Henry Clay McNeill1,2,3
ID# 16871, (1845 - 1883)
Father | Thomas Henry McNeill4,5 (1 Aug 1821 - 29 Nov 1866) |
Mother | Rebecca Ann Tuck4,5 (3 Oct 1824 - 22 Nov 1859) |
Charts | Descendants of Dr. Davis Green Tuck Descendants of David Dutt/Toot |
Ancestry | The Dutt/Toot Family The Tuck Family |
Henry Clay McNeill was born on 4 Oct 1845.6,7He moved to Coahoma Co., Mississippi

His mother died on 22 Nov 1859, when Henry was 14 years old.19,20,21
He generally used the nickname Harry, even in formal matters.22,23,24
Joining the Confederate Army --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Henry enlisted as a private in Co. K, 9th Mississippi Volunteers on 27 Mar 1861, at Camp DeSoto, DeSoto Co., Mississippi

He then joined Co. B, Chalmers' Battalion, Mississippi Sharp Shooters. He was a 3rd lieutenant, then commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant 23 Jun 1862. Confederate sharpshooter units functioned as light infantry, with duties including skirmishing and reconnaissance. He was discharged by Dec 1862.26,27
He enlisted 16 Apr 1863, at Panola, Mississippi

Establishing Himself in Chicago --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
Henry moved to Chicago by 1870, when he was living at 333 Wabash Ave.

When the Great Chicago fire started 8 Oct 1871 Henry and his younger brother Thomas, who was attending school in the city, were boarding together. They slept until the fire was nearby, then left so hurriedly that they lost some of their clothes.31
By 1873 he was working as a bookkeeper for J. M. Marshall, a real estate agent who handled the Chicago real estate investments of Henry's grandfather Malcom McNeill, at 124 South Clark

Henry married Eva A. Smith, daughter of Albert B. Smith and Roxana Willard, on 17 Feb 1873 in Warwick, New York

It appears that Henry and Eva initially boarded at the Gardner House, at the corner of Michigan Ave and Jackson

Henry was named an heir in the will of Malcom McNeill, his grandfather, dated 8 Nov 1873 in Christian Co., Kentucky

Henry left the firm of J. M. Marshall & Co. by 1874, and went into the real estate business on his own, at in 133 LaSalle St.

A Less than Successful Subdivision in Evanston --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
In partnership with Henry M. Payne, Henry subdivided an 80-acre parcel on the northwest edge of Evanston

That subdivision, or at least a part of it, was known as "McNeill's addition to Evanston," a term still used in legal descriptions of property within it. The sale was attended by a large number of purchasers and spectators, but "the bidding was such as to not encourage the sellers to put up the entire property." A total of 43 lots were sold, for a total of $20,450.39
On 6 Jul 1874 he wrote his grandfather, thanking him for returning the interest payment he had sent, and returning (canceling) a note apparently representing a loan he had received from his grandfather. In the letter he said he had bought the property with little cash, borrowing the rest for the land and to lay sidewalks, plant trees, and build four houses. He said he had repaid $7,000 of those loans from sales. But he reported the outlook was not good: "Times are dull and no sales, if times were good I could sell out my investment at a large profit, but as things are, I have to sell low in order to meet some payments."40
On 10 Jul 1874 Henry mortgaged four lots in his subdivision on the outskirts of Evanston

His grandfather had sold his 3,000-acre Lake Charles Plantation, in Coahoma Co., Mississippi

On 2 Sep 1876 Henry and his wife gave his brother Malcom, who was executor of their grandfather's estate, a deed of trust to secure orders against Henry's inheritance from the estate. There were five orders, to four individuals, dated from 20 May 1875 to 28 Jul 1876, for a total of $4,860. The deed of trust included all the property he was to inherit. Although no record of his repaying the orders has been found, he apparently did as he later sold his rights to those properties.43
His business was located at 128 Clark

