Amie Dorothea Rockefeller1,2,3,4

ID# 12392, (1919 - 2011)
FatherRay Dell Rockefeller5 (15 Jun 1885 - Feb 1979)
MotherLina Marie Schriever6 (25 Oct 1895 - 26 Jul 1967)

Key Events:

Birth: 19 Mar 1919, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania7,8,9
Marriage: Austin Willard Angell Jr. (2 Feb 1916 - 10 Nov 1987)10,11
Death: 21 Jul 201112
Burial: Sunset View Mausoleum, Kensington, California13
ChartsDescendants of Jacob K. and Christiana Ohl Riegel

Copyright Notice


     14 Amie Dorothea Rockefeller was born on 19 Mar 1919 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.7,8,9 She generally used her middle name, Dorothea, or just Dorothy.15,13
     Her parents appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, in the household of her father's brother Charles and his wife. Neither Dorothea nor her brother are listed, but it seems likely they were omitted in error as they are not found elsewhere.16
     Her mother took her as an infant to Germany to visit her mother, who was seriously ill. They left as soon as possible after applying for a passport on 4 Jan 1921.17 They returned aboard the USS United States, arriving in New York on 21 Jun 1921, having departed from Copenhagen 10 June.5
     The family has not been found in the 1930 census, but they were living in Eldon, Missouri, by then.18
     Dorothea appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, in the household of her parents.5 She was a clerk at an electrical company before her marriage. In 1940 she reported that she had worked 40 hours the last week of March, and had worked 20 weeks the prior year, earning $350.5
     Amie married Austin Willard Angell Jr., son of Austin Willard Angell and Ida May Reigel.10,11
     Amie and Austin were living at 308½ S. Fairfax, Alexandria, Virginia, while he was stationed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.19 After Austin's transfer to the west coast they lived at 1070 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo Co., California.20
     Amie and Austin appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Albany, Alameda Co., California, at 627 Curtis Ave., enumerated 8 Apr 1950, reporting they lived in a home that was not on a farm. Their childrenwere listed as living with them.21 Dorothea and Austin lived there for many years and were living there at the time of his death.14
     Her husband died on 10 Nov 1987 in Berkeley, Alameda Co., California.22,23
     Amie died on 21 Jul 2011 at age 92.12 She was cremated and her remains were interred at the Sunset View Mausoleum, Kensington, California, next to her husband.13

     Children with Austin Willard Angell Jr.

The children of Austin and Dorothea are all living.


  1. [S6403] United States arrival 10 Jun 1921, Passenger Lists, New York, 1897-1957, shows name as Amey Dorothea Rockefeller.
  2. [S231] Austin W. Angell, Jr., Certificate of Death, shows name as Amie Dorothea Rockefeller.
  3. [S243] Norman Rockefeller Angell, Certificate of Live Birth, shows name as Amie Dorothea Rockefeller.
  4. [S4695] Ray D. Rockefeller household, 1940 U.S. Census, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, shows name as Dorothey Rockefeller.
  5. [S4695] Ray D. Rockefeller household, 1940 U.S. Census, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania.
  6. [S4695] Ray D. Rockefeller household, 1940 U.S. Census, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, shows the girl as daughter of Lina's husband.
  7. [S6406] Lina S. Rockefeller, Passport Application (19 Feb 1895), shows date, city, and state.
  8. [S4696] San Francisco Chronicle, 14 Aug 2011, shows date, city, and state.
  9. [S243] Norman Rockefeller Angell, Certificate of Live Birth, shows state and age 25.
  10. [S231] Austin W. Angell, Jr., Certificate of Death, shows her as his wife.
  11. [S4694] Austin Willard Angell, Jr., Application for World War II Compensation, shows her as his beneficiary.
  12. [S4696] San Francisco Chronicle, 14 Aug 2011, shows date.
  13. [S4696] San Francisco Chronicle, 14 Aug 2011.
  14. [S231] Austin W. Angell, Jr., Certificate of Death.
  15. [S4694] Austin Willard Angell, Jr., Application for World War II Compensation, shows name as Dorothea R. Angell.
  16. [S6402] Charles H. Rockefeller household, 1920 U.S. Census, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania.
  17. [S6406] Lina S. Rockefeller, Passport Application (19 Feb 1895).
  18. [S6404] "News of the Community," Jefferson City Post-Tribune, 3 Oct 1930, reports her hosting the bridge club in Eldon.
  19. [S4714] Hill's Alexandria (Virginia) City Directory, 1942, pg 30.
  20. [S243] Norman Rockefeller Angell, Certificate of Live Birth.
  21. [S12406] Austin W. Angell Jr household, 1950 U.S. Census, Alameda Co., California.
  22. [S231] Austin W. Angell, Jr., Certificate of Death, shows date, place, city, county, state, and cause.
  23. [S142] State of California, Department of Public Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics and Data Processing, California Death Index, Fiche C21213, shows county no. as 818 and state file no. 151192.