- [S239] Eli Shafer household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Turbut Twp., sheet 107/45, dwelling 50, family 50, National Archives micropublication T432-804, viewed at Belk Library, Boone, Apr 2000.
- [S1083] Christian Imme household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Turbot Twp., sheet 108, dwelling 56, family 56, National Archives micropublication M432-804, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1084] Christ Immel household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Turbot Twp., sheet 178/663, dwelling 1245, family 1245, National Archives micropublication M653-1149, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1085] Peter Imel household, 1870 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Turbot Twp., sheet 1/426, dwelling 1, family 1, National Archives micropublication M593-1385, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1591] John F. Imel household, 1910 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri, population schedule, St. Joseph ward 2, Enumeration District 56, sheet 10B, dwelling 207, family 221, National Archives micropublication T624-771, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1594] John Imel household, 1900 U.S. Census, Buchanan Co., Missouri, population schedule, St. Joseph ward 2, Enumeration District 48, sheet 1B, dwelling 21, family 21, National Archives micropublication T623-841, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4442] John F. Imel and Dorathea J. Vasterling, marriage license, pg 276 (23 Aug 1892), Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City, Missouri. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S4464] Peter Immel household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Turbut Twp., Enumeration District 164, sheet 49A, dwelling 452, family 505, National Archives micropublication T9-1164, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4466] Combe Printing Co's Directory of St. Joseph and Buchanan County (St. Joseph, Missouri: Combe Printing Co.), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4467] Combe-Polk Directory Co.'s St. Joseph City Directory (St. Joseph, Missouri: Combe-Polk Directory Co.), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4574] John H. Simons, Certificate of Death, 44767, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, filed 8 Apr 1931. Image found online on Ancestry.com Informant was Mrs. Charles Tyson, his daughter.
- [S4695] Ray D. Rockefeller household, 1940 U.S. Census, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia ward 35, Enumeration District 51-1293, sheet 28A, family 642, National Archives micropublication T627-3728, informant was Lina, wife of head of household, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4696] "Dorothea R. Angell 92, died July 21, 2011," San Francisco Chronicle, San Franciso, 14 Aug 2011. transcription found online on GenealogyBank.com.
- [S4728] State ex rel. Buchanan County v. Imel, The Southwestern Reporter, 146: 783-786, images found online on Google Books.
- [S4729] The Revision Committee R. S. McClintic Chairman, The Revised Statues of the State of Missouri 1919 (Jefferson City, Missouri: The Hugh Stevens Co., 1920). Images found online on Google Books.
- [S4732] Ida F. Crow obituary, The Kansas City Times, Kansas City, Missouri, 9 Jul 1914, pg 3. Image found online on GenealogyBank.com.
- [S4738] Christian Imel household, 1840 U.S. Census, Columbia Co., Pennsylvania, Mifflin Twp., page 162, line 20, National Archives micropublication M704-449, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5819] Harvey Sholly household, 1870 U.S. Census, Snyder Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Middlecreek Twp., sheet 5, dwelling 35, family 35, National Archives micropublication M593-1451, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5820] Nicholas Seaman household, 1860 U.S. Census, Snyder Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Perry Twp., sheet 159, dwelling 1150, family 1194, National Archives micropublication T653-1182, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S6309] Elias Shaeffer household, 1870 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Turbot Twp., sheet 4, dwelling 28, family 27, National Archives micropublication T593-1385, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S6310] Elias Shaffer household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Turbut Twp., Enumeration District 164, sheet 53A, dwelling 497, family 551, National Archives micropublication T9-1164, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S6311] John Harvey Stout and Emma D. Scheaffer, marriage application, licence, and return, no 59, pg 119 (25 Nov 1885), Northumberland Co. Court, 2nd and Market Streets, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. Image found online on Shelby Co. Register's website.
