Ann [surname unknown]1

ID# 15500, ( - bef 1827)

Key Events:

Marriage: Josiah Cobb ( - about Jun 1817)2
Marriage: 22 Jul 1824, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Spencer Calvert 3,4
Death: before 18275

Copyright Notice


     Ann married first Josiah Cobb.2
     Ann and Josiah moved their family about 1806 from South Carolina to Livingston Co., Kentucky, which became Caldwell Co. in May 1809. She was probably the female age 16 to 26 listed in the household of her husband, Josiah Cobb, in the 1810 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky.6
     Her husband died about Jun 1817.7
     Ann was granted letters of administration for the estate of her late husband, Josiah Cobb, on 29 Jul 1817, in County Court, Caldwell Co..8 When William Johnston withdrew as one of the securities for her bond she appeared on 26 Oct 1818 in the county court of Caldwell Co., Kentucky, and tendered Edward H. Tarrant as additional surety.9
     In the 1818 Caldwell Co. tax lists Ann reported her late husband's property as his administrator, listing four slaves and four horses, and 210 acres of property.10 In 1819, 1821, 1822, and 1823 Ann reported the property in her own name. She reported 210 acres each year until 1823, when she reported 200. The number of slaves reported increased from four to six over the period, and the number of horses from three to eight. The total value reported increased from $1,920 to $3,000. The property has not been found in the tax lists after her remarriage in 1824.11
     Ann appeared on the 1820 Federal Census of Caldwell Co. with a household consisting of two white males under age 10, one age 10 to 16, one age 16 to 18, two age 16 to 26, and two white females under age 10, one age 10 to 16, one age 16 to 26, and one age 26 to 45 (herself). There were also two male and three female slaves. Seven people were reported as engaged in agriculture. She was listed following Jesse Cobb, who apparently lived nearby.12
     Ann married second Spencer Calvert on 22 Jul 1824 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky.3,4
     Ann apparently died before 1827, as her second husband married Mrs. Lydia Shellhouse on 19 Aug 1827.5

     Children with Josiah Cobb

The known children of Josiah and Ann are primarily established by an 1839 deed in which his former property in Caldwell Co. was sold by "Humphrey Cobb, Hezekiah Cobb, Saml T. Cobb & wife Nancy H., Delila Cobb, and Harriet Cobb all heirs & legal representatives." Hezekiah was shown as of Shelby Co., Tennessee, and the others of Desoto Co., Mississippi. Humphrey and Samuel are found in records in Shelby Co. up to 1830 and Desoto Co. after than; Hezekiah remained in Shelby.

Evidence of Theron is thinner. The Delila mentioned in the deed may have been the Delila who married Theron Cobb, who seems to have died before 1839 leaving his widow Delila his heir.

No record of Harriet has been found other than the deed.

It seems likely there were other children, among them likely a William Cobb who died in Shelby Co. in 1836 leaving a nuncupative (oral) will that was accepted based on the testimony of Hezikiah and his wife Nancy.13

     There were no children with Spencer Calvert


  1. [S587] The Caldwell County Kentucky Genealogy Home Page, online, extract of Caldwell County Court Order Book A, 26 Oct 1818, pg 30, recording Ann Cobb, administratrix of estate of Josiah Cobb, deceased, answering summons.
  2. [S587] The Caldwell County Kentucky Genealogy Home Page, online, extract of Caldwell County Court Order Book A, 24 Aug 1818, pg 20, record of summons issued, extracter's note says Ann Cobb was the widow, and 26 Oct 1818, pg 30, recording Ann Cobb, administratrix of estate of Josiah Cobb, deceased, answering summons.
  3. [S892] "Kentucky Marriages to 1850,", record for Spencer Calvert and Ann Cobb.
  4. [S3003] "Caldwell County, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1809-28,", record for Spencer Calvert and Ann Cox, shows date as 20 Jul 1824 and 22 Jul 1824, and Jas Rucker, Sr., who would appear to have been either the officiant or surity on the marriage bond.
  5. [S3003] "Caldwell County, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1809-28,", record for Spencer Calvert and Mrs. Lydia Shellhouse.
  6. [S1776] Joseah Cobb household, 1810 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
  7. [S1971] Caldwell Co. Order Book, B:156, letters of administration for his estate granted to his widow 29 Jul 1817.
  8. [S1971] Caldwell Co. Order Book, B:156.
  9. [S1971] Caldwell Co. Order Book, C:20, on motion of William Johnston, the widow was ordered to appear at the Oct term and given another security in his place; C:30, she appeared and tendered Edward H. Farrant as additional security.
  10. [S4057] Caldwell Co. tax lists,, 1817 pg 6; and 1818 pg 8.
  11. [S4057] Caldwell Co. tax lists,, 1819 pg 7; 1821 pg 10; 1822 pg 5; and 1823 pg 10.
  12. [S4106] Widw Cobb household, 1820 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
  13. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, I:240-2, Humphrey Cobb, Hezekiah Cobb, Saml T. Cobb & wife Nancy H., Delila Cobb, and Harriet Cobb all heirs & legal representatives of Josiah Cobb, dec'd to Jacob Holt, 17 Jun 1839.
  14. [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, I:240-2, Humphrey Cobb, Hezekiah Cobb, Saml T. Cobb & wife Nancy H., Delila Cobb, and Harriet Cobb all heirs & legal representatives of Josiah Cobb, dec'd to Jacob Holt, 17 Jun 1839; Delila may have been his widow.