Margaret Stumbaugh1,2,3

ID# 18281, (1801 - 1890)
FatherJohn Stumbaugh4

Key Events:

Birth: 26 Feb 1801, Pennsylvania5,6,7
Marriage: 3 Feb 1823, Franklin Co., Ohio, David Mooberry (7 Oct 1798 - 9 Jul 1850)8
Death: 21 Dec 18906,9
Burial: Mooberry Cemetery, Tazewell Co., Illinois10
ChartsSelected Descendants of William and Elizabeth Mooberry

Copyright Notice


     4 Margaret Stumbaugh was born on 26 Feb 1801 in Pennsylvania.5,6,7
     Margaret married David Mooberry, son of William Mooberry and Elizabeth Ramsey, on 3 Feb 1823 in Franklin Co., Ohio.8 She was probably the female age 30 to 40 listed in the household of her husband, David Mooberry, in the 1830 Federal Census of Montgomery Twp., Franklin Co., Ohio.11
     Margaret and David moved their family to Groveland Twp., Tazewell Co., Illinois, in 1832.4 She was probably the female age 30 to 40 listed in the household of her husband David in the 1840 Federal Census of Tazewell Co., Illinois.12
     Her husband died on 9 Jul 1850.13,14,15
     She appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Tazewell Co., Illinois, enumerated 30 Aug 1850. Her children John, Margaret, George, Martha, Alexander and Mary were listed as living with her.3
     Margaret appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Groveland Twp., Tazewell Co., Illinois, enumerated 27 Jun 1860, reporting real estate valued at $3,000 and $100 in personal estate. Her children Alexander and Mary were listed as living with her, as was Philip Welcher, age 20, likely a farm hand.16
     Margaret appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Groveland Twp., Tazewell Co., Illinois, in the household of Lousia and Alexander Mooberry, her youngest son and his wife.17 She appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Groveland, Tazewell Co., Illinois, in the household of Lousia and Alexander.18
     Margaret died on 21 Dec 1890 at age 89.6,9 She was buried in Mooberry Cemetery, Tazewell Co., Illinois.10

     Children with David Mooberry:

  • Samuel R. Mooberry19 (18 Jan 1824 - 24 Jul 1882)
  • William Mooberry20 (26 May 1825 - 29 Jun 1902)
  • John Stone Mooberry4,21 (5 Nov 1826 - 17 Nov 1898)
  • Elizabeth Mooberry4 (27 Oct 1828 - 18 Jul 1847)
  • Margaret E. Mooberry4,21 (12 Nov 1830 - 9 Nov 1912)
  • George Mooberry4,21 (13 Oct 1832 - 4 Oct 1854)
  • Martha Jane Mooberry4,21 (abt 1834 - 11 Jan 1864)
  • Alexander Mooberry4,21,18 (abt 1838 - )
  • Mary Ann Mooberry4,21,22 (abt 1841 - )


  1. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pg 345, shows name as Margaret Stumbaugh.
  2. [S500], online, memorial # 33694807, Margaret Stumbaugh Mooberry, includes tombstone photo but inscriptions are unreadable.
  3. [S3850] Margarett Mooberry household, 1850 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois.
  4. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pg 345.
  5. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pg 345, shows date.
  6. [S500], online, memorial # 33694807, Margaret Stumbaugh Mooberry, shows date and includes tombstone photo but inscriptions are unreadable.
  7. [S3855] Margaret Moberry household, 1860 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois, shows age 59 and state.
  8. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pg 345, shows married; pg 467, shows date, county, and state.
  9. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pg 467, shows month and year.
  10. [S500], online, memorial # 33694807, Margaret Stumbaugh Mooberry, includes tombstone photo.
  11. [S3852] David Mooberry household, 1830 U.S. Census, Franklin Co., Ohio.
  12. [S3851] David Mooberry household, 1840 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois.
  13. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pg 345, shows date, with year as 1850.
  14. [S500], online, memorial # 33694786, David Mooberry, shows date, with year as 1850, and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  15. [S3854] David Mooberry entry, 1870 U.S. Census, mortality schedule, Tazewell Co., Illinois, shows age 53, month, and cause of death, length of illness. This census is supposed to include deaths in the year ending 1 Jun 1850, but was not enumerated until 30 Aug, so it appears from other sources his death was actually in Jul 1850, and should not have been included.
  16. [S3855] Margaret Moberry household, 1860 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois.
  17. [S3856] John S. Mooberry household, 1870 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois.
  18. [S3857] Alexander Mooberry household, 1880 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois.
  19. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pp 307, 345.
  20. [S3846] Portrait & Biographical Album of Tazewell and Mason Counties, Illinois, pp 345, 467.
  21. [S3850] Margarett Mooberry household, 1850 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  22. [S3855] Margaret Moberry household, 1860 U.S. Census, Tazewell Co., Illinois, shows them apparently living as parent and child.