Josephine Elliott1,2,3

ID# 2157, (1868 - 1888)
FatherThomas Herbert Elliott4,2,5 (3 Aug 1834 - 22 Oct 1933)
MotherElizabeth Mariah Tuck4,6,5 (30 Nov 1837 - 16 Apr 1904)

Key Events:

Birth: 27 Sep 1868, Kentucky7,8,9
Death: 26 Jan 18883
Burial: the Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery, Lafayette, Christian Co., Kentucky3
ChartsDescendants of Dr. Davis Green Tuck
Descendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Tuck Family

Copyright Notice


     Josephine Elliott was born on 27 Sep 1868 in Kentucky.7,8,9
Josepine's tombstone
photo by authors

     Josephine appeared with his parents on the 1870 Federal Census of Hopkinsville, Christian Co., Kentucky, in the household of his grandmother, Elizabeth M. Toot.1
     She appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Lafayette, Kentucky in the household of her parents, Thomas Herbert Elliott and Elizabeth Mariah Tuck.2
     Josephine died on 26 Jan 1888 at age 19.3 She was buried in the Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery, Lafayette, Christian Co., Kentucky.3
Josephine Elliott Hall, Vanderbilt Training School
photo courtesy Gary Violette

     Vanderbilt University in Nashville established three training schools to prepare boys to enter the university. The one at Elkton, Kentucky, opened 16 Sep 1892. Josephine's father was a major benefactor, resulting in two buildings being named for his deceased children, Josephine and Walter. Josephine Elliott Hall, built between 1903 and 1908, was the first dormitory.10,11,12,13


  1. [S1770] Elizabeth M. Tuck household, 1870 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
  2. [S1897] Thomas H. Elliott household, 1880 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky.
  3. [S14010] Josephine Elliott tombstone, Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery.
  4. [S1770] Elizabeth M. Tuck household, 1870 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows them in the same household, apparently as parent and child.
  5. [S2061] Macon, John and Edward Tuck of Halifax County, pg 30.
  6. [S1897] Thomas H. Elliott household, 1880 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows Josephine as the daughter of Bettie's husband.
  7. [S1770] Elizabeth M. Tuck household, 1870 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows age 2 and state.
  8. [S1897] Thomas H. Elliott household, 1880 U.S. Census, Christian Co., Kentucky, shows age 12 and state.
  9. [S14010] Josephine Elliott tombstone, Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery, shows date.
  10. [S3037] Bonifer, "The Founding of Lindsey Wilson College", pg 6, provides background; pg 15, shows opening date and enrolment.
  11. [S3039] Hoss, David Morton: A Biography, pg 87, shows opening in rented quarters in 1892 and completion of new building in 1893; plate following pg 104, shows main building, Josephine and Walter Elliott Halls (not identified).
  12. [S3038] Todd County History Book Committee, Todd County, Kentucky Family History, pg 42, shows Thomas donated a gymnasium in memory of his deceased son.
  13. [S3040] Violette, "Vanderbilt Training School bldg sequence <correction>," e-mail to author, 12 Apr 2009, identifies the two halls and provides dates of construction; "RE: Vanderbilt Training School Student (follow-up)," 12 Apr 2009, shows use of building by county schools; and "RE: Vanderbilt Training Schoo,l" 15 Oct 2010, shows original use of each building.