Walter R. Brady1,2,3
ID# 20846, (abt 1820 - 1862)
Father | Benjamin Brady5,6 (abt 1791 - 1 Jun 1876) |
Mother | Sophia Flora4 (1790 - 10 Oct 1881) |
Charts | Descendants of David Dutt/Toot |
Ancestry | The Dutt/Toot Family |
Walter R. Brady was born about Sep 1820 in Ohio
He was probably the male under age 5 to 10 listed in the household of his father, Benjamin Brady, in the 1830 Federal Census of Fairfield Twp., Highland Co., Ohio

He moved to Missouri with his parents between 1840 and 1850.
Walter married Elizabeth C. Lamar, daughter of William Lamar and Rebecca Hodge.10,11
On 1 Jun 1850 Walter was granted a patent for 40 acres of land in Andrew Co., about one mile north of Helena. He made the purchase under the 1820 "Sale-Cash Entry" act. That act set the minimum price of public land at $1.25 per acre, with a minimum purchase to 80 acres, and required payment in cash, not on credit.17
Walter and Elizabeth C. Lamar appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Rochester Twp., Andrew Co., Missouri

Walter and Elizabeth moved to Platte Co. before 1860. They appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Green Twp., Platte Co., Missouri

He was a farmer all his life.1,18
The Enrolled Missouri Militia was created in Jul 1862 in response to a Confederate recruiting program begun that summer behind Federal lines in northeast Missouri. The previously established Missouri State Militia did not have the resources to address the growing guerrilla attacks. The new militia composed of part-time citizen soldiers was established to free the State Militia and Federal troops for field action. Most men in this militia served only a few weeks of active duty over the course of the next two and a half years.19
Walter enrolled in Company A, 39 Regiment of the Enrolled Missouri Militia as a private 13 Aug 1862 at Weston, Missouri

Walter died on 21 Aug 1862.12,13 He was buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Weston, Platte Co., Missouri

