Abiah Cobb1,2,3
ID# 15538, (1785 - )
Father | Capt. Joshua Cobb4,5 (16 Jul 1751 - btn 1820 - 1822) |
Mother | Hannah Edgerton4,6 (8 Sep 1765 - ) |
Charts | Descendants of Gideon Cobb |
Ancestry | The Cobbs of Pawlet, Vermont |
9 Abiah Cobb was born on 23 May 1785 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vermont

Abiah married Enoch Reed, son of Simeon Reed and Abial Rice, on 5 Dec 1805 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vermont

After their marriage, Abiah and Enoch moved to Moriah, in Essex Co., New York, just across the state line from Vermont.14 (See map.) Abiah was probably the female age 26 to 45 listed in the household of her husband, Enoch, in the 1820 Federal Census of Moriah, Essex Co., New York

Abiah and Enoch appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Moriah, Essex Co., New York

Children with Enoch Reed
Given the number of unidentified children in the 1820, 1830, and 1840 census, it seems likely that Enoch and Abiah had additional children beyond the two sons listed here.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 38, birth record, pg 131, marriage record, show name as Abiah Cobb.
- [S1171] Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years, pg 229, shows name as Adial, da. of Joshua Cobb.
- [S2418] Enoch Reed household, 1850 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York, shows name as Abiah Reed.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 38, birth record.
- [S1171] Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years, pg 229.
- [S863] Cobb, History of the Cobb Family, pg 156, citing Pawlet Town Records.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 38, shows date. Since other entries show other places, it appears the absence of a place entry indicates a local birth.
- [S2418] Enoch Reed household, 1850 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York, shows age 65 and state.
- [S862] Births, Marriages and Deaths, Pawlet, Vermont, 1768-1856, pg 131, marriage record.
- [S1171] Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years, pg 229, shows married.
- [S2418] Enoch Reed household, 1850 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
- [S1778] Joshua Cobb household, 1790 U.S. Census, Rutland Co., Vermont.
- [S581] Joshua Cobb household, 1800 U.S. Census, Rutland Co., Vermont.
- [S2421] Enoch Reed household, 1820 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York, shows him, and apparently her, in Moriah.
- [S2421] Enoch Reed household, 1820 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York.
- [S2420] Enoch Reed household, 1830 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York.
- [S2419] Enoch Reed household, 1840 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York.
- [S2418] Enoch Reed household, 1850 U.S. Census, Essex Co., New York.
- [S1171] Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years, pg 229, shows him as the son of her husband.
- [S1060] Edgerton Genealogy Database, online.