Henry was the defendant in a number of lawsuits in Chicago in the late 1870's in which he "confessed," that is agreed he owed, a sum of money. Most were for a few hundred dollars, but in a case in Aug 1877 he agreed he owed $17,677. The plaintiff in this case was Willard A. Smith, one of those he had issued an order to against his inheritance in 1875.46
Disappearing from Sight --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---
He was a clerk working at 123 Archer Ave., Chicago

It seems likely Henry and Eva were divorced though no record of a divorce has been found. The 1878 city directory suggests they were separated, showing them boarding at separate locations. Neither of them has been found in the 1880 census. An 1876 deed of trust related to his inheritance from his grandfather includes her as a grantor, but deeds in 1883 related to that inheritance do not list her. She is not mentioned in the obituaries found for him.10,11,12,13
Henry sold his one-ninth interest in the northern half of his grandfather's plantation in Christian Co., Kentucky

Henry died on 1 Oct 1883 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., Kentucky

Henry died intestate (without leaving a will) and letters of administration for his estate were issued on 29 Jan 1884 in Cook Co., Illinois

There were no children with Eva A. Smith
- [S3372] Anderson, "some facts," e-mail to author, 31 Mar 2008, citing Bible located at "HempHill," Christian County, KY. compiled by Margaret Metcalf McNeill Ayers, Memphis, Tennessee, shows name as Henry Clay MacNeill.
- [S9047] Henry C. McNeill, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Mississippi, company muster roll card, 30 Jun 1861, shows name as Henry C. McNeill.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1878, pg 696, shows name as Henry C. McNeill.
- [S8718] Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, pg 238.
- [S1225] Anderson, "Rebecca Tuck," e-mail to author, 11 Jun 2007.
- [S3372] Anderson, "some facts," e-mail to author, 31 Mar 2008, citing Bible located at "HempHill," Christian County, KY. compiled by Margaret Metcalf McNeill Ayers, Memphis, Tennessee, shows date, as 4 Oct 1845.
- [S3374] Boddie and Boddie, Boddie and Allied Families, pg 137, shows date, as 16 Oct 1846.
- [S9036] "Married: McNeill - Smith," The Chicago Daily Tribune, 20 Feb 1873, shows date, town, residence, and officant.
- [S9034] Walker, "Eva Smith References", from letter Harry C. McNeill to Malcom McNeill, 14 Feb 1873, shows married next Monday.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1878, pg 696, shows Mrs. H. C. McNeil boarding at the Woodruff Hotel, and Henry C. McNeill boarding at the Avenue House.
- [S9037] Harry McNeill obituary, Chicago Daily News, shows his two brothers rushed his side in Louisville when he became ill, but no mention of his wife.
- [S8958] Deed Books, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, , Q:371-3, Harry C. McNeill and wife Eva A. to Malcom McNeill, 2 Sep 1876; U:646, Harry C. McNeil to Malcom McNeil, 21 Oct 1883; and V:21, same to same, 24 Oct 1884, include no mention of a wife.
- [S9046] Harry C. McNeill obituary, The Daily Inter Ocean, does not mention wife.
- [S9037] Harry McNeill obituary, Chicago Daily News, shows date, city, residence, and reason for visit.
- [S1289] Register of Deaths, Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1883, Louisville bk 5, pg 363, McNeil, Henry C, shows date.
- [S9029] Graceland Cemetery and Arboretum, online burial records, record for Harry C Mcneill, shows date.
- [S9029] Graceland Cemetery and Arboretum, online burial records, record for Harry C Mcneill, shows lot and date.
- [S1512] Thomas McNeil, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Coahoma Co., Alabama, slave schedule.
- [S1289] Register of Deaths, Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1859, Christian Co. 1859, Rebecca A. McNeal, shows date, as 22nd, place, and residence as Mississippi.
