Catharine Toot1,2,3

ID# 15942, (1757 - 1804)
FatherDavid Dutt2,4,5 (19 Jan 1729 - 15 Feb 1792)
MotherCatherine Klingenmyer2,5,4 ( - bef 1792)

Key Events:

Birth: 15 Sep 17576,7,8
Marriage: 23 Jun 1777, Joseph Flora Jr. (6 Feb 1752 - 10 Jan 1795)9,10
Death: Mar 180411
Burial: Lutheran graveyard, Middletown, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania12,13
ChartsDescendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Dutt/Toot Family

Copyright Notice


     5 Catharine Toot was born on 15 Sep 1757.6,7,8 She was baptized on 14 Jun 1761 in Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, York, Pennsylvania, with her siblings David, George and Sophia.14
     She moved to Paxton Twp., Lancaster Co., with her parents, David Dutt, and Catherine Klingenmyer, about 1774.15,16
     Catharine married Joseph Flora Jr., son of Joseph J. Flory and Catherine Zollinger, on 23 Jun 1777.9,10
     She was probably one of the four females listed in the household of her husband, Joseph Flora Jr., in the 1790 Federal Census of Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania.17
     Her husband died on 10 Jan 1795.18,19
     Catharine and her brother George were appointed administrators for the estate of her husband Joseph. On 17 Jan 1797 they submitted their accounting to the Dauphin Co. Orphan's Court in Harrisburg, reporting a balance of £253 13s 9p. The court directed that after deducting 13s 2p for the expense of the court that the balance be distributed according to law.20
     On the same day Catharine petitioned the court for reimbursement for her expenses incurred in providing clothing, maintenance, and education of the children since their father's death. She claimed she had supported the two older boys for one year, the others the entire time, and provided support and burial for the infant that had died. The court awarded her £110 to be paid from the respective shares of the children's inheritance.21 At the same session, the court appointed Peter Shuster, merchant in Middletown as guardian for the five children then under the age of 14, George, Elizabeth, Lydia, Sophia and Margaret.22
     Catharine appeared on the 1800 Federal Census of Lower Paxton Twp., Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, with a household consisting of one male age 10 to 16 (George), two females under 10 (daughters Margaret and Sophia), two age 10 to 16, one age 16 to 26 (Charity), one age 26 to 45 (herself.)23
     Catharine died in Mar 1804 at age 46.11 She was buried in Lutheran graveyard, Middletown, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, with her husband, according to an 1895 report. However a 1948 family history says they were buried on a farm cemetery that was later part of Middletown airport, and their stones were recovered and moved to Middletown cemetery through the efforts of the D.A.R.12,13
     Catharine died intestate (without leaving a will). Martin Crouemiller was appointed administrator of her estate. On 6 Oct 1807 he submitted his accounting to the Dauphin Co. Orphan's Court in Harrisburg, reporting a balance of £161 7s 5p. The court directed that after deducting 26s 3p to be paid to the Register that the balance be distributed according to law.24

     Children with Joseph Flora Jr.:


  1. [S6427] Orphans Court Dockets, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, 1B:19, accounting of administrators of Joseph Flora, 17 Jan 1797; 1B:20, petition of widow of Joseph Flora Jr., 17 Jan 1797; 1C:186, accounting of administrator of Catharine Flora, 6 Oct 1807, all show name as Catherine Flora.
  2. [S6428] "York County, Pennsylvania, 1733-1800: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church,", record for Catharine Tutt.
  3. [S972] Parthemore, Genealogy of the Parthemore Family, pg 27, shows given name as Eva.
  4. [S6470] Janet Welsh, "Family of David Toot" notes, list labeled "Bible record owned by Mrs. R. A. Norman."
  5. [S972] Parthemore, Genealogy of the Parthemore Family, pg 27.
  6. [S975] Egle, Notes and Queries - Annual Volume 1896, pg 15, reprint of paper by E. W. S. P[athemore] read to Dauphin Co. Historical Society, 11 Nov 1895, shows date, as 12 Sep 1757.
  7. [S6470] Janet Welsh, "Family of David Toot" notes, list labeled "Bible record owned by Mrs. R. A. Norman," shows date, as 12th.
  8. [S6428] "York County, Pennsylvania, 1733-1800: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church,", record for Catharine Tutt, shows date, as 15 Sep 1751, apparently misreadding handwritten 1757 as 1751.
  9. [S6469] Bunderman, Flory Flora Fleury Family History 1948, pg 123, citing Stover's notes of 1896, pg 113, shows date.
  10. [S972] Parthemore, Genealogy of the Parthemore Family, pg 27, shows married.
  11. [S975] Egle, Notes and Queries - Annual Volume 1896, pg 15, reprint of paper by E. W. S. P[athemore] read to Dauphin Co. Historical Society, 11 Nov 1895.
  12. [S975] Egle, Notes and Queries - Annual Volume 1896, pg 15, reprint of paper by E. W. S. P[athemore] read to Dauphin Co. Historical Society, 11 Nov 1895, shows buried at Lutheran graveyard in Middletown.
  13. [S6469] Bunderman, Flory Flora Fleury Family History 1948, pg 123, shows buried at cemetery at Main and Pine Sts. in Middletown, then says stones recovered from a farm cemetery.
  14. [S6428] "York County, Pennsylvania, 1733-1800: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church,", records for David Tutt, Catharine Tutt, George Frederick Tutt, and Sophia Tutt.
  15. [S6425] Toot, "Dutt-Dutte-Tutt-Toot Family," shows they moved about 1774.
  16. [S6428] "York County, Pennsylvania, 1733-1800: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church,", record for Simond Dutt, shows him baptized 24 Apr 1774.
  17. [S6471] Joseph Flora household, 1790 U.S. Census, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania.
  18. [S6427] Orphans Court Dockets, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, 1B:20, petition of widow of Joseph Flora Jr., 17 Jan 1797, shows date, as 10th; 1C:298-9, petition for division of real estate of Joseph Flora, 4 May 1809, shows year.
  19. [S975] Egle, Notes and Queries - Annual Volume 1896, pg 15, reprint of paper by E. W. S. P[athemore] read to Dauphin Co. Historical Society, 11 Nov 1895, shows date, as 30th.
  20. [S6427] Orphans Court Dockets, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, 1B:19, accounting of administrators of Joseph Flora, 17 Jan 1797.
  21. [S6427] Orphans Court Dockets, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, 1B:20, petition of widow of Joseph Flora Jr., 17 Jan 1797.
  22. [S6427] Orphans Court Dockets, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, 1B:21, appointment of guardian for minor children of Joseph Flora Jr., 17 Jan 1797.
  23. [S6617] Catherine Flora household, 1800 U.S. Census, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania.
  24. [S6427] Orphans Court Dockets, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, 1C:186, accounting of administrator of Catharine Flora, 6 Oct 1807.