John Hallick1,2,3
ID# 1203, (btn 1800 - 1810 - 1849)
Charts | Descendants of Gideon Cobb |
John Hallick was born between 1800 and 1810.4Nothing is known of John's birth place or ancestry, nor even when he arrived in Kentucky. The earliest record found is his marriage in 1830. Caldwell Co. records show his surname as Hallick, though some records for his children show it as Hallack or Halleck. There is a Hallock family in Chittenden Co. Vermont about the time of his birth, and since his wife's family and others in Eddyville were from Vermont he could be part of that family.10,11,12,13
He seems to have arrived in Eddyville with some resources, as he established considerable property holdings there. He purchased about 30% of the town lots in Eddyville, and three large tracts, one on the Cumberland River just below the town, and the other immediately above the town.
John married Hannah Chittenden Cobb, daughter of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, on 8 Sep 1830 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Acquiring Property --- Text Stolen from !! ---
John bought lot no. 72, at Franklin and 3rd Streets in Eddyville, from Chittenden Lyon on 8 Nov 1830, for $50. According to the deed, Caleb Clark Cobb had build a "white house" on it which was currently occupied by John Cobb. John bought a second adjacent lot, no. 73, from Chittenden on 24 Oct 1831, for $20.14
John bought 40 lots in Eddyville from Minerva Lyon, widow of Dr. Hanson Catlett, a cousin of his wife, and 380 acres adjacent to the town, for $700 on 15 Mar 1832. The town lots included 35 of the 120 lots originally laid out in the town: lots no. 64 to 66, 68 and 69, 81 to 90, 95 to 108, and 115 to 120. There were five more lots below Main St. between Water St. and the Cumberland River. The 380 acres included 50 acres immediately north of the town which was part of the grant to Peter Johnson who had conveyed it to David Walker, who had laid out the town in lots. In addition Minerva conveyed to John any other rights her late husband may have had in the lands obtained from Walker.15
John purchased 260 acres on Lick Creek in Caldwell Co. on 24 Nov 1832, from Cedar Herrold for $300.16 He purchased lots no. 70 and 71, at Franklin and 3rd Streets in Eddyville on 24 Jul 1835, from Mathew Woods for $250.17 (For a map of all his town lots, see map For details of all the records that have been found for land transactions involving John, see the extracted Caldwell Co. Deeds.)
On 13 Jan 1835 John and Hannah sold the two lots at Franklin and 3rd Streets to her brother Robert for $1,000.18 John and Hannah sold half of lot no. 68 on 7 Dec 1836, to John W. and Samuel P. L. Marshall and John H. Mims for $30. They sold the other half to Wilson Martin on 23 Dec for $40.19 John and Hannah sold two lots at Main and 3rd Streets to her brother Joshua for $147 on 23 Jan 1837.20 (For details of all the records that have been found for land transactions involving John, see the extracted Caldwell Co. Deeds.)
Despite all these real estate transactions, John apparently regarded his principal occupation as river shipping. In the 1840 census he reported that two people in the household (apparently John and one of the slaves) were engaged in navigation of inland waters.21
John appeared on the 1840 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Trying Times --- Text Stolen from !! ---
His wife died on 16 Feb 1841.22
On 26 Jan 1844 John sold 260 ac. on the waters of Lick Ck. to Robert Livingston Cobb on 26 Jan 1844, for $500. John had purchased this parcel from Cader Herrals on 26 Nov 1832.23
A pair of apparently related suits over disputed title to land were resolved in the Nov 1846 term of the Caldwell Co. Circuit Court. In one, John brought suit against Richard T. Archer and Steven C. Archer, and also against his wife's brothers, Caleb and Robert, although it appears the Archers were the real targets. In the second, Robert and Gideon, as surviving partners in the firm of Cobb, Bell & Co. brought suit against the Archers and their brother Caleb. At issue appears to be some 556 acres originally patented to Richard Archer, on the Cumberland River adjoining and below the town of Eddyville, which Caleb purchased from the estate of George Loftus on 8 Jan 1830, who had purchased it for taxes due. This parcel was one of 18 Caleb sold to Robert, Gideon, and David Bell (Cobb, Bell & Co.) on 2 Aug 1841. Apparently, Robert had transferred 350 acres of this property to John by a deed which has not been found. At the time of the suit, John was living on this property. It would seem that the Archers had claimed that these actions were invalid, but the court found for the complaints, and ordered the Archers to convey title to John for his parcel and to Robert and Gideon for the remainder. When they failed to do so, the appointed commissioner did on 29 Apr 1847.24
