- [S278] Funeral Program.
- [S321] Lena Logan Regan, "Logan", Typescript, 3 Feb 1972. Obtained from Robert Lawrence Buck Dec 1999, from the papers of his wife, Anne (Ussery) Buck. Appears to be a photocopy of the original, with notes added in the hand of the author. Apparently transmitted to Mrs. Buck by letter dated 1 Jan 1975. Contains outline of Mrs. Regan's Logan ancestry, describing in seven pages the analysis leading to her conclusions. Currently held by author, Boone, North Carolina.
- [S323] Lena Logan Regan, "Virginia-Kentucky Logans", Descendant Chart, 24 Apr 1970. A typed chart, signed and dated by the author. This copy obtained from Robert Lawrence Buck Dec 1999, from the papers of his wife, Anne (Ussery) Buck. Appears to have been sent to her by the author by letter dated 1 Jan 1975. Many additions and corrections in ink on this copy, apparently by the author at the time it was sent to Anne Buck. Currently held by author, Boone, North Carolina.
- [S520] S. S. Ussery household, 1920 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, population schedule, 12th Civil District, Enumeration District 146, sheet 8A-B, dwelling 167, family 167, National Archives micropublication T625-1756, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S523] Virginia Cobb Milam, "The Last Will and Testament", 8 Mar 1986. Copy provided by her son, Joseph Logan Milam, by letter to Martha and Richard Fenker 28 Apr 1986. Currently held by Nancy Fenker Reigel, Boone, North Carolina.
- [S582] Edwd. O. Cresap household, 1810 U.S. Census, Allegany Co., Maryland, page 35, line 14, National Archives micropublication M252-14, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S828] Harrison Logan household, 1850 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Kentucky, population schedule, District No 2, sheet 392, dwelling 776, family 796, National Archives micropublication M432-218, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S829] Harrison Logan, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Kentucky, slave schedule, District No 2, sheet 835, lines 35-39 left, National Archives micropublication M432-227, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S830] Martha R. Logan household, 1860 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Kentucky, population schedule, District No 1, sheet 65/217, dwelling 526, family 487, National Archives micropublication M653-395, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S831] M. R. Logan, owner, 1860 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Kentucky, slave schedule, District No 1, sheet 32, lines 1-8 right, National Archives micropublication M653-405, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S832] Martha R. Logan household, 1870 U.S. Census, Shellby Co., Kentucky, population schedule, 5th District, sheet 12-13, dwelling 70, family 72, National Archives micropublication M593-498, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1038] Owen Family Bible (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date); present owner unknown. Originally owned in 1779 by Robertson Owen, then his son Robertson in 1819, then his wife Maria B. (Toot) Owen, who passed it to her granddaughter Nannie in 1876, then her son Alfred Owen King in 1906. Copies found online in the digital archives and manuscripts collection of the Library of Virginia, where it is listed as "Toot family Bible record, 1755-1929," location 22750. Family records of the Owen family are recorded in the pre-printed "Family Record" pages, and entries for the Toots and related family appear on a blank page, most in a single hand, as if copied from another record.
- [S1289] Register of Deaths, Commonwealth of Kentucky, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky, Image from Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910), Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky, found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S1931] Scott Haun, "Terry Caroline Hanson Mims," e-mail message (Danville, Kentucky) to author, 24 Jul 2008.
- [S2000] Hanson Briscoe Cresap grave marker, Eddyville Cemetery, Eddyville, Kentucky, photograph and transcribed by Terry and Nancy Reigel 23 Nov 2006.
- [S2002] William Smith, transcript of family pages from Sarah (Briscoe) Cresap Bible, 1 Sep 1856. Cover letter dated 1 Sep 1856 from Wm. Cook to Mrs. C. H. Mims (his sister-in-law) states the attached contains all the family records from her mother's Bible. Original held by Scott Haun, who provided photocopy 29 Sep 2008. Currently held by author, Boone, North Carolina.
- [S2094] Edward Otho Cresap grave marker, Eddyville Cemetery, Eddyville, Kentucky, transcribed by Terry and Nancy Reigel 23 Nov 2006.
- [S2265] "Maryland Marriages, 1667-1899," online on Ancestry.com, <ancestry.com>, based on microfilm copies of records, from the FHL and the Maryland Historical Society, compiled by Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research.
- [S2397] James L. Logan, James and Mary Logan Bible family records, transcription of James and Mary Logan Bible family records. Copy obtained from Joan Carruthers by email "Re: Family Profile of 'Irish Jimmie' Logan" to author 13 Aug 2009. Currently held by author, Boone, North Carolina.
- [S3002] Pat Swain, "Re: Terry," e-mail message (Florida) to author, 25 Jul 2008. Writer is a descendant of R. A. Virginia Bryan.
- [S3384] "Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park," National Park Service, online <http://www.nps.gov/kemo/index.htm>.
- [S3386] United States Naval War Records Office, Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1894). Images found online on Google Books.
- [S3424] Elmer G. Sulzer, Ghost Railroads of Kentucky (Indianapolis: Vane A. Jones Company, 1967; reprint Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1998). Image found on Google Books.
- [S3425] Robert M. Rennick, Kentucky Place Names (Lexingtion, Kentucky: University of Press of Kentucky, 1987). Image found on Google Books.
- [S3944] George Sjoredsma, serial no. 2401, order no. 511, 12 Sep 1918, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, M1509, viewed on Ancestry.com from FHL#1503987.
- [S3947] George Sjaerdsma household, 1930 U.S. Census, Ottawa Co., Michigan, population schedule, Spring Lake Twp., Enumeration District 34, sheet 10A, dwelling 251, family 251, National Archives micropublication T626-1024, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S3948] George Sjoerdsma household, 1940 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois, population schedule, Hazel Crest, Enumeration District 16-486, sheet 61 A, family 233, National Archives micropublication T627-775, informant was head of household, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S3949] Polk's West Palm Beach (Palm Beach County, Fla.) City Directory (Jacksonville, Florida: R. L. Polk & Co.), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S3951] Spaarndam arrival 13 May 1895, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897, National Archives Microfilm No. M237, roll 641, image found on ellisisland.org.
- [S4364] Louis Ussery, Delayed Certificate of Birth, D-462010 (21 Dec 1955), issued by Dept. of Public Health State of Tennessee. Image found online on Ancestry.com, supporting evidence listed: discharge from US Army, newspaper clipping of father's death, affidavit of Addie Workman, an aunt, age 89, affidavit of Mary Matthews, non rel, age 91, family Bible.
- [S4365] Sterling Ussery household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, population schedule, Civil District No. 17, Enumeration District 41, sheet 8A, dwelling 135, family 138, National Archives micropublication T623-1590, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4366] Sterling H. Ussery household, 1910 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, population schedule, Civil District No. 17, Enumeration District 141, sheet 6A, dwelling 102, family 102, National Archives micropublication T624-1513, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4368] Louis Ussery, no. 8, 5 Jun 1918, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, M1509, viewed on Ancestry.com from FHL#1877597.
- [S4418] Louis Ussery grave marker, Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Tennessee, photographed by Terry and Nancy Reigel 27 Apr 2006.
- [S4937] "Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878-1939, 1959-1995," online on FamilySearch.org, <familysearch.org>, based on microfilm copies of county death records.
- [S7248] George Schuman household, 1900 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois, population schedule, Worth Twp., Enumeration District 1195, sheet 25A, dwelling 361, family 367, National Archives micropublication T623-295, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S7249] "Netherlands, Birth Index, 1787-1915," online on Ancestry.com, <ancestry.com>, from an index to birth records held at various archives throughout the Netherlands from BS Geboorte, WieWasWie, https://www.wiewaswie.nl/
- [S7250] "Netherlands, Civil Marriage Index, 1795-1950," online on Ancestry.com, <ancestry.com>, from an index to civil marriage records held at various archives throughout the Netherlands from BS Geboorte, WieWasWie, https://www.wiewaswie.nl/
- [S7251] Rotterdam arrival 16 May 1890, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897, National Archives Microfilm No. M237, roll 548, image seen online on Ancestry.com.
- [S9824] F. P. Gracy, complied military record (2nd lieutenant, 3rd Mounted Infantry), Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Kentucky, micropublication M319, (Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration), images found on Footnote.com.
- [S10064] Henry H Bryan household, 1830 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, page 9, line 15, National Archives micropublication M19-179, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S10066] Hattie F. Pegram obituary, Clarksville Chronicle, Clarksville, Tennessee, 13 Mar 1875, pg 3. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S10067] Samuel William Simmons, The Pegrams of Virginiia and Descendants 1688 - 1984 (Lakemont, Georgia: Copple House Books, 1985). Images found online at FamilySearch.org.
- [S10068] J. A. Bryan obituary, The Nashville Whig, Nashville, Tennessee, 27 Jul 1843. Image found online on The Nashville City Cemetery Association website,. <http://www.thenashvillecitycemetery.org/
- [S10071] "Descendants Search," online on Daughters of the American Revolution, <https://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search/>.
- [S10079] Harriet Bryan obituary, National Whig and Tennessee Advertiser, Nashville, Tennessee, 15 Dec 1817, pg 3. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S10080] Jos. Bryan Esquire household, 1800 U.S. Census, Martin Co., North Carolina, Hallifax, page 387, line 16, National Archives micropublication M32-34, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S10081] N. J. Pegram household, 1860 U.S. Census, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, population schedule, New Orleans ward 2, sheet 543, dwelling 1001, family 2013, National Archives micropublication M653-416, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S13250] George Sjoerdsma household, 1950 U.S. Census, Maricopa Co., Arizona, population schedule, Phoenix, Enumeration District 15-20, sheet 3, dwelling 28, National Archives micropublication T628-576, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S14016] Walter Scott Tuck tombstone, Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery, Christian Co., Kentucky, photograph provided by Terrence Reigel, 6 May 2015.