Ruth P. Flora1,2

ID# 20746, (1897 - 1986)
FatherEdward K. Flora1,3,4 (Jan 1868 - 16 May 1932)
MotherMary Arizona Wellen1,5,6 (Mar 1873 - 22 Sep 1912)

Key Events:

Birth: 27 Dec 1897, Maryland7,8,9
Marriage: about 1914, Clyde C. Culipher (28 Aug 1897 - 2 Dec 1965)10,11
Divorce: between 1930 and 1940, Taylor James Wallace (28 Aug 1897 - 2 Dec 1965)12
Marriage: about 1941, Lloyd Webster Grimm (9 Aug 1904 - 10 May 2001)13,14,15
Death: Nov 198616,17
Burial: Dec 1986, Rosedale Cemetery, Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., West Virginia18
ChartsDescendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Dutt/Toot Family

Copyright Notice


     121920 Ruth P. Flora was born on 27 Dec 1897 in Maryland.7,8,9
     She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Brunswick, Frederick Co., Maryland, in the household of her parents, Edward K. Flora and Mary Arizona Wellen.3
     She moved to West Virginia with her parents about 1903.21 She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Berkeley Springs, Morgan Co., West Virginia, in the household of her parents.4
     Her mother died on 22 Sep 1912, when Ruth was 14 years old.22,23,24
     Ruth married first Clyde C. Culipher, son of Commodore P. Culipher and Eula H. Markett, about 1914, according to her age at first marriage as reported in the 1930 census, though other evidence suggests it was later.10,11
     Ruth and Clyde apparently lived in Louisiana after their marriage, as their son was born there in 1918.
     They apparently moved to Maryland about 1920. By that time he was using the name Taylor James Wallace, and she then used that surname. They appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Baltimore, Maryland, at 11 E. Centre, reporting they were renting their home. The enumeration date was not recorded. Their son Gordon was listed as living with them.20
     After her husband was sent to the Maryland Penitentiary, Ruth moved back to Martinsburg where her step-grandmother, Charity Ann Merchant, and some of her sisters were living. By 1925 she was living with them at 108 Pennsylvania Ave., Martinsburg, West Virginia.25 Her future husband, Lloyd Webster Grimm, and another man moved to the same address about 1925, though it is not clear whether he was boarding with them or living in a different unit of a multi-family building. He had moved elsewhere by 1927.26
     Her husband was paroled 5 Aug 1926 and joined her for a time as he also appears with her in 1927.27 They had all moved to 201 E. Union Ave. by 1927. She, and her second husband continued to live at this address until about 1950, except for a brief period about 1930 when she was again living with her step-grandmother.28 It appears that he was soon in trouble with the law again, as he returned to prison by 1930.
     Her sister Mildred and her husband lived with her for a time about 1929.29 By then both Charity and Julia had moved to other locations.30
     Ruth appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, at 826 E. Maler Ave., enumerated 11 Apr 1930, reporting she was renting her home, for $26 per month, and did not own a radio. Her son Gordon was listed as living with her, as were her step-grandmother and Lloyd, her future husband, who was listed as a boarder.31
     Ruth and Taylor were divorced between 1930 and 1940.12
     Ruth appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, at 201 Union Ave., enumerated 11 Apr 1940, reporting she was renting her home, for $15 per month. Her future husband, Lloyd was listed as living with her, again shown as a boarder. They reported they had lived in the same house in 1935.32
     Ruth married second Lloyd Webster Grimm, son of Robert Edward Grimm and Nannie Kennedy Webster, about 1941.13,14,15
     She was a knitter in a hosiery mill after she returned to West Virginia. In 1940 she reported she had worked 40 hours the last week of March, and had worked 40 weeks the prior year, earning $640.33,34
     After their marriage, Ruth and Lloyd continued to live at 201 E. Union Ave., where she have been for many years.35 They moved to 722 Albert about 1951.36
     Ruth died in Nov 1986 at age 88.16,17 She was buried in Dec 1986 in Rosedale Cemetery, Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., West Virginia.18

     Children with Clyde C. Culipher:

  • Julia Culipher37 (say 1916 - say 1917)
  • Gordon Hugh Wallace38,31,39 (26 Jan 1918 - 17 Jun 1983)