William H. Scott brought suit against John Hallick & Co. in Caldwell Co. Circuit Court to collect $425 with interest from 1 Sep 1845, $200 with interest from 16 Nov 1844, and costs of suit, apparently from a defaulted mortgage. In its Apr 1848 term the court ordered sale at the courthouse door of as many lots as needed to pay that amount. On 19 June 1848 a commissioner sold six lots owned by John to Robert Livingston Cobb, his wife's brother, selling them for $395.25
Moving to Arkansas --- Text Stolen from !! ---
John moved to Chicat Co., Arkansas

He sold lot no. 71 in Eddyville to Mathew Lyon Gracey on 4 Sep 1848, for $205.26
John died on 1 Jan 1849.8,9
He died intestate (without leaving a will) and letters of administration for his estate were approved on 3 Jan 1849 in Chicot Co., Arkansas

In a series of court sessions beginning 4 Apr 1849, several creditors presented claims against the estate for open accounts: Rawlah Holson for $49.50, Elisha Worthington for $81.50, Alexander Mouldin for $197, and Joseph Holson for $19.50. John Stacker presented a claim based on a promissory note dated 16 Jan 1845, for $570.30
The first settlement of the estate was approved on 2 Jul 1850. The administrator reported a balance of $866.69 after accounting for claims against the estate and claims due the estate which were considered uncollectable. On Apr 8 1851 a claim by E. Worthington for a promissory note dated 28 Dec 1847 for $412, less a payment of $125 30 Dec 1848, was approved by the court.31
The second settlement of the estate was approved on 5 Jul 1853, showing a balance in the estate of $517.19. A third settlement was approved 2 Jul 1855. A fourth one, approved 9 Jul 1856, reflected a balance of $235.91. No further action on the estate has been found.32
Litigation Continues in Eddyville --- Text Stolen from !! ---
Gideon and Robert Livingston Cobb brought a suit, on grounds not now clear, against John's heirs, which was decided at the Apr 1851 term of the Caldwell Circuit Court. The decree called for sale of as many of the lots in Eddyville and parcels as needed to pay off the amount due. The sale was held at courthouse door 21 Jul 1851. The commissioner sold 29 of the 36 town lots John had purchased from Minervia Catlett in 1832, including the two he had previously sold, three of the five lots between Water St. and the River and the 380-acre parcel from the same purchase. He also sold the 350-acre parcel adjoining the town John had purchased from Robert Cobb and had been involved in the suit in 1847. What became of the seven remaining town lots and two remaining riverside lots has not been learned.33
Children with Hannah Chittenden Cobb
No record of Thomas has been found after his uncle was appointed his guardian in 1843. While his siblings were living with relatives in 1850 he has not been found. It seems likely he had died by then.
- John Gideon Hallick34 (abt 1833 - 23 Dec 1899)
- James G. Hallick34,35 (abt 1838 - )
- Aurelia J. Hallick34,36 (Oct 1838 - 26 Feb 1901)
- Thomas Hallick34
- [S726] Caldwell Co. Marriage Bonds, Book A, John Hallich to Miss Hannah C. Cobb, 8 Sep 1830.
- [S732] Caldwell Co. Marriage Records, loose papers, bond of John Hallick and John B. Craig, 8 Sep 1830.
- [S2753] John Halleck household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S2753] John Halleck household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows only one adult male, age 30 to 40.
- [S726] Caldwell Co. Marriage Bonds, Book A, John Hallich to Miss Hannah C. Cobb, 8 Sep 1830, registration shows date, as 8th, but return seems to have left the day blank, or perhaps it has faded.
- [S732] Caldwell Co. Marriage Records, loose papers, license for John Hallick and Miss Hannah C. Cobb, 8 Sep 1830, return shows "on _ day of Sept 1830," omitting the date. Many other records in the county for this period show the ceremony the same day as the license, so I am assuming that in this case.
- [S2089] Hanna C. Hallick grave marker, Eddyville Cemetery, shows "wife of John Hallick."
