Sarah Graham1,2,3

ID# 15443, (abt 1780 - aft 1865)

Key Events:

Birth: about 1780, Jefferson Co., Kentucky4,5
Marriage: 27 Aug 1801, Nelson Co., Kentucky, Griffin Long ( - between Mar 1817 and Apr 1817)1,6,7
Death: after 1865

Copyright Notice


     8 Sarah Graham was born about 1780 in Jefferson Co., Kentucky.4,5
     Sarah married Griffin Long on 27 Aug 1801 in Nelson Co., Kentucky.1,6,7
     Sarah and Griffin moved to Livingston Co. shortly after their marriage. She was probably the female age 16 to 26 listed in the household of her husband, Griffin Long, in the 1810 Federal Census of Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.9
     She was named an heir in the will of her husband, dated 9 Mar 1817, in which she was to retain possession of his plantation as long as she remained single and raised the children there.10
     Her husband died in Mar or Apr 1817, probably in Caldwell Co., Kentucky.11
     Sarah appeared on the 1820 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky, listed as Sarah Doom. By some reports her adoptive father was named Doom, but why she was listed by her "maiden" name is unknown. The household consisted of one white male under age 10 (unknown), three white females under age 10 (daughters Louisa, Maria and Melvilla), two age 10 to 16 (Matilda and Eliza), one age 26 to 45 (herself.)12
     Sarah appeared on the 1830 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky, with a household consisting of one male under age 5 (unknown), one female age 15 to 20 (daughter Louisa), and one age 40 to 50 (herself.)13
     On 26 Oct 1836 Sarah sold her right of dower to 400 ac. on Spring Creek and the waters of Livingston Creek, where she was then living, to Caleb Clark Cobb, for $100.14
     Sarah appeared on the 1840 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky, with a household consisting of one male age 15 to 20 and one age 20 to 30 (both unknown), and one female age 50 to 60 (herself). One member of the household was employed in the "learned professions and engineers." Was Sarah a teacher? Her daughter Louisa apparently lived nearby, as her household is listed as the preceding one on the record.15
     Sarah appeared with her daughter Louisa on the 1850 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky, in the household of Caleb Clark Cobb, Louisa's future husband.8
     Sarah was named an heir in the will of her son Philip dated 22 Jul 1856 in St. Francois Co., Missouri, to receive his interest in her late husband's estate.16
     Sarah moved to Illinois where her daughters Eliza and Melvilla and their families were living by 1860.17 She appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Elizabeth Twp., Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, in the household of her daughter Eliza and her husband, John B. Ball.18
     Sarah was apparently the female age 80 to 90 listed on the 1865 State Census of Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, in the household of John B. Ball, husband of her daugher Eliza.19
     Sarah died after 1865.

     Children with Griffin Long

Matilda Long, who married Archibald S. Lackman 1 Jun 1821 in Caldwell Co., appears to have also been their daughter. She appears to be one of the females in the 1810 census, Griffin Long household, and 1820 census, Louisa Doom household, which would place her birth at about 1803. She and Archibald had a son Griffin, and a son David who was listed in 1850 census with Sarah and daughter Louisa.29,30,31,32


  1. [S2835] Griffin Long and Sarah Graham, marriage bond.
  2. [S892] "Kentucky Marriages to 1850,", record for Griffin Long and Sarah Graham.
  3. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:284, Sally Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836, signed with a mark, with name written as Sarah Long.
  4. [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows age 70, county, as Nelson, which was not formed from Jefferson until 1785, and state.
  5. [S2488] John Ball household, 1860 U.S. Census, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, shows age 81 and state.
  6. [S892] "Kentucky Marriages to 1850,", record for Griffin Long and Sarah Graham, shows date, county, and state.
  7. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:284, Sally Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836, shows her as selling her right of dower as relic of Griffin Long.
  8. [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
  9. [S2825] Griffin Long household, 1810 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
  10. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:295-6, Griffin Long, 1918.
  11. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:295-6, Griffin Long, 1918, will dated 9 Mar 1817, proved in Apr 1817 term of county court.
  12. [S3157] Sarah Doom household, 1820 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
  13. [S1784] Sarah Long household, 1830 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
  14. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:350-1, Isaac Mills & wife Maria to Caleb C. Cobb dated 15 Jul 1836; H:284, Sally Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836; and H:284-5, Louisa Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836.
  15. [S1794] Sarah Long household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
  16. [S10336] Wills, St. Francois Co., Missouri, 1:53-4, will of Philip G. Long.
  17. [S3152] Deeds, Lyon Co., Kentucky, A:451, Louisa B. Cobb, to Sarah Long, 11 Aug 1857, shows both as "of" Crittenden Co.
  18. [S2488] John Ball household, 1860 U.S. Census, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois.
  19. [S10332] John Ball household, 1865 Illinois State Census, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, Elizabeth.
  20. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:295-6, Griffin Long, 1918, names a son Philip G. Long.
  21. [S10336] Wills, St. Francois Co., Missouri, 1:53-4, will of Philip G. Long, shows her as his mother.
  22. [S2488] John Ball household, 1860 U.S. Census, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, shows Eliza as apparently John's wife, and Sarah as his mother-in-law.
  23. [S2488] John Ball household, 1860 U.S. Census, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, shows Sarah as mother-in-law of Eliza's husband.
  24. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, O:143-4, John Ball & wife Eliza and William Snow & wife Malvilla to Thomas Long, 17 Apr 1849, shows them as heirs of Griffing Long, decst.
  25. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:350-1, Isaac Mills & wife Maria to Caleb C. Cobb dated 15 Jul 1836, shows them as one of the legatees of Griffin Long, desc'd.
  26. [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows Sarah in same household as Louisa, suggesting that Sarah is Louisa's mother.
  27. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:284, Sally Long to Caleb C. Cobb dated 26 Oct 1836, shows she is widow of Griffin Long; and H:284-5, Louisa Long to same dated 26 Oct 1836, shows she is one of the legatees of Griffin's estate.
  28. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, O:143-4, John Ball & wife Eliza and William Snow & wife Malvilla to Thomas Long, 17 Apr 1849.
  29. [S7593] Fowler and Fowler, Frankfort Chapter N. S. D. A. R., "Caldwell County Marriage Bonds", pg 7, record for Arch L. Lackman to Matilda Long, shows date.
  30. [S2825] Griffin Long household, 1810 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows three females under age 10.
  31. [S3157] Sarah Doom household, 1820 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows two females age 10 to 16.
  32. [S1829] Clark C. Cobb household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows Sarah, Louisa, and David Lackman included in the household.