Elizabeth Fredonia Gracey1,2,3

ID# 17417, (1893 - 1963)
FatherJulien Frank Gracey4,5,6 (22 Sep 1858 - 6 Apr 1929)
MotherMinnie Irene Thomas7,8,6 (2 Oct 1859 - 30 Sep 1919)

Key Events:

Birth: 1 Apr 1893, Tennessee9,10,11
Marriage: 18 Sep 1918, Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, John Jarrand West (13 Jan 1886 - 6 Sep 1962)12,13,11,14
Death: 7 Nov 1963, New York15
AncestryThe Cobbs of Pawlet, Vermont

Copyright Notice


     16 Elizabeth Fredonia Gracey was born on 1 Apr 1893 in Tennessee.9,10,11
     She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, in the household of her parents, Julien Frank Gracey and Minnie Irene Thomas.4 She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, in the household of her parents.5 It appears that Elizabeth and Bess became acquainted through his sister, Elizabeth, who entertained Bess with a new year dance at the courthouse in 1911, with music by the Clarksville Orchestra. How they met is unknown, but perhaps they had met at school. Why the couple married in Memphis is also unknown. Press accounts of their marriage in his hometown described the marriage "as a complete surprise to many friends in this city." While she was mentioned often in the society pages of of the Fort Worth newspapers before her marriage, no mention of their marriage appears there. They settled in Clarksville after the marriage, temporarily at his father's home.17,18
     Elizabeth held an auction bridge party in honor of her brother Frank's new bride, Bess, in her parent's "handsome old colonial home" on 22 Jan 1914. The home was described as "splendidly adapted to entertaining on a large scale," and the event as one of the largest and most beautiful parties of the winter season. There were 16 tables of players and two for other guests. The score prize was a pair of colonial silver candlesticks, and the guest of honor received a cut glass bottle of smelling salts. A "delicious hot luncheon was served with an ice accompaniment" of apricots served with green cherries.19
     Elizabeth married John Jarrand West, son of John Jarrad West and Georgia Beaumont, on 18 Sep 1918 in Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee. They were married in a quiet ceremony with only immediate family at the home of her sister Hope on Greenwood Ave. Rev. Edward Stubblefield, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiated.12,13,11,14
     They departed for New York City, where he was engaged in business, immediately after the ceremoney.20
     Elizabeth and John appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, at 118 Montague, enumerated 6 Jan 1920, reporting they rented their home.21
     Elizabeth and John apparently moved to Tarrytown, a northern suburb of New York, sometime after 1920, but just when is unknown.22
     Her father died 6 Apr 1929 without a will, so under the law Elizabeth and her seven siblings were each entitled to an equal share of the estate. The estate was not divided, but each of the heirs received an undivided one-eight interest in the whole estate.23 The heirs decided the property should be held together for five years, and no one of them should have the power to sell or encumber any of the property, nor should the property be liable for any tort or other liability of any one of them. On 1 May 1929 they transferred the real estate to the executors of their father's estate, who was to hold it in trust and pay each of them their share of the rents after expenses.24 An inventory of the estate was prepared 5 Oct 1929, showing a total value of $245,904, including over $6,000 in cash, stock and bonds worth over $195,000, two warehouses valued at $37,000, and about $7,000 in other real estate.25
     Elizabeth and John moved to New South Wales, Australia, in mid-1929.26,27
     They moved to England, sailing from Sydney to London aboard the Narkunda, arriving 16 May 1930.28,29,30 By 1933 they were living in an apartment in Eyre Court, Finchley Rd., where they continued to live until they returned to New York.31,32 Her sister Irene and her daughter moved to London by 1931. While they lived elsewere most of the time, it appears they lived with them at times.33,34,35,36
     Elizabeth and John moved back to New York, arriving in New York City 8 Jan 1937, aboard the S.S. Washington, having sailed from Southampton on 30 Dec. They gave as their intended addresss as 41 N. Broadway, Tarrytown. Her sister Irene and her daughter returned with them, indicating they intended to live at the same address.37,38
     Elizabeth and John appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Mount Pleasant, Westchester Co., New York, at 7 Farrington, enumerated 5 Dec 1940, reporting they rented their home, for $80 per month, and that they had lived in London in 1935.39
     Her husband died on 6 Sep 1962 in Tarrytown, New York.40
     Elizabeth died on 7 Nov 1963 in New York at age 70.15

