Louisa Berry Long1,2,3
ID# 15442, (1812 - 1881)
Father | Griffin Long6 ( - btn Mar 1817 - Apr 1817) |
Mother | Sarah Graham4,5 (abt 1780 - aft 1865) |
Charts | Descendants of Gideon Cobb |
14 Louisa Berry Long was born in 1812 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky
Her father died in Mar or Apr 1817, when Louisa was about 5 years old.15 She was probably one of the three females under age 10 listed in the household of her mother, Sarah Graham, in the 1820 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

She was probably the female age 15 to 20 listed in the household of her mother, Sarah Graham, in the 1830 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Louisa appeared on the 1840 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Her Mysterious Relationship with Caleb Cobb --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
The relationship between Louisa and Caleb seems beset with mysteries. First, there is a series of transactions involving land left by her late father to his widow and children. The purchases started about the time of the birth of their first son, while she was still apparently living on the property with or near her mother. It seems Caleb set about acquiring the rights of all the heirs, apparently expending some effort to do so. On 15 Jul 1836 he purchased from Louisa's sister Maria and her husband, for $50, their right as "one of the legatees of Griffin Long desc'd." to 400 ac. on Spring Creek and the waters of Livingston Creek. On 26 Oct 1836 he purchased from Sarah, Long's widow, her right of dower on the same property, for $100, noting that she then lived there. On 26 Oct 1836 he purchased Louisa's rights as one of the legatees, for $70.19
On 17 Jul 1841 he sold five acres of apparently the same 400-acre parcel to Daniel Jarrett for $25. He sold half the property to his two brothers as part of the 2 Aug 1841 sale of 18 different parcels, and a week later sold the other half to Louisa for $200, in neither case mentioning the previous sale of five acres. Then, on 8 Dec 1843, he obtained for $80 what appears to be further title to the same property, the rights of Thomas Long, of Sangamon Co, Illinois, which he had obtained from Louisa's sisters Eliza and Melvilla and their husbands. In that deed the tract was described a on the head of Spring Creek, belonging to heirs of Griffing Long desc'd.," the proper boundaries not known to the parities and undivided," reserving the one-third part which was the widow's right of dower. Was Caleb clearing the title to the land he had already sold, as he would have been required to do if the title became questionable? Why did he go to such trouble obtain the land then sell half of it back to Louisa? Was the other half valuable for the iron operations? Did she want it to return to her home place, or perhaps because her mother was still living there?20
Then, three years before their marriage, Louisa appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Caleb and Louisa's relationship seems to have been awkward for the family. A well-researched family history by Caleb's granddaughter-in-law, based on extensive contacts with older family members as well as written sources, states that after his first wife's death he "moved to Dycusburg and married Louisa Long, and had by her one son Gideon. They then moved to Crittenden Furnaces..." The account ignores the fact that this son predated the marriage by seven years, and that they had apparently been living together in Caldwell Co. for some years before the marriage. It also omits mention of their eariler son and their daughter Belle, who was born after the marriage, but who may have died young.22
Louisa married Caleb Clark Cobb, son of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, on 30 Jan 1853 in Crittenden Co., Kentucky

Settling in Dycusburg --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Louisa and Caleb appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Dycusburg, Crittenden Co., Kentucky

Her husband died on 19 Nov 1867 in Crittenden Furnaces, Crittenden Co., Kentucky

In the inventory of her husband's estate Louisa had set aside items valued at $534.25. They included livestock – a horse valued at $25, two cows and calves at $40, all the poultry at $7 and a saddle and bridle at $33; furnishings – a bed and furnishings at $90, spinning wheel at $2, a sewing machine at $10, and carpeting at $200; as well as provisions including animal feed for a year, at $100. At the sale of items not set aside for her, she bought additional furnishings, including tables and chairs.28
On 12 Mar 1869 Louisa sold the portion of her father's land in Lyon Co. that her late husband had sold to her in 1841, selling it to Samuel H. Cassidy for $1,300.29 On 25 May 1869 she purchased two lots in Dycusburg from Samuel H. Cassidy and his wife Narcissa, for $1,000, thus apparently trading the acreage for the two town lots. One was part of lot no. 15, on Main St., and the second was in the section known as Jacob's addition to the town.30
Louisa appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Dycusburg, Crittenden Co., Kentucky

On 1 Sep 1871 Louisa sold a small tract in Crittenden Co. to R. H. Brown for $100. The exact size is not given, but it appears to be about a quarter acre.32 On 21 Dec 1871 she sold the 131-acre parcel in Lyon Co. patented to by her father, but not granted until after his death. She sold it to George T. Hays of Vanderberg Co. Indiana for $105.50.33
Louisa reportedly moved to Illinois

