William John Fenker1,2,3

ID# 14315, (1922 - 1945)
FatherDr. William Tarvin Fenker4,5,6 (3 Dec 1889 - 17 Dec 1973)
MotherMary Lillie Cheetham4,7,6 (3 Jan 1890 - 8 Oct 1951)

Key Events:

Birth: 12 Dec 1922, Sandusky, Ohio8,9,10
Marriage: 3 Mar 1944, Tallahassee, Florida, Mary Jeanne Jordan (28 Sep 1924 - 29 Dec 2000)11
Death: 3 Jun 194512,13
ChartsDescendants of Hermann Hinrich Fennker
AncestryThe Fenker Family

Copyright Notice


      William John Fenker was born on 12 Dec 1922 in Sandusky, Ohio.8,9,10
     He appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio, in the household of his parents, Dr. William Tarvin Fenker and Mary Lillie Cheetham.4 He appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio, in the household of his parents.5
     William attended Ohio State University for two years before entering the Army Air Forces.11
     William registered for the draft for World War II on 27 Jun 1942, while living at 1226 Wayne St., Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio, reporting he was not employed.1

Eager to Fly --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---

     In Jul 1942 William signed up for flight instruction with the Civil Air Patrol unit in Mansfield, Ohio, about 50 miles from his home. But he had little or no time for instruction there.14
P-51D Mustang Taking off at Iwo Jima
U.S. Air Force Photo

     William enlisted in the U.S. Army 21 Jul 1942, at Cleveland, Ohio. He was initally enlisted in the Medical Administrative Corps, perhaps because his father was a doctor and had been in the medical corps in World War I.15 He was soon re-directed to the Air Corps, however. By Feb 1943 he was an Aviation Cadet at the Pre-Flight School at San Antonio, Texas.16
     By Apr 1943 he was flying solo at Cimarron Field, now Clarence E. Page Municipal Airport, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.17 He graduated from the Army basic flying school at Strother Army Air Field, Kansas, in Jul 1943, and advanced to the final stage of pilot training.18 By Nov 1943 he was assigned to the 85th Fighter Bomber Group, stationed in Waycross, Georgia, the home town of his future wife.19
     William married Mary Jeanne Jordan, daughter of Esther Deen, on 3 Mar 1944 in Tallahassee, Florida, where he was then stationed, in a quiet ceremony with no attendants.11
     By 21 Mar 1944 William had been deployed to the Pacific theater.20 He was a pilot assigned to the 531st Fighter Squadron, 21st Fighter Group as a First Lieutenant.21,22
     Mary returned to her home town, Waycross, Georgia, after their marriage. She visited William's parents in Sandusky, Ohio, for a week in early Jul 1944, after he had been shipped to the Pacific.23
Memorial Tablet, Courts of the Missing
courtesy FindAGrave Member Sherry SH

Lost at Sea Off Iwo Jima --- Text Stolen from ReigelRidge.com !! ---

     On 3 Jun 1945 he took off from Iwo Jima, as "Yellow 3," without a wingman, piloting a P-51D Mustang fighter-bomber named "Ramblin' Rebel." He was on a dive bombing and strafing mission against the Japanese communications center on Chi Chi Jima. There were scattered clouds over the target and visibility was excellent, aside for a few thin clouds over the center of the island. Over the target, he bombed radio station no. 7, hitting the target, and climbed away with no anti-aircraft fire observed. Afterwards, he called the squadron leader, Capt. William Smith, on the radio to ask permission to make a strafing run against a ship on the southwest coast of the island. He received permission, but no further contact was heard from him. No oil slick or smoke was observed around the island.3
     William was listed as missing in action, and eventually declared killed on 3 Jun 1945, at age 22.12,13
     He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal and the Air Medal. He is listed on the tablets at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii, Courts of the Missing, Court 7.24,25 He is also listed on a memorial plaque in Remembrance Park, Columbus, Ohio, in front of the ROTC Building at Ohio State University.26

     There were no children with Mary Jeanne Jordan


  1. [S10558] William John Fenker, Draft Registration Cards for Ohio, 10/16/1940-03/31/1947.
  2. [S489] William T. Fenker household, 1930 U.S. Census, Erie Co., Ohio, shows name as William J. Fenker.
  3. [S10921] William John Fenker, Missing Air Crew Report.
  4. [S489] William T. Fenker household, 1930 U.S. Census, Erie Co., Ohio.
  5. [S10555] Wm T. Fenker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Erie Co., Ohio.
  6. [S735] Galbreath, History of Ohio, vol. IV, pg 300.
  7. [S10555] Wm T. Fenker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Erie Co., Ohio, shows him as the son of her husband.
  8. [S489] William T. Fenker household, 1930 U.S. Census, Erie Co., Ohio, shows age 7 and state.
  9. [S10555] Wm T. Fenker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Erie Co., Ohio, shows age 17 and state.
  10. [S10558] William John Fenker, Draft Registration Cards for Ohio, 10/16/1940-03/31/1947, shows date, city, and state.
  11. [S10557] "Georgia Girl is Wed to Lt. William J. Fenker in Florida Ceremony," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 17 Mar 1944.
  12. [S87] "World War II and Korean Conflict Veterans Interred Overseas," Ancestry.com, record for William J Fenker, shows date and status as missing.
  13. [S500] Findagrave.com, online, memorial # 56130036, 1LT William John Fenker, shows date and includes photo of tablet showing same.
  14. [S10563] "Plane Talk," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 20 Jul 1942.
  15. [S10564] "U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records," Fold3.com, record for William J Fenker, serial no. 15131231.
  16. [S10565] "Boys in the Service," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 25 Feb 1943.
  17. [S10566] "Our Men in Service," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 10 Apr 1943.
  18. [S10567] "Our Men and Women In Service," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 31 Jul 1943.
  19. [S10568] "Our Men and Women in Service," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 26 Nov 1943.
  20. [S10569] "Our Men and Women in Service," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 21 Mar 1944, shows family new address for him, APO care postmaster San Francisco2.
  21. [S10921] William John Fenker, Missing Air Crew Report, shows rank, squadron, and group.
  22. [S10553] Mary Lois Mary Lois Fenker-Lindsley obituary, David F. Koch Funeral & Cremation Services, shows him as a fighter pilot in World War II.
  23. [S10571] "Personals," The Sandusky Register-Star-News, 11 Jul 1944.
  24. [S87] "World War II and Korean Conflict Veterans Interred Overseas," Ancestry.com, record for William J Fenker, shows medals, and monument.
  25. [S500] Findagrave.com, online, memorial # 56130036, 1LT William John Fenker, includes photo of tablet that includes his name.
  26. [S10570] "Pacific Wrecks," Pacific Wrecks Inc., record for P-51D-20-NA "Ramblin' Rebel" Serial Number 44-63986.