     There were no children with John Jarrand West


  1. [S9886] "West-Gracey," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 19 Sep 1918, shows name as Miss Elizabeth Fredonia Gracey.
  2. [S2097] Julien Gracey household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows name as Elizabeth Gracey.
  3. [S9829] Marriage Licenses, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, no. 2291, John J. West and Elizabeth F. Gracey, 17 Sep 1918.
  4. [S2097] Julien Gracey household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  5. [S2098] Julien F. Gracey household, 1910 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  6. [S9905] Elizabeth Gracey West obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle.
  7. [S2097] Julien Gracey household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows the child as daughter of Minnie's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  8. [S2098] Julien F. Gracey household, 1910 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows the girl as daughter of Minnie's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  9. [S2097] Julien Gracey household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows month, year, age 7, and state.
  10. [S2098] Julien F. Gracey household, 1910 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows age 17 and state.
  11. [S9894] Coffman, The Conrad Clan, pg 304, shows date.
  12. [S9829] Marriage Licenses, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, no. 2291, John J. West and Elizabeth F. Gracey, 17 Sep 1918, shows date and officant.
  13. [S9886] "West-Gracey," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 19 Sep 1918, show yesterday, home of sister Mrs. H. M . Perry and street, family only, and officiant.
  14. [S5257] Interview, Eleanor Williams, 8 Jan 2015, referring to notes from Elizabeth's brother Donald, said they were married.
  15. [S9888] "New York, Death Index, 1880-1956," Ancestry.com, record for Elizabet G. West, shows date and state.
  16. [S5257] Interview, Eleanor Williams, 8 Jan 2015.
  17. [S9882] "New Year Dance," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 3 Jan 1911.
  18. [S9881] "Society: Gracey -- Holland," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 6 Jan 1914, describes marriage as surprise to friends, staying with is father.
  19. [S9883] "Auction Bridge Party," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 23 Jan 1914.
  20. [S9886] "West-Gracey," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 19 Sep 1918.
  21. [S9892] John J. West household, 1920 U.S. Census, Kings Co., New York.
  22. [S9905] Elizabeth Gracey West obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, shows they moved to Tarrytown after their marriage.
  23. [S9860] Deed Books, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, , 77:231-4, Louise Gracey Winn et al. to H. P Pickering, Tr., et all, 30 July 1929.
  24. [S9860] Deed Books, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, , 73:231-4, Louise Gracey Winn et al. to H. P Pickering, Tr., et all, 30 July 1929.
  25. [S9854] Divorce and Probate loose files, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, file Julian F. Gracey Inventory 9 Nov 1929 3, inventory.
  26. [S9898] "Mr. Gracey Laid to Rest Sunday," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 8 Apr 1929, shows she could not attend her father's funeral because she was preparing to sail to Australia to reside.
  27. [S9860] Deed Books, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, , 73:231-4, Louise Gracey Winn et al. to H. P Pickering, Tr., et all, 30 July 1929, shows her in state and country when she signed, 2 Jul 1929.
  28. [S9901] Narkunda arrival London 16 May 1930, Inwards Passenger Lists, shows intended permanent residence as England.
  29. [S9863] Hope Gracey Perry obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, shows Elizabeth as "of London."
  30. [S9860] Deed Books, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, , 78:74-8, Louise Gracey Winn et al. to F. P. Gracey & Bro., Inc., 17 Dec 1932, shows Elizabeth as signing in London.
  31. [S9928] Lafayette departure Plymouth 30 Aug 1933, Outward Passenger Lists, shows her and a traveling companion both with address of 102 Eyre Court, London N.W.8.
  32. [S9929] Washington departure Southampton 1 Jan 1937, Outward Passenger Lists, show John and Elizabeth with address of 102 Eyre Crt, N.W.8.
  33. [S9863] Hope Gracey Perry obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, shows Irene "of London."
  34. [S9930] President Harding departure Southampton 4 May 1934, Outward Passenger Lists, show Irene and daughter with address of 307 Addison House, Grove End Rd., N.W.8.
  35. [S9929] Washington departure Southampton 1 Jan 1937, Outward Passenger Lists, show Irene and daughter with address of 312 Addison House, N.W.
  36. [S9931] American Banker departure London 22 Feb 1935, Outward Passenger Lists, shows Irene with address of 102 Eyre Court, Finchley Road, N.W.8.
  37. [S9855] "Gracey Heirs Bring Suit Over Estate," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 9 Jan 1936, shows Elizabeth and Irene as "of London."
  38. [S2992] Washington arrival 8 Jan 1937, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957.
  39. [S9897] John West household, 1940 U.S. Census, Westchester Co., New York.
  40. [S9887] John J. West obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, shows this morning, city, and state.