Dr. Henry Skinner1,2,3

ID# 2572, (1785 - 1819)
FatherFrederick Skinner2,4,5 (1750 - 1809)
MotherBetty Stuart4,5 (1755 - 1811)

Key Events:

Birth: 12 Aug 1785, Calvert Co., Maryland6,7,8
Marriage: 17 Dec 1809, Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Aurelia Lyon (27 May 1790 - 22 Sep 1821)9,10,11
Death: 23 Jun 1819, Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky12,13,14
Burial: Riverview Cemetery, Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky15

Copyright Notice


      Dr. Henry Skinner was born on 12 Aug 1785 in Calvert Co., Maryland.6,7,8
     He was probably one of the two males age 10 to 15 listed in the household of his father, Frederick Skinner, in the 1800 Federal Census of Christ Church Parish, Calvert Co., Maryland.16
     He received his medical training in Baltimore under the eminent Dr. John Crawford.17,18
     Henry was appointed Surgeon's Mate in the 2nd Infantry Regiment, effective 30 Jul 1807. His appointment, which required Senate consent, was made while Congress was in recess. His appointment was submitted to the Senate 2 Dec 1807 with 14 other promotions and appointments and was confirmed 9 Dec.19
     Henry married Aurelia Lyon, daughter of Matthew Lyon and Beulah Chittenden, on 17 Dec 1809 in Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, after receiving her father's consent because of her age. They had become acquainted at Washington while her father was a member of Congress there.9,10,11
     Henry was stationed at Fort Massac, Illinois, about 1810.4 He was promoted Surgeon in the 24th Infantry Regiment, effective 5 Apr 1813. His promotion was again made while Congress was in recess. His promotion was submitted to the Senate 15 Jun 1816 with a long list of other promotions and appointments and was confirmed on 1 Jul.20 He was a particpant in the battle at Fort Stephenson in Aug 1813, when Major George Croghan's forces defeated an attack by British major-general Henry Procter, resulting in the British withdrawing to Canada.2,21 He resigned his office effective 11 Jul 1814.22
     Henry left a will dated 10 Jun 1819 in Eddyville, naming his wife's brother, Matthew Lyon Jr., as executor. His wife Aurelia was to receive a negro girl named Jane, about age 16. All his personal property after payment of debts was to be divided equally between his wife and their two children, Beulah and Frederick. One or two negros were to be sold to complete payment for land he was buying with his brother-in-law, and his share of the land then go to his wife and children. All remaining land and negros were to go in equal shares to his wife and two children, with Aurelia's share to go to the children at her death.3
     Henry died on 23 Jun 1819 in Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, at age 33, of "a pulmonary complaint" contracted on the Canadian frontier.12,13,14 He was buried in Riverview Cemetery, Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.15
     His will was proved in Jul 1819 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky.3 An inventory of his estate was filed with the court on 22 Dec 1819, listing:
Negro man Abram $400   2 steers 24
Negro man Daniel 450   1 lot hogs 57
Negro man George 650   1 sorrel horse 60
Negro man Jo 600   1 shotgun 15
Negro woman Hannah 300   1 mare 20
Negro girl Aggy 175   1 mare & colt 45
3 cows & calves 35   1 yearling colt 25
6 head young cattle 30      
     For a total value of $2,886.23

     Children with Aurelia Lyon:


  1. [S8566] Loose Marriage papers, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Henry Skinner and Aurelia Lyon bond, 17 Dec 1809; consent note, M. Lyon 17 Dec 1809, shows name as Doctor Henry Skinner.
  2. [S8596] Dr. Henry Skinner obituary, American Farmer.
  3. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:332-3, Henry Skinner will, 10 Jun 1819.
  4. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864.
  5. [S8598] "Maryland Letter Box," letter from Mrs. J. H. C., Beacon Ridge, Anne Arundel Co, Maryland, The Sun, 13 Oct 1907.
  6. [S8599] "Maryland Letter Box," letter from Mrs. J. H. C., Beacon Ridge, The Sun, 24 Nov 1907, shows date and family lived in Calvert Co.
  7. [S8596] Dr. Henry Skinner obituary, American Farmer, shows in his 34th year at death 23 Jun 1819, a native of Calvert Co.
  8. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864, shows he was a native of Baltimore.
  9. [S8566] Loose Marriage papers, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Henry Skinner and Aurelia Lyon bond, 17 Dec 1809; consent note, M. Lyon 17 Dec 1809.
  10. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864, shows town and how they met.
  11. [S826] Lyon letter to Witherell, 5 Apr 1828, shows married.
  12. [S8596] Dr. Henry Skinner obituary, American Farmer, shows date, as 23, town, state, and cause of death.
  13. [S500] Findagrave.com, online, memorial # 26582043, Dr Henry Skinner, shows date, as 23rd, and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  14. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864, shows date, as 22nd.
  15. [S500] Findagrave.com, online, memorial # 26582043, Dr Henry Skinner, includes tombstone photo.
  16. [S8600] Frederick Skinner household, 1800 U.S. Census, Calvert Co., Christ Church Parish.
  17. [S8596] Dr. Henry Skinner obituary, American Farmer, shows he studied under Dr. Crawford.
  18. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864, shows he received his medicial training in Baltimore.
  19. [S2718] Journal of Executive Proceedings of the Senate, vol 2, pp 60-3, Dec 1907.
  20. [S2718] Journal of Executive Proceedings of the Senate, vol 2, pp 355, 367, 380, 18 Jun 1813, 1 Jul 1813.
  21. [S1265] Wikipedia, online, article "Battle of Fort Stephenson," viewed Feb 2019, describes battle.
  22. [S2680] Register of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798-1914, 17 May 1798 - 1815, M, P, R-S, pg 149, Henry Skinner.
  23. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:357, Henry Skinner appraisal, 22 Dec 1819.
  24. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:332-3, Henry Skinner will, 10 Jun 1819, shows her as one of "our children."
  25. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:332-3, Henry Skinner will, 10 Jun 1819, shows him as one of "our children."