- [S4768] John Frederick Shurtz, serial no. 2421, order no. 2429A, 12 Sep 1918, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, M1509, viewed on Ancestry.com from FHL#1643112.
- [S4769] John F. Shurtz household, 1930 U.S. Census, Denver City & Co., Colorado, population schedule, Denver, Enumeration District 117, sheet 9B, dwelling 165, family 165, National Archives micropublication T626-237s, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4770] Edwin J. Parker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Denver Co., Colorado, population schedule, Denver, Enumeration District 248, sheet 4A, 8A, dwelling 55, family 55, National Archives micropublication T625-162, Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S4772] "Shurtz Funeral was Largely Attended," undated clipping from unidentified newspaper, image found on FindAGrave.com memorial # 92088239, John F Shurtz.
- [S4784] "Clarinda Woman's Mother Died Suddenly Wednesday," Clarinda Herald-Journal, Clarinda, Iowa, 29 Nov 1951, pg 1. Image found online in dugital archives of Lied Public Library, Clarinda, Iowa,. <http://www.clarindapubliclibrary.org/
- [S4794] Ballenger & Richards Denver Directory (Denver: The Gazetteer Publishing & Printing Co.), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4796] Social column, The Wewoka Herald, Wewoka, Indian Territory, 22 Dec 1905, pg 6. Images found online on "The Gateway to Oklahoma History" secton of Oklahoma Historical Society website,. < http://gateway.okhistory.org/
- [S4797] "Local Personal," The Wewoka Herald, Wewoka, Indian Territory, 26 Jan 1906, pg 4. Images found online on "The Gateway to Oklahoma History" secton of Oklahoma Historical Society website,. < http://gateway.okhistory.org/
- [S4798] "Local Personal," The Wewoka Herald, Wewoka, Indian Territory, 23 Mar 1906, pg 1. Images found online on "The Gateway to Oklahoma History" secton of Oklahoma Historical Society website,. < http://gateway.okhistory.org/
- [S4799] "Local News Notes and Personals," The Wewoka Herald, Wewoka, Indian Territory, 24 Aug 1906, pp 1, 4. Images found online on "The Gateway to Oklahoma History" secton of Oklahoma Historical Society website,. < http://gateway.okhistory.org/
- [S4800] "Local Personal," The Wewoka Herald, Wewoka, Indian Territory, 19 Jan 1906, pg 4. Images found online on "The Gateway to Oklahoma History" secton of Oklahoma Historical Society website,. < http://gateway.okhistory.org/
- [S4804] Russell Arnold household, 1880 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Kansas, population schedule, Independence Twp., Enumeration District 155, sheet 9A, dwelling 76, family 82, National Archives micropublication T9-390, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4810] Edwin Schurz household, 1930 U.S. Census, La Porte Co., Indiana, population schedule, La Porte ward 3, Enumeration District 8, sheet 15B, dwelling 325, family 400, National Archives micropublication T626-603, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4812] Edwin Williard Schurz, serial no 2834, order no. 2631, 12 Sep 1918, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, M1509, viewed on Ancestry.com from FHL#1653559.
- [S4814] "4 Die in Auto Crash," The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 19 Oct 1913, pg 1. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S4816] "Society Leaders of La Porte, Ind, Killed in Auto Accident," Hamilton Evening Journal, Hamilton, Ohio, 21 Oct 1913, pg 7. Image found online on Newspapers.com.
- [S4831] Cemetery & Research Association of La Porte County, Indiana, online <http://www.dunelady.com/laporte/cemeteries/>.
- [S4833] Charles M. Newline household, 1930 U.S. Census, La Porte Co., Indiana, population schedule, La Porte ward 3, Enumeration District 9, sheet 5B, dwelling 132, family 152, National Archives micropublication T626-603, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4838] H M Cable household, 1910 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois, population schedule, Chicago ward 6, Enumeration District 374, sheet 2B, dwelling 33, family 400, National Archives micropublication T624-246, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4839] Alice L. Morse household, 1900 U.S. Census, Cook Co., Illinois, population schedule, Chicago ward 32, Enumeration District 1020, sheet 14B, dwelling 156, family 248, National Archives micropublication T623-286, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4840] Edward W. Schurz household, 1920 U.S. Census, La Porte Co., Indiana, population schedule, La Porte ward 3, Enumeration District 123, sheet 4A, dwelling 62, family 70, National Archives micropublication T625-447, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4841] "Milton Melange," Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26 Apr 1896, pg 38. Image found online on GenealogyBank.com.
