Joshua S. Christy1,2,3

ID# 16691, (1840 - 1915)
FatherChurchill G. Christy5,4,6 (23 Mar 1812 - 20 Oct 1901)
MotherMaria Cobb4,5,6 (5 Jun 1812 - 25 Jun 1896)

Key Events:

Birth: 7 Feb 1840, Westport, Indiana7,8,9
Marriage: 25 Mar 1869, Decatur Co., Indiana, Martha A. Draper (10 Jun 1843 - 29 Jul 1903)10,11
Marriage: 30 Aug 1906, Decatur Co., Indiana, Elizabeth Ann Hazelrigg (1 Sep 1841 - 4 Jul 1924)12,13,14
Death: 24 Feb 1915, Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana15
Burial: 27 Feb 1915, South Park Cemetery, Greensbrug, Decatur Co., Indiana16,17
ChartsDescendants of Gideon Cobb
AncestryThe Cobbs of Pawlet, Vermont

Copyright Notice


      Joshua S. Christy was born on 7 Feb 1840 in Westport, Indiana.7,8,9
     He moved to Dearborn Co. with his parents by 1850.
     He appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Center Twp., Dearborn Co., Indiana, in the household of his parents, Churchill G. Christy and Maria Cobb.18
     He returned to Decatur Co. with his parents by 1855.
     Joshua appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Clay Twp., Decatur Co., Indiana, in the household of his brother William, and his wife, Sarah A. Smothers, where he was listed as a laborer.19 He also appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Marion Twp., Decatur Co., Indiana, in the household of his parents.20
     He was working on a farm, probably his brother's or his father's, or likely both, as a young man.21,22

Fighting in the Civil War --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Joshua enlisted in Co. I, 86 Indiana Infantry, 1 Sep 1862, at Lawrenceburg, Indiana.23,24,25
     The regiment was organized at Lawrenceburg and was mustered in 9 Sep 1862. The regiment moved to Memphis, where it was assigned to the army operating in western Tennessee, and participated in the march to the Tallahatchie and the December campaign against Vicksburg. It then joined the Arkansas expedition and then joined Gen. Grant's army and took part in the operations about Vicksburg, and was constantly on duty, often under fire, taking part in the assaults of May 1863. It was in the siege and capture of Jackson, and accompanied Gen. Sherman's army to Memphis. It passed the winter in camp near Cleveland, Tennennessee, then joined the forces entering upon the Atlanta campaign, then moved north in pursuit of Gen. Hood in Oct 1864. It was with Sherman on the march to Savannah, then it accompanied the army on its march through the Carolinas to Goldsboro. After Gen. Johnston's surrender, it marched to Washington by way of Raleigh, Petersburg and Richmond, and participated in the grand review in May 1865. Joshua was with the company the entire time except a short time during the siege of Vicksburg.26,27
     He was mustered out as a sergeant, 1 Jun 1865, near Washington, District of Columbia.28,29,30

Returning to Civilian Life --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Joshua married first Martha A. Draper, daughter of Andrew Jackson Draper and Eve Montgomery, on 25 Mar 1869 in Decatur Co., Indiana.10,11
     Joshua and Martha lived in Jackson Co. for a time after their marriage. They appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Jackson Twp., Jackson Co., Indiana, enumerated 18 Jul 1870, reporting no real estate. They were apparently living near his sister Martha and her husband and baby daughter, as they were listed as the next household.31
     Joshua and Martha returned to Decatur Co. by 1871, apparently, as their first son was born there. In any case they were living there by 1880.32 They appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Marion Twp., Decatur Co., Indiana, enumerated 12 Jun 1880. Their children Oscar, Cora and Albert were listed as living with them, as were two laborers, Frank Meredith and John Brogan, and Maria Staut, a servant.33
     He became a farmer in his own right in Jackson Co., and continued after he returned to Decatur Co. He was retired by 1910.34,35,36,37,38
     Joshua applied for an invalid pension based on his Civil War service on 9 Aug 1886. A pension of $17 per month was approved 2 Feb 1889, effective from 27 Aug 1888, based on his being deaf in both ears and issues with his stomach and bowels. It was increased to $24 in 1912. On 26 Apr 1915, after his death, it was increased to $30 effective 7 Feb 1915, with the accrued amount paid to his widow.39,40
     Joshua and Martha appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Marion Twp., Decatur Co., Indiana, enumerated 4 Jun 1900, reporting they owned their farm. Their son Albert was listed as living with them.41 Joshua appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Greensbrug, Decatur Co., Indiana, in the household of Churchill G. Christy.42
     His wife died on 29 Jul 1903 in Greensbrug, Decatur Co., Indiana.43,44,45

Retiring and Moving to Town --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Joshua married second Elizabeth Ann Hazelrigg, daughter of Charles Hazelrigg and Caroline S. McCoy, on 30 Aug 1906 in Decatur Co., Indiana, with D. R. Van Buskirk offciating.12,13,14
     Joshua was serving as a city councilman at the time of his second marriage.6
     Joshua and Elizabeth appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana, at 867 North Lincoln St., enumerated 16 Apr 1910, reporting they owned their home, free of mortgage.46
     Joshua died on 24 Feb 1915 in Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana, at age 75.15 He was buried on 27 Feb 1915 in South Park Cemetery, Greensbrug, Decatur Co., Indiana.16,17

     Children with Martha A. Draper:

  • Oscar Morton Christy33,47 (26 May 1871 - 31 Mar 1954)
  • Cora L. Christy33,48 (9 Nov 1872 - 4 Aug 1905)
  • Albert Jackson Christy33,41,49 (4 Aug 1876 - 3 Nov 1941)

     There were no children with Elizabeth Ann Hazelrigg


  1. [S1122] Churchill J. Christie household, 1850 U.S. Census, Dearborn Co., Indiana, shows name as Joshua S. Christie.
  2. [S11442] Wm Christy household, 1860 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows name as Joshua Christy.
  3. [S11329] Joshua Christy, Certificate of Death.
  4. [S1117] C. G. Christy household, 1860 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  5. [S1122] Churchill J. Christie household, 1850 U.S. Census, Dearborn Co., Indiana, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  6. [S1938] Marriage Records, Decatur Co., Indiana, 1:249, Joshua S. Christy and Elizabeth A. Wilson.
  7. [S1122] Churchill J. Christie household, 1850 U.S. Census, Dearborn Co., Indiana, shows age 8 and state.
  8. [S1938] Marriage Records, Decatur Co., Indiana, 1:249, Joshua S. Christy and Elizabeth A. Wilson, shows date, city, and state.
  9. [S11329] Joshua Christy, Certificate of Death, shows date and state.
  10. [S1105] "Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941,", record for Joshua S. Christy and Mattie A. Draper, citing Decatur Co., Indiana Marriage Records bk J, pg 311, as compiled by Ruth M. Slevin.
  11. [S11471] Joshua Christy household, 1870 U.S. Census, Jackson Co., Indiana, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
  12. [S1938] Marriage Records, Decatur Co., Indiana, 1:249, Joshua S. Christy and Elizabeth A. Wilson, shows license date, as 29th, county, and state.
  13. [S1938] Marriage Records, Decatur Co., Indiana, 9:143, Joshua S. Christy and Elizabeth A. Wilson, shows date, county, state, and officiant.
  14. [S11480] Joshua Christy household, 1910 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows married 3 years.
  15. [S11329] Joshua Christy, Certificate of Death, shows date, city, county, and state.
  16. [S11329] Joshua Christy, Certificate of Death, shows date and city.
  17. [S500], online, memorial # 38359527, Joshua S Christy, includes tombstone photo.
  18. [S1122] Churchill J. Christie household, 1850 U.S. Census, Dearborn Co., Indiana.
  19. [S11442] Wm Christy household, 1860 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana.
  20. [S1117] C. G. Christy household, 1860 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana.
  21. [S1117] C. G. Christy household, 1860 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows occupation as farming.
  22. [S11442] Wm Christy household, 1860 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows occupation as laborer.
  23. [S11481] Joshua S. Christy, Organization Index to Pension Files, shows unit and enlistment date.
  24. [S11562] Oliver P. Christy, mother's pension and father's pension, National Archives and Records Administration, affidavit of Joshua S. Christy, 10 Mar 1897, shows date, as 8th and unit.
  25. [S11079] "Indiana Archives Digital Index Records," , muster roll card record for Joshua S. Christy, shows unit, enrollment date and place.
  26. [S11491] The Union Army, pp 162-3.
  27. [S11562] Oliver P. Christy, mother's pension and father's pension, National Archives and Records Administration, affidavit of Joshua S. Christy, 10 Mar 1897, shows was with the company except short time at Vickburg.
  28. [S11079] "Indiana Archives Digital Index Records," , muster roll card record for Joshua S. Christy, shows rank, muster out date and place.
  29. [S11481] Joshua S. Christy, Organization Index to Pension Files, shows rank and discharge date.
  30. [S11562] Oliver P. Christy, mother's pension and father's pension, National Archives and Records Administration, affidavit of Joshua S. Christy, 10 Mar 1897, shows date and rank.
  31. [S11471] Joshua Christy household, 1870 U.S. Census, Jackson Co., Indiana.
  32. [S11478] Oscar Morton Christy, Certificate of Death, shows him born in Decatur Co.
  33. [S11475] J. S. Christy household, 1880 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana.
  34. [S11471] Joshua Christy household, 1870 U.S. Census, Jackson Co., Indiana, shows occupation as farmer.
  35. [S11475] J. S. Christy household, 1880 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows occupation as farmer.
  36. [S11479] J. S. Christy household, 1900 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows occupation as farmer.
  37. [S11480] Joshua Christy household, 1910 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana, shows occupation as retired.
  38. [S11329] Joshua Christy, Certificate of Death, shows occupation as retired farmer.
  39. [S11482] Joshua S. Christy, Pension Payment Cards, shows infirmities, amounts, and approval and effective dates.
  40. [S11481] Joshua S. Christy, Organization Index to Pension Files, shows date, application and certificate numbers.
  41. [S11479] J. S. Christy household, 1900 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana.
  42. [S1120] Churchill G. Christy household, 1900 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana.
  43. [S11472] Martha A. Christy, Certificate and Record of Death, shows date, city, county, and state.
  44. [S1938] Marriage Records, Decatur Co., Indiana, 1:249, Joshua S. Christy and Elizabeth A. Wilson, shows date.
  45. [S500], online, memorial # 24377991, Martha A. Draper Christy, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  46. [S11480] Joshua Christy household, 1910 U.S. Census, Decatur Co., Indiana.
  47. [S11478] Oscar Morton Christy, Certificate of Death.
  48. [S11477] Cora L. Gillmore, Certificate of Death.
  49. [S11476] Albert Jackson Christy, Standard Certificate of Death.