- [S8610] Letters of Administration, Chicot Co., Arkansas, C:100, estate of John Hallick, shows died on or about 1 Jan 1849.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Q:2-4, John H. Rackerby, commissioner in chancery to Gideon D. Cobb, 23 Sep 1852, and Q:241-3, same to Robt L. Cobb, 6 Apr 1853, both mention suit decided in Apr 1851 term of Caldwell Circuit Court against heirs of John Hallick, decd.
- [S732] Caldwell Co. Marriage Records, loose papers, license for John Hallick and Miss Hannah C. Cobb, 8 Sep 1830.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, G:451, John Hallick to Robert L Cobb, 13 Jan 1835; L:227, John Hallick to Robert L. Cobb, 7 Feb 1844; and N:185-6, Rezin H. J. Davidge, Commissioner in Chancery to John Hallick, 17 May 1847.
- [S1816] Wm. D. Kirkpatrick household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows name as Aurelia Hallack.
- [S956] Armstrong, Notable Southern Families, vol I pg 81, shows name as Aurelia J. Halleck.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, F:252-3, Chittenden Lyon to John Hallick, lot 72 in Eddyville, 27 Nov 1830; F:457, Chittenden Lyon to John Hallick, lot 73 in Eddyville, 24 Oct 1831.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, F:523-5, Minerva Catlett to John Hallick, 15 Mar 1832.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, G:74, 24 Nov 1832 to John Hallick, 17 Decl 1832.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:26-7, Mathew Woods to John Hallick, 25 Jul 1835.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, G:450-1, John Hallick to Robert L Cobb, 13 Jan 1835, signed by Hannah though she is not named in deed or clerk's statement.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:300-1, John Hallick and wife Hannah to Jno W. Marshall, Samuel P. L. Marshall, Jno H. Mims & Co., partners trading under style of J & S Marshall & Co, 15 Dec 1836; H337-8, John Hallick to Wilson Marin, 8 Feb 1837.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, H:335-6, John Hallick & wife Hannah to Joshua Cobb, 8 Feb 1837.
- [S2753] John Halleck household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows two people engaged in "navigation of canals, lakes, and rivers," with no other occupations reported.
- [S2089] Hanna C. Hallick grave marker, Eddyville Cemetery.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, L:227, John Hallick to Robert L. Cobb, 7 Feb 1844.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, F:269-70, James Loftus of Christian Co. executor for George Loftus to Caleb C. Cobb, 8 Jan 1831; K:249-52, C. C. Cobb to Robt. L. Cobb, David R. Bell & Gideon D. Cobb, 16 Sep 1841 item #1; N:184-5, Rezin H. J. Davidge, Commissioner in Chancery, to Robert L. Cobb and Gideon D. Cobb, 17 May 1847: and N:185-6, same to John Hallick, recorded same day.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, O:176-7, Edmund P. Watkins, Commissioner of Chancery to Robert L. Cobb, 30 Apr 1849.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, O:11, John Hallick to Mathew Gracey, 23 Oct 1848.
- [S8610] Letters of Administration, Chicot Co., Arkansas, C:100, estate of John Hallick.
- [S8611] County Court and Probate Minutes, Chicot Co., Arkansas, A:505.
- [S8611] County Court and Probate Minutes, Chicot Co., Arkansas, A:510, 521.
- [S8611] County Court and Probate Minutes, Chicot Co., Arkansas, A:516, A:517, A:519.
- [S8611] County Court and Probate Minutes, Chicot Co., Arkansas, B:14, 55.
- [S8611] County Court and Probate Minutes, Chicot Co., Arkansas, B:139; 219; B:307.
- [S1975] Deeds, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, Q:238-9, John H. Rackerby, commissioner in chancery to John Stacker, 15 Mar 1853;
R:158-9, same to William A Brooks,14 Jul 1852; Q:2-4, same to Gideon D. Cobb, 23 Sep 1852; Q:138-40, same to William H. Calvert, 24 Sep 1852; and Q:241-3, same to Robt. L. Cobb, 6 Apr 1853. - [S1971] Caldwell Co. Order Book, F2:367, Robert L. Cobb appointed guardian, 16 Jan 1843.
- [S2754] James W. Mansfield household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows him in household of the parents of John and Hannah's daughter's future husband.
- [S1816] Wm. D. Kirkpatrick household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows surname Hallack, living with his wife's sister.