     There were no children with Lloyd Webster Grimm


  1. [S6826] Birth Register, Morgan Co., West Virginia, Delayed Births 1:59 & 60A, Ruth P. Flora, notation "By order of Co. Ct., Apr 11, 1944" and "Bible Record."
  2. [S6824] E. K. Flora household, 1900 U.S. Census, Frederick Co., Maryland, shows name as Ruth P. Flora.
  3. [S6824] E. K. Flora household, 1900 U.S. Census, Frederick Co., Maryland.
  4. [S6825] Edward Flora household, 1910 U.S. Census, Morgan Co., West Virginia.
  5. [S6824] E. K. Flora household, 1900 U.S. Census, Frederick Co., Maryland, shows the girl as daughter of Mary's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  6. [S6825] Edward Flora household, 1910 U.S. Census, Morgan Co., West Virginia, shows the girl as daughter of Mary's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  7. [S6826] Birth Register, Morgan Co., West Virginia, Delayed Births 1:59 & 60A, Ruth P. Flora, notation "By order of Co. Ct., Apr 11, 1944" and "Bible Record," shows date, with year as 1897, county and state, as Morgan Co. West Virginia.
  8. [S6824] E. K. Flora household, 1900 U.S. Census, Frederick Co., Maryland, shows month, year, as 1898, age 1, and state.
  9. [S6825] Edward Flora household, 1910 U.S. Census, Morgan Co., West Virginia, shows age 12 and state.
  10. [S6936] Taylor J. Wallace household, 1920 U.S. Census, Baltimore, Maryland, shows married.
  11. [S6937] Ruth Wallace household, 1930 U.S. Census, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, shows her as married, with first marriage at age 17, but no husband present.
  12. [S6940] Ruth Wallace household, 1940 U.S. Census, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, shows her as divorced.
  13. [S6940] Ruth Wallace household, 1940 U.S. Census, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, shows her as Ruth Wallace and him as Lloyd Grimm.
  14. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1942 pg 97 shows them as Lloyd W. and Ruth P. Grimm.
  15. [S500], online, memorial # 113837059, Ruth P Grimm, and memorial # 113836758, Loyd W. Grimm, include photo of joint tombstone.
  16. [S1000] "Social Security Death Index,", record for Ruth Grimm, Soc. Sec. No. 234-01-7247, shows month, year, and last residence as 25401 Martinsburg, Berkeley, West Virginia.
  17. [S500], online, memorial # 113837059, Ruth P Grimm, shows year and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  18. [S500], online, memorial # 113837059, Ruth P Grimm, includes tombstone photo.
  19. [S6911] Odessa L. Weidman obituary, The Daily Mail, shows her as Mrs. Ruth Grimm.
  20. [S6936] Taylor J. Wallace household, 1920 U.S. Census, Baltimore, Maryland.
  21. [S6825] Edward Flora household, 1910 U.S. Census, Morgan Co., West Virginia, shows daughter Mildred, age 8, as born in Maryland and daughter Odessa, age 6, as born in West Virginia.
  22. [S6777] Death Record, Index, Counties, Maryland, SE58-33, Flora, Mary A., shows date and county.
  23. [S6830] Edward K. Flora and Martha A. Foreman, Application for Marriage License and Return.
  24. [S6834] Charles Bossley household, 1920 U.S. Census, Allegany Co., Maryland, shows her husband as widowed.
  25. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1922 pg 151, shows Charity there; and 1925 pg 107, shows Julia at new address, pg 246 shows Ruth at that address.
  26. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1925, pg 119.
  27. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1927, pg 261.
  28. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1927, pg 113, shows her and Julia at new address, pg 261 shows Ruth there; 1932 pg 221 shows Ruth back at Union Ave.; and 1950 pg 163 shows Ruth and Lloyd there.
  29. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1929, pg 75.
  30. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1929, pg 98.
  31. [S6937] Ruth Wallace household, 1930 U.S. Census, Berkeley Co., West Virginia.
  32. [S6940] Ruth Wallace household, 1940 U.S. Census, Berkeley Co., West Virginia.
  33. [S6937] Ruth Wallace household, 1930 U.S. Census, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, shows occupation as knitter, industry as hose mill.
  34. [S6940] Ruth Wallace household, 1940 U.S. Census, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, shows occupation as knitter, industry as hosery mill.
  35. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1942 pg 97, 1950 pg 163.
  36. [S6822] Polk's Tacoma City Directory, 1951 pg 156.
  37. [S7497] Linda Wieland,[no subject] e-mail to author, 20 Jul 2017.
  38. [S7496] Gordon Hugh Culipher, Certificate of Birth.
  39. [S6947] Hugh Wallace and Mary Logue, Marriage License and Marriage Certificate.