Quintus C. Atkinson1,2,3
ID# 1854, (abt 1810 - 1864)
Father | Thomas Walton Atkinson4,5 (abt 1778 - 1862) |
Mother | Elizabeth Hundley6,7 (22 Oct 1783 - abt 1810) |
Charts | Descendants of Dr. Davis Green Tuck Descendants of David Dutt/Toot |
Quintus C. Atkinson was born about 1810 in Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee
He was probably one of the two males under age 10 listed in the household of his father, Thomas Walton Atkinson, in the 1810 Federal Census of Columbia, Adair Co., Kentucky

Quintus married first Arabella C. West, daughter of Robert J. West and Nancy Dortch, on 17 Dec 1835 in Dickson Co., Tennessee

His wife died on 25 Nov 1837.23,24
In the Iron Business with his First Father-in-Law --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Just when Quintus moved to Memphis is not clear. A brief biography written after his death says he moved there in 1836, but that seems to have been in error. When he sold half interest in a lot in Memphis in 1838 he was shown as "of Montgomery Co.25,26 He apparently had business interests in Memphis before he established a residence there. J. R. Wray, who came to Memphis about 1837, said he managed Quintus' store there, and when Quintus came to town he stayed with Wray.27
Quintus married second Sarah Elizabeth Tuck, daughter of Dr. Davis Green Tuck and Elizabeth M. Toot, on 24 Sep 1842 in Christian Co., Kentucky

Quintus was issued letters of administration on 6 Jul 1846 in Montgomery Co., Tennessee

Quintus was engaged in a partnership with his first father-in-law, Robert J. West, for "some years" before the partnership was dissolved on 1 Jul 1848. They jointly owned the Sailors Rest Furnace on Yellow Creek in Montgomery Co. and Dickson Forge, formerly Jackson Forge, on Yellow Creek in Dickson Co. Those ventures included about 15,000 acres in some 32 parcels in Montgomery, Dickson, and Stewart Counties, mainly for use as ore beds. There were also 43 slaves, a store, wagons and teams, carts and oxen, cattle and hogs, and a leather-tanning yard. The partnership also owned three lots in Memphis and an agency there for the sale of iron castings and merchandise. That venture included two more slaves. Under the agreement to dissolve the partnership, West kept all the furnace and forge business, including all the land, slaves, livestock, goods on hand, and debts owed the firm. Atkinson kept the Memphis property and business, including stock on hand, the two Negroes, Hastings and Simeon, and debts owed to that business.29
An Able Businessman --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
A contemporary biography described Quintus' business abilities in glowing terms, in the fashion of of the period. One says of him "His sagacity was marvelous, industry tireless, and habits of economy remarkable. He accumulated wealth very rapidly." Then it continues to describe his character: "In religious practices he was even more earnest than in pursuits of everyday life. His generosity to the poor and unfortunate, and to the church, was perhaps without parallel in Memphis." At his death he was "especially esteemed and beloved by the Methodist Church, of which he was a devout and active member."30
But it appears that he was not always so religious. Dr. Watson, of the First Methodist Church in Memphis, described his conversion. "While preaching on Christmas day, I observed tears flowing freely down the cheeks of Mr. Q. C. Atkinson. I mentioned it to Brother Trezevant on our way from the Church, and he remarked the he was one of the most wicked men in Memphis." Shortly afterward Atkinson was converted and joined the Church. "He was ever after a zealous, devoted, liberal member of the church, on to the day of his death. He has given more to the Church than any member we ever had." But apparently not without some conflict, as he left the Church for a time after a dispute over pew rentals, and went to Asbury Chapel in South Memphis, despite living on 2nd St. next to First Church.31,32,33
He seems to have regarded himself primarily as a merchant after the partnership with his first father-in-law was dissolved. In an advertisement in the 1850 city directory he describes his business as follows:34,35
Q. C. Atkinson
(Successor to Robert Wells)
No. 56 Front Row, Memphis
Has constantly for sale a large supply
of the best
Cumberland Iron,
Made by Wood, Stacker & Co.
– Also –
Nails, Plantation and Machinery Castings, Blacksmith Tools,
Farming Utensils, Parlor, Office, School and Cook
Stoves, Pig and Bar Lead, Squirrel and Buck
Shot – all of which is offered at
fair prices for cash.
He later became a private banker, and clearly continued to deal in real estate – records have been found for some 15 purchases of lots in Memphis and South Memphis between 1850 and 1858. In the 1859 city directory he was listed as a note broker, still located at 56 Front Row.36,37,38 (Successor to Robert Wells)
No. 56 Front Row, Memphis
Has constantly for sale a large supply
of the best
Cumberland Iron,
Made by Wood, Stacker & Co.
– Also –
Nails, Plantation and Machinery Castings, Blacksmith Tools,
Farming Utensils, Parlor, Office, School and Cook
Stoves, Pig and Bar Lead, Squirrel and Buck
Shot – all of which is offered at
fair prices for cash.
Quintus and Sarah in Memphis --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Quintus and Sarah appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee

