- [S971] Kimberly Stanley, "Descendents of the Toot Family". Copy supplied 14 Mar 2006 by Juanita Atkinson, who said the author was a cousin of hers. The author, of Ashland, Virginia, states she compiled the paper from the early work of her mother, Mrs. Nancy R. Adams, and her grandmother, Mrs. Audrey G. Toots Rhodes, who had considerable oral family history. They started in the early 1970's to find records to supplement the oral history. The author finished the work with some additional research. No sources are cited save a few references to "Bible records," which have been identified by the author's mother as the Owens family Bible, found at the Library of Virginia. Currently held by author, Boone, North Carolina.
- [S972] E. W. S. Parthemore, Genealogy of the Parthemore Family 1744-1885 (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Lane S. Hart, 1885). Images of pages seen online, Ancestry.com.
- [S975] William Henry Egle, editor, Notes and Queries Historical and Genealogical Chiefly Relating to Interior Pennsylvania - Annual Volume 1896 (Harriburg: n.pub., 1897; reprint Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1970). Images of pages seen on Genealogy.com.
- [S1006] Halifax Co. Marriage Register, Halifax Co. Courthouse, Courthouse Square, Halifax, Virginia. Seen on FHL microfilm #31918, items #2,3, and 4.
- [S1225] Sue (McNeill) Anderson, "Rebecca Tuck," e-mail message (Salt Lake City, Utah) to author, 11 Jun 2007. Writer is the great-great-granddaughter of Rebecca Ann Tuck.
- [S1226] Betsy A. Watkins household, 1850 U.S. Census, Todd Co., Kentucky, population schedule, District No. 2, sheet 572/287, dwelling 569, family 569, National Archives micropublication M432-219, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1269] Sallie Atkinson, Tennessee Widow's Indigent Pension, file no. 3784, 4 May 1911, Tennessee State Library and Archives, 403 Seventh Ave. North, Nashville, Tennessee. Copy obtained from Archives 15 Aug 2007.
- [S1274] Emma Williams Tuck, Burial Permit, 3534, issued by City of Memphis, Tennessee Board of Health, Shelby County Register of Deeds, 160 N. Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee, filed date not recorded. Image of original document found online at <http://register.shelby.tn.us/index.php> Jun 2007.
- [S1286] "Q. C. Atkinson Sr., After a Long Illness, Expires," Daily Tobacco Leaf-Chronicle, Clarksville, Tennessee, 6 Jan 1894, pg 4. Copy supplied by Clarksville-Montgomery Co. Public Library Sep 2007.
- [S1332] Joshua Atkinson household, 1840 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, page 19, line 12, National Archives micropublication M704-532, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1349] Memphis as She Is. Rambles in the Path of Industrial & Commercial Circles; Descriptive Review, Containing Official Figures of the Memphis Cotton Exchange, and Merchants Exchange, and Sketches of Representative Firms (Memphis: Historical and Descriptive Publishing Company, 1887). Copies of selected pages provided by Debra Burrell, Memphis, Aug 2007.
- [S1512] Thomas McNeil, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Coahoma Co., Alabama, slave schedule, sheet 15, lines 18-41L, National Archives micropublication M432-384, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1773] Q. C. Atkinson household, 1870 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, population schedule, District No. 12, sheet 97/387, dwelling 769, family 831, National Archives micropublication M593-1551, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1901] Q. C. Atkinson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, population schedule, Clarksville, Enumeration District 140, sheet 47C, dwelling 460, family 487, National Archives micropublication T9-1273, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S2112] Chas. A. Bacon household, 1850 U.S. Census, Trigg Co., Kentucky, population schedule, District No. 2, sheet 671/337, dwelling 153, family 153, National Archives micropublication M432-219, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S2113] Thomas Langston Bacon, Certificate of Death, 17357, issued by Commonwealth of Kentucky State Board of Health, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky, filed 28 Jul 1918. Image found online on Ancestry.com, from Vital Statistics Original Death Certificates – Microfilm (1911-1955), roll #7017459, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky. Informant was M. E. Bacon, relationship unkown.
- [S2116] H. E. Bacon household, 1860 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, population schedule, Hopkinsville, sheet 102/751, dwelling 693, family 393, National Archives micropublication M653-362, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S2155] T. H. McNeill, owner, 1860 U.S. Census, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, slave schedule, sheet 57-58/558, lines 35-40 right;1-40 left, 1-36 right, National Archives micropublication M653-402, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S2156] Ellen M. Crudup, Standard Certificate of Death, 196, issued by North Carolina State Board of Health, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina, filed 2 Aug 1928. Informant was Thomas H. Crudup, her son. Image found online on Ancestry.com, from North Carolina State Board of Health, microfilm S.123.
- [S2665] William Henry Perrin, Counties of Christian and Trigg, Kentucky: Historical and Biographical (Louisville, Chicago: F. A. Battey Publishing Company, 1884; reprint Easly, South Carolina). Part I is Christian County, page numbering restarts in Part II, Trigg County. Images found on Archives.org and Google Books.
- [S3372] Sue (McNeill) Anderson, "some facts," e-mail message (Salt Lake City, Utah) to author, 31 Mar 2008. Writer is the great-great-granddaughter of Rebecca Ann Tuck.
- [S3374] John Thomas Boddie and John Bennett Boddie, Boddie and Allied Families (n.p.: privately published, 1918). Images found on Anestry.com.
- [S4135] Advertisement, The Memphis Daily Appeal, Memphis, Tennessee, 8 Mar 1876, pg 2. Image found on Library of Congress website.
