- [S5468] Alvie Snowdall household, 1900 U.S. Census, Edwards Co., Illinois, population schedule, Dixon Precinct, Enumeration District 18, sheet 6B, dwelling 119, family 120, National Archives micropublication T623-299, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5474] Clifford Snowdall card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Freemont Co., Iowa, Riverside Twp., card no. 185, State Historical Society of Iowa, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa, microfilm IA1915-200, image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S5475] Helen Snowdall card, 1915 Iowa State Census, Freemont Co., Iowa, Riverside Twp., card no. 186, State Historical Society of Iowa, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa, microfilm IA1915-200, image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S5477] Joseph A. Snowdall household, 1930 U.S. Census, Page Co., Iowa, population schedule, Morton Twp., Enumeration District 20, sheet 5B, dwelling 111, family 102, National Archives micropublication T626-672, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5478] Joseph Snowdall household, 1940 U.S. Census, Page Co., Iowa, population schedule, Coin, Enumeration District 73-18, sheet 3B, family 75, National Archives micropublication T627-1188, informant was not indicated, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5479] Joseph Alvy Snowdall, serial no 1116, order no. A738, 12 Sep 1918, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, M1509, viewed on Ancestry.com from FHL#1643088.
- [S5480] Eliza Gloover household, 1880 U.S. Census, Edwards Co., Illinois, population schedule, Dixon Precinct, Enumeration District 8, sheet 41D, dwelling 309-310, family 310-311, National Archives micropublication T9-204, viewed on Ancestry.com. This listing is confusing because Mary and her mother are shown as in separate dwellings and households, but she is listed not as head but as daughter, and her children are listed as grandsons. Based on this, I am treating them as one household.
- [S5481] Joseph Snodle household, 1870 U.S. Census, Edwards Co., Illinois, population schedule, Dixon Precinct, sheet 9, dwelling 58, family 58, National Archives micropublication M593-219, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5488] Joseph H. Keene household, 1920 U.S. Census, Greenup Co., Kentucky, population schedule, Schultz, Enumeration District 99, sheet 3B, dwelling 60, family 61, National Archives micropublication T625-573, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5491] Marrion Keen household, 1900 U.S. Census, Pike Co., Kentucky, population schedule, Lick Brecinct, Enumeration District 82, sheet 6A, dwelling 85, family 88, National Archives micropublication T623-548, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5492] Marion Keen household, 1910 U.S. Census, Greenup Co., Kentucky, population schedule, Schultz, Enumeration District 67, sheet 2B, dwelling 35, family 35, National Archives micropublication T624-476, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5493] Joseph Harmon Keen, Certificate of Death, 17283, issued by Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Health, filed 26 Jul 1939. Informant was Mrs. Inez Keen, his wife. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S5494] Joseph Hiram Keen, registration no. 18, 5 Jun 1917, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, M1509, viewed on Ancestry.com from FHL# 1653474.
- [S5496] William Hanner household, 1900 U.S. Census, Greenup Co., Kentucky, population schedule, Springville, Enumeration District 47, sheet 11B, dwelling 325, family 335, National Archives micropublication T623-524, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5504] Kelly Bolton household, 1925 Iowa State Census, Fremont Co., Iowa, Monroe, lines 144-150, 1, State Historical Society of Iowa, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa, microfilm IA1925-1724, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5505] Kelley Bolton household, 1930 U.S. Census, Johnson Co., Missouri, population schedule, Jefferson Twp., Enumeration District 9, sheet 6B, dwelling 153, family 155, National Archives micropublication T626-1207, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5506] Kellie Bolton, registration no. 13, 5 Jun 1917, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, M1509, viewed on Ancestry.com from FHL#1644033.
- [S5507] Kelley Bolton household, 1940 U.S. Census, Fremont Co., Iowa, population schedule, Monroe, Enumeration District 36-10, sheet 2B, family 35, National Archives micropublication T627-1162, informant was Eulah, wife of head of household, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5508] Ines Beatrice Lang obituary, unknown newspaper, unknown date. Image found online on FindAGrave.com, memorial # 42626942, Ines Beatrice "Bea" Bolton Lang.
- [S5509] Freda M. Goin obituary, Telegraph Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, 18 Jun 2009, pg 5 on GenealogyBank.com.
- [S5511] Gilbert Bolton, 29 Aug 1949, Application for World War II Service Compensation, State Historical Society of Iowa, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa, images found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S5516] "Imogene S. E. Mills," The Malvern Leader, Malvern, Iowa, 25 Apr 1935, pg 7. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S5517] "Imogene S. E. Mills," The Malvern Leader, Malvern, Iowa, 27 Jul 1939, pg 7. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S5518] "Imogene S. E. Mills," The Malvern Leader, Malvern, Iowa, 2 Jan 1941, pg 6. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S5520] "One Enters Air School; Other Promoted to S/Sgt," The Malvern Leader, Malvern, Iowa, 28 Jan 1943, pg 4. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S5522] Ethel Snowdall, Standard Certificate of Death, C52-271, issued by Iowa State Department of Health, State Historical Society of Iowa, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa, filed 1935. Informant was Wava Snowdall Tolliver, her daughter. Copy provided by Society Feb 2015.