- [S4842] Bumstead's La Porte City and Business Directory (Chicago: Bumstead & Co.), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4843] Smith's Directory of La Porte, Ind. (Gary, Indiana: Edgar Smith), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4844] LaPorte Directory (n.p.: La Porte Printing Co.), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4845] The Baldwin, Herald-Argus and Service La Porte Indiana ConSurvey Directory (La Porte, Indiana: Baldwin ConSurvey Co.), images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4848] Elwood Moore household, 1920 U.S. Census, Douglas Co., Nebraska, population schedule, Omaha ward 9, Enumeration District 92, sheet 16A, dwelling 77, family 143, National Archives micropublication T625-987, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4849] Charles Shurtz household, 1930 U.S. Census, Douglas Co., Nebraska, population schedule, Omaha ward 3, Enumeration District 36, sheet 10B, dwelling 75, family 194, National Archives micropublication T626-1274, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4853] Omaha Directory Co.'s Omaha City Directory including South Omaha (Omaha: Omaha Directory Co.), titled Omaha Directory Co.’s City Directory of Omaha and South Omaha after 1914, images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4854] R. L. Polk & Co.'s City Directory of Greater Omaha (Omaha: R. L. Polk & Co.), by 1923 titled R. L. Polk & Co.’s Greater Omaha City Directory, by 1926 Polk’s Greater Omaha City Directory, and by 1928 Polk’s Omaha (Nebraska) City Directory, images found on Ancestry.com.
- [S4862] "Obituary," Albany Weekly Ledger, Albany, Missouri, 21 Jan 1898, pg 8.
- [S4863] Local news, Albany Weekly Ledger, Albany, Missouri, 21 Jan 1895, pg 1.
- [S4873] Frederick A. Shurtz grave marker, Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Tennessee, photographed by Ben Glick, images found online on Gentry County Library website,. <http://www.gentrycountylibrary.org/
- [S4892] John Trussler household, 1880 U.S. Census, Ringgold Co., Iowa, population schedule, Lotts Creek Twp., Enumeration District 202, sheet 11C, dwelling 77, family 77, National Archives micropublication T9-362, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4893] Mary Trusler household, 1900 U.S. Census, Ringgold Co., Iowa, population schedule, Poe Twp., Enumeration District 105, sheet 6B, dwelling 117, family 120, National Archives micropublication T623-457, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4894] Mary E. Trusler household, 1910 U.S. Census, Ringgold Co., Iowa, population schedule, Lotts Creek Twp., Enumeration District 169, sheet 2B, dwelling 40, family 40, National Archives micropublication T624-417, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4895] Gertie White household, 1920 U.S. Census, Page Co., Iowa, population schedule, Shenandoah, Enumeration District 104, sheet 10A, dwelling 236, family 242, National Archives micropublication T625-506, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4896] Gertie White household, 1930 U.S. Census, Page Co., Iowa, population schedule, Shenandoah, Enumeration District 12, sheet 20B, dwelling 470, family 471, National Archives micropublication T626-672, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S4901] "Home News," Albany Weekly Ledger, Albany, Missouri, 10 Feb 1899, pg 1.
- [S4967] "Obituary," The King City Chronicle, King City, Missouri, 21 Jan 1898, pg 2.
- [S5073] Lewis Blackman household, 1895 Iowa State Census, Page Co., Iowa, Shenandoah ward 1, sheet 8, dwelling 61, family 62, State Historical Society of Iowa, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa, microfilm FHL #1022091, viewed on FamilySearch.org.
- [S5074] John Trusler household, 1895 Iowa State Census, Ringgold Co., Iowa, Lots Creek Twp., sheet 10, dwelling 59, family 63, State Historical Society of Iowa, 600 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa, microfilm FHL #1022176, viewed on FamilySearch.org.
- [S5102] "Additional Local," The King City Chronicle, King City, Missouri, 25 Apr 1898, pg 5.
- [S5105] "Local Gatherings," The King City Chronicle, King City, Missouri, 6 May 1898, pg 8.
- [S5237] W. A. Shurtz obituary, The Seminole Capital, Wewoka, Seminole Nation, Indian Territory, 6 Sep 1906. Transcription provided by June Neal, Jan 2015.
- [S6019] "Funeral of Wilmer Shurtz," Shenandoah World, Shenandoah, Iowa, 7 Sep 1906. Copy provided by Shenandoah Public Library 22 Jun 2015.
- [S6020] "Funeral of Mrs. Shurtz," Shenandoah World, Shenandoah, Iowa, 29 Jan 1909. Copy provided by Shenandoah Public Library 22 Jun 2015.
- [S6021] Clipping reprinted from Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan dated 27 Oct 1921, Tri-Weekly Sentinel Post, Shenandoah, Iowa, 28 Nov 1921, pg 5. Copy provided by Shenandoah Public Library 22 Jun 2015.
- [S12882] Edwen Williard Schurz, Certificate of Death, 20916, issued by Indiana State Board of Health, filed 13 Jul 1938. Informant was Genevive Newlin Schurz, his wife. Image found online on Ancestry.com.
- [S12895] Gertie E. Shurtz household, 1950 U.S. Census, Page Co., Iowa, population schedule, Shenandoah, Enumeration District 73-14, sheet 18, dwelling 249, National Archives micropublication T628-5125, image found on Ancestry.com.