Adam Paul Tuck1,2,3,4

ID# 1205, (1842 - 1900)
FatherDr. Davis Green Tuck5,6,7 (30 Dec 1793 - 3 Feb 1863)
MotherElizabeth M. Toot6,7,8 (26 Nov 1800 - 29 Dec 1873)

Key Events:

Birth: 15 Nov 1842, Danville, Kentucky9,10,11
Marriage: 20 Oct 1870, Boyle Co., Kentucky, Emma Williams (17 Mar 1849 - 1 Jun 1903)12,13,14
Death: 25 Sep 1900, 291 Linden St., Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee15,16,17
Burial: 26 Sep 1900, Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee18,3,19
ChartsDescendants of Dr. Davis Green Tuck
Descendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Dutt/Toot Family
The Tuck Family

Copyright Notice


     Adam Paul Tuck was born on 15 Nov 1842 in Danville, Kentucky.9,10,11 He was known to family as Paul, and apparently used that name in some business situations. For example, his name appeared in the 1882 through 1886 Memphis city directories as A. Paul Tuck, though in other years it appeared as Adam P. or A. P.20,21,22
     He appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Christian Co., Kentucky, in the household of his parents, Dr. Davis Green Tuck and Elizabeth M. Toot.23,24
     Paul attended Steward College, Clarksville, Tennessee, appearing in the 1859-60 catalogue as a freshman.25 He appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Hopkinsville, Christian Co., Kentucky, in the household of his parents.26,27
     Paul was named an heir in the will of his father, dated 25 Mar 1861, to receive $8,000.28
     His father died on 3 Feb 1863, when Adam was 20 years old.29,30,31
     In about Dec 1864 Paul accompanied his sister Sarah back to her home in Memphis after her husband's death. He remained a few weeks, then went to Louisville, where he went into business.32 He settled in Louisville by 1865, when he was boarding at 314 Jefferson.33

The Grocery Business Destined for Bankruptcy --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     In 1865 and 1866 Paul and his brother Richard, with J. G. Davis, operated a business at 322 Main in Louisville, as wholesale grocers and commission merchants under the name of Tuck, Davis & Co. Richard was in Christian Co. and Paul in Louisville. Advertisements soliciting consignments ran in a number of newspapers, including the Macon, Georgia, Weekly Telegraph in Sep and Oct 1865 and Brownlow's Knoxville Whig in Knoxville, Tennessee, in the spring of 1866.33,34,35
     Paul filed for bankruptcy 3 Mar 1868 in the United States District Court for West Tennessee in Memphis. All his property was transferred by the court to William Y. Cirode, assignee, on 11 May 1868.36,37 On 24 Oct 1868 the court ordered his property sold, and on 16 Nov a sale was held at the front entrance of the courthouse to sell his one-sixth interest in a 1000-acre tract in Christian Co., Kentucky, from the estate of his father. The property was subject to a life estate of his mother. The buyer was his brother-in-law, Thomas Herbert Elliott.38,39 In January the assignee advertised a meeting of creditors to declare payments to them, and that he planned to apply to the court to close the case on 15 Mar 1869.40
     On 18 Feb 1868, two weeks before he declared bankruptcy, Paul transferred title to lot #1 in Turley subdivision, on Linden St. in Memphis, to his sister Sarah. According to the deed this was in accordance with an agreement signed 24 Nov 1866, and that she had provided the purchase money, $3,000, when he originally purchased the property, and that he had held it in trust for her.41 One might be forgiven for suspecting the motivation was otherwise, however. It appears that she returned the east half of the lot to him in a transaction that has not been found, because when she gave him the west half of the lot in Jul 1882, it was described as west of the lot on which he lived. He and his wife were actually living there by 1872, and continued to live there until his death. His wife later testified that Paul had paid $600 or $800 for that lot and Sarah had given him the rest.42,43

Moving to Memphis --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Paul's sister Martha later testified that after losing his "entire estate" in Louisville, Paul returned to Memphis in Jun 1866 and lived with his sister Sarah until his marriage in Oct 1870.32 Paul appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, in the household of his sister Sarah.44
     Adam Paul married Emma Williams, daughter of Col. Beverly Dickerson Williams and Narcissa B. Mitchell, on 20 Oct 1870 in Boyle Co., Kentucky.12,13,14 Paul and Emma lived in Memphis from the time they were married, in Oct 1870, except for a period from 1875 to 1878 when they lived in St. Louis.45
     He was a bookkeeper for Anderson & Watson, cotton factors and commercial merchants, by 1869. By 1872 he had become a freight and ticket agent for the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad, and by 1874 a travel agent for A. C. Tredwell & Brothers, grocers and cotton factors.46,47
     After spending a few year in St. Louis, he returned to Memphis and began working for local governments. In 1879 he was a deputy county trustee, and then a bookkeeper there. By 1880 he had become city register.48,49
     Paul and Emma appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, at 291 Linden St., enumerated 10 Jun 1880. Their children Narcissa and Elizabeth were listed as living with them, as was Olly Harden, age 18, a servant.50
     On 23 Jul 1882, he was given the lot adjacent to his home on Linden St., Memphis, by his sister, Sarah, for the nominal sum of $5.51 In the first week of Sep 1882, Paul and his sister Martha each received ten shares of Bank of Commerce stock from their sister Sarah.52

