Maria Beverly Toot1,2,3

ID# 15994, (1808 - 1879)
FatherAdam Toot4,3 (5 Nov 1770 - 14 Apr 1839)
MotherSarah King4,3 (28 Feb 1780 - 11 Jan 1835)

Key Events:

Birth: 24 Feb 1808, Virginia5,6,7
Marriage: 16 Dec 1829, Robertson Owen Jr. (10 Aug 1791 - 16 Aug 1837)8,9,10
Death: 28 Nov 187911
ChartsDescendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Dutt/Toot Family

Copyright Notice


     12 Maria Beverly Toot was born on 24 Feb 1808 in Virginia.5,6,7
     Maria married Robertson Owen Jr., son of Robertson Owen and Obedience [surname unknown], on 16 Dec 1829.8,9,10
     Maria was named an heir in the will of Adam Toot, her father, dated 12 Nov 1835, to receive an equal share of her father's estate after gifts and support to her two youngest siblings and deducting $200 previously advanced to her.13
     Her husband died on 16 Aug 1837.11
     Maria purchased a bay horse, a milch cow, 43 hogs, 5 sheep, and kitchen and farm items for a total of $299 at the sale of her father's estate on 5 Nov 1839.14 An accounting of the estate was filed by Isham H. Britton, the executor, as of 24 Oct 1842, and accepted by the court. It reported cash on hand at Adam's death of $294, and receipts since of $4,600. These included payments from Dr. Gilmer for board, payments due on accounts owed the estate, and many small sales of leather and tanning services over the three-year period. Payments made totalled $2,824 including $300 paid to E. Barksdale, guardian of the youngest son Adam, for board and clothing for 1840 and 1841. Distributions were made to son Melcajah of $281 and $280 each to the husbands of daughters Mary, Maria and Catherine and to Howell Chastain as guardian of the children of daughter Nancy. After collecting his commission of $245 the executor owned the estate $706.15
     Maria appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Halifax Co., Virginia, enumerated 19 Dec 1850, in what appears to be a hotel or boarding house headed by John S Lindlen, his wife Harriet, and their family. Her children Ann and Alfred were listed as living with her.16
     Maria appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Halifax Courthouse, Halifax Co., Virginia, in the household of her son and his wife, Rufus and Eliza. She reported real estate valued at $6000, personal estate of $11,300, and 24 slaves.17,18
     Maria appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Halifax Courthouse, Halifax Co., Virginia, enumerated 27 Jun 1870, listed as living in the same dwelling as James Owen, age 47, and Martha Owen, age 29. Their relationship to her is unknown, but he would appear to have been a brother-in-law or nephew.19
     Maria died on 28 Nov 1879 at age 71.11

     Children with Robertson Owen Jr.:


  1. [S1038] Owen Family Bible, shows name as Maria B. Toot.
  2. [S971] Stanley, "Descendents of the Toot Family", shows name as Mariah Beverly Toot.
  3. [S4477] Will Books, Halifax Co., Virginia, 19:75, Adam Toot will, 24 Jun 1839, shows Maria Owen as his daughter.
  4. [S1038] Owen Family Bible, lists her among the other children of Adam and Sarah.
  5. [S1038] Owen Family Bible, shows date.
  6. [S1636] John S. Lindlen household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows age 42 and state.
  7. [S1626] Rufus H. Owen household, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows age 51 and state.
  8. [S887] "Virginia Marriages, 1740-1850,", record for Robertson Owen and Maria B. Toot, shows date and county.
  9. [S1038] Owen Family Bible, shows his name and date.
  10. [S4477] Will Books, Halifax Co., Virginia, 19:75, Adam Toot will, 24 Jun 1839, shows Maria Owen as his daughter and Roberson Owen as his son-in-law.
  11. [S1038] Owen Family Bible.
  12. [S971] Stanley, "Descendents of the Toot Family."
  13. [S4477] Will Books, Halifax Co., Virginia, 19:75-6, Adam Toot will, 24 Jun 1839.
  14. [S4477] Will Books, Halifax Co., Virginia, 19:414-423, Adam Tool sale, 25 Jan 1840.
  15. [S4477] Will Books, Halifax Co., Virginia, 20:180-4, Adam Tool accounting, 23 Jan 1843.
  16. [S1636] John S. Lindlen household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  17. [S1626] Rufus H. Owen household, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  18. [S1618] Rufus H. Owen and Mariah B Owen, owner, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, slave schedule.
  19. [S1612] Maria Owen household, 1870 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  20. [S1626] Rufus H. Owen household, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them in the same household, appearing to be a mother living with her son.
  21. [S1636] John S. Lindlen household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them living together as if mother and child.