Ida May Reigle1,2,3,4

ID# 17124, (1889 - 1917)
FatherWilliam David Riegel3,5,6 (25 Jan 1850 - abt 1924)
MotherMary J. Quakenbush5,3,7 (18 Sep 1857 - 3 Nov 1925)

Key Events:

Birth: 14 Jul 1889, Kansas8,9,10
Marriage: 28 Sep 1910, Marchfield, Webster Co., Missouri, William Meek Hoggatt (18 May 1874 - 17 Nov 1953)11,12
Death: 21 Mar 1917, Hazelwood Twp., Webster Co., Missouri13,14
Burial: 22 Mar 1917, Mountain Dale Cemetery, Webster Co., Missouri3
ChartsDescendants of Jacob K. and Christiana Ohl Riegel
AncestryThe Reigel Family

Copyright Notice


     11,12 Ida May Reigle was born on 14 Jul 1889 in Kansas.8,9,10
     She appeared on the 1895 State Census of Crow, Glenwood Twp., Phillips Co., Kansas, in the household of her parents, William David Riegel and Mary J. Quakenbush.15 She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Sumner Twp., Phillips Co., Kansas, in the household of her parents.6
     She moved to Missouri with her parents by before Mar 1906.16 She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Hazelwood Twp., Webster Co., Missouri, in the household of her parents.17
     Ida May was living in Flint Hollow, Webster Co., Missouri, at the time of her marriage.18
     Ida married William Meek Hoggatt, son of Elishia Hoggatt and Naomi Ann Fulton, on 28 Sep 1910 in Marchfield, Webster Co., Missouri, with J. M. Terry, Judge of Probate, officiating. He was the widower of Addie P. Goff and Mahala A. George.11,12
     Ida died on 21 Mar 1917 in Hazelwood Twp., Webster Co., Missouri, at age 27.13,14 She was buried on 22 Mar 1917 in Mountain Dale Cemetery, Webster Co., Missouri.3

     Children with William Meek Hoggatt:

  • Leona Edna Hoggatt19,20 (30 Jul 1911 - 28 Jul 1970)
  • Clarence Hoggatt19,21 (9 Oct 1914 - 14 May 1974)


  1. [S1404] W. D. Reigel household, 1895 Kansas State Census, Phillips Co., Kansas, Glenwood Twp., shows name as Ida May Reigel.
  2. [S1394] William D. Riggle household, 1900 U.S. Census, Phillips Co., Kansas, shows name as Ida M. Riggle.
  3. [S1400] May Hoggatt, Certificate of Death.
  4. [S6410] Charles H. Moss and Leona Ee Hoggatt, Application for Marriage License and Return, shows name as May Riggle.
  5. [S1404] W. D. Reigel household, 1895 Kansas State Census, Phillips Co., Kansas, Glenwood Twp., shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  6. [S1394] William D. Riggle household, 1900 U.S. Census, Phillips Co., Kansas.
  7. [S1394] William D. Riggle household, 1900 U.S. Census, Phillips Co., Kansas, shows Ida as the daughter of Mary's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  8. [S1404] W. D. Reigel household, 1895 Kansas State Census, Phillips Co., Kansas, Glenwood Twp., shows age 6 and state.
  9. [S1400] May Hoggatt, Certificate of Death, shows date, with year as 1889, and state.
  10. [S1394] William D. Riggle household, 1900 U.S. Census, Phillips Co., Kansas, shows month, year, as 1888, age 11, and state.
  11. [S1405] Wm M. Hoggatt and May Riggle, Marriage License, shows date, town, county, and officiant.
  12. [S1398] William Meek Hoggatt, Standard Certificate of Death, shows his wife as May.
  13. [S1400] May Hoggatt, Certificate of Death, shows date, township, and state.
  14. [S1397] William M. Hoggatt household, 1920 U.S. Census, Webster Co., Missouri, shows her husband as widowed, with her mother living in the household and identified as his mother-in-law.
  15. [S1404] W. D. Reigel household, 1895 Kansas State Census, Phillips Co., Kansas, Glenwood Twp.
  16. [S7343] Deeds, Phillips Co., Kansas, 19:386-7, William D. Reigel and Mary J. Reigel to Greene Price, 16 Apr 1906, shows them as of Webster Co. Missouri, and their signitures were notarized in Webster Co.
  17. [S1396] William D. Reigle household, 1910 U.S. Census, Webster Co., Missouri.
  18. [S1405] Wm M. Hoggatt and May Riggle, Marriage License.
  19. [S1397] William M. Hoggatt household, 1920 U.S. Census, Webster Co., Missouri, shows Ida May's mother living in the household and identified as William's mother-in-law.
  20. [S6410] Charles H. Moss and Leona Ee Hoggatt, Application for Marriage License and Return.
  21. [S1398] William Meek Hoggatt, Standard Certificate of Death, shows William's wife as May.