Walter died intestate (without leaving a will) and letters of administration for his estate were issued on 6 Oct 1862 in Probate Court, Platte Co., to his wife Elizabeth. On 10 Oct the court acknowledged her bond of $10,000. However, the actual bond recorded was for $6,000.21,22
An inventory of the estate was made 15 Oct 1862. It listed three parcels of land: 160 acres in Green Twp., Platte Co; another 160 acres not described, and 80 acres in Jefferson Co., Kansas. Personal property include numerous livestock, farm implements, 18 acres of corn in the field, and 100 bushels of wheat. There were three notes listed, with a total balance due him of $137. The personal property was appraised on 22 Oct, for a total of $689, with the most significant items being 40 head of fat hogs at $140, a two-year old colt at $75, and the standing corn at $72. The administrator reported on 1 Dec that $818 had been realized from the sale of the personal property.23,24,25
Three claims against the estate seem to have been questionable, as they were brought to the court to decide. In each case they were allowed by the court after hearing testimony. Two were for small amounts, $12.50 and $20, but the one by Walter's father was for $550. The basis for the claims was not recorded.26
The settlement of the estate was apparently scheduled for the Oct 1863 term of the court, but on 7 Oct 1863 the matter was continued until the November term. However it was not taken up in that term.27 Two years later, on 10 Oct 1865, the court was made aware that Elizabeth had remarried. It revoked her letters of administration and appointed her brother Charles H. Lamar in her place. He filed a bond of $1,600 with two sureties, one of them Elizabeth's new husband.28,29
Lamer was also appointed guardian of Walter's three minor children, Josephine, Georgia and Elizabeth.28 The same day he filed an inventory of the girls' estate. It included $431 in cash received from their mother, the prior administrator of their father's estate, a note dated 6 Jun 1864 for $250, and a second dated 6 Nov 1862 for $38. Both notes bore interest at 10%. There was also the 160-acre parcel in Green Twp. that had been inventoried in their father's estate.28
The new administrator filed his final settlement on 1 Jan 1866. It reflects assets collected of $955, made up of the notes and proceeds of sale of the personal property. Disbursements totaled $680, primarily the $550 paid Walter's father, and other debts and expenses. The record does not show how the balance of $275 was distributed. The amount previously distributed to the estates of the daughters is not reflected, so the source of that is unknown.30
Children with Elizabeth C. Lamar:
- Josephine Florence Brady31,32,33 (20 Oct 1850 - 17 Jul 1940)
- Georgia Ann Brady31,32,34 (12 May 1853 - 12 Sep 1913)
- Elizabeth T. Brady31,32,34 (abt 1859 - 25 Nov 1891)
- [S6959] Walter Brady household, 1850 U.S. Census, Andrew Co., Missouri.
- [S500], online, memorial # 88649050, W R Brady, includes tombstone photo showing same.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, P:228, order in the estate of Benjamin Brady, dec'd, 24 Jan 1878, shows name as Walter N. Brady.
- [S6958] W. R. Brady household, 1860 U.S. Census, Platte Co., Missouri, shows her living with his family appearing to be his mother.
- [S6958] W. R. Brady household, 1860 U.S. Census, Platte Co., Missouri, shows his wife living with W. R.'s family appearing to be his mother.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, P:228, order in the estate of Benjamin Brady, dec'd, 24 Jan 1878, shows his children as heirs.
- [S6959] Walter Brady household, 1850 U.S. Census, Andrew Co., Missouri, shows age 30 and state.
- [S6958] W. R. Brady household, 1860 U.S. Census, Platte Co., Missouri, shows age 38 and state.
- [S500], online, memorial # 88649050, W R Brady, show date, as 4 Sep 1821, and includes tombstone photo showing age 41 yrs 11 mo at death 21 Aug 1862.
- [S6959] Walter Brady household, 1850 U.S. Census, Andrew Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
- [S6958] W. R. Brady household, 1860 U.S. Census, Platte Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
- [S500], online, memorial # 88649050, W R Brady, shows date, and includes tombstone photo showing same.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, P:228, order in the estate of Benjamin Brady, dec'd, 24 Jan 1878, shows his children as heirs to his share of his father's estate.
- [S500], online, memorial # 88649050, W R Brady, includes tombstone photo.
- [S6963] Benjn. Brady household, 1830 U.S. Census, Highland Co., Ohio.
- [S6964] Benjamin Brady household, 1840 U.S. Census, Highland Co., Ohio.
- [S7032] Walter R. Brady, cash sale land patent, 1 Jun 1850, Bureau of Land Management, Plattsburg Land Office, 40 acres, NW¼SE¼, sect. 18, twp. 59N, range 33W.
- [S6958] W. R. Brady household, 1860 U.S. Census, Platte Co., Missouri.
- [S7145] Civil War St Louis, online, Kirby Ross, "Federal Militia in Missouri."
- [S7208] Walter R. Brady, Soldiers' Records cards.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, H:329, letters issued; H:369, bond.
- [S7031] Bonds and Letters, Platte Co., Missouri, D:377.
- [S7033] Inventories, Platte Co., Missouri, B:11-2.
- [S6966] Appraisements, Platte Co., Missouri, A:483.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, H:387.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, H:414, claim of Thomas Beamont; H:493, claim of Benjamin Brady; and H:612, claim of James Morton.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, H:629.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, I:287.
- [S7037] Wills, Platte Co., Missouri, C:141, will of William Lamar dated18 Sep 1866, shows Eliza and Charles as his daughter and son.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, I:339.
- [S6958] W. R. Brady household, 1860 U.S. Census, Platte Co., Missouri, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, I:287, guardianship order, shows her as his heir.
- [S7035] Josephine Bonnell, Certificate of Death.
- [S6965] Probate Records, Platte Co., Missouri, P:228, order in the estate of Benjamin Brady, dec'd, 24 Jan 1878, shows her as receiving his share of his father's inheritance.