Anna L. Kuhlman1,2,3

ID# 23152, (1875 - 1960)
FatherFriedrich Heinrich Geltmayer4,5,3 (26 Jul 1829 - 8 Dec 1918)
MotherVarena Long6,7,3 (2 Sep 1837 - 1 May 1905)

Key Events:

Birth: 5 Feb 1875, Huntington, Indiana8,9,10
Marriage: 1 Apr 1918, Huntington Co., Indiana, Frank R. Smith (28 Jul 1864 - 2 Mar 1938)11,12
Death: 24 Jun 1960, South Bend, St Joseph Co., Indiana13
Burial: 27 Jun 1960, Mishawaka City Cemetery, Mishawaka, St. Joseph Co., Indiana14
ChartsDescendants of Hermann Hinrich Fennker
AncestryThe Fenker Family

Copyright Notice


     15 Anna L. Kuhlman was born on 5 Feb 1875 in Huntington, Indiana.8,9,10
     She appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, in the household of her parents, Frederick Kuhlman and Varena Long.4 She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, in the household of her parents.5
     She was a saleswoman in 1900 but not working in 1910.16,17 She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Huntington, Huntington Co., Indiana, in the household of her father, Frederick Kuhlman.18
     Anna married Frank R. Smith, son of Frederick P. Smith and Louise S. Resener, on 1 Apr 1918 in Huntington Co., Indiana, with Rev. John F. Noll offciating.11,12
     Anna moved to Mishawaka, where Frank had been living, after their marriage.
     Anna was named an heir in the will of her father dated 5 Jul 1918, in which she was to receive an equal share in the estate with her seven siblings.19
     Anna and Frank appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Mishawaka, St Joseph Co., Indiana, at 204 W Girst, enumerated 16 Jan 1920, reporting they rented their home. Jennie Van Holstein, age 68, shown as a cousin, was listed as living with them.20
     Anna and Frank moved to Michigan about 1930.21 They appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Chikaming Twp., Berrien Co., Michigan, enumerated 7 May 1930, reporting they rented their home, for $25 per month, and did not own a radio.22
     Anna and Frank returned to South Bend by 1932 when they were living at 813 Colfax Ave.23
     Her husband died on 2 Mar 1938 in 327 S Taylor, South Bend, St Joseph Co., Indiana.24
     After the death of her husband she moved to 211 S. Main St. in downtown South Bend. She returned to retail sales, working for Robertson’s Department Store, a premier fixture in downtown South Bend. In 1940 she reported she had worked 40 hours the last week of March, and 40 weeks the prior year, earning $720. It appears she had retired by 1944.25,26,27
     Anna appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of South Bend, St Joseph Co., Indiana, on So. Main St., enumerated 13 Apr 1940, reporting she rented her home, for $18 per month, and that they had lived in the same city in 1935.28
     Anna moved to 521 N. Main St. by 1950.29
     Anna died on 24 Jun 1960 in South Bend, St Joseph Co., Indiana, at age 85.13 She was buried on 27 Jun 1960 in Mishawaka City Cemetery, Mishawaka, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.14

     There were no children with Franklin R. Smith


  1. [S10856] Fredk Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows name as Anna Coolman.
  2. [S10858] Frederick Kulhman household, 1910 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows name as Anna L. Kulhman.
  3. [S6251] Marriage Record, Huntington Co., Indiana, W:293, Frank R. Smith and Anna L. Kuhlman.
  4. [S10856] Fredk Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  5. [S10857] Fred Huhlman household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  6. [S10856] Fredk Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows the girl as daughter of Verana's husband.
  7. [S10857] Fred Huhlman household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows the girl as daughter of Varena's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  8. [S10856] Fredk Coolman household, 1880 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows age 5 and state.
  9. [S10857] Fred Huhlman household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows month, year, age 25, and state.
  10. [S6251] Marriage Record, Huntington Co., Indiana, W:293, Frank R. Smith and Anna L. Kuhlman, shows date, city, and state.
  11. [S6251] Marriage Record, Huntington Co., Indiana, W:293, Frank R. Smith and Anna L. Kuhlman, shows date and officiant.
  12. [S11098] Frank R. Smith household, 1920 U.S. Census, St Joseph Co., Indiana, shows married.
  13. [S11096] Anna Smith, Medical Certificate of Death, shows date, city, county, and state.
  14. [S11096] Anna Smith, Medical Certificate of Death, shows date, cemetery, city, and state.
  15. [S10850] Frederick Kuhlman obituary, The Huntington Herald.
  16. [S10857] Fred Huhlman household, 1900 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows occupation as saleswoman.
  17. [S10858] Frederick Kulhman household, 1910 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana, shows occupation as none.
  18. [S10858] Frederick Kulhman household, 1910 U.S. Census, Huntington Co., Indiana.
  19. [S10862] Will Book, Huntington Co., Indiana, H:415-6, will of Frederick Kuhlman, 12 Dec 1918.
  20. [S11098] Frank R. Smith household, 1920 U.S. Census, St Joseph Co., Indiana.
  21. [S11099] Frank R. Smith household, 1930 U.S. Census, Berrien Co., Michigan, shows occupation as salesman and industry as pyrofax gas.
  22. [S11099] Frank R. Smith household, 1930 U.S. Census, Berrien Co., Michigan.
  23. [S11109] Polk's South Bend City Directory, 1932, pg 443.
  24. [S11097] Frank R. Smith, Certificate of Death, shows date, city, county, and state.
  25. [S11109] Polk's South Bend City Directory, 1939, pg 493, and 1942, pg 560, show occupaton as slswn, Robertson's, and address; 1944, pg 528, shows address but no occupation.
  26. [S11108] Anna Smith household, 1940 U.S. Census, St Joseph Co., Indiana, shows occupation as clerk and industry as dry goods retail.
  27. [S11096] Anna Smith, Medical Certificate of Death, shows occupation as retired, industry as Robertsons.
  28. [S11108] Anna Smith household, 1940 U.S. Census, St Joseph Co., Indiana.
  29. [S11109] Polk's South Bend City Directory, 1950, pg 765.