Aurelia Lyon1,2,3

ID# 1136, (1790 - 1821)
FatherMatthew Lyon4,5,6 (14 Jul 1749 - 1 Aug 1822)
MotherBeulah Chittenden7,8,6 (15 May 1764 - 6 Feb 1824)

Key Events:

Birth: 27 May 1790, Vermont9,10
Marriage: 17 Dec 1809, Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Dr. Henry Skinner (12 Aug 1785 - 23 Jun 1819)11,12,13
Death: 22 Sep 182114,15,16
Burial: Riverview Cemetery, Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky17

Copyright Notice


     18 Aurelia Lyon was born on 27 May 1790 in Vermont.9,10
     She was part of the second party her father lead moving from Vermont to Eddyville, Kentucky. They traveled by wagon to western Pennsylvania, where they boarded flatbed boats and floated down the Ohio River to the Cumberland River to their new home, arriving 15 Jun 1801.19,20,21
     Aurelia married Dr. Henry Skinner, son of Frederick Skinner and Betty Stuart, on 17 Dec 1809 in Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, after receiving her father's consent because of her age. They had become acquainted at Washington while her father was a member of Congress there.11,12,13
     Aurelia was named an heir in the will of her husband Henry dated 10 Jun 1819 in Eddyville, to receive a negro girl named Jane, about age 16, and an equal share with the two children of his personal property, land and negros, with Aurelia's share (except Jane) to go to the children at her death.22
     Her husband died on 23 Jun 1819 in Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.23,24,25
     Aurelia left a will dated 15 Sep 1821, naming her brother Matthew as executor and guardian for her children. She left her negro girl Jane to her mother, who with her increase was to go to Aurelia's daughter after the mother's death, or she was not living to her son. All other property was to go equally to her two children, Beulah and Frederick.26
     Aurelia died on 22 Sep 1821 at age 31.14,15,16 She was buried in Riverview Cemetery, Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.17
     Her will was proved in Oct 1821 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky.26

     Children with Dr. Henry Skinner:


  1. [S8566] Loose Marriage papers, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Henry Skinner and Aurelia Lyon bond, 17 Dec 1809; consent note, M. Lyon 17 Dec 1809, shows his daughter Aurelia.
  2. [S500], online, memorial # 134567792, Aurelia Lyon Skinner, includes tombstone photo showing name as Aurelia Skinner, daughter of Col. M. Lyon.
  3. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, B:57-9, Chittenden Lyon Will, 21 Nov 1842, shows name as Aurelia Skinner.
  4. [S8566] Loose Marriage papers, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, consent note, M. Lyon 17 Dec 1809, shows her as his daughter.
  5. [S500], online, memorial # 134567792, Aurelia Lyon Skinner, includes tombstone photo showing her as daughter of Col. M. Lyon.
  6. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, B:57-9, Chittenden Lyon Will, 21 Nov 1842, shows her as his sister.
  7. [S826] Lyon letter to Witherell, 5 Apr 1828, shows she was his sister.
  8. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:392, Aurelia Skinner will, 15 Sep 1821, shows Beaulah Lyon as her mother.
  9. [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998, shows date and state.
  10. [S500], online, memorial # 134567792, Aurelia Lyon Skinner, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing age 31 yrs 3 mo at death 22 Sep 1821.
  11. [S8566] Loose Marriage papers, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Henry Skinner and Aurelia Lyon bond, 17 Dec 1809; consent note, M. Lyon 17 Dec 1809.
  12. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864, shows town and how they met.
  13. [S826] Lyon letter to Witherell, 5 Apr 1828, shows married.
  14. [S500], online, memorial # 134567792, Aurelia Lyon Skinner, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  15. [S826] Lyon letter to Witherell, 5 Apr 1828, shows she died about nine months before their father.
  16. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:392, Aurelia Skinner will, 15 Sep 1821, showing will dated 15 Sep 1821, proved in the Oct 1821 term of the Court, and recorded 22 Oct 1821.
  17. [S500], online, memorial # 134567792, Aurelia Lyon Skinner includes tombstone photo.
  18. [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998.
  19. [S1952] Walker, Profiles of the Past, pg 29.
  20. [S2385] Matthew Lyon letter to Jefferson, 12 Aug 1801, shows date he and the family arrived in Eddyville.
  21. [S686] Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, online, record for Lyon, Matthew, (1749 - 1822), shows he moved to Kentucky in 1801 and settled in Caldwell (now Lyon) County.
  22. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:332-3, Henry Skinner will, 10 Jun 1819.
  23. [S8596] Dr. Henry Skinner obituary, American Farmer, shows date, as 23, town, state, and cause of death.
  24. [S500], online, memorial # 26582043, Dr Henry Skinner, shows date, as 23rd, and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  25. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864, shows date, as 22nd.
  26. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:392, Aurelia Skinner will, 15 Sep 1821.
  27. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:332-3, Henry Skinner will, 10 Jun 1819, shows her as one of "our children."
  28. [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 864.
  29. [S875] Wills, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, A:332-3, Henry Skinner will, 10 Jun 1819, shows him as one of "our children."