John Roger Wiest Jr.1,2,3

ID# 299, (1897 - 1982)
FatherJohann Wiest4,5,6 (1870 - 15 Jun 1926)
MotherElizabeth Schmidt4,5,7 (9 Jun 1877 - 29 Nov 1940)

Key Events:

Birth: 11 Jun 1897, Friedriechsfeld, Russia8,9,10,11
Marriage: 26 Oct 1921, Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, Ethel Marie Glabe (4 Apr 1895 - 30 Jul 1985)12,13,14
Death: 29 May 1982, Redding, Shasta Co., California15,16,17
ChartsDescendants of Jakob and Anna Katharina Glebe

Copyright Notice


     John Roger Wiest Jr. was born on 11 Jun 1897 in Friedriechsfeld, Russia.8,9,10,11
     Friedrichsfeld, Russia, now known as Rosdol, Ukraine, was a settlement established by ethnic Germans who left their homelands in the late-18th and early-19th centuries at the behest of Emperor Alexander I of Russia and settled in territories off the north coast of the Black Sea. Changing political conditions and growing hostilities towards Germans from Russia later caused many to migrate to Canada, the United States and Argentina.18
     John arrived in Boston, Massachusetts, with his parents, Johann Wiest and Elizabeth Schmidt, on 12 Jul 1907, aboard the S. S. Cymric, having departed Liverpool 3 Jul 1907.19,20,21
John R. Wiest about 1948
R. L. Pound photo
He apparently used the German spelling Johann originally, but adopted the Americanized spelling John after immigrating.1,22,23
     He appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Adams Co., North Dakota, in the household of his parents.6

Military Service --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     John enlisted in Company D, 2nd Infantry, Illinois National Guard, in Chicago, on 23 Aug 1915. He was called into Federal service on 19 Jun 1916 for Mexican border duty and served there until discharged on 5 Oct 1916, when he resumed National Guard status. He was called into Federal service again during on 15 Jul 1917, when he served in Company D, 2nd Infantry, Illinois National Guard (Company D, 132nd Infantry) until 11 Apr 1918. He then served in Company E, 108th Supply Train. He became a bugler 23 Aug 1917, a private 11 Apr 1918, and a private 1st class 1 Apr 1919. He was overseas from 22 May 1918 until 22 May 1919, where his unit was engaged in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, and in defensive action at Troyon and Verdun-Fromereville (Lorraine). He was discharged at Camp Grant, Illinois, on 5 Jun 1919.23,24,25

Returning to Civilian Life --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     John appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Barrington, Illinois, on Hough St., enumerated 3 Jan 1920, in a boarding house kept by Kenneth Peeke. His future wife was listed around the corner on Station St.26
     John married Ethel Marie Glabe, daughter of Jacob Glabe and Emma Amelia Goller, on 26 Oct 1921 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, with Rev. Arthur D. Klontz officiating.12,13,14
     John filed a Petition for Citizenship to become a naturalized citizen on 29 Jun 1922, stating he lived on Lincoln St., Barrington, Illinois. He was admitted as a citizen that day by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.27
     It appears that as they grew older John and his brothers attempted to conceal their actual birth place. In the 1930, 1940 and 1950 census John reported that he had been born in North Dakota, and gave the same information to his nephew Lee Pound when he was researching the family history in the late 1960's. Jack reported the same in the 1940 census and his WWII draft card, and his death records show that he was born in that state as well. Henry reported in 1940 that he was born in Montana and in 1950 he was born in North Dakota. The reason may well have been the widespread antipathy toward eastern Europeans after the first World War.28,29,30,31,32,33,34
     John and Ethel appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, at 7005 South Artesian Ave., enumerated 5 Apr 1930, reporting that the family rented its home, paying $55.50 per month. Their son Roger was listed as living with them.35

Moving to Arizona --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     John and Ethel moved to Phoenix, Arizona, by 1932, when they were living at 1154 E. Willetta.36 By 1935 they had moved to moved to 83 Cypress, and had her sister Corrine was living with them.37,38
     He was a garage owner in 1920, and a mechanic in a machine shop by 1930.39,40,41 By 1935 he was a department superintendent for International Harvester in 1935 in Phoenix, Arizona.42
     John and Ethel moved to Chico, California, with their son Roger and her sister Corrine in 1939.43,44

Starting the Tractor Business --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     John, his brother Henry and John's brother-in-law, William Frederick Glabe, all moved their families to Chico, to open an International Harvester dealership there. According to family lore, John knew of an opening there, likely because of his work with the company in Phoenix. The business, called North Valley Tractor and Equipment Company, opened at 820 Broadway, probably very late in 1938. It does not appear in the 1939 city directory, which was apparently prepared late in the prior year, but does in the 1940 edition. Further, each of them reported working 52 weeks in 1939.45,46,47,48 John was president and headed the sales force, Henry was vice president, and William was secretary and treasurer and acted as bookkeeper.49,50,51,52,53
     John and Ethel appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Chico, Butte Co., California, at 183 E. 4th Ave., enumerated 4 Apr 1940, reporting they owned a home valued at $4,800. Their son Roger was listed as living with them, as was her sister, Corrine.54
     John and Henry's brother Jack had joined the business as a salesman by 1942, initially in the Willows branch, later moving to the Chico office.55
     By 1945 the business had moved to new quarters at 2450 Park Ave.. John report in the 1950 census he had worked 44 hours the prior week. He also reported working 52 weeks in 1949, earning $6,000 from the business.56,57,58
     By 1945 John, Ethel, their son Rodger, and her sister Corrine had moved to a property with a roomy home east of town, facing Bidwell Park.59,60

