims1,2,3
ID# 13343, (abt 1819 - )
Father | Linah Mims4,3 (14 Nov 1772 - btn 1847 - 1850) |
Mother | Rebeccah Davis5,6 (abt 1786 - btn 1828 - Jun 1830) |
Charts | Descendants of Linah and Rebeccah (Davis) Mims |
Ancestry | The Linah Mims - Rebecca Davis Family |
13 Sarah Jane Mims was born about 1819 in Kentucky

She was named an heir in the will of her grandmother Jane Clendenin dated 10 Jul 1824, to receive a the first male child of a young slave to be given to her brother Davis.15
Her mother died between 1828 and Jun 1830, when Sarah was about 10 years old.16,17,18,19 She was probably one of the two females age 10 to 15 listed in the household of her father in the 1830 Federal Census of Christian Co., Kentucky

Sarah apparently moved to Caldwell Co.

Sarah married Marcus Marcellus Tyler on 25 May 1842 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Sarah and Marcus appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Trigg Co., Kentucky

Her husband died on 27 Oct 1858.23
Sarah Jane appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Eddyville, Lyon Co., Kentucky

Robert and Cornelia moved to Paducah

No further record of her has been found. She has not been found in the 1880 census, so she may have died before then. She may have been buried in the Eddyville cemetery by her husband as there are unknown graves there with no stones.29
There were no children with Marcus Marcellus Tyler
- [S732] Caldwell Co. Marriage Records, loose papers, License for Marcus Marcellus Tyler and Miss Sarah Jane Mims, 25 May 1842.
- [S569] M. M. Tyler household, 1850 U.S. Census, Trigg Co., Kentucky, shows name as Sarah J. Tyler.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, names a granddaughter Sarah Jane Mims as heir.
- [S374] Manley, "RE: The Logan Material," e-mail to author, 20 Feb 2000, citing 10 July 1860 census of Eddyville, Lyon Co., Kentucky, Robert L. Cobb household listing Sarah P. Tyler; Scott Haun, email 12 Jul 1998, citing Ila Earle Fowler, compiler, Kentucky Pioneers and Their Descendants (Kentucky Society, Daughters of Colonial Wars, 1998) listing the marriage of Sarah Jane Mims to Marcus M. Tyler; and E. Dean Savoini, email3 Feb 2000, reporting the 1850 census of Trigg Co., Kentucky, pg 130 shows household of M.M. and Sarah J. Tyler and includes several children with surnames Mimms and Cobb; concluding that the three reports of Sarah are the same person and that she was the daughter of Col. Linah Mins.
- [S374] Manley, "RE: The Logan Material," e-mail to author, 20 Feb 2000.
- [S572] Jane Davis will pg 181, names a granddaughter Sarah Jane Mimes as heir.
- [S569] M. M. Tyler household, 1850 U.S. Census, Trigg Co., Kentucky, shows age 31, and state, as Kentucky.
- [S1811] Robert L. Cobb household, 1860 U.S. Census, Lyon Co., Kentucky, shows age 40, and state.
- [S225] The two census reports are conflicting, and the other known children are reported as born in Virginia, but the family is reported living in Kentucky in the 1820 census, so I assume Sarah was born in Kentucky.
- [S732] Caldwell Co. Marriage Records, loose papers, License for Marcus Marcellus Tyler and Miss Sarah Jane Mims, 25 May 1842, shows date on return.
- [S727] Caldwell Co. Marriage Bonds, Book B, no. 34, Marcus M. Tyler to Sarah Jane Mims, 25 May 1842, shows date.
- [S569] M. M. Tyler household, 1850 U.S. Census, Trigg Co., Kentucky, shows both, apparently as husband and wife.
- [S374] Manley, "RE: The Logan Material," e-mail to author, 20 Feb 2000, citing Scott Haun, email from <e-mail address> 12 Jul 1998, citing Ila Earle Fowler, compiler, Kentucky Pioneers and Their Descendants (Kentucky Society, Daughters of Colonial Wars, 1998) reporting the marriage of Marcus and
Sarah. - [S584] Linah Mimms household, 1820 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3.
- [S2021] Christian Co. Wills D:181-3, specifies that Davis is to receive a slave girl, but that his mother was to receive "the use and benefit of said negro during her natural life." So it appears Rebecca was still living.
- [S1820] Robert L. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows daughter Rebecca as age 21.
- [S1489] John Eaker household, 1860 U.S. Census, Graves Co., Kentucky, shows daughter Rebecca as age 32.
- [S585] Linah Mims household, 1830 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows no adult female in the household.
- [S585] Linah Mims household, 1830 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
- [S4057] Caldwell Co. tax lists,, 1830, pg 39, shows John in Caldwell Co.
- [S569] M. M. Tyler household, 1850 U.S. Census, Trigg Co., Kentucky.
- [S500], online, memorial #6656693, Marcus Marcellus Tyler, citing tombstone.
- [S1811] Robert L. Cobb household, 1860 U.S. Census, Lyon Co., Kentucky.
- [S1675] Robert L. Cobb, owner, 1860 U.S. Census, Lyon Co., Kentucky, slave schedule.
- [S1042] Connelley and Coulter, History of Kentucky, pg 497, shows year, as 1870.
- [S628] Robert L. Cobb household, 1870 U.S. Census, McCracken Co., Kentucky, shows occupation as retired merchant.
- [S628] Robert L. Cobb household, 1870 U.S. Census, McCracken Co., Kentucky.
- [S2309] Lyon County Historical Society, Cemeteries of Lyon County, pp 271-2, shows four unknown graves listed after listing for Marcus Marcellus Tyler.