Quintus bought the lot where they were living in Logan Co., Kentucky

He purchased the property on Poplar St. Blvd, Memphis

Quintus was named executor and an heir in the will of his father, dated 24 Apr 1858. He was to receive an equal share of his father's slaves and other property with his six siblings and half-siblings who were living or had living descendants.4,44
Quintus was appointed administrator of the estate of his wife's eldest brother, Dr. William J. Tuck, in the fall term of the Shelby Co. county court. Selling of his books, settlement of debts, and collection of amounts due took until 2 Jun 1860.45
A Very Detailed Will --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Quintus left a will dated 7 Jan 1864, in Shelby Co., Tennessee

He left his widow their home on State line road with 20.35 acres and all the furnishings, fixtures, carriages, etc; the brick store adjoining Madison St. and Front Row; and $10,000. He left $500 each to his half-sisters Sarah Cates and Quintilla C. and to his half-nephew Quintus Cincinnatus Atkinson. He left his sister Elizabeth the house and land where she lived, which she and her husband had previously deeded to him, $3,000, and canceled the debts she owed him. He left her children, Susan, Arabella, Jane, Quintus, Sarah, Charles and Barbara, $2,000 each, less the amounts some of them owed in his account books, excepting Arabella who received $1,000. He left Thomas W. Mason and David Mason, the sons of his deceased sister Frances, $2,000 each less amounts they owed him, and two of her granddaughters $2,000 spit between them, less amounts owed by their parents to improve their place near Keysburg, Kentucky. Any surplus or shortfall is to be divided between the Trabue and Mason children, unless the executors find the amount left his widow insufficient, in which case additional amounts can be given to her.
He notes that in previous wills he had left bequests to servants, but now feels "restrained by a power I cannot resist" from doing so. He advises his widow to treat kindly those who stay with her, and give them comfort and aid if they become diseased or crippled. He asks his wife, should she die soon after him, to "bear in mind" the children of his two sisters, taking the liberty of "making discrimination among them any that are wasteful, or extravagant." He notes that he is without "cabinett paper" and his health being too poor to go to the city for paper, he has cut pages from a book to write the will. He notes his father's will has not been settled because of "the unsettled state of the country" and directs his friend Joshua Elder and his half-nephew to take to take his place in settling it.3
The Fatal Trip to Montreal --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
In Oct 1864 Sarah and Quintus undertook a trip to Montreal, Canada. In Louisville they encountered her sister, Martha, who was there as part of a bridal trip for their brother Richard, and persuaded her to join them. They reached Chicago, where Quintus became ill, developing into pneumonia.46 They were eventually able to return is remains to Memphis, where he was buried in Feb 1865.47
Quintus died on 7 Nov 1864 in probably, Chicago, Illinois

A substantial monument was erected in his lot in Elmwood Cemetery. It is described as a "costly and tasteful monument" in an 1874 publication by the cemetery, which includes a lithograph of it. Apparently it caused quite a stir when it was erected. A newspaper reported that the 1200-pound block of Italian marble for the base, imported for the project, was hauled past its offices. The public was invited to see the impressive block at the marble yard of Maydewell & Anderson, who were creating the piece. The completed monument was to be twenty-two feet high.48,49,50 (See aerial view.)
Probating His Estate --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
His will was filed on 3 Jan 1865 in Shelby Co., Tennessee

