Maritta Christopher1,2,3

ID# 15582, (1883 - 1964)
FatherWilliam Christopher4,2 (Aug 1856 - 1 Jul 1923)
MotherEmma Bacon5,2 (25 Oct 1860 - 4 May 1934)

Key Events:

Birth: 17 Sep 1883, Cincinnati, Ohio6,7,8
Marriage: 7 Aug 1906, Hamilton Co., Ohio, Frank Moulton Cobb (22 Aug 1881 - 26 Dec 1951)2,9
Divorce: 25 Nov 1935, Wayne Co., Michigan, Frank Moulton Cobb (22 Aug 1881 - 26 Dec 1951)10,11
Death: 14 Feb 1964, Detroit, Michigan12

Copyright Notice


     13 Maritta Christopher was born on 17 Sep 1883 in Cincinnati, Ohio.6,7,8
     She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, in the household of her parents, William Christopher and Emma Bacon.4
     Maritta married Frank Moulton Cobb, son of Gideon Berry Cobb and Sarah Martha McElevey, on 7 Aug 1906 in Hamilton Co., Ohio.2,9
     Maritta and Frank appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, at 237 Southern Ave., enumerated 25 Apr 1910, reporting they rented their home, apparently half of a two-family dwelling. Their children Dorothy and William were listed as living with them.14
     Maritta and Frank appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Blanchester, Clinton Co., Ohio, enumerated 14 Jan 1920, reporting they rented their home. Their children Dorothy, William, Virginia and Richard were listed as living with them.15
     Maritta and Frank appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, at 2113 McGraw Ave., enumerated 10 Apr 1930. Their children Dorothy, William, Virginia, Richard and Charles were listed as living with them.16
     Maritta and Frank were divorced on 25 Nov 1935 in Wayne Co., Michigan.10,11
     Maritta appeared with her son Charles on the 1940 Federal Census of Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, in the household of her daughter Virginia and her husband, Fred Lankshear.17
     Maritta died on 14 Feb 1964 in Detroit, Michigan, at age 80.12

     Children with Frank Moulton Cobb:

  • Dorothy Cobb18,19,20 (14 Jun 1907 - 14 Jul 1959)
  • William Christopher Cobb21,22,23 (5 Apr 1910 - 12 Mar 1982)
  • Virginia Cobb19,24,23 (18 Dec 1913 - 14 Mar 2003)
  • Richard F. Cobb25,26,23 (26 Jun 1916 - 10 Apr 1989)
  • Charles Allen Cobb26,23 (2 Apr 1924 - 12 Jan 1986)


  1. [S10317] William Christopher household, 1900 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows name as Maritta Christopher.
  2. [S2836] Frank M. Cobb and Marritta Christopher, application for marriage license.
  3. [S2907] Frank M. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows name as Marietta Cobb.
  4. [S10317] William Christopher household, 1900 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio.
  5. [S10317] William Christopher household, 1900 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows the girl as daughter of Emma's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  6. [S10317] William Christopher household, 1900 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows month, year, age 16, and state.
  7. [S2907] Frank M. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows age 26 and state.
  8. [S871] Houston, "Gideon Berry Cobb, Son of Caleb Clark Cobb," e-mail to author (100), 20 May 2005, shows date, city, and state.
  9. [S2907] Frank M. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows married 4 years.
  10. [S7232] Cobb v. Cobb, Divorce Record, 25 Nov 1935, Michigan Department of Community Health.
  11. [S10316] Fred Lankshaer household, 1940 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows her as divorced.
  12. [S10319] Maritta Cobb obituary, Detroit Free Press, shows date.
  13. [S871] Houston, "Gideon Berry Cobb, Son of Caleb Clark Cobb," e-mail to author (100), 20 May 2005, citing Frank's marriage certificate.
  14. [S2907] Frank M. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio.
  15. [S2909] F. M. Cobb household, 1920 U.S. Census, Clinton Co., Ohio.
  16. [S872] Frank M. Cobb household, 1930 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan.
  17. [S10316] Fred Lankshaer household, 1940 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan.
  18. [S2907] Frank M. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows the girl as daughter of Marietta's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  19. [S2909] F. M. Cobb household, 1920 U.S. Census, Clinton Co., Ohio, shows the girl as daughter of Maritta's husband.
  20. [S872] Frank M. Cobb household, 1930 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows Dorothy as the daughter of Maritta's husband.
  21. [S2907] Frank M. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, shows him as son of Marietta's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  22. [S7243] William C. Cobb and Cora Mae Simonovics, marriage license.
  23. [S10319] Maritta Cobb obituary, Detroit Free Press.
  24. [S872] Frank M. Cobb household, 1930 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows Virginia as the daughter of Maritta's husband.
  25. [S2909] F. M. Cobb household, 1920 U.S. Census, Clinton Co., Ohio, shows the boy as son of Maritta's husband.
  26. [S872] Frank M. Cobb household, 1930 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows him as the son of her husband.