Elizabeth Tuck Bacon1,2,3

ID# 2161, (1874 - 1964)
FatherMatthew Lyddall Bacon4,5 (24 Jan 1834 - 5 Sep 1898)
MotherMartha Washington Tuck4,6,7 (20 Dec 1845 - 4 May 1928)

Key Events:

Birth: 5 Oct 1874, Tennessee8,9,10,11
Marriage: 5 Oct 1899, Shelby Co., Tennessee, Cooper Turner (5 Jan 1871 - 2 Oct 1961)12,13
Death: 14 Feb 196414
Burial: Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee15
ChartsDescendants of Dr. Davis Green Tuck
Descendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Dutt/Toot Family
The Tuck Family

Copyright Notice


     16 Elizabeth Tuck Bacon was born on 5 Oct 1874 in Tennessee.8,9,10,11
     She appeared with her parents, Martha Washington Tuck and Matthew Lyddall Bacon, on the 1880 Federal Census of Shelby Co., Tennessee, in the household of her mother's sister, Sarah Elizabeth Tuck.17
Elizabeth and Cooper Turner inscriptions on Bacon family monument
courtesy Elmwood Cemetery

     Elizabeth was named an heir in the will of her father, dated 19 Oct 1893 in Shelby Co., Tennessee, to share his estate equally with her mother.18
     Elizabeth married Cooper Turner, son of William A. Turner and Ann Eliza Jones, on 5 Oct 1899 in Shelby Co., Tennessee, with R. D. Surratt officiating.12,13
     Elizabeth and Cooper appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, in the household of her mother.19
     Elizabeth and Cooper appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, at 1233 Madison Ave., enumerated 25 Apr 1910, reporting that the family owned its home, free of mortgage. Their children Martha, Cooper and Elizabeth were listed as living with them, as was her mother, Martha Washington Tuck, and Mollie Worton, age 45, acting as a nurse.16
     Elizabeth and Cooper appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, at 1637 Eastmoreland, enumerated 10 Jan 1920, reporting that the family owned its home, which was mortgaged. Their children Martha, Cooper and Elizabeth were listed as living with them, as was her mother, Anne T. Hunt, a niece, age 25 and a school teacher, and Kittie Flint, age 70, the family's cook.20
     Elizabeth and Cooper appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, at 1637 Linden, enumerated 3 Apr 1930, reporting that the family owned a home valued at $10,000, and owned a radio. Their children Martha, Cooper and Elizabeth were listed as living with them, as was Martha L. Jones, a public school teacher, who was listed as a cousin.21
     Elizabeth and Cooper appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, at 1639 Eastmoreland, enumerated 10 Apr 1940, reporting that they owned a home valued at $6,500. Their children Martha and Elizabeth were listed as living with them, as was cousin Martha L. Jones, now a legal secretary. All reported having lived in the same house in 1935.22
     Her husband died on 2 Oct 1961 at 1637 Eastmoreland, Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee.23,14
     Elizabeth died on 14 Feb 1964 at age 89.14 She was buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee, in her parents' lot in the Miller Circle section.15

     Children with Cooper Turner:


  1. [S1218] Cooper Turner and Elizabeth T. Bacon, marriage bond.
  2. [S393] Sarah E. Atkinson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows name as Lizzie Tuck Bacon.
  3. [S1210] Cooper Turner household, 1910 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows name as Elizabeth B. Turner.
  4. [S393] Sarah E. Atkinson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows Lizzie as niece of Sarah.
  5. [S2061] Macon, John and Edward Tuck of Halifax County, pg 30.
  6. [S1210] Cooper Turner household, 1910 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows Martha as the mother-in-law of Elizabeth's husband.
  7. [S1279] "Died - Bacon," The Commercial Appeal, 6 May 1928, shows Mrs. Cooper Turner as her daughter.
  8. [S1284] Matthew Lyddall & Martha W. Bacon family monument, Elmwood Cemetery, shows date, with year as 1875.
  9. [S1212] Mrs. M Bacon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows month, year as 1874, age 25 and state.
  10. [S393] Sarah E. Atkinson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows age 6 and state.
  11. [S225] The birth year of 1874 from the 1900 census is consistent with age 6 shown in the 1880 census, so I conclude that the gravestone inscription showing the year as 1875 is in error.
  12. [S1218] Cooper Turner and Elizabeth T. Bacon, marriage bond, shows date and officiant.
  13. [S1212] Mrs. M Bacon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows married 8 months.
  14. [S1284] Matthew Lyddall & Martha W. Bacon family monument, Elmwood Cemetery, shows date.
  15. [S1284] Matthew Lyddall & Martha W. Bacon family monument, Elmwood Cemetery.
  16. [S1210] Cooper Turner household, 1910 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  17. [S393] Sarah E. Atkinson household, 1880 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  18. [S7973] Loose Probate Papers, Shelby Co., Tennessee, 1898, no. 9324, M. L. Bacon, will.
  19. [S1212] Mrs. M Bacon household, 1900 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  20. [S1211] Cooper Turner household, 1920 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  21. [S1213] Cooper Turner household, 1930 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  22. [S4168] Cooper Turner Sr. household, 1940 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee.
  23. [S4167] Cooper Turner, Sr., Certificate of Death, shows date, address, city, county, and cause of death.
  24. [S1214] (unnamed) Turner, birth registration, shows their first child.
  25. [S1210] Cooper Turner household, 1910 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows the child as the daughter of Elizabeth's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  26. [S1211] Cooper Turner household, 1920 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows the child as the daughter of Elizabeth's husband.
  27. [S4169] Cooper Turner, Delayed Certificate of Birth.
  28. [S1210] Cooper Turner household, 1910 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows the child as the son of Elizabeth's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  29. [S1211] Cooper Turner household, 1920 U.S. Census, Shelby Co., Tennessee, shows the child as the son of Elizabeth's husband.
  30. [S4177] Elizabeth Ann Turner, Delayed Certificate of Birth.