His widow, Sarah, together with Edgar McDavitt and R. W. Clements, all acting as executors, continued to manage his real estate interests for some years. For example, on 10 Apr 1868 they took a mortgage from George Weidt on a lot in South Memphis to secure his note for $3,180. On 4 May 1968 they took a mortgage from Michael Larkin on a lot on Vance and Orleans St. along with 16 mules used in his stables on 2nd St. in Memphis to secure a note for $3,100. On 4 Apr 1866 they obtained a judgment from the Law Court of Memphis for $5,307.20 in favor of the estate, and another on 9 Nov 1866 for $7,218.72. In settlement of those judgments they and others received a lot and brick tenement house in Memphis near the Memphis and Charleston Rail Road depot at Adams & High Sts.54 On 6 Apr 1870 they offered a store house on Front St., or Mississippi Row, in Memphis, at public sale. It was purchased by Matthew Lyddall Bacon, husband of Sarah's sister, for $20,000.55
On 6 Jul 1891 Paul Tuck, brother of Quintus's widow, filed a petition with the Probate Court of Shelby Co., Tennessee

Children with Arabella C. West
The three daughters are shown based on thin evidence. The only record found of them is their appearance in the 1850 census in the household of Quintus' sister Elizabeth. They are the right age to be children of Quintus and Arabella, and Elizabeth had no other brothers old enough to have been their father. In addition, Quintus was very supportive of Elizabeth, but the girls are not named in his extensive will, so if they were his daughters they must have all died previously.
Children with Sarah Elizabeth Tuck:
- Arabella West Atkinson60,61 (say 1847 - say 1847)
- Thomas Tuck Atkinson62,61,60 (abt 1 Jan 1848 - 23 Mar 1849)
- [S2061] Macon, John and Edward Tuck of Halifax County, pg 29, shows name as Quintus C. Atkinson.
- [S1208] Jas. B. Ferguaon household, 1850 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows name as Q. C. Atkinson.
- [S1285] Wills, Shelby Co., Tennessee, 4:32-38, Q. C. Atkinson, 1865.
- [S8704] Will Books, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, P:711-3, will of T. W. Atkinson, May 1865 term.
- [S1285] Wills, Shelby Co., Tennessee, 4:36, Q. C. Atkinson, 1865, shows his father's name in connection with probate of the father's will being incomplete.
- [S8704] Will Books, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, P:711-3, will of T. W. Atkinson, May 1865 term, shows the son a child of his first wife.
- [S1328] Fone, "Thomas Walton Atkinson", citing (Nottoway Co., Virginia, DB 10:375) August 31, 1840, Quintus C. Atkinson of Montgomery County, Tennessee, Jno. E. Trabue and wife Elezabeth (formerly Atkinson) of Robertson County, Tennessee - power of attorney to David D. Mason of Logan County, Kentucky, to receive the distributive share of our mother Elizabeth Atkinson late wife of Fra. Atkinson, from the estate of our grandmother Elezabeth Overton and our grandfather Josiah Hundly, dated 31 Aug 1840, recorded 30 Sep 1840.
- [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998, shows city, county, and state.
- [S1208] Jas. B. Ferguaon household, 1850 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows age 40 and state.
- [S2024] Q. C. Atkinson and Arabela C. West, marriage bond.
- [S2028] "Married," National Banner and Nashville Whig, 23 Dec 1835, reporting marriage of Quintus C. Atkinson and Miss Arabella C. West on the 17th inst., shows officiant.
- [S7393] Marriage Bonds, Christian Co., Kentucky, bk 2, no. 206, Quintus C. Atkinson and Sarah E. Tuck, shows date and officiant.
- [S1283] Q. C. & Sarah E. Atkinson family monument, Elmwood Cemetery, has "Q. C. Atkinson and his wife Sarah E. Atkinson" inscribed on the base of the monument.
- [S1277] "Died - Atkinson," The Daily Appeal, 3 Nov 1882, shows she was his widow.
- [S1273] Elmwood, pg 98, shows date, as 7 Nov 1864.
- [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 155, deposition of Mrs. M. W. Bacon, states that she joined them for a trip to Montreal in Oct 1864, that he became ill when they reached Chicago, and died of pneumonia three weeks later. It is clear the party remained away from home until his death, and there is no indication they left Chicago before his death.