- [S14012] Mrs. Rebecca A. McNeill tombstone, Tuck-Elliott Family Cemetery, shows date.
- [S3372] Anderson, "some facts," e-mail to author, 31 Mar 2008, citing Bible located at "HempHill," Christian County, KY. compiled by Margaret Metcalf McNeill Ayers, Memphis, Tennessee, shows date, as 20th.
- [S10335] Deeds, Cook Co., Illinois, 414:173-7, Harry C. McNeill and wife Eva A. to Ira Scott, 29 Jul 1874.
- [S2014] Wills, Kentucky, WW:501-10, will of Malcom McNeill, Mar 1875, shows name as Harry C. McNeill.
- [S9029] Graceland Cemetery and Arboretum, online burial records, record for Harry C Mcneill.
- [S9047] Henry C. McNeill, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Mississippi, company muster roll card, 30 Jun 1861, shows date, place as Cam De Soto, and period; same Oct 1861, shows date, place as Camp DeSoto, Fla, which is obviously incorrect because Camp (later Fort) DeSoto in Florida was a Federal installation and remained so during the War. Co. K was recruited in DeSoto Co. Mississippi, so while the exact location of Camp DeSoto there has not been established, clearly it was in that county.
- [S9048] Henry C. McNeill, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Mississippi, company muster roll card, 30 Jun 1862, shows rank as 3rd lt., no enrollment information, and date of commission to 2nd lt; same for Dec 1862 shows discharged without date.
- [S1265] Wikipedia, online, "Sharpshooter," viewed Apr 2020, describes duties.
- [S9049] Harry McNeill, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Mississippi, company muster roll card, 5 Jul 1863.
- [S9050] J. T. McNeal, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Mississippi, file consists of three cards, to identical Register of Prisoners of War cards, one showing name as H. C. McNeal and the other as J. T. McNeal, and a List of Confederate Prisoners of War card showing name as H. C. McNeal.
- [S9045] Edwards' Directory of the City of Chicago, 1870, pp 537, 706.
- [S9051] Martha Rivers McNeill letter to Elizabeth McNeill Boddie, Oct 1871, citing "Tommy" had just returned from Chicago.
- [S9045] Edwards' Directory of the City of Chicago, 1872, pp 617, 633; and 1873, pp 637, 652.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1875, pp 668, 403.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1876, pg 677; 1877, pg 659.
- [S8965] Elizabeth C. Terhune v. The Commercial National Safe Deposit Company et al., Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois, 245: 622-634, describes reason for trust for Flora's interest.
- [S2014] Wills, Kentucky, W:501-10, will of Malcom McNeill, Mar 1875.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1874, pg 731; 1875, pg 668, shows address.
- [S9052] "Miscellaneous: Auction," The Chicago Daily Tribune, 31 May 1874.
- [S9053] "Some Sales of the Week: At Evanston," The Chicago Daily Tribune, 7 Jun 1874.
- [S9056] Harry C. McNeill letter to Malcom McNeill, 6 Jul 1874.
- [S9057] "Trustee's Sale," The Daily Inter Ocean, 4 Sep 1875.
- [S8958] Deed Books, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, , N:344-6, J. P. Caruthers trustee to Malcolm McNeill, 24 Feb 1875.
- [S8958] Deed Books, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, , Q:371-3, Harry C. McNeill and wife Eva A. to Malcom McNeill, 2 Sep 1876.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1876, pg 677.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1877, pg 659.
- [S9058] "Judgements," The Chicago Daily Tribune, 29 Aug 1877.
- [S9001] The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1878, pg 696.
- [S7768] Deeds, Christian Co., Kentucky, 64:156-7, Henry C. McNeill to Malcum McNeil, 2 May 1883.
- [S8958] Deed Books, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, , V:21, Harry C McNeil to Malcolm McNeill, 24 Oct 1883.
- [S8958] Deed Books, Coahoma Co., Mississippi, , U:646-7, Harry C McNeil to Malcolm McNeill, 21 Oct 1883.
- [S9365] Record of Grants of Administration, Cook Co., Illinois, 2:213, estate of Harry C. McNeill, 29 Jan 1884.