Returning to Retail Business --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     By 1884 he had returned to private business, and was working as a clerk for C. B. Bryan & Co., coal, coke, and wood dealers. Two years later he was working for B. Lowenstein & Brothers, a wholesale and retail dry goods and notions company, where he was a collector.53,54 He then became a drugist, operating his own store at 301 Madison from 1888 until 1890.55
     About 1891 he left his own drug store and became a clerk for George H. Battier, a druggist at 120 Beale. By the next year he returned to B. Lowenstein & Bros. and worked there the remainder of his life. He is listed as a collector and clerk in various years, and in 1899 as a traveling agent. He was apparently mostly concerned with finances however, as his occupation was reported as an accountant in the 1900 census.56,57,58
     On 6 Jul 1891 Paul, as brother of Quintus C. Atkinson's widow, filed a petition with the Probate Court of Shelby Co., Tennessee, asking for special letters of administration for Quintus's estate for the purpose of recovering the U. S. Direct tax due the estate. The direct tax had been collected under an act of Congress passed on 5 Aug 1861 designed to raise revenue for the Civil War. It was eventually ruled unconstitutional and an act of Congress approved 2 Mar 1891 provided for reimbursement of the amounts collected. A total of $412.88 was recovered, for which the administrator collected a 10% fee. There is no record of how the proceeds were disbursed.59,60,61
     Paul and Emma appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, in the household of their daughter Elizabeth and her husband John Ripley Greer.62
     Adam died on 25 Sep 1900 in 291 Linden St., Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, at age 57, at his residence.15,16,17 He was buried on 26 Sep 1900 in Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, in the lot owned by his sister, Sarah, and her husband, following services at his residence by Rev. J. C. Morris.18,3,19

     Children with Emma Williams:


  1. [S1221] John Ripley Greer household, 1900 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows name as Adam Paul Tuck.
  2. [S2014] Wills, Kentucky, S:105-6, will of D. G. Tuck, 23 Feb 1863, shows name as Adam P. Tuck.
  3. [S1283] Q. C. & Sarah E. Atkinson family monument, Elmwood Cemetery, has "Adam Paul Tuck" inscribed on the base of the monument, as well as on an adjacent marble grave boarder.
  4. [S4210] Narcisse Macgowan, Certificate of Death, shows name as Dr. Adam Paul Tuck.
  5. [S2014] Wills, Kentucky, S:105-6, will of D. G. Tuck, 23 Feb 1863, shows the boy as his son.
  6. [S1285] Wills, Shelby Co., Tennessee, 8:289-92, Sarah E. Atkinson, 1882, shows A. P. as her brother.
  7. [S631] Dr. Davis G. Tuck household, 1850 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows them in the same household, appearing to be parent and child.
  8. [S632] D. G. Tuck household, 1860 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows them in same household, suggesting parent and child.
  9. [S1283] Q. C. & Sarah E. Atkinson family monument, Elmwood Cemetery, has date and state inscribed on the base of the monument below his name.
  10. [S631] Dr. Davis G. Tuck household, 1850 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows age 7 and state.
  11. [S4210] Narcisse Macgowan, Certificate of Death, shows town and state.
  12. [S8894] Marriage Bonds, Boyle Co., Kentucky, 6:92, A. P. Tuck and Sarah Emma Williams, shows bond date.
  13. [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 109, deposition of Mrs. Emma W. Tuck, gave date.
  14. [S1220] Paul Tuck household, 1880 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows married.
  15. [S4133] A. P. Tuck, Register of Deaths, shows date and address.
  16. [S1278] "Died - Tuck," The Commercial Appeal, 26 Sept 1900, shows date, address, and at his home.
  17. [S4122] R. L. Polk & Co.'s Memphis Directory, 1901 pg 995, shows date.
  18. [S4112] Elmwood Cemetery, burial records, 1900 pg 133, shows date, lot 299, grave 11.
  19. [S1278] "Died - Tuck," The Commercial Appeal, 26 Sept 1900, shows funeral arrangements.
  20. [S632] D. G. Tuck household, 1860 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows name as Paul Tuck.
  21. [S4125] Sholes' City Directory of the City of Memphis, 1882 pg 564; 1883 pg 559; and 1884 pg 529.
  22. [S4123] Dow's City Directory of Memphis, 1885 pg 664; and 1886 pg 667.
  23. [S631] Dr. Davis G. Tuck household, 1850 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
  24. [S659] Doct. Davis G. Tuck, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, slave schedule.
  25. [S645] Titus, Picturesque Clarksville, pg 97.
  26. [S632] D. G. Tuck household, 1860 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
  27. [S644] D. G. Tuck, owner, 1860 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, slave schedule.
  28. [S2014] Wills, Kentucky, S:105-6, will of D. G. Tuck, 23 Feb 1863.
  29. [S14013] Dr. D. G. Tuck tombstone, Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery, shows date.
  30. [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 210, shows month and year.
  31. [S2014] Wills, Kentucky, S:105-6, will of D. G. Tuck, 23 Feb 1863, will dated 25 Mar 1861, proved Feb 1863.
  32. [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 156-60, deposition of Mrs. M. W. Bacon.
  33. [S4127] Edwards' Annual Director, City of Louisville, 1865-6 pg 571; 1866-7 pg409.
  34. [S2018] Advertisement, The Macon Daily Telegraph, 10 Sep 1865, same advertisement appeared in 12 Sep, 23 Sep, and 22 Oct editions.
  35. [S4128] Advertisement, Tuck, Davis & Co, Brownlow's Knoxville Wig, 14 Mar 1866, same advertisement appeared in 28 Feb, 7 Mar, and 14 Mar and other editions.
  36. [S4129] "Petitions in Bankruptcy," Public Ledger, 4 Mar 1868.
  37. [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, 44:304, assignment of banckrupt effect, 1 Sep 1868.
  38. [S4130] "Bankrupt Sale of Real Estate," The Sunday Appeal, 1 Nov1868, shows property as 100 acres.
  39. [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, 46:58-60, William Y. Cirode of Mempis, assignee of A. P. Tuck to T. H. Elliott, 7 Jun 1869.
  40. [S4131] Legal notice, The Memphis Daily Appeal, 28 Jan 1869.
  41. [S1227] Deed Books, Shelby Co., Tennessee, , bk 66 pp 299-300 A. Paul Tuck to Sarah E. Atkinson (13 Apr 1868).
  42. [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 106, deposition of Mrs. Emma W. Tuck, in which she described their home and Sarah's gift, and pg 149-52, a copy of deed dated 23 Jul 1882 from Sarah E. Atkinson to A. P. Tuck, recorded 28 Jul 1882, describes the property as the west half of Lot No. 1 of Turley subdivision, beginning at the NW corner of the A. P. Tuck lot on which he lives, then running along his line, and to the west.
  43. [S4132] Edwards' Annual Director, City of Memphis, 1872 pg 393 shows residence as 291 Linden.
  44. [S605] Sarah Atkinson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  45. [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 109, deposition of Mrs. Emma W. Tuck, stated they lived in Memphis expect for about three years in St. Louis from 1876 through part of 1878, pg 146 corrected that to say she went to St. Louis in Dec 1874.
  46. [S4132] Edwards' Annual Director, City of Memphis, 1869 pgp 36, 213; 1872 pp 393, 474; and 1874 pp 502, 504.
  47. [S605] Sarah Atkinson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows occupation as cotton broker.
  48. [S4125] Sholes' City Directory of the City of Memphis, 1879 pg 449, shows dep county trustee; 1880 pg 430 shows bkkpr county trustee; and 1881 pg 507 shows city register.
  49. [S1220] Paul Tuck household, 1880 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows occupation as city register.
  50. [S1220] Paul Tuck household, 1880 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  51. [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 149-52, Exhibit A to deposition of Mrs. Emma W. Tuck, a copy of deed dated 23 Jul 1882 from Sarah E. Atkinson to A. P. Tuck, recorded 28 Jul 1882, noted in Note bk 10, pg 45.
  52. [S2111] McNeil et al v. Mills and Young, transcript of proceedings of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., 12 Aug 1885, pg 208-9.
  53. [S4125] Sholes' City Directory of the City of Memphis, 1884 pgp 191, 529.
  54. [S4123] Dow's City Directory of Memphis, 1886 pp 466, 667; 1877 pg 706.
  55. [S4123] Dow's City Directory of Memphis, 1888 pg 708; 1889 pg 750; and 1890 pg 796.
  56. [S4123] Dow's City Directory of Memphis, 1891 pp 227, 935; 1892 pg 982.
  57. [S4122] R. L. Polk & Co.'s Memphis Directory, 1893 pg 950; 1894 pg 866; 1895 pg 956; 1896 pg 653; 1897 pg 988; 1898 pg 716; 1899 pg 908; and 1900 pg 951.
  58. [S1221] John Ripley Greer household, 1900 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows occupation as accountant.
  59. [S1346] Atkinson, Shelby Co. Tennessee loose probate records, petition 6 Jul 1891 by A. P. Tuck for letters of special administration to collect the refund of the U. S. Direct Tax; Final Settlement statement by A. P. Tuck 20 Dec 1894 shows amounts collected and his commission.
  60. [S1347] MacDonald, Select Statutes of the United States 1861-1898, pp 39-40, describes the act of 7 Jun 1862 to collect the direct tax under the act of 5 Aug 1861 in the states insurrection.
  61. [S1348] State Archives of Florida Online Catalog, online, entry for record group 000101,"United States Direct Tax refund records, 1891-1901," describes 1861 act being ruled unconstitutional, and passage of refund act in 1891.
  62. [S1221] John Ripley Greer household, 1900 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  63. [S1285] Wills, Shelby Co., Tennessee, 8:289-92, Sarah E. Atkinson, 1882.
  64. [S4210] Narcisse Macgowan, Certificate of Death.
  65. [S4144] Elizabeth Tuck Greer, Certificate of Death.