- [S1345] Atkinson, Shelby Co. Tennessee loose probate records, petition of N. D. Elliott, 29 Jun 1866, shows he died "on or about" 6 Jun 1864. There is no explanation why this date differs from other sources. Perhaps it was simply a mistake.
- [S4112] Elmwood Cemetery, burial records, 1865 pg 317, shows date, lot 299, grave 5.
- [S1281] Frazier, "RE: Elmwood Cemetery - Atkinson - Bacon records," e-mail to author, 11 Sep 2007, shows section and lot, that he was owner, and interment date.
- [S1329] Thomas Atkinson household, 1810 U.S. Census, Adair Co., Kentucky.
- [S1330] Thos Atkinson household, 1820 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
- [S1331] Thos Atkinson household, 1830 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
- [S944] Davis, Folk Finders, citing Dunbar Cemetery tombstones, stone for Arabella West Atkinson.
- [S3375] Nesbitt, The Primal Families of the Yellow Creek Valley, pg 634, shows year.
- [S1273] Elmwood, pg 98, shows he came to Memphis in 1836, that he was an ironmonger and eminently successful in that business.
- [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , bk W pg 429, Quintus C. Atkinson to Archibald Walker.
- [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 1131-3, testimony of J. R. Wray.
- [S8704] Will Books, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, K:239-240, administrator's bond of Q. C. Atkinson, Jul 1846 term; K:250, letters of administration for estate of Joshua Atkinson.
- [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , bk 3, pp 597-604, repeated at bk 42, pp 258-66, Q. C. Atkinson and Robert West (14 Aug 1849), recounts the partnership and assigns the various properties to the two parties; also bk S pg 59, William Lawrance to Q. C. Atkinson and Robert West (29 May 1845), records the sale of one of the Memphis lots to the partnership.
- [S1273] Elmwood, pg 98.
- [S1275] Hicks, History of First Methodist Church, pg 41, describes Atkinson's conversion and the pew dispute.
- [S1276] Interview, Paul T. Hicks, 5 Sep 2007, provided location of Asbury Chapel, and said Atkinson lived on 2nd St. next door to First Church at the time of the pew rental issue.
- [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 1131-3, testimony of J. R. Wray, shows he said Quintus was not a Methodist at first, but became prominent in the Church.
- [S1208] Jas. B. Ferguaon household, 1850 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows occupation as merchant.
- [S4109] Twyman's Memphis Directory, 1850, pg 72.
- [S1273] Elmwood, pg 98, shows that in his later years he abandoned mercantile pursuits and was a private banker on Front St.
- [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , bk 5 pp 301-2 Gardner B. Lock (23 May 1850), 5: 516-7 A. O. Harris (12 Jul 1850), 5: 518-9 G. B. Locke (13 Jul 1850), 12: 187-8 Peter Baker (3 Mar 1852), 10: 49-50 Fletcher Lane (1 Apr 1852), 10: 248-9 D. T. Johnson (23 Apr 1852), 27: 49-51 Francis Mareno (13 Dec 1856), 30: 278-9 J. H. Unthank (29 Aug 1857, 34: 567-8 R. M. Richardson and H. E. Clark (13 Sep 1858), 35: 614-5 J. Carroll Terry (11 Dec 1858), all sales of lot is Memphis or South Memphis to Q. C. Atkinson; also five warrantee deeds to Q. C. Atkinson appearing in the online index for which images are not available.
- [S4109] Twyman's Memphis Directory, 1859, pp 44, 188.
- [S1208] Jas. B. Ferguaon household, 1850 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows Ferguson, with occupation of hotel keeper, with apparently his wife and four children, the Atkinsons, and seven others who seem by their occupations to be employees of the hotel.
- [S1209] Q. C. Atkinson, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, slave schedule, listed immediately preceding Atkinson are 11 slaves belonging to the U. S. Hotel.
- [S8713] Deeds, Logan Co., Kentucky, 31:127-8, John E. Trabue and Elizabeth H. Trabue to Q. C. Atkinson, 9 Oct 1851.