The Tractor Business Declines --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     William Glabe's health forced him to retire from North Valley Tractor about 1950, and John's wife Ethel took the title of secretary-treasurer. But the business declined and by 1953 was closed.61,48 William's brother Charles worked at the business as a parts man for a time about 1950.62,63
     John and Ethel appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Chico, Butte Co., California, on Manzanita Ave., enumerated 29 Apr 1950, reporting they lived on a farm and they lived in the same house the year before. Their son Roger was listed as living with them, as was her sister Corrine.57
     By 1955 John, Ethel and Corrine had moved to a small house at 1904 Palm Ave.64 John was listed as a salesman for Thompson Diggs in the 1955 city directory, and was listed as a salesman, without affiliation, the following year.65
     By 1958 John, Ethel, and apparently Corrine, had moved to Redding, California, where he was the manager of the Commercial Motel, at 2035 Market. They were listed as living at the same address, presumably in a manager's apartment in the building.66,67,68 A year later John was managing the Town House Lodge, at 3915 S. Market, and they were living there.69
     John died on 29 May 1982 in Redding, Shasta Co., California, at age 84.15,16,17

     Child with Ethel Marie Glabe:

  • Roger John Wiest35,54,70 (14 Jun 1928 - 6 Aug 2003)


  1. [S1945] S. S. Cymric arrival 12 Jul 1907, Passenger Lists, Boston, 1891-1943, shows name as Johann Wiest.
  2. [S14008] Marriage License, Cook Co., Illinois, no. 927419, John Wiest Jr. and Ethel Marie Glabe.
  3. [S233], online, "California Death Records," record for John Roger Wiest, accessed 31 May 2002.
  4. [S54] Pound, Glabe Family.
  5. [S1945] S. S. Cymric arrival 12 Jul 1907, Passenger Lists, Boston, 1891-1943, shows them apparently as parent and child.
  6. [S1941] Ralph Pendleton household, 1910 U.S. Census, Adams Co., North Dakota.
  7. [S233], online, "California Death Records," record for John Roger Wiest, accessed 31 May 2002, shows mother's surname as Schmidt.
  8. [S1945] S. S. Cymric arrival 12 Jul 1907, Passenger Lists, Boston, 1891-1943, shows age 10, town, as Friedriechfeld, and country.
  9. [S1941] Ralph Pendleton household, 1910 U.S. Census, Adams Co., North Dakota, shows age 13 and country, as Russia.
  10. [S13043] John Wiest, Jr., petition for naturalization (29 Jun 1922), shows date, town, as Friedrichsfeld, and country.
  11. [S13042] John Roger Wiest obituary, Record Searchlight, shows date and country, as Germany.
  12. [S14008] Marriage License, Cook Co., Illinois, no. 927419, John Wiest Jr. and Ethel Marie Glabe, shows date, city, and officiant.
  13. [S13043] John Wiest, Jr., petition for naturalization (29 Jun 1922), shows married.
  14. [S54] Pound, Glabe Family, shows date, as 29 Oct 1924, town, as Barrington, and state.
  15. [S13042] John Roger Wiest obituary, Record Searchlight, shows died Saturday and city.
  16. [S130] "Social Security Death Index,", record for John Wiest, Soc. Sec. No. 339-07-3365, shows month, year, and last residence as 96003 (Redding, Shasta, CA).
  17. [S233], online, "California Death Records," record for John Roger Wiest, accessed 31 May 2002, shows date and county.
  18. [S1265] Wikipedia, online, article "Black Sea Germans," viewed Jan 2024.
  19. [S1945] S. S. Cymric arrival 12 Jul 1907, Passenger Lists, Boston, 1891-1943, shows ship, arrival and departure dates and ports, and destination.
  20. [S1941] Ralph Pendleton household, 1910 U.S. Census, Adams Co., North Dakota, shows year, as 1907, for the parents, John, Rosa, Henry, Jacob, and Katie.
  21. [S13043] John Wiest, Jr., petition for naturalization (29 Jun 1922), shows date, as 13th, city, state, ship, and departure.
  22. [S1941] Ralph Pendleton household, 1910 U.S. Census, Adams Co., North Dakota, shows name as John Wiest.
  23. [S1944] "North Dakota Military Men, 1917-1918,", record for John Wiest, Jr.
  24. [S13043] John Wiest, Jr., petition for naturalization (29 Jun 1922), shows enlistment and discharge dates.
  25. [S13039] John R. Wiest household, 1950 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows he was a WWI veteran.
  26. [S1946] Kenneth Peeke household, 1920 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois.
  27. [S13043] John Wiest, Jr., petition for naturalization (29 Jun 1922).
  28. [S1224] John Wiest household, 1930 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois, shows born in North Dakota.
  29. [S13039] John R. Wiest household, 1950 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows born in North Dakota.
  30. [S54] Pound, Glabe Family, shows born in Bentley, North Dakota.
  31. [S885] "California Death Index, 1940-1997,", record for Jack W Wiest, shows born in North Dakota.
  32. [S3916] Henry Wiest household, 1940 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows birth state as Montana.