- [S6316] Sarah Ann Stamm, Certificate of Death, 40567, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, filed Mar 1920. Informant was M. Stamm, relationship unknown. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S6317] Rebecca C. Follmer, Certificate of Death, 114820, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, filed 16 Dec 1932. Informant was Roland S. Follmer, relationship unknown. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S6318] Elizabeth J. Balliet, Certificate of Death, 44507, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, filed 20 Apr 1924. Informant was William J. Balliet, her husband. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S6402] Charles H. Rockefeller household, 1920 U.S. Census, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia, Enumeration District 1755, sheet 5A-B, dwelling 106, family 121, National Archives micropublication T625-1647, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S6403] United States arrival 10 Jun 1921, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957, pg 232, National Archives Microfilm No. T715, roll 2984, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S6404] "News of the Community," Jefferson City Post-Tribune, Jefferson City, Missouri, 3 Oct 1930, pg 12. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S6406] Lina S. Rockefeller, Passport Application, no. 126843 (19 Feb 1895); National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC. Microfilm Publication M1490, Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 , roll 1454, General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59, image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8341] Abraham Clemens household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Lower Augusta Twp., sheet 354, dwelling 201, family 201, National Archives micropublication M432-804, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8342] Abraham Clemens household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Upper Augusta Twp., sheet 81, dwelling 615, family 620, National Archives micropublication T653-1149, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8343] Abraham Clemens household, 1870 U.S. Census, Montour Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Liberty Twp., sheet 25, dwelling 187, family 187, National Archives micropublication T593-1380, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8344] Abraham Clemens household, 1880 U.S. Census, Monroe Co., Pennsylvania, population schedule, Liberty Twp., Enumeration District 191, sheet 21B, dwelling 144, family 146, National Archives micropublication T9-1160, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8345] Sophiah Baylor Seiler, Certificate of Death, 31222, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, filed 18 Mar 1930. Informant was Mrs. S. G. Wagner, her sister. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8346] Peter Clemens, Certificate of Death, 38417, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, filed 22 Mar 1929. Informant was Henry N. Glass, relationship unknown. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8347] Abraham Clemens, Certificate of Death, 80813, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, filed 11 Aug 1928. Informant was S. G. Clemens, relationship unknown. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8348] Maria C. Young, Certificate of Death, 72963, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, filed 25 Jul 1916. Informant was Mrs Daniel Horiconk, relationship unknown. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8349] Daniel Clemens, Sr., Certificate of Death, 77627, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, filed 26 Jul 1926. Informant was Mrs Daniel Clemens, his wife. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8351] Jeramiah Clemens, Certificate of Death, 32640, issued by Missouri State Board of Health, filed 28 Oct 1928. Informant was Mrs. Annie Clemens, his wife. Image found online on Missouri Secretary of State website,. <http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/resources/deathcertificates
- [S8352] Catherine Wagner, Certificate of Death, 45575, issued by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, filed 10 May 1951. Informant was Mrs. Howard Lowe, relationship unknown. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8353] Sophie Clement household, 1840 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, Augusta Twp., page 2, line 5 from bottom, National Archives micropublication M704-475, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8354] Hannah A. Roup, Certificate of Death, 24, issued by Missouri State Board of Health, filed 30 Jan 1932. Informant was Mrs. Sam Gibbons, relationship unknown. Image found online on Missouri Secretary of State website,. <http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/resources/deathcertificates
- [S10589] Harry H. Gray household, 1920 U.S. Census, Franklin Co., Ohio, population schedule, Columbus ward 6, Enumeration District 116, sheet 4A, dwelling 60, family 63, National Archives micropublication T625-1382, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S10701] John Deiss household, 1870 U.S. Census, Kenton Co., Kentucky, population schedule, Covington ward 5, sheet 172A, dwelling 349, family 488, National Archives micropublication M593-478, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S10702] John Deiss household, 1880 U.S. Census, Kenton Co., Kentucky, population schedule, Covington, sheet 339D, dwelling 211, family 303, National Archives micropublication T9-425, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S10704] Emma Deiss, Certificate of Death, 16295, issued by Commonwealth of Kentucky Bureau of Vital Statistics, filed 21 Jun 1913. Informant was Mrs Faulwetter, her daughter Kate. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S10710] Emma Deiss Blome, Certificate of Death, 74071, issued by Ohio Department of Health, filed 30 Dec 1946. Informant was A. J. Faulwetter, her son-in-law. Image found online on FamilySearch.org.
- [S10711] John Deiss, Certificate of Death, 60136, issued by Ohio Department of Health, filed 5 Nov 1945. Informant was Lillie Deiss, his sister. Image found online on FamilySearch.org.
- [S10712] Kate Foulwetter, Certificate of Death, 2727, issued by Commonwealth of Ohio Department of Health, filed 6 Jan 1930. Informant was John Foulwetter, her husband. Image found online on FamilySearch.org.
- [S10713] Caroline Weidling, Certificate of Death, no. 68876, issued by State of Ohio Bureau of Vital Statistics, filed 3 Jan 1922. Informant was William C. Weidling, her husband. Image found online on FamilySearch.org.