- [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , bk 87 pp 321-2 Francis Radford formerly Francis Lawrence, Lucinda McGain formerly Lucinda Lawrance to Sarah E. Atkinson (4 May 1872), quit claim on Atkinson home estate, describes the original proceeding and lost papers, states original decree recorded at bk 30 pg 46; that record appears in the online index but no image is available.
- [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , Plat bk 1, pg 132, Sarah Atkinson Home Tract, surveyed 30 Mar 1883, shows various lots in tract and their owners and location of main house; acreages computed based on measurements shown on plat.
- [S1285] Wills, Shelby Co., Tennessee, 4:36, Q. C. Atkinson, 1865, shows his father had left a will as yet not closed.
- [S4141] Tuck, Shelby Co. Tennessee loose probate records, bond 5 Jul 1859; administrator's inventory 16 Jun 1859; and settlement statement.
- [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 155-6, deposition of Mrs. M. W. Bacon.
- [S1281] Frazier, "RE: Elmwood Cemetery - Atkinson - Bacon records," e-mail to author, 11 Sep 2007, shows interment 10 Feb 1865.
- [S1273] Elmwood, pg 98, describes monument, a lithograph is included with a few others.
- [S1282] "Splendid Monument Intended," The Daily Memphis Avalanch, 10 Apr 1866, describes hauling of stone and intended monument; small item on pg 3 of 12 Apr 1866 issue says it can be seen at the monument works.
- [S1283] Q. C. & Sarah E. Atkinson family monument, Elmwood Cemetery, has "Maydwell & Anderson, Memphis" inscribed in small letters on the base of the monument.
- [S1285] Wills, Shelby Co., Tennessee, 4:32-38, Q. C. Atkinson, 1865, shows filed 3 Jan 1865 and recorded in the minutes of the County Court in Record Book A, pg 90.
- [S1345] Atkinson, Shelby Co. Tennessee loose probate records, petition of N. D. Elliott, 29 Jun 1866, shows all named executors and says they declined to serve except himself.
- [S1345] Atkinson, Shelby Co. Tennessee loose probate records, inventory as of 3 Jan 1865, filed by N. D. Elliott, 27 Mar 1865, 19 pages, total due $144,164.53; additional inventory filed by N. D. Elliott 30 Jan 1866, no total but adds to about $51,880; petition of N. D. Elliott, 29 Jun 1866, shows about $52,008 collected and $46,000 paid out; summons 6 Sep 1870, executed 1 Oct 1870; summons 7 Feb 1873 with sheriff's report 10 Feb 1873; summons 25 Feb 1876 with sherriff's report 2 Mar 1876.
- [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , bk 67 pp 11-2 George Weidt mortgage to Sarah E. Atkinson, exter. and E. McDavill, exter. (10 Apr 1868); bk 68 pp 97-9 Michael Larkin mortgage to Sarah E. Atkinson, Edgar McDavitt, and R. W. Clements, executors (4 May 1868); and bk 68, pp 466-9 P. M. Winters, Sheriff, and D. N. Poston to Edgar McDavitt, Sarah E. Atkinson, and R. W. Clements, excutors for Q. C. Atkinson, deceased, Thomas A. Nelson, executor for John Trigg, deceased, and Henry G. Smith (23 Jul 1868).
- [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , bk 74 pp 573-4 Edgar McDavitt, R. W. Clements, and Sarah E. Atkinson, executors for Q. C. Atkinson, deceased, to M. L. Bacon (27 Apr 1870).
- [S1346] Atkinson, Shelby Co. Tennessee loose probate records, petition 6 Jul 1891 by A. P. Tuck for letters of special administration to collect the refund of the U. S. Direct Tax; Final Settlement statement by A. P. Tuck 20 Dec 1894 shows amounts collected and his commission.
- [S1347] MacDonald, Select Statutes of the United States 1861-1898, pp 39-40, describes the act of 7 Jun 1862 to collect the direct tax under the act of 5 Aug 1861 in the states insurrection.
- [S1348] State Archives of Florida Online Catalog, online, entry for record group 000101,"United States Direct Tax refund records, 1891-1901," describes 1861 act being ruled unconstitutional, and passage of refund act in 1891.
- [S1334] John E. Trabue household, 1850 U.S. Census, Logan Co., Kentucky, shows them in the household of his sister.
- [S1283] Q. C. & Sarah E. Atkinson family monument, Elmwood Cemetery, has inscribed "Thomas Tuck and Arabella West children of Quintus C. & Sarah E. Atkinson."
- [S2061] Macon, John and Edward Tuck of Halifax County, pg 29.
- [S2705] Smith, Reported Deaths, The Nashville Christian Advocate, 1847-1849 vol, pg 63, citing 30 Mar 1849 issue, Thomas T. Atkinson notice.