Frances Elizabeth Hill1,2,3

ID# 7567, (1812 - 1896)
FatherRichard Hill4
MotherAnne Dunn4 (1777 - 1863)

Key Events:

Birth: 1 Dec 1812, Brunswick Co., Virginia5,6,7
Marriage: 19 Aug 1830, Shelby Co., Tennessee, William Henry Elliott (13 May 1805 - 2 Jan 1895)8,9,10
Death: 11 Mar 1896, Kennedy, Christian Co., Kentucky11,12,13
Burial: Elliott Family Cemetery, Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee14

Copyright Notice


     15 Frances Elizabeth Hill was born on 1 Dec 1812 in Brunswick Co., Virginia.5,6,7
     Frances married William Henry Elliott, son of John Elliott and Mildred Maclin, on 19 Aug 1830 in Shelby Co., Tennessee, with John Raltson, justice of the peace, officiating.8,9,10 After their marriage, Frances moved to Mississippi where William was living, and where their eldest son was born.16
     Frances and William and their son Thomas moved to Montgomery Co., Tennessee, before 1840. She was probably the female age 20 to 30 listed in the household of her husband, William Henry Elliott, in the 1840 Federal Census of Montgomery Co., Tennessee.17
     Frances and William appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Montgomery Co., Tennessee, enumerated 22 Nov 1850, reporting real estate valued at $18,000. Their children Thomas, William, Joseph, Harriet and Mildred were listed as living with them. Their daughter Mary, who would have been about age 2, is omitted from the family's listing. Also listed were 45 slaves.18,19
     Frances and William appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Palmyra, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, enumerated 15 Nov 1860, reporting real estate valued at $57,500 and personal estate of $50,450, which included 55 slaves housed in 14 slave houses. Their children William, Joseph, Harriet, Mary, Mildred and Elisabeth were listed as living with them, Also listed was T. M. Elliott, age 15, born in Mississippi, with personal estate of $800. Though he was listed as though he was one of their children, it seems more likely he was a relative.20,21
     Frances and William appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, enumerated 19 Jul 1870, reporting real estate valued at $44,000 and personal estate of $2,000. Their children William and Elisabeth were listed as living with them.22
     Her husband died on 2 Jan 1895 in New Providence, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.12,23
     Frances died on 11 Mar 1896 in Christian Co., Kentucky, at age 83, at the home of her daughter Mary and her husband, John Walton Barker II, near Kennedy.11,12,13 She was buried in the Elliott Family Cemetery, Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.14

     Children with William Henry Elliott:

  • Thomas Herbert Elliott24,25,26 (3 Aug 1834 - 22 Oct 1933)
  • William Alfred Elliott26,27,28 (21 Jun 1840 - 1881)
  • Joseph Sturdivant Elliott26,27,28 (18 Feb 1844 - 9 Dec 1896)
  • Harriet Edmonds Elliott26,27,28 (8 May 1846 - 4 Apr 1925)
  • Mary Frances Elliott27,29 (16 Jul 1848 - 25 Nov 1920)
  • Mildred Lewis Elliott26,27,29 (6 Jul 1850 - Feb 1897)
  • Robert Dudley Elliott29 (1852 - 1858)
  • Elisabeth Douglas Elliott30,27,31 (7 Dec 1854 - 26 Jun 1944)


  1. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 385, shows name as Frances Elizabeth Hill.
  2. [S4611] William H. Elliott and Frances E. Hill, marriage license register.
  3. [S500], online, memorial #49423266, Frances Elizabeth Hill Elliott, includes tombstone photo showing name as Frances Elizabeth Elliott.
  4. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 384.
  5. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 385, shows date, as 1st, county, and state.
  6. [S500], online, memorial #49423266, Frances Elizabeth Hill Elliott, shows date, as 19th, county, and state, and includes tombstone photo apparently showing date.
  7. [S4606] William Eliot household, 1850 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows age 37 and state.
  8. [S4611] William H. Elliott and Frances E. Hill, marriage license register, shows date and officiant.
  9. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 385, shows date, as 14 Aug 1832, in west Tennessee.
  10. [S3309] Western KY History & Genealogy, online, "Western Kentucky Obituaries - Elliott," citing , Kentuckian, Hopkinsville, Mar 1896, provides transcription of obituary of Mrs. Frances E. Elliott, shows she was his widow.
  11. [S3309] Western KY History & Genealogy, online, "Western Kentucky Obituaries - Elliott," citing , Kentuckian, Hopkinsville, Mar 1896, provides transcription of obituary of Mrs. Frances E. Elliott, shows she died Wednesday, residence of Mr. John W. Barker, near Kennedy.
  12. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 385, shows date, county, and state.
  13. [S500], online, memorial #49423266, Frances Elizabeth Hill Elliott, shows date, county, and state, and includes tombstone photo apparently showing date.
  14. [S500], online, memorial #49423266, Frances Elizabeth Hill Elliott, includes tombstone.
  15. [S405] Michelle, "Elliott," e-mail to author (100), 3 Nov 2001.
  16. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 385, shows Thomas born in Mississippi.
  17. [S4609] William H. Elliott household, 1840 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  18. [S4606] William Eliot household, 1850 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, value of real estate shown as 18,00.
  19. [S4610] William Eliott, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, slave schedule.
  20. [S4607] W. H. Elliott household, 1860 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  21. [S4608] W. H. Elliott, owner, 1860 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, slave schedule.
  22. [S4615] W. H. Elliott household, 1870 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  23. [S500], online, memorial # 49423290, William Henry Elliott, shows date, town, county, and state and includes tombstone photo apparently showing date, and includes transcription of obituary from 3 Jan 1895 Daily Tobacco Leaf Chronicle showing he died "yesterday" at home of Ed Pettus and town.
  24. [S3309] Western KY History & Genealogy, online, "Western Kentucky Obituaries - Elliott," citing , Kentuckian, Hopkinsville, Mar 1896, provides transcription of obituary of Mrs. Frances E. Elliott.
  25. [S4612] Thomas H. Elliott, Certificate of Death.
  26. [S4606] William Eliot household, 1850 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  27. [S4607] W. H. Elliott household, 1860 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  28. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 385.
  29. [S8728] Saunders, and Stubbs, Early Settlers of Alabama, pg 386.
  30. [S4613] Lizzie Douglas Pettus, Certificate of Death.
  31. [S4615] W. H. Elliott household, 1870 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows them apparently living as parent and child.