William A. Toot1,2,3

ID# 16001, (1833 - 1870)
FatherMelcajah Rhum Toot4,5 (23 Jun 1802 - 26 Nov 1862)
MotherMariah Louis Smith4,5 (22 Jul 1811 - 11 Feb 1871)

Key Events:

Birth: 3 Oct 1833, Virginia6,7,8
Death: Sep 18703
Burial: St. John's Episcopal Church Cemetery, Halifax, Virginia3
ChartsDescendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Dutt/Toot Family

Copyright Notice


      William A. Toot was born on 3 Oct 1833 in Virginia.6,7,8
     He was probably one of the two males age 5 to10 listed in the household of his father, Melcajah Rhum Toot, in the 1840 Federal Census of Halifax Co., Virginia.9 He appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Halifax Co., Virginia, in the household of his parents, Melcajah Rhum Toot and Mariah Louis Smith.10,11
     William moved to Lynchburg before 1860. He appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Lynchburg, Campbell Co., Virginia, enumerated 2 Jul 1860, reporting no real estate but personal estate of $2,520.12
     He was a commission merchant before the War.13,14
     William enrolled as a private in Capt. Kirkwood Otey's Company, known as the Home Guard, 23 Apr 1861 at Lynchburg, Virginia. He mustered in the next day. That unit became Co. G, 11th Virginia Infantry, 1 Jul.14 By Oct 1862 he had been promoted to 2nd corporal. He was promoted to third sergeant 26 Nov. He was promoted to sergeant major by Apr 1863.15
     The 11th was engaged in a long list of battles, mostly in Virginia, taking heavy casualties in many of them. It suffered six killed and 15 wounded at Dranesville in Dec 1861. Of a total of 750 men in April, 1862, 134 were lost at Williamsburg in May, and 100 at Frayser's Farm in June. It sustained 63 casualties at Battle of Second Manassas in August. Of the 359 engaged at Gettysburg in Jul 1863, about forty percent were disabled. It lost 15 killed and 94 wounded at Drewry's Bluff, Virginia, 16 May 1864.16 William was evidently one of the causalities at that engagement, as he was reported wounded and absent from his unit from 16 May 1864. His record does not show whether he returned to service. The last surviving muster roll on which his name appears was dated 9 Feb 1865 in Richmond, but it does not show whether he was present. It does not appear he was among the remaining 29 members of the 11th Infantry that surrendered at Appomattox.17
     William has not been found in the 1870 census.
     William died in Sep 1870 at age 36.3 He was buried in St. John's Episcopal Church Cemetery, Halifax, Virginia.3


  1. [S1038] Owen Family Bible, shows name as William A. Toot.
  2. [S1635] Melcajah R. Toot household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows name as William A. Toot.
  3. [S7458] W. A. Toot tombstone, St. John's Episcopal Church Cemetery.
  4. [S1038] Owen Family Bible, lists him among the other grandchildren of Adam and Sarah Toot.
  5. [S1635] Melcajah R. Toot household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  6. [S1038] Owen Family Bible, shows date.
  7. [S7458] W. A. Toot tombstone, St. John's Episcopal Church Cemetery, shows date.
  8. [S1635] Melcajah R. Toot household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows age 16 and state.
  9. [S983] Micajah R. Toot household, 1840 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  10. [S1635] Melcajah R. Toot household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  11. [S1630] Melcajah R. Toot, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, slave schedule.
  12. [S9518] Wm A. Toot household, 1860 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Virginia.
  13. [S9518] Wm A. Toot household, 1860 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Virginia, shows occupation as com merchant.
  14. [S9517] William A. Toot, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, muster roll card 30 Jun 1861.
  15. [S9517] William A. Toot, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, muster roll card Sep and Oct 1862, shows rank as 2 crpl; muster roll card 31 Dec 1862 show promotion to 3 sergt; muster roll card 25 May 1983 shows rank as sgt. maj.
  16. [S1265] Wikipedia, online, "11th Virginia Infantry," viewed Aug 2020.
  17. [S9517] William A. Toot, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, muster roll card 31 Aug 1864, shows wounded and absent; muster roll card 9 Feb 1865, shows present or absent not stated.