- [S5545] Henry Daugherty household, 1880 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Franklin Twp., Enumeration District 231, sheet 4D, dwelling 33, family 38, National Archives micropublication T9-1076, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5548] Henry Daughterty household, 1920 U.S. Census, Richland Co., Ohio, population schedule, Springfield Twp., Enumeration District 225, sheet 9A, dwelling 191, family 194, National Archives micropublication T625-1430, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5549] Henry Daughterty household, 1930 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Franklin Twp., Enumeration District 19, sheet 8A, dwelling 181, family 183, National Archives micropublication T626-1888, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5550] Henry Daugherty, Certificate of Death, 31136, issued by Division of Vital Statistics, Ohio History Connection, 800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Ohio, filed 14 May 1933. Informant was Darby Daugherty, his son. Image found online on FamilySearch.org from FHL # 1992875.
- [S5551] Eliza Daugherty, Certificate of Death, 20882, issued by Division of Vital Statistics, Ohio History Connection, 800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Ohio, filed 22 Mar 1941. Informant was Darby Daugherty, her son. Image found online on FamilySearch.org from FHL # 2023896.
- [S5552] Ephraim Miller household, 1860 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Franklin Twp., sheet 142, dwelling 996, family 1017, National Archives micropublication M653-1050, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5553] Ephraim Miller household, 1870 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Franklin Twp., sheet 12, dwelling 93, family 93, National Archives micropublication M593-1280, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5556] David Doughterty household, 1860 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Clinton Twp., sheet 85, dwelling 644, family 640, National Archives micropublication M653-1051, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5557] George L. Gridley and Hannah Daugherty, Marriage Record, no 793 (21 Sep 1901), Wayne County Courthouse, 107 West Liberty St., Wooster, Ohio. Image found online on FamilySearch.org from FHL # 425759.
- [S5586] Eugene A. Neuffer household, 1920 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Green Twp., Enumeration District 202, sheet 3A, dwelling 32, family 33, National Archives micropublication T625-1448, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5587] Eugene A. Neuffer and Anna Bell Blough, Marriage Record, no. 390 (16 Sep 1905), Wayne County Courthouse, 107 West Liberty St., Wooster, Ohio. Image found online on FamilySearch.org from FHL # 425760.
- [S5590] Eugene Neuffer household, 1930 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Green Twp., Enumeration District 22, sheet 9B, dwelling 206, family 213, National Archives micropublication T626-1888, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5596] Anna Belle Neuffer, Certificate of Death, 79420, issued by Division of Vital Statistics Ohio Dept of Health, Ohio History Connection, 800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Ohio, filed 22 Dec 1928. Informant was Eugene A. Neuffer, her husband. Image found online on FamilySearch.org from FHL # 1991720.
- [S5598] Alice Stevens household, 1940 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Green Twp., Enumeration District 85-26, sheet 7A, family 152, National Archives micropublication T627-3167, informant was head of household, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S5599] "Smithville Pair Jailed," The Canton Repository, Canton, Ohio, 12 Apr 1939, pg 18. Image found online on GenealogyBank.com.
- [S7311] Barbara Rose Snowdall, Standard Certificate of Death, 44-1588, issued by Nevada State Department of Health, Nevada Department of Health, Carson City, Nevada, filed 16 Dec 1944. Informant was Douglas G. Snowdall, her father. Image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S7312] Durby Daugherty household, 1940 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Ohio, population schedule, Franklin Twp., Enumeration District 85-25, sheet 7A, family 126, National Archives micropublication T627-3167, informant was Eva, wife head of household, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S7313] Joseph Alvy Snowdall and Ethel Maud Gordon, marriage record, vol 16, pg 562, no. 2399 (27 Dec 1908), Sandusky Co. Courthouse, 100 N Park Ave., Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio. Image found online on FamilySearch.org from FHL # 506648.
- [S7316] Terry Harper, "Re: Mable (Maybell) Bowers Snowdall," e-mail message (Edwards County Historical Society) to author, 12 Jan 2016. Writer said in a telephone call the information is from Edwards County Historical Society, A History of Edwards County, Illinois (Albion, Illinois: Edwards County Historical Society, 1980) and this section was written by a relative.
- [S7317] "Lshowen1," "Douglas Snowdall," e-mail message to author, 11 Jan 2016. Writer said Douglas was his or her grandfather.
- [S12471] Lloyd Emerson Neuffer, Serial no. 709, Order no. 439, 16 Oct 1940, Draft Registration Cards for Ohio, 10/16/1940-03/31/1947, Record Group 147, box 1050, National Archives and Records Administration, St. Louis, Missouri, image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S12827] Kelley Bolton household, 1950 U.S. Census, Union Co., Iowa, population schedule, Union, Enumeration District 88-32, sheet 2, dwelling 17, National Archives micropublication T628-1899, image found on Ancestry.com.
- [S12828] Kelley Bolton, U243, 27 Apr 1942, World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Iowa, Record Group 147, box 022, National Archives and Records Administration, St. Louis, Missouri, image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S12894] James M. Woodham household, 1950 U.S. Census, Edwards Co., Illinois, population schedule, Ellery, Enumeration District 24-10, sheet 4, dwelling 40, National Archives micropublication T628-833, image found on Ancestry.com.