Louisa died in 1881.12,13
Children with Caleb Clark Cobb
According to family documents, supported by their appearance in census records and Gideon's marriage record, Willis and Gideon were sons of Caleb and Louisa even though they were born many years before the parents' marriage. Belle, born after their marriage, also seems to have been their child but based only on her presence in their household in 1860. No further record of Belle has been found to prove or disprove this assumption.39,37,40
- Willis Berry Cobb35 (1836 - abt 1870)
- Gideon Berry Cobb36,37,38 (27 Jun 1846 - 16 Jul 1895)
- Belle Cobb38 (abt 1854 - )
- [S7222] Alfred Albert Cobb, family history notes, Gideon Berry Cobb family notes, shows name as Louisa Berry (Long) Cobb.
- [S873] Crittenden Co. Marriage Records, loose papers, license and return for C. C. Cobb and Miss Louisa B. Long, 26 Jan 1853.
- [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows name as Louisa P. Long.
- [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows Sarah in same household as Louisa, suggesting that Sarah is Louisa's mother.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:284, Sally Long to Caleb C. Cobb dated 26 Oct 1836, shows she is widow of Griffin Long; and H:284-5, Louisa Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836, shows she is one of the legatees of Griffin's estate.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:284-5, Louisa Long to Caleb C. Cobb dated 26 Oct 1836, shows her as one of the one of the legatees of Griffin's estate.
- [S7222] Alfred Albert Cobb, family history notes, Gideon Berry Cobb family notes, shows year and state.
- [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows age 37, county, and state.
- [S819] Caleb C. Cobb household, 1860 U.S. Census, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, shows age as 42, and state.
- [S873] Crittenden Co. Marriage Records, loose papers, license and return for C. C. Cobb and Miss Louisa B. Long, 26 Jan 1853, shows date and officiant.
- [S819] Caleb C. Cobb household, 1860 U.S. Census, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
- [S7222] Alfred Albert Cobb, family history notes, Gideon Berry Cobb family notes, shows year.
- [S2793] Deeds, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, Q:397-8, Gideon B. Cobb & wife to William J. Boyd, 28 Mar 1883; sale of lots previously owned by Louisa; no deed found transferring ownership from Louisa to Gideon so it appears that happened by inheritance.
- [S1184] "Kentucky 1851-1900 Marriage Index," Genealogy.com, citing FHL films 0558428 - 0558430, 0559304 - 0559312, 1914920, shows date, county, and state.
- [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:295-6, Griffin Long, 1918, will dated 9 Mar 1817, proved in Apr 1817 term of county court.
- [S3157] Sarah Doom household, 1820 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S1784] Sarah Long household, 1830 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S1797] Louisa Long household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:350-1, Isaac Mills & wife Maria to Caleb C. Cobb dated 15 Jul 1836; H:284, Sally Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836; and H:284-5, Louisa Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, K:247, Caleb C Cobb to Daniel Jarrett, 16 Sep 1841; K:249-52, C. C. Cobb to Robt. L. Cobb, David R Bell & Gideon D. Cobb dated 2 Aug 1841, item No. 14; K248, Caleb C. Cobb to Louisa Long, dated 9 Aug 1841; and O:143-4, John Ball & wife Eliza and William Snow & wife Malvilla to Thomas Long dated 9 May 1836, assigned to assigned to Caleb C. Cobb 8 Dec 1843.
- [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S2529] Ruth Garrett Cobb, "Cobb-Garrett Family History", pg 7.
- [S819] Caleb C. Cobb household, 1860 U.S. Census, Crittenden Co., Kentucky.
- [S1697] Gideon D. Cobb household, 1860 U.S. Census, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, is listed with only one household between his and his brother's.
- [S2529] Ruth Garrett Cobb, "Cobb-Garrett Family History", pg 7, citing "Family Bible," shows date and place.
- [S900] Inventory and Sale Books, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, C:77-8, C. C. Cobb Inventory, 13 Jul 1868, shows the appraisers were appointed at the Dec 1867 term of the county court.
- [S1691] Louisa Cobb household, 1870 U.S. Census, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, he does not appear in the household.
- [S900] Inventory and Sale Books, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, C:77-8, C. C. Cobb Inventory and account of sale, 13 Jul 1868.
- [S3152] Deeds, Lyon Co., Kentucky, D:288-90, Mrs. L. B. Cobb to Samuel H. Cassidy 17 Dec 1870.
- [S2793] Deeds, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, I:559-60, Samuel H. Cassidy & wife Narcissa M. to Louisa B. Cobb, 18 Jun 1869.
- [S1691] Louisa Cobb household, 1870 U.S. Census, Crittenden Co., Kentucky.
- [S2793] Deeds, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, K:126-7, Mrs. L. B. Cobb to R. H. Brown, 18 Sep 1871.
- [S3152] Deeds, Lyon Co., Kentucky, D:476-7, Mrs. L. B. Cobb to George T. Hays, 31 Dec 1871.
- [S2529] Ruth Garrett Cobb, "Cobb-Garrett Family History", pg 8, shows she moved to Illinois and re-married.
- [S7222] Alfred Albert Cobb, family history notes, Gideon Berry Cobb family notes.
- [S3399] Gideon B. Cobb and Sarah M McElevy, Return of Marriage to County Clerk.
- [S2529] Ruth Garrett Cobb, "Cobb-Garrett Family History", pg 7, shows Caleb married Louisa and by her had one son, Gideon.
- [S819] Caleb C. Cobb household, 1860 U.S. Census, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S7222] Alfred Albert Cobb, family history notes, Gideon Berry Cobb family notes, shows Willis and Gideon as sons of Caleb and Louisa.
- [S3399] Gideon B. Cobb and Sarah M McElevy, Return of Marriage to County Clerk, shows C. C. Cobb and Lousia Long as his parents.