Edith Loretta Fenker1,2,3

ID# 14272, (1916 - 2012)
FatherHarry William Fenker4,5 (10 Dec 1892 - 22 Aug 1967)
MotherClara Marie Ketterer6,7,1 (10 Mar 1892 - 18 Mar 1970)

Key Events:

Birth: 23 Dec 1916, Campbell Co., Kentucky8,9,10
Marriage: 21 Aug 1942, Fort Thomas, Kentucky, Harry V. Means (10 Jul 1917 - 20 Sep 1971)11
Divorce: Apr 1947, Hamilton Co., Ohio, Harry V. Means (10 Jul 1917 - 20 Sep 1971)12
Marriage: Oct 1949, Clark Co., Nevada, William Richard Sompel (20 Jul 1917 - 19 Nov 1992)13,14
Divorce: Nov 1958, Los Angeles Co., California, William Richard Sompel (20 Jul 1917 - 19 Nov 1992)15
Marriage: 28 Dec 1963, Clark Co., Nevada, George W. Maynard 16,17
Divorce: Feb 1966, Los Angeles, California, George W. Maynard 18
Marriage: 10 Apr 1970, Carson City, Nevada, Frank Elmer Pohlman (13 Apr 1922 - 24 May 2004)19
Death: 21 Dec 201220
Burial: 2 Jan 2013, Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Orange, Orange Co., California21
ChartsDescendants of Hermann Hinrich Fennker

Copyright Notice


     11191722 Edith Loretta Fenker was born on 23 Dec 1916 in Campbell Co., Kentucky.8,9,10
     She appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Bellevue, Campbell Co., Kentucky, in the household of her parents, Harry William Fenker and Clara Marie Ketterer.4
     Her parents were apparently divorced before 1927, when he remarried, though no record of their divorce has been found.23,24
     She appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Newport, Campbell Co., Kentucky, in the household of her mother.7 She appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Newport, Campbell Co., Kentucky, in the household of her mother.25
     She was a saleslady for a dime store in 1940, reporting she had worked 52 hours the last week of March, and 52 weeks the prior year, earning $520.26
     Edith married first Harry V. Means on 21 Aug 1942 in Fort Thomas, Kentucky.11
     Edith filed suit for divorce from Harry in Apr 1947, in Hamilton Co., Ohio. She sought custody of their child and alimony. The divorce was apparently subsequently granted, though no record of it has been found.12
     Edith married second William Richard Sompel, son of Peter Sompel and Anna Basket, in Oct 1949 in Clark Co., Nevada.13,14
     Edith and William appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., California, at 3926 Foland Way, enumerated 15 Apr 1950, reporting they lived in a home that was not on a farm., as was her father.27
     William was granted a divorce from Edith in Nov 1958, in Los Angeles Co., California.15
     Edith married third George W. Maynard on 28 Dec 1963 in Clark Co., Nevada.16,17
     Edith and George were divorced in Feb 1966 in Los Angeles, California.18
     Edith married fourth Frank Elmer Pohlman, son of William H. Pohlman and Vera S. Butter, on 10 Apr 1970 in Carson City, Nevada.19
     Her fourth husband died on 24 May 2004.28
     Edith died on 21 Dec 2012 at age 95.20 She was buried on 2 Jan 2013 in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Orange, Orange Co., California.21

     Children with Harry V. Means:

Edith and Harry's only child is still living (Feb 2025).

     There were no children with William Richard Sompel

     There were no children with George W. Maynard

     There were no children with Frank Elmer Pohlman


  1. [S1011] "Kentucky Birth Index, 1911-2000," Ancestry.com, record for Edith Loretta Fenker, citing vol 184 cert. no. 90506.
  2. [S2703] Harry Fenker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky, shows name as Edith Fenker.
  3. [S10724] Clara Kimmich household, 1930 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky, shows name as Edith Kimmich.
  4. [S2703] Harry Fenker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky.
  5. [S462] Bien, "Clara Ketterer Fenker," e-mail to author (100), 1 Aug 2002, indicates it is not clear from her grandmother's notes that Edith was the daugter of Clara and Harold, but would appear so since she knows of no other Fenkers in her family.
  6. [S2703] Harry Fenker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky, shows the girl as daughter of Clara's husband.
  7. [S10724] Clara Kimmich household, 1930 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky.
  8. [S2703] Harry Fenker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky, shows age 3 0/12 and state.
  9. [S10724] Clara Kimmich household, 1930 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky, shows age 13 and state.
  10. [S910] "Kentucky Births, 1911 - 1999," Family Tree Legends, record for Edith Loretta Fenker, citing cert. #184-90506, shows date and county.
  11. [S10728] "Chester Social Notes," East Liverpool Review, 24 Aug 1942.
  12. [S10729] "New Suits Filed," The Cincinnati Enquirer, 1 May 1947.
  13. [S1303] Index to Marriage Certificates, Clark Co., Nevada, 22:38, no. 325313, William R Sompel and Edith L Means, citing vol 87, pg 389, shows recorded 28 Oct 1949.
  14. [S14018] William R. Sompel household, 1950 U.S. Census, Los Angeles Co., California, shows married.
  15. [S10606] "Divorces Granted," The Los Angeles Times, 13 Nov 1958.
  16. [S1357] "Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005," Ancestry.com, record for George W. Maynard and Edith L. Sompel, citing pg C15, shows date, county and state.
  17. [S1272] "California Divorce Index, 1966-1984," Ancestry.com, record for George W. Maynard and Edith L.
  18. [S1272] "California Divorce Index, 1966-1984," Ancestry.com, record for George W. Maynard and Edith L, shows date, county and state.
  19. [S1357] "Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005," Ancestry.com, record for Frank E. Pohlman and Edith L. Maynard.
  20. [S10301] "Diocese of Orange: Catholic Cemeteries," , record for Edith Pohlman, shows date and includes tombstone photo.
  21. [S10301] "Diocese of Orange: Catholic Cemeteries," , record for Edith Pohlman, includes tombstone photo.
  22. [S1357] "Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005," Ancestry.com, record for George W. Maynard and Edith L. Sompel, citing pg C15, shows her surname as Sompel.
  23. [S1309] Marriage Licenses, San Joaquin Co., California, 52:113, no, 20257, Harry W Fenker and Myrtle Harden, shows they married 28 Dec 1927.
  24. [S10724] Clara Kimmich household, 1930 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky, shows her as widowed, which was not uncommonly reported by divorced persons to avoid admitting a divorce, and using her first married name.
  25. [S10725] Clara Fenker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky.
  26. [S10725] Clara Fenker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Campbell Co., Kentucky, shows occupation as saleslady and industry as dime dept store.
  27. [S14018] William R. Sompel household, 1950 U.S. Census, Los Angeles Co., California.
  28. [S1500] "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007," Ancestry.com, record for Frank Elmer Pohlman, Soc. Sec. No. 557-16-9611, shows date.