  33. [S12721] Jack William Wiest, WWII Draft Registration Cards for California, 10/16/1940-03/31/1947, shows birth place as Hetteringer Co., North Dakota.
  34. [S3918] Jack W. Wist household, 1940 U.S. Census, Tehama Co., California, shows born in Dakota.
  35. [S1224] John Wiest household, 1930 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois.
  36. [S3914] Phoenix City Directory, 1932, pg 497.
  37. [S3914] Phoenix City Directory, 1935, pp 184, 481.
  38. [S3915] John R. Wiest household, 1940 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows John, Ethel, Roger, and Corrine had lived in Phoenix in 1935.
  39. [S1944] "North Dakota Military Men, 1917-1918,", record for John Wiest, Jr., shows occupation as mechanic.
  40. [S13043] John Wiest, Jr., petition for naturalization (29 Jun 1922), shows occupation as mechanic.
  41. [S1224] John Wiest household, 1930 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois, shows occupation as mechanic in a machine shop.
  42. [S3914] Phoenix City Directory, 1935, pg 481.
  43. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1940 pp 98, 195 show them at 183 E 4th av.
  44. [S13040] Cora Louise Glabe obituary, The Sacramento Bee, shows she moved to Chico in 1939.
  45. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1939, pg 6, has Library of Congress date stamp showing received 10 Mar 1939, pg 184 shows no business at 820 Broadway, there is no listing for an International Harvester dealer, only one for Caterpillar and John Deere and another for Allis-Chalmers; 1940 pg 146, shows North Valley Tractor & Equipment Co at 820 Bway.
  46. [S13039] John R. Wiest household, 1950 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows occupation as part-owner & salesman and industry as howester co.
  47. [S24] Interview, Carmen Glabe Reigel, 7 Oct 1998.
  48. [S110] Personal knowledge of author, recalling stories heard from his mother and grandparents.
  49. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1940 pg 146, shows "North Valley Tractor & Equipment Co J R Wiest pres H E Wiest v-pres W F Glabe sec 820 Bway ."
  50. [S3915] John R. Wiest household, 1940 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows occupation as implement dealer, industry as farm equipment.
  51. [S3916] Henry Wiest household, 1940 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows occupation as agent, industry as farm equipment company.
  52. [S3457] William F. Glabe household, 1940 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows occupation as auditor, tractor and farm implement co.
  53. [S12946] William F. Glabe household, 1950 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows occupation as secretary-treasury and industry as retail tractor dealer.
  54. [S3915] John R. Wiest household, 1940 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California.
  55. [S12721] Jack William Wiest, WWII Draft Registration Cards for California, 10/16/1940-03/31/1947, shows him in Willows, working for North Valley Tractor.
  56. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1945 pg 196, shows the business at new address, pg 263 shows Jack as employee; 1948 pg 334 shows Jack as salesman.
  57. [S13039] John R. Wiest household, 1950 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California.
  58. [S13308] Henry E. Wiest household, 1950 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows occupation as proprietor and industry as farm implements.
  59. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1945 pg 263, shows them at rt 2 bx 69a.
  60. [S110] Personal knowledge of author, recalling visiting the home as a child.
  61. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1952 pg 221 shows Mrs. E E [sic] Wiest as sec-tres; 1953 shows no listing of the firm; 1955 pg 73 shows Chico Tractor under new management at the same address.
  62. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1950, pg 152.
  63. [S13038] Charles E. Glabe household, 1950 U.S. Census, Butte Co., California, shows occupation as tractor parts man (sales clerk) and industry as farm equipment.
  64. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1955 pp 130, 334; and 1956 pp 249, 460.
  65. [S3460] Polk's Chico and Oroville (California) City Directory, 1955 pg 334; and 1956 pg 460.
  66. [S3917] Polk's Redding City Directory, 1958 pg 196 shows motel location; pg 480 shows John and Ethel; Corrine not listed.
  67. [S13040] Cora Louise Glabe obituary, The Sacramento Bee, shows she moved to Redding six years ago.
  68. [S13042] John Roger Wiest obituary, Record Searchlight, shows he was resident of county 18 years.
  69. [S3917] Polk's Redding City Directory, 1959 pg 314 shows motel location; pg 335 shows John and Ethel; Corrine not listed.
  70. [S13041] Roger John Wiest, WWII Draft Registration Cards for California, 10/16/1940-03/31/1947.