- [S4398] Asearchin' News, issued quarterly (Brunswick, Tennessee: The Tennessee Genealogical Society, unknown publish date). PDF copies found on Society website,.
- [S4399] Glen Conner, "History of Weather Observations, Memphis, Tennessee, 1849- 1948", report prepared for Midwestern Regional Climate Center, Sep 2005. PDF copies found on Midwestern Regional Climate Center website,. <http://mrcc.sws.uiuc.edu/
- [S4400] W. J Tuck, Selections for Sabbath Reading, and Brief Miscellaneous Essays, Mmoral and Religious (Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott & Co., 1857). Images found on Google Books.
- [S6425] John T. Toot, "Dutt-Dutte-Tutt-Toot Family," Lebanon Daily News, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, (17 Mar 1976, pg 25), based on research of the author and Janet Welsh. Published in "Our Keystone Famlies," by Schuyler C. Brossman, column no. 494. Image found on Newspapers.com.
- [S6428] "York County, Pennsylvania, 1733-1800: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church," online on Ancestry.com, <ancestry.com>, from original records transcribed and translated from German in 1919 by F. J. C. Hertzog.
- [S6470] Janet Welsh, "Family of David Toot" notes, handwritten notes from her files. Contains two lists of his children with birth dates and spouses of some. The first includes a notation referring to "3rd Ser Vol I p 32," and appears to have been drawn from William Henry Enle's Notes and Quries. The second is marked as from "Bible record owned by Mrs. R. A. Norman - Ames, Iowa." Currently held by Hummelstown Historical Society, 32 West Main St., Hummelstown, Pennsylvania.
- [S7421] Marriage Returns, Christian Co., Kentucky, Christian Courthouse, 511 South Main St., Hopkinsville, Kentucky, Image found online on FamilySearch.org.
- [S8707] Lela Gill, Certificate of Death, 8512, issued by State of Tennessee Dept. of Public Health, Tennessee State Library and Archives, 403 Seventh Ave. North, Nashville, Tennessee, filed 15 Apr 1947. Informant was Q. C Atkinson, her older brother. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8708] Fisher M. Atkinson, Certificate of Death, 145, issued by State of Tennessee State Board of Health, Tennessee State Library and Archives, 403 Seventh Ave. North, Nashville, Tennessee, filed 26 Apr 1914. Informant was Q. C Atkinson, his older brother. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8709] Benjamin F. McNeill, Sr., Certificate of Death, 13315019, issued by Michigan Department of Health, filed 26 Dec 1939. Informant was Margaret W. McNeill, his wife. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8718] Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Embracing Biographies of Many of the Prominent... (Chicago and Philadelphia: John M. Gresham Co., 1896). Images found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S8895] Beverly D. Williams household, 1850 U.S. Census, Boyle Co., Kentucky, population schedule, District No. 2, sheet 766, dwelling 484, family 518, National Archives micropublication M432-192, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8897] B. D. Williams household, 1860 U.S. Census, Boyle Co., Kentucky, population schedule, sheet 45, dwelling 291, family 318, National Archives micropublication M653-356, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8898] Biographical and Historical Memoirs: Pulaski, Jefferson, Lonoke, Faulkner, Grant, Saline, Perry, Garland and Hot Spring Counties, Arkansas (Chicago, Nashville and St. Louis: The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889). Images found online on Archive.org.
- [S8904] Beverly D. Williams, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Boyle Co., Kentucky, slave schedule, District No 2, lines 30-33 right, National Archives micropublication M432-223, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8915] Wills, Boyle Co., Kentucky, Boyle Co. Courthouse, 321 W Main St., Danville, Kentucky, seen on FHL microfilm #1929377.
- [S8916] Settlements, Boyle Co., Kentucky, Boyle Co. Courthouse, 321 W Main St., Danville, Kentucky, seen on FHL microfilm #1929377.
- [S8927] Chas. A. Bacon, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Trigg Co., Kentucky, slave schedule, District No 2, lines 20-25 left, National Archives micropublication M432-228, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8929] Charles A. Bacon household, 1840 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, page 1, line 15, National Archives micropublication M704-107, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8958] Deed Books, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, Chancery Clerk, 115 First St., Clarksdale, Mississippi, Image found online on FamilySearch.org.
- [S8967] Malcolm McNeill household, 1830 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, page 52, line 22, National Archives micropublication M19-35, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S8978] Record of Marriages, Marshall Co., Mississippi, Circuit Clerk, 128 E Van Dorn Ave., Holly Springs, Mississippi, Image found online on FamilySearch.org.
- [S8979] Thomas H. McNeill, complied military record (Eighteenth Cavalry), Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Mississippi, micropublication M269-50, (Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration), images found on Fold3.com.
- [S9186] Marriage certificates, Winnebago Co., Illinois, Winnebago Co. Clerk, 404 Elm St., Rockford, Illinois, Image found online on FamilySearch.org.
- [S9323] Registration of Marriage, Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin, Milwaukee Public Library, 814 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S9360] William Arthur McNeill, Certificate of Death, 25848, issued by State of Tennessee State Board of Health, Tennessee State Library and Archives, 403 Seventh Ave. North, Nashville, Tennessee, filed 20 Nov 1935. Informant was Mrs. Willis E. Ayres, his daughter. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S14012] Mrs. Rebecca A. McNeill tombstone, Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery, Christian Co., Kentucky, photograph provided by Terrence Reigel, 6 May 2015.