Anna C. Dudeck1,2,3

ID# 17354, (1870 - 1933)
FatherReinhold Dudeck4
MotherAnna Hanke4

Key Events:

Birth: 17 Aug 1870, Schlesien5,6,7
Marriage: 23 May 1896, St. Louis Co., Missouri, William L. Weber (5 Nov 1856 - 4 Jun 1945)8,9,10
Death: 8 Oct 1933, 7228 Murdock Ave., Shrewsbury, St. Louis Co., Missouri4
Burial: 10 Oct 1933, New Pickers Cemetery11,12

Copyright Notice


     8 Anna C. Dudeck was born on 17 Aug 1870 in Schlesien, mostly likely in the Prussian province of that name, which became part of Poland after World War II.5,6,7 Anna immigrated to America about 1886.13,14,15
     Anna married William L. Weber, son of Friedrich August Weber and Amalie Erdmuthe Patzschkes, on 23 May 1896 in St. Louis Co., Missouri.8,9,10
     Anna and William appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Central Twp., St. Louis Co., Missouri, enumerated 15 Jun 1900, reporting that the family owned its farm, free of mortgage. Their daughter Anna and his children by his prior marriage, Edward, Sophia, Bertha and Lena, were listed as living with them.16
     Anna and William appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Central Twp., St. Louis Co., Missouri, enumerated 2 May 1910, reporting that the family owned its farm, free of mortgage. Their daughter Armita was listed as living with them, as was his son by his previous marriage, Edward.17
     Anna and William appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Shrewsbury, St. Louis Co., Missouri, at 7225 Mill Ave., enumerated 6 Jan 1920, reporting that the family owned its farm, free of mortgage. Their daughter Armita and his son Edward were listed as living with them.18
     Anna and William appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Shrewsbury, St. Louis Co., Missouri, at 7228 Murdock Ave., enumerated 9 Apr 1930, reporting that they owned a home valued at $3,000.19
     Anna died on 8 Oct 1933 in 7228 Murdock Ave., Shrewsbury, St. Louis Co., Missouri, at age 63.4 She was buried on 10 Oct 1933 in New Pickers Cemetery, in her parents' family lot.11,12

     Children with William L. Weber:

  • Anna Wilhelmina Weber20 (Mar 1897 - Apr 1901)
  • William Hy Weber21,22 (17 Dec 1898 - Jul 1899)
  • Armita Helen Weber23,24,25 (3 Mar 1903 - )


  1. [S2038] Anna Albert Weber, Certificate of Death, shows father's surname as Dudeck.
  2. [S2035] William L. Weber household, 1930 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows name as Anna C. Weber.
  3. [S2053] William Hy Weber, permanent record of births, shows name as Annie Weber, maiden name Duceck.
  4. [S2038] Anna Albert Weber, Certificate of Death.
  5. [S2038] Anna Albert Weber, Certificate of Death, shows date, with year as 1770, and country, as Germany.
  6. [S2034] Wm. L. Weber household, 1920 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows age 49 and country, as Schlesian.
  7. [S2031] William Weber and Anna Albert, Application for License to Marry, shows age 25.
  8. [S2031] William Weber and Anna Albert, Application for License to Marry.
  9. [S2032] William Weber household, 1900 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows married 4 years.
  10. [S2033] William Weber household, 1910 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows married 14 years, and the second marriage for both.
  11. [S2038] Anna Albert Weber, Certificate of Death, shows date and cemetery.
  12. [S2039] Gatewood Gardens Cemetery, online, record for section B5, lot 225, owned by Anna Dudeck, grave 4, Arma Weber, shows date.
  13. [S2033] William Weber household, 1910 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows year, as 1886.
  14. [S2034] Wm. L. Weber household, 1920 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows immigrated in 1885 and naturalized in 1888.
  15. [S2035] William L. Weber household, 1930 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows immigrated in 1886, and was naturalized.
  16. [S2032] William Weber household, 1900 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri.
  17. [S2033] William Weber household, 1910 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri.
  18. [S2034] Wm. L. Weber household, 1920 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri.
  19. [S2035] William L. Weber household, 1930 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri.
  20. [S2032] William Weber household, 1900 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows the girl as the daughter of Anna's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  21. [S2053] William Hy Weber, permanent record of births.
  22. [S2039] Gatewood Gardens Cemetery, online, record for section B4, lot 39, owned by Wm. Weber, grave 4, Willie Webber, infant, shows him buried in William's lot.
  23. [S2044] Armita Helen Weber, permanent record of births.
  24. [S2033] William Weber household, 1910 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows the girl as the daughter of Annie's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  25. [S2034] Wm. L. Weber household, 1920 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, shows Armieda as the daughter of Annie's husband.