Gerd Friedrich Fennekers1,2,3

ID# 14520, (1735 - 1804)
FatherArnd Heinrich Marlmann1 (16 Dec 1702 - 14 Jan 1759)
MotherAnna Dorothea Fennckers1 (Jan 1711 - 5 Jul 1778)

Key Events:

Birth: Mar 1735, No. 58, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover4,5,6
Marriage: 5 Feb 1764, Evangelische Lutherische Kirche, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover, Anna Dorothea Fennekers (Sep 1734 - 18 Mar 1797)7,8,9
Death: 14 Jul 1804, No. 58, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover10,11
Burial: 17 Jul 1804, Evangelische Lutherische Kirche, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover3
ChartsFenker Ancstors in Brockum
AncestryThe Fenker Family

Copyright Notice


      Gerd Friedrich Fennekers was baptized in Mar 1735 in Evangelische Lutherische Kirche, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover, with Gerd Hinrich Lampen; Mr. Friedrich Schlöp; and husband of father's half-sister.12 He was born in Mar 1735 in No. 58, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover.4,5,6
     He was a soldier in the Hannoverian army until his marriage.13
     Gerd married Anna Dorothea Fennekers, daughter of Johann Hinrich Fennekers and Marie Dorothea Frerking, on 5 Feb 1764 in Evangelische Lutherische Kirche, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover.7,8,9
     He was not the intended heir to the family farm, No. 58, Brockum, but his father’s relatively early death precluded passing the farm to the customary heir, the youngest son. In addition to managing his farm, Gerd was the village shepherd.13
     His wife died on 18 Mar 1797 in No. 58, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover.11
     Gerd died on 14 Jul 1804 in No. 58, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover, at age 69.10,11 He was buried on 17 Jul 1804 in Evangelische Lutherische Kirche, Brockum, Electorate of Hanover.3

     Children with Anna Dorothea Fennekers:

  • Gerd Hinrich Fencker14 (25 May 1764 - 1 Mar 1816)
  • Marie Margrethe Fencker14 (25 May 1764 - 15 Jun 1829)
  • Anna Margrethe Fencker15,16 (20 Feb 1766 - 26 Oct 1767)
  • Margrethe Sophie Wilhelmina Fencker17,18 (13 Dec 1767 - 19 Mar 1774)
  • Catharina Margrethe Fencker19 (15 Feb 1770 - 18 Jun 1772)
  • Hermann Hinrich Fenncker20 (24 Jun 1772 - 30 Mar 1838)
  • Anna Elisabeth Fencker21 (21 Nov 1775 - 9 Aug 1837)


  1. [S11240] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kingdom of Hanover, 1735, pg 44, no. 7, Gerd Friedrich Fennekers.
  2. [S590] Heiratsregister (Marriage Register), Königreich Hannover, 1764 no. 2, Gerd Friedr. Fencker and Anna Doroth. Fenckers.
  3. [S11294] Trauregister (Burial Register), Kingdom of Hanover, 1804, pg 63, no. 5, Gerd Friedrich Fenncker.
  4. [S11240] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kingdom of Hanover, 1735, pg 44, no. 7, Gerd Friedrich Fennekers, shows baptized 27 Mar 1735.
  5. [S11294] Trauregister (Burial Register), Kingdom of Hanover, 1804, pg 63, no. 5, Gerd Friedrich Fenncker, shows at 70 at death 14 Jul 1804.
  6. [S10726] Jackson, "Family Group Sheet", family of Gerd Friedrich Fenker and Anne Dorothee Fenker, shows date, as 27 Mar, farm, and village.
  7. [S590] Heiratsregister (Marriage Register), Königreich Hannover, 1764 no. 2, Gerd Friedr. Fencker and Anna Doroth. Fenckers, shows date.
  8. [S588] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 13,1772, Hermann Hinrich Fencker, shows them as parents of the child.
  9. [S591] Müller-Koppe, "Fenker Research Report", pg 13, notes both were Fenkers, possibly distant relatives.
  10. [S11294] Trauregister (Burial Register), Kingdom of Hanover, 1804, pg 63, no. 5, Gerd Friedrich Fenncker, shows date.
  11. [S10726] Jackson, "Family Group Sheet", family of Gerd Friedrich Fenker and Anne Dorothee Fenker.
  12. [S11240] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kingdom of Hanover, 1735, pg 44, no. 7, Gerd Friedrich Fennekers, shows third godparent as father's half-sister, but according to custom it should have been her husband.
  13. [S10843] Robert Jackson, "Fenker of Brockum."
  14. [S588] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 1764 no. 15, Gerd Hinrich and Marie Margrethe Fencker.
  15. [S588] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 2,1766, Anna Margar. Fencker.
  16. [S592] Trauregister (Burial Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 1767 no. 32, Anna Margr. Fencker.
  17. [S588] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 20,1767, Margrethe Sophie Wilhelmina Fencker.
  18. [S592] Trauregister (Burial Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 1772 no. 13, daughter of Fenkers Gerd, name Sophie Wilh. added to record later.
  19. [S588] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 4,1770, Catharina Margar. Fencker.
  20. [S588] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 13,1772, Hermann Hinrich Fencker, shows name as Gerd Hindr. Fencker.
  21. [S588] Taufregister (Baptism Register), Kurfürstentum Hannover, 28,1775